I have returned many times from an extended break and found new admin and players alike pushing back against policy changes or rule enforcement -- something that saps my energy if I am not careful.
In the past I have responded badly to my authority being questioned -- both by staff and by players. In part due to my belief that my contributions to the game over the last 10 years speak for themselves.
During my time as an admin both before I was Head GM and after, I have kept an open door policy regarding OOC discussions of plots, rules, policies, game direction and scope. On many occasions I have engaged in debate about fundamental aspects of the game with players and admin alike. I am very approachable and open to hearing new ideas, commentary and constructive feedback.
So on the occasions that I am too tired, stressed, busy, unable or unwilling to have a proper discussion about something and instead make a decision -- which is my most important function -- I expect that decision to be supported and accepted without issue.
When the situation is right and I have time, I am always willing to revisit the decision and engage in a discussion about the how and why and as always, very little is so set in stone that it can’t be overturned.
I've thought all that and expected it all to be obvious. And it is obvious -- if you take in, sift through, and arrive at a conclusions about information in the same way that I do. Which not everyone does.
Everything is beta, even my interactions with staff and players. It’s a constant iteration toward something better. Each setback is a chance to learn and grow.
I value the input, feelings, judgements, and opinions of every single staff member past and present. The same goes for players. Everything you say matters to me. I dismiss nothing. My decisions always reflect what I feel is best for the game. Both in the here and now and long term.
The game is at a point where if I am to be an effective administrator I need a constant stream of feedback from my staff and from the players. I have have always had an open door policy regarding OOC discussion with other staff or active players.
If you don’t like something OOCly about the game I am happy to talk about it in a positive and constructive manner. I will however shut down a discussion, debate or friendly conversation that starts out or becomes negative.
I am an admin on Sindome because I enjoy it. I don’t enjoy being told that the way I do things is wrong or bad in a way that makes me feel like an awful person. Mix in some good with the bad, and make sure you have a suggestion for how the situation can be changed for the better.
Do not criticize just to criticize. If you don’t have a potential solution but want to brainstorm solutions or just make me aware of a potential problem within the game or with me, let me know that is what you are doing and that it’s meant to be constructive and not a personal attack or bashing session.
If you’re primary motivation is to rip apart the hard work of others because they did it wrong or you can’t tolerate it because you would have done it differently you will find no sympathy or patience from me.
A persistent attitude of negativity will see a person (be it player or admin) asked to leave our community. We will not let callousness and negativity in regards to the work or RP of others effect the dedication and love that the rest of our community puts forth so freely every single day.