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- BubbleKangaroo 58s
- QueenZombean 5m
- Knyghtskye 4m
- Lena 1m Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 49s
- adrognik 11s
- Sivartas 27s
a Kard 3h
- zxq 7m
- Baphomei 0s
- Baguette 20s waow
- Emily 39s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 2h Doing a bit of everything.
And 30 more hiding and/or disguised

XP Client

What do all the Windows XP users use to access Sindome, client wise? I have an older version of ZMud... but it won't run in XP.
Vmoo. Yar. Runs smooth under winXP. No glitches, no oddness.
MUSHclient. Cuase I'm hardcore.
Pueblo 'cause is in the frontpage...


Pueblo is the shit, and what I run on my desktops, but for some reason that angers/confuses me to no end, it doesn't work on my laptop, so I use mushclient on that.  It's O.K.  but In my opinion pretty much anything beyond Pueblo is a waste since most of the extras are illegal/twinkish anyway.  Not to mention the fact that pueblo is disgustingly straightforward.
i have telnet, and its crap, i asked johnny for a link to get a decent client, but i messed up somewhere or my browser is crap, maybe both.
uhm, fresh and tastey downloads? (mac) (mac) (vmoo) (mushclient) (zmud) (pueblo)

Damned, no HTML support.

er.. nevermind... MAGICAL BGBB GOODNESS

(Edited by Bias at 11:53 am on Aug. 9, 2004)

SimpleMu (
I use Vmoo as well.  Used to use SimpleMU.  When I first started playing SD I ran Pueblo..  but for some really bizarre reason it always seems to get worse and worse each time you run it, eventually leading to the crash of the client software, or even your computer.

Well, at least that's what happened to me.  And a few others I've talked to about it..

Meh..  yes, I'm late in posting a reply..  I'm just..  bored and browsing.

I know this is an old post, but I am interested in clients and I'm looking to broaden my understanding of them.

I use a client called tk-MOO (, and it has worked well for me on XP.  It is also available for Unix and Mac as well.  On OSX, though, I have been using telnet via the Terminal (set up with colors/fonts the way I want them and ANSI on), which works fine, except there is no seperate window for input.

I will try out vMOO, since it has gotten such rave reviews here.

Most, if not all, of the admin use VMOO. I've found it to be a great client.. just need to purchase the full version to get rid of that damn ad.
Since I work only from a MAC environment, and do not run even that filthy virtual PC on my computer. (At home my machine is too old, at work my machine is too not-mine.) I use one of two:

Savitar (mentioned above by Bias)


Cantrip which is a fine client on MAC OS-X, and has been recently updated. It seems to be regularly worked on, which is a unique thing in the M** client world periond. You can find it at:

wewt, VMOO to the rescue.
I use MushClient. And I tryed to use Vmoo but That damn ad and I didn't have fourteen $ so I went back to Mush and if you don't have money it's a great choose.


vmoo pro is free now, if you tried it recently and got ads then you downloaded the wrong version.
I *heart* free VMOO.