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a Mench 16m Doing a bit of everything.
- Slyter 58m
- Emily 8m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- Enven 1h
- NightHollow 4h
And 24 more hiding and/or disguised


Matrix technology, developed in 2015 by Alfred Senley, the three dimensional, virtual reality network powered Withmore City's growth and power in the global markets for over 50 years. In 2072, a simple typo in a self-updating routine embedded in the matrix source itself allowed a bank heist to take place that nearly bankrupted the city-state. In an unanimous vote by the corporate council, use of matrix software was outlawed, except for closed, private systems and sales of matrix software to the outside world.

Global Map, 2102

map designed by Wild Giller
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