The @sleaze_action is for trying to get past turnstiles or gates where you would normally have to pay. Think of the mag-lev stations, clubs or other places with fees. Normally, when you head in the direction, you will get a message asking you to pay an amount of chyen.
If you use the SLEAZE command, you will attempt to go through the next room without paying the amount needed. Your success would mainly depend on your how likeable your character is or how much your character can charm your way through. Note that different areas have different "difficulties" in how you can sleaze through. (e.g You might successfully sleaze through the mag-lev, but not somewhere else)
The command to change your @sleaze_action message is "@sleaze_me is " Please do not use "her" or "him" and check the "help pronoun" file for how to use the correct replacements.
EXAMPLE @sleaze_action me is "%N % %p big eyelashes at %who, trying to convince them to cover %p way into %where."
Where: %N is your char %where is the next room %who is the turnstile or whoever is at the turnstile (and your character is trying to charm)
SEE ALSO: help pronoun help stats *Last Updated: 06/17/18 by Fengshui*