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Do Withmorians know what cyberpunk is?

A meta question that I always wondered. Do Withmorians know what cyberpunk is? Should that word never be uttered in-game? What is its associated fashion trend called if it isn't?
There's an IC book inworld called Cyberpunk, so why not?
How I always see recognizing genre within genre.

I would say no, definitely not and the best theme thing to do is kind of embrace a bit of IC unawareness of theme concepts. Like, for example, if cyberpunk is a list of criticisms of consumerism, technology and authoritarianism gone wild, it makes a lot of sense to say, gleefully embrace trading out your flesh for chrome IC with a little bit of subtext for how that's a bit horrifying to some extent or another OOC. Not to say there aren't things you can take a position against IC but cyberpunk fiction where people are aware of cyberpunk as a concept doesn't make sense. It's like asking if orcs know what fantasy is- they *are* fantasy. That and pop culture and art diverged from real life so you can probably just say that the concept of cyberpunk was never invented.
I would say no, definitely not and the best theme thing to do is kind of embrace a bit of IC unawareness of theme concepts. Like, for example, if cyberpunk is a list of criticisms of consumerism, technology and authoritarianism gone wild, it makes a lot of sense to say, gleefully embrace trading out your flesh for chrome IC with a little bit of subtext for how that's a bit horrifying to some extent or another OOC. Not to say there aren't things you can take a position against IC but cyberpunk fiction where people are aware of cyberpunk as a concept doesn't make sense. It's like asking if orcs know what fantasy is- they *are* fantasy. That and pop culture and art diverged from real life so you can probably just say that the concept of cyberpunk was never invented.
Cyberpunk isn't a fashion trend. In fact, I think fashion is one of the least important elements of Cyberpunk culture. If anything, it's just a means to justify an ends in a CP story. E.g. Mixers wear rags, corpies diamondweave. And yes, since it's a literary theme of our vision of an unfavorable future, it mightn't be too themely to speak of cyberpunk inside a cyberpunk theme (kinda breaks the fourth wall).
I kind of think that cyberpunker book in game shouldn't be there, because as Kiwi pointed out, the genre is anti-authoritarian. What sense does it make to be in a place that is part of an area which stresses obeying the law and conformity?


@Diego: Sorry, meant to say cyberpunk-associated fashion. Nowadays when a movement happens, art, music, and fashion can come with it (like vaporwave or PC Music has associated art and fashion as part of its respective waves).

Porter Robinson's Virtual Self album is closely associated with urban goth, which does kind of reflect what a lot of Mixers might embrace. Anonymity with face masks, blending in, models posing with bats indicating a violent life.

Correction: STREET goth, not urban goth, lol.
I would say that the term Cyberpunk exists and so do the books of the genre (pre-2000). But that does not mean that anybody would be like, "Hey. We are totally living in a cyberpunk world!"

Just like if there was a book written in 1830 that described a culture a culture like that of the American 1980's (emerging personal computing devices and networks, fear of weapons mass destruction, cold war like environment, capitalist vs communist rhetoric, big hair, spandex, punk, music videos) and called it "Poppunk", the people living in America in the 1980s wouldn't be like, "Man. We are so Poppunk!"

After all, the real 80s and the author's depiction would not be identical, just like the Sindome world is not a perfect match for any pre-2000s cyberpunk work. At most they would give a nod at how prescient the author was then move on with living life.