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- Lena 5s Yippee Ki-Yay
- spungkbubble 1m
- Knyghtskye 29s
- Komira 1m
- adrognik 12s
- Sivartas 7s
- Enven 7m
a Kard 2h
- zxq 1h
- Baphomei 10s
- Baguette 12s waow
- QueenZombean 1m
- BigBiscuit 13s
- Bruhlicious 3h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Hivemind 1m
- Emily 3s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 2m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

Accurate Animosity

There's a lotta shady stuff that happens in the mix. However, without going into IC things, how does it work if you feel that a character is behaving in a way that doesn't exactly make sense?
Sniff out where the money's coming from. Chyen can be a very powerful motive.
Normally I'd concur but in this scenario that makes even less sense.
I think this could be a good thing to talk about IC. Ask around if anyone has data or insight into why a PC might be acting in a particular way.
Hire a Detective.
If you are talking IC shady behavior, that is an investigate it by IC means situation, as noted by others.

If you are talking what seems like plain old bad RP and think someone might be metagaming or something of that nature, Xhelp about it and don't expect a reply.

I regret asking lol
Maybe their brain isn't working right. Paranoia, grief, loss, and the like can cause all kinds of terrible things. Perhaps there is no sense to make.
To add onto the growing pile of interpretations, I feel like the original post is referring to unthemely behaviors.
Yeah I was. It doesn't make sense IC. But I'm just gonna let it be as I don't get the vibe I can do much about it.
It's up to you how to handle it but I would suggest talking to staff. Clearly it concerns you enough to as on the boards so I wouldn't dismiss it as nothing. Maybe it is but I find that people are generally pretty good at noticing when things are off. They may not get the details right but pattern recognition is a thing we all do.

At the same time, it's almost impossible for us, your fellow players, to give sound advice as you probably can't tell us enough for us to work with. But you can tell staff all of it. The full picture as you see it. And they probably see things you don't so in this you are simply providing them with a more complete picture. There is a good chance they will thank you for the concern and information then handle it as they see fit on their end.

While there are rare exceptions, I generally believe that staff wants to help make the game as healthy as possible. Most in my experience are more interested in helping players than punishing or winning or the like. Of course, sometimes the rules need to be enforced but in most cases I have seen staff try and understand and teach. So I rarely ever feel any reason not to share my concerns with them and I want to help my fellow players and helping staff help them is honestly the best I can do.

Just my thoughts on the matter! You know what's going on and we don't so you are best placed to decide how to approach it. Only think I have left to day is, don't be scared of staff!

Forgot to mention. One possible outcome is that staff helps YOU learn and progress as a player. It has happened to me before. I thought I had a handle on things and that someone needed guidance and it turned out I was the one who needed guidance. Figured it was worth mentioning!

Definitely agree with Grey0 on this point! Don’t be afraid to xhelp the staff if you feel something isn’t right. If all is well, they’ll say something like “It’s all IC, don’t worry about it” and you’ll know they looked into it 👍
Definitely agree with Grey0 on this point! Don’t be afraid to xhelp the staff if you feel something isn’t right. If all is well, they’ll say something like “It’s all IC, don’t worry about it” and you’ll know they looked into it 👍
You could put in a service request to see if staff could talk to you :) Xhelp is usually for more immediate stuff while service requests might give a little more time and space for both you and them to research before talking.

Some things may seem unthemely but when you peel layers back, things start making sense. There are times when people do act in ways that are unthemely though and staff will like to try to poke at those things where possible (sometimes its just kind of not possible to fix it entirely). They may not be able to tell you how to handle it or verify certain actions because they'll want to protect that ic ooc divide, but they might be up for a chat.

Hope you sort it!