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- baewulf 4m
- shoesanti 7s
- AdamBlue9000 14m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Treble 1m
- Kangarat 30s
- Emily 51m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
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France OK'd to develop bionic soldiers
Viva la ViriiSoma!

Cerebral Enhancement go!

Okay, wow, this is freaky. Are we entering CyberPunk?
Thanks for sharing the article.

You can be almost certain that if the US is accusing our enemies of doing something, we are doing it ourselves.

Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are standard issue for special forces. Even pilots get uppers and downers for increased focus, and the ability to sleep afterwards. Nobody cares if soldiers and Marines are using steroids.

Looking at it pragmatically, if I were in a position where my life were literally on the line, I would want every advantage I could get.