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- BubbleKangaroo 19s
- QueenZombean 4m
- Knyghtskye 1m
- Lena 20s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 5m
- adrognik 25s
- Sivartas 1s
a Kard 3h
- zxq 27m
- Baphomei 56s
- Baguette 18s waow
- Emily 26s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 31 more hiding and/or disguised

Cold-storing Trauma Victims
Like I want to wait two hours with my ribcage busted open.

Scientists have figured out a way to essentially put dying pigs into suspended animation using temperature drops and a cocktail of chemicals after a large percentage of blood has been lost. More after the jump.

