I'll preface this by saying that I am not a Gibson-ite. �Rather, I take what I like from him, and others to create my own version of cyberpunk. �My own recipe.
Like the footageheads that devour and consume every frame and still of 'the work' before rendering thier opinion, I have consumed this work called Pattern Recognition and am now ready to toss my opinion on this, our version of the F:F:F.
Don't know what the hell I'm making reference to?
Read the damn book.
There are many themes that run within Cyberpunk, and it is the volume and mass and proportions of those themes that gives each work it's own unique feel.
This, to me, is why CP is different for each person and each person has thier own version of CP. �It's all in your tastebuds.
First, the cardinal rule (IMHO) of CP is style over substance. �And this work delivers.
This is not to say the book has no substance or poor substance in that the story and plot are lacking, rather, the excellent story and twisting plot is presented in a style that to me is so CP, the style overcomes the substance. �The telling of the story, itself, demonstrates the mantra much better than any flashy character with a BigAss attitude and nothing to back it up, could ever hope to.
This book hits you on an unconscious level. �I deliberately slowed the pace of my reading down to a crawl, simply because I found that I needed time to assimilate whatever unconscious messages were slipped between the lines. �The result, is an almost intuitive knowledge of the world in which the book is set that never before have I felt in any work.
This is, without a doubt, the best single book (not part of a series) I have ever read, period.
Globalism is another one of those themes that CP is founded upon. �Being able to be anywhere, talk to anyone, anywhere at anytime, send and receive data to and from anywhere, at anytime. �The sense that although there are still political and geographic boundries, they are hardly relevant.
Pattern Recognition, set in a world that we know today, with just the barest of changes that unless we live in Tokyo or Russia we would never really know drives globalism just a bit deeper into your soul with each and every cell phone call, and e-mail from board rooms, back alleys, coffeshops or airport terminals around the world. The multitude of characters from other contries only adds to that feel.
Overbearing corporations, the ultra-rich manipulating people, the sense of something happening just beyond your perception, a paranoia necessary to self-survival, a slang so pervasive it almost becomes it's own language ..
Just read the damn book.
Read the book.
Learn from the book.
And use that to make your character the best damn CP there is.
I have about 7 ideas for the next character I have, should Dorotea have her way with my current one.
If Pattern Recognition doesn't inspire you, I don't know what the hell will.