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Alright, I know you people are alive out there. CP reaches far more than our game, though it takes so many particles from so many things, from the Hall of Justice mentioned in Judge Dredd as well as Dick's 'Do Androids...' to Hookie from the Johnny M. movie. CP owes 90% of it's being to Gibson, as he's brought it to more people than any other expression, perhaps even Bladerunner. He's its guru, its architect. So, let's get the mojo flowing here: Gibson. Speak. Anything. Tell us about your favorite Gibson book, tell us about your favorite paragraph--in how he works, sometimes a single line in one story could drive into you more than an entire other book.
I'm bringing this up because I'm starting Pattern Recognition, his latest book, and I want to know where the rest of you stand within his universe, your thoughts.

And yes, I still think all new players should to pass a quick quiz over Neuromancer in order to play. =P

Rock on my people, speak already.

There's Gibsons books. Neuromancer specifically. Untouchable.

But there's also the facinating papers, observations, interpretations, parallels, and (dare say I'm biased about them) communities who's soul purpose of existance is based around -it-. Within it's pages are contained a world so vividly real it indisputably sets the standard by which all other works of a similar nature are judged. He's the first to use the term 'matrix' in such a context.

Sindome advertises that you can roleplay in a world inspired by people like William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Phillip K. Dick, John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra, Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson, CP2020, Shadowrun, Steve Jackson, and everyone else who believes that information should be free.

It changed my standard by which I compare what I read. The images don't burn nearly as bright in Piers Anthony books anymore, and Redwall just didn't make the cut at the tender age of 15 when I first stumbled my way though it. I didn't get half of what was going on, but I read it a second time and that's when it really sank in. Knowing the 'verbage' from the end of the book made reading the begining of the book a lot easier. Since then it's been turned through and throughout many times over, and every time I marvel at the intensity of my own attention as I hang on every razor sharp detail engraving a series of still frame photos in my mind as the scene changes, like a movie that you see a different cut of every time, so the action is not only fresh but vivid and graphic.

It's only fitting that all of his other work is still compared to this day to his first published book. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.


(Edited by Kevlar at 10:05 pm on Mar. 18, 2003)

You forgot Neal!!!

... Stephenson.

Greg Bear also has some great stuff, for those of you who haven't read anything by him ...
i have never heard of greg bear.. or if i have the name didn't stick.

any recomended titles?

and.. i have yet to read the newest gibson book....
is that out yet? *cough* please don't shun me for asking that.

Yeah, it's out. Picked up my copy of Pattern Recognition up last week at Barnes and Nobles. It's good, just...I don't know. Its SF, it's extremely well written, it's exactly what you'd expect and admire and treasure from my favorite author and essential hero, William Gibson.
Just don't to get it expectin cyberpunk. It isn't. If you want to get really technical, there's not even a -lot- in it that makes is science fiction. *shrug* Still a fucking awesome read.
When I get more time to sort my thoughts out, and less time glued to CNN, I'll post my full thoughts on Gibson.
yes.. i've heard that it's more geared towards the 'now', more about the current media environment, economic environment as well as mental environment then it is on any sort of sci-fi future.

wich is why i want to read it so much. :) something like that almost appeals to me more right now then say, uhm... traditional cyberpunk... whatever -that- is defined as....

but i have no money for a new copy and it will be a while till the used book stores have it.. or the library. so woo.

i must either steal or sit patiently... and since stealing is bad mkay...

i'll sit. and wait. and BID MY TIME... wait.. no.. i simply sit and wait... AND BIDE MY TIME! *cough*

I'll preface this by saying that I am not a Gibson-ite. �Rather, I take what I like from him, and others to create my own version of cyberpunk. �My own recipe.

Like the footageheads that devour and consume every frame and still of 'the work' before rendering thier opinion, I have consumed this work called Pattern Recognition and am now ready to toss my opinion on this, our version of the F:F:F.

Don't know what the hell I'm making reference to?

Read the damn book.


There are many themes that run within Cyberpunk, and it is the volume and mass and proportions of those themes that gives each work it's own unique feel.

This, to me, is why CP is different for each person and each person has thier own version of CP. �It's all in your tastebuds.

First, the cardinal rule (IMHO) of CP is style over substance. �And this work delivers.

This is not to say the book has no substance or poor substance in that the story and plot are lacking, rather, the excellent story and twisting plot is presented in a style that to me is so CP, the style overcomes the substance. �The telling of the story, itself, demonstrates the mantra much better than any flashy character with a BigAss attitude and nothing to back it up, could ever hope to.

This book hits you on an unconscious level. �I deliberately slowed the pace of my reading down to a crawl, simply because I found that I needed time to assimilate whatever unconscious messages were slipped between the lines. �The result, is an almost intuitive knowledge of the world in which the book is set that never before have I felt in any work.

This is, without a doubt, the best single book (not part of a series) I have ever read, period.

Globalism is another one of those themes that CP is founded upon. �Being able to be anywhere, talk to anyone, anywhere at anytime, send and receive data to and from anywhere, at anytime. �The sense that although there are still political and geographic boundries, they are hardly relevant.

Pattern Recognition, set in a world that we know today, with just the barest of changes that unless we live in Tokyo or Russia we would never really know drives globalism just a bit deeper into your soul with each and every cell phone call, and e-mail from board rooms, back alleys, coffeshops or airport terminals around the world. The multitude of characters from other contries only adds to that feel.

Overbearing corporations, the ultra-rich manipulating people, the sense of something happening just beyond your perception, a paranoia necessary to self-survival, a slang so pervasive it almost becomes it's own language ..

Just read the damn book.

Read the book.

Learn from the book.

And use that to make your character the best damn CP there is.

I have about 7 ideas for the next character I have, should Dorotea have her way with my current one.

If Pattern Recognition doesn't inspire you, I don't know what the hell will.

Guess who went out on Libo today for the first time in two weeks?
Guess who spent a whole day on what was planned as an hour at the mall to buy the next session of cowboy bebop?
Guess who, on her way back, happened to spy a display for the next Dune book in a bookstore?
Guess who got lost in the science-fiction section goggling at all the readin she's missed?
Guess who stumbled across the 'G' section?
Guess who noticed they had Gibson books in stock?

*happy spaz dance*
I know I'm a little late in the game here to be reading these but..well...better late than never, right? And if I can't be playing, I might as well be reading about it, right?

Sorry guys. I'm just totally psyched. woooooooooHOOHOO. And now I shall depart to stay up all night reading. *bows*

I'd be interested to see what you think of Virtual Light, let us know when you finish it, please. :)
thank you for starting this post johnny,

after seeing all of the hubub about neuromancer on this and other sites, I FINALLY downloaded it from kazaa, and put it on my phone for future reading,  
after reading it I slapped myself for downlading it and immeadately ran to B&N and bought it (partially cause it's the right thing to do if you download something you like, partially cause I wanted to make sure that the file I downloaded was complete)  

well rest assured after I finish re-reading neuro, I will be heading strait back to B&N to select the next reading, Gibson, of course, and you have all given me good ideas for the next selection...

Right, so I finished Neuromancer last night, right? It was definitely more fun than cleaning my room. But what did I like -best- about the end of the book?

The back cover of course!

WHY oh WHY has no one mentioned that Gibson lives in Vancouver, B.C.? *eyes Iga* C'mon, we have to brag about what we can with C-A-N-A-D-Ayyy, neh?

Well. I grew up in Vancouver, lived there for 7 seven years. The book was copywritten the year before I was born, so that would be....4 years before I moved to Vancouver. And I'm finding it preeety ironic that not only did I not watch TV while I lived there, thus utterly missing out on the fact that the X-Files was being filmed practically on my back porch, but I also could have rubbed shoulders with mister Gibson himself!

Ohhh, cruel world. Why must I see these connections that don't exist?

I swear, I could go on and on about the wierd coincidences that happen to least seem to.
Methinks I need a life.

GOLDFISH! *munchmunchmunch*
There, life has returned to me. :D

Oh and J-man, I'm on page like...30 of Virtual Light. Will report back soon! Whee.

well I guess canada has to spawn something good every once in a while :)

ramen kicks ass...

It's not Gibson, but if anyone is looking for a wide variety of CP styles, read Mirrorshades, and the foreward by Bruce Sterling.
So now I'm finished with Virtual Light...and I liked it better than Neuromancer.
Maybe its because it's a lot more similar to Snow Crash in my mind, and that's the book that really turned me on to CP genre-stuff in the first place...
Or Maybe it's that it had a female character who was a courier, and for some reason my characters are always turning out thatta way...
Dunno. I liked Chevette's character, though. Reading the whole thing was kind of like seeing the RP I wished Nava made come to life. Well..come to paper.

I'm gonna say something deep on here.
I promise....

...maybe later though.
Time to go miss some targets.

Found a collection of cyberpunk books  that have been turned into text files here.
Pattern Recognition, I find sits in a class of novels that are similar to, though very different from, the cyberpunk works of days past, in that it makes more real the world in which we live, drawing corrolations between what we perceive as cyberpunk, and what we live with every day, rather than vice versa.  Cyberpunk is now, chummers--or at the very least, not far off.  The likes of Gibson, Sterling, Rucker, and the rest all envisioned what we are living through. Right. This. Minute.  It isn't all chrome and silicon, vat flesh and cyberdecks, but it's getting there.  The global monoculture of throw-away fads and megacorporate multinationals, classism, and decadent apathy that is evolving, has been evolving for a very long time, is closing the gap on what was once fiction, and what is now fact.  The world is becoming one big strip mall, and as our culture evolves thus, so do the works of those who have lived through, and written about it.  Pattern Recognition is a more laid back, wisened book from a more laid back, wisened Gibson. His perception of the world has grown more subtle with age, laying just beneath the surface of his prose, not so stark as his previous works, but still there, something niggling at the archaic lizard brain in all of us, asking us, "What the fuck is wrong with this picture?"

As an aside, Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, though written a few years earlier, lies in the same category as Pattern Recognition.  I found it well worth the read.  In reference to Greg Bear's works, I would suggest reading Slant.  It is very much a CP novel which, I think, should be added to the Sindome canon.

