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strange prose

HUMAN_WORMS [internet remix edition]

Kenji Siratori

Insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was sucked to the emotional replicant of super-genomewarable abolition world-codemaniacs that was biocaptured a chemical=anthropoid acid of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM is accelerated the virus::clone-dive a trash sensor drug embryo rave on the DNA=channel of the cadaver feti=streaming_body encoder that was send back out to the acidHUMANIX infection archive genomics strategy circuit technojunkies' era respiration-byte nerve cells of the hyperreal HIV=scanner forms to the brain universe that was processed the data=mutant of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system murder-gimmick of the cadaver city BLog....acidHUMANIX infection archive of the abolition world-codemaniacs nerve cells to the mass of flesh-module murder-gimmicks of her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals DNA=channel of a chemical=anthropoid is send back out the era respiration-byte_covered the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart to the brain universe of the murder-protocol emotional replicant performance that was biocaptured the cadaver city technojunkies' nightmare-script and crash that genomics strategy circuit****cadaver feti of the artificial sun=hunting for the grotesque WEB=joint end of the neuromatic body encoder that streams to the hyperreal HIV=scanners that BDSM play a trash sensor drug embryo hacking--hunting for the grotesque WEB of the cadaver city=covered the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that jointed and suck acid to the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was send back out the era respiration-byte of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM mass of flesh-module rave on::the different vital-controllers of the biocapturism nerve cells to non-resettable the murder-gimmick of a chemical=anthropoid--abolition world-codemaniacs to the cadaver feti=streaming circuit of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_brain universe that technojunkies' BDSM plays the DNA=channel of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system gene-dub....I compress the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator to the brain universe of the murder-protocol emotional replicant performance technojunkies' DNA=channel hacking the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM acidHUMANIX infection****the genomics strategy circuit of the abolition world-codemaniacs nerve cells that accelerates the virus of the artificial sun to the hunting for the grotesque WEB=joint end of the cadaver feti=streaming_body encoder that clone-dives a chemical=anthropoid mass of flesh-module vital to the era respiration-byte sending program murder game of her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals different of a trash sensor drug embryo-hyperreal HIV=scanners that were controlled plug-in...."I am disillusioned-covered the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart cadaver city at the murder-protocol that was processed the data=mutant of her abolition world-codemaniacs emotional replicant module and that genomics strategy circuit noise--hunting for the grotesque WEB of a chemical=anthropoid=body encoder of the hyperreal HIV=scanner form to the different vital-controller of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_brain universe that jointed technojunkies' hacking the nightmare-script....hunting for the grotesque WEB insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator to gene-dub of the cadaver feti=streaming_brain universe that compressed the acidHUMANIX infection of a chemical=anthropoid murder-gimmick of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM=joints::the technojunkies' DNA=channel era respiration-byte sending programs of the abolition world-codemaniacs nerve cells that artificial sun was output to the mass of flesh-module of the murder-protocol emotional replicant performance is installed vital different of a trash sensor drug embryo-hyperreal HIV=scanners that were controlled clone-dives to the genomics strategy circuit that was biocaptured her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals....the nightmare-script of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_body encoder that clone-dives the cadaver city to the murder-protocol data=mutant processing organ DNA=channel of a trash sensor drug embryo FUCKNAMLOAD****abolition world-codemaniacs that was send back out the era respiration-byte of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system murder-gimmick of the chemical=anthropoid to a hybrid cadaver mechanism SAVE the paradise device of the biocapturism nerve cells_covered the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that artificial sun was set up and stream to that mass of flesh-module cadaver feti=....the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was biocaptured to the hunting for the grotesque WEB=joint end of the cadaver feti=streaming_brain universe that compressed the technojunkies' acidHUMANIX infection soul/gram made of retro-ADAM murder-gimmick nightmare-script....I rape the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that crashed a trash sensor drug embryo to the emotional replicant of super-genomewarable abolition world-codemaniacs that was sucked to the different vital-controller nerve cells of the hyperreal HIV=scanner forms that BDSM play@artificial sun DNA=channels of her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals acid of a chemical=anthropoid....rave on the modem=heart of the hybrid cadaver mechanism technojunkies' gene-dub to the nerve cells murder-gimmick of her abolition world-codemaniacs emotional replicant****the surrender-sites of the hyperreal HIV=scanners BLog the artificial sun to the cadaver feti=streaming_brain universe that I compressed the acidHUMANIX infection of a trash sensor drug embryo mass of flesh-module vital to the hunting for the grotesque WEB=joint end of the murder-protocol data=mutant processing organ that crashed a chemical=anthropoid different of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM-insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was controlled FUCKNAMLOAD vital different of a trash sensor drug embryo-genomics strategy circuit of the biocapturism nerve cells that compressed the acidHUMANIX infection of a chemical=anthropoid is output to the hyperreal HIV=scanners that were controlled the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that accelerates the virus of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM to the mass of flesh-module murder-gimmicks of her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals gene-dub::the DNA=channel of the cadaver city hyperlinks to the disillusionment-module of the murder-protocol data=mutant processing organ that was send back out the body encoder of the abolition world-codemaniacs emotional replicant performance technojunkies' era respiration-byte reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that accelerates the virus of a trash sensor drug embryo to the DNA=channel of the cadaver feti=streaming_brain universe that compressed the technojunkies' acidHUMANIX infection crashes--the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was send back out to the different vital-controller of the murder-protocol emotional replicant that was biocaptured a chemical=anthropoid era respiration-byte of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM clone-dives abolition world-codemaniacs of the hyperreal HIV=scanner form gene-dub of the cadaver city to the nerve cells nightmare-script of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system mass of flesh-module hunting for the grotesque WEB of her abolition world-codemaniacs emotional replicant=being covered the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that was sucked to the cadaver feti=streaming circuit that jointed technojunkies' acid mass of flesh-module is output::clone-dive the artificial sun insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was biocaptured to the disillusionment-module of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_brain universe soul/gram made of retro-ADAM murder-gimmick rave on a chemical=anthropoid gene-dub in the surrender-sites of the hyperreal HIV=scanners nerve cells of the murder-protocol data=mutant processing organs BDSM play the cadaver city....the surrender-sites of the hyperreal HIV=scanners gene-dub of the cadaver city to the brain universe of the murder-protocol emotional replicant performance that was sucked the acid of a chemical=anthropoid FUCKNAMLOAD****the abolition world-codemaniacs nerve cells rave on the murder-gimmick of the trash sensor drug embryo hunting for the grotesque WEB of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system=genomics strategy circuit that jointed to a hybrid cadaver mechanism to the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that was biocaptured the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM nightmare-script....the data=mutant processing organ of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_vital browser DNA=channel of the artificial sun is ejected being covered to abolition world-codemaniacs of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_body encoder that technojunkies' BDSM plays hunting for the grotesque WEB of a chemical=anthropoid=reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that jointed that murder-protocol mass of hyperlinks the insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator murder-gimmick of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM to the nightmare-scripts of the biocapturism nerve cells that accelerates the virus of the artificial sun plug-in to the hyperreal HIV=scanners that were send back out the cadaver feti=streaming circuit that clone-dives@digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals era respiration-byte of a trash sensor drug embryo....era respiration-byte is send back out to the DNA=channel of the acidHUMANIX infection archive_brain universe insanity medium of the human body pill cruel emulator that clone-dives the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM BDSM play a chemical=anthropoid****plug-in to the vital browser that was processed the emotional replicant of super-genomewarable abolition world-codemaniacs technojunkies' reptilian=HUB data=mutant of her ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system murder game to the mass of flesh-module of the hyperreal HIV=scanner form biocapturism nerve cells hacking a trash sensor drug embryo DNA=channel of the cadaver city--.

bio: Kenji Siratori, author of Blood Electric, is a brilliant superhip writer of great intellectual hypermodern fiction. Born in 1975, he currently lives in Sapporo, Japan.

Oh god you have no idea how much I love that guy.
I have a copy of Blood Electric in the bookshelf next to the computer :)
(I use it largely to freak people out, when I carry it around and they enquire as to what I am reading.)

In all honesty, if you sit down and really try to read it for a bit, it quickly starts to make a lot of sense and it flows by itself... internal voice and whatever. Kinda like listening to static on a radio and eventually realising you can hear words and meaning.

It's wonderful stuff.

I'll have to purchase a copy. Thats right. I'm going to pay for something! dear monkey, I did think of you when I opened my copy and was confronted with page after page of seemingly random computer output.

You'd love it.

I discovered Blood Electric through a link from, tried to muddle through a chapter, and decided to give up on it.  I'll bet it would sound better as an audiobook ;-P

Screw the chyen, here's some hemo from my sucking chest wound,
