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DEX demo available now

Hey guys - I'm new here so I hope this is the right place to post. Let me know!

BadLand Games and Dreadlocks have a free demo of DEX, their side-scrolling cyberpunk inspired RPG, available now to download on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Those who complete the demo are entered for chance to win a selection of digital rewards. You can check out the demo here -

Has anyone been following DEX's development?

I played through DEX a while back, and I loved it!

It's a gritty neonlit sidescrolling conspiracy-story and I fancied every second of it.

If I can give just one tip about the game it's to play it with a controller, I used an Xbox-like one and it felt so much better than to play the game on the keyboard, even if I got it for PC / Windows.

As of right now, DEX is on sale on the Steam Summer Sale, with 75% off landing it on meager 4,99€ / 5.5$.