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- Freshmeat_Guest 13m [Welcome to Sindome]
- Lena 2s Yippee Ki-Yay
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a Kard 29m
- zxq 57s
- Baphomei 30m
- Baguette 13s waow
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- Bruhlicious 4h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Hivemind 6m
- Emily 10s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 10m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

Cyberpunk 2077: E3 2019 Trailer

On the off chance that you all haven't seen this yet.

I can't believe that I was watching a video game. The graphics are, I'm speechless. Just beyond belief.

I don't think my GFX970 is going to be up to the task. =)

Is that Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand? Because hoooolllyy shit am I excited
I had to watch it three times just to make certain, but I'm 99% certain that is Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand.
Keanu Reeves' character is named 'Mr Fusion'. XBOX tweeted 'Introducing Keanu Reeves as Mr Fusion' when the trailer came out, but now that tweet is deleted. You can find it on the net if you search Mr Fusion CP2077 though.
Hopefully they'll keep the character customization.
This is the 2nd time I got excited for a game. First one was Skyrim and had it in my comp. And this Cyberpunk. I needed to buy an xbox now.
My screen as I read your comment Mory...

The four cultural aesthetics as explained by Cyberpunk's official Twitter account:


The look of poverty that derives from humans grappling with and struggling against technology and its unforgiving advance. It denotes a lack of design blending with a general poverty of means and ideas.


The look of a long lost golden age on people entirely unwilling or unable to forget it. It’s flashy, bold and usually cheap – filled with gold-plated cyberware, implants encased in brightly colored plastic and larger-than-life makeup.


The look of global conflict and corporations jockeying for power. Cold, sharp and modern. Making everyone look as if they are ready to drop out of an AV’s cargo door and head straight into combat.


The look of infinite wealth and vanity. Synonymous with luxury, it has been blossoming among Night City’s wealthiest elites – those who can afford to buy anything, who can afford to be anything they want to be.

Perhaps we could borrow some idea from one of these styles?

I look at those and see





@RheaGhe I cant see drek with my cp. Both I think I barely see a word 'mods' in there. For Skyrim?

Also that's some pretty nice ass culture. I saw the official short gameplay of CP 2077 few days ago and theres really no diff with Sindome and other cyberpunk muds. Just that they're more hightech in terms of guns and mods like af. Lol. I really can imagine if somehow some game designing corp manage to improve this CP2077 to a really online rp CP community.