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- Burgerwolf 11s PANCAKES
- mercuri 44s
- Wirret 4m
- Sivartas 12s I make the Grinch look happy.
- RedProtokoll 1m
- Fire 39m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
- zxq 50m
- F9DFCQ 1m
- NightHollow 7m
- Napoleon 27m
- Bruhlicious 7h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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All things ... Soft and Furry?
My cats: Snow & Crash

Snow & Crash

I finally got around to organzing a page for my ton-o-kitty crap. It's part of research for work, but I figure everyone enjoys kittens. And these are cyber kittens to boot.  :1337:

And before anyone suggests, they are not descendants of the Generic Feral Cat, thank you very much!


Oh, nice. a website devoted to your pets. how cute.

heh.. oh, i have a good pic.. this is my cat, Cracker.

Actually, its a site setup to experiment with personal media usage online. I just so happen to have a lot of pics and video of my cats, so I used that. :)
Heh, Johnny has script-kitten's.

My cat's stealth is above the curve.

And we're both alcholics...

Oh, and before you even try it Pas...dogs aren't CP. :boom:

Quote: from ReeferMadness on 6:14 pm on Mar. 13, 2007[br]Oh, and before you even try it Pas...dogs aren't CP. :boom:

Oh yeah?