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- Bruhlicious 8m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 19m
- AdamBlue9000 2m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 4s
- baewulf 21s
- RedProtokoll 23m
- BubbleKangaroo 4m
- QueenZombean 17s
- Knyghtskye 3m
- Lena 4s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 1m
a Kard 4h
- zxq 24m
- Emily 25m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised

Stop! Thief!
For the pilfering little f**kers amongst you...

o/` We all live in a yellow subroutine. o/`

(Edited by Rastus at 3:15 pm on June 5, 2002)

I'm curious if _WAY_ down the track, the uber-thieves, will be able to cut those pesky holsters we combat chars. wear to stop them stealing our 25k pistols?

What is the thought on holster cutting?

If we allow more complex theivery, it'd have to be a lot harder. It'd prolly be easier to 'open' their holster rather than cut it...but i unno.

[admin] I don't have a problem with it, question is 'cut it with what'? A knife? If they're mesh you'd have to do some sawing no matter WHAT kinda ceramic knife you got. And if someone wanted to steal a gun from a holster, they'd have to know the gun name and the holster name. Which then, i'd suggesting ripping of EM and having 'silent' actions (which i like) such as putting guns/swords/knives/objects into holsters/scabbards/shieths/bags without being seen so that people have a harder time figuring out WHAT to steal from WHERE [/admin]

(Edited by Stonemonk at 1:42 pm on Nov. 14, 2001)

I agree and disagree.... sure, VERY good theifs might be able to do that... then again, think of how this might be.... now, alot of this we just have to throw away... but if you have a holster hidden under say a trenchcoat... its going to be HARD AS HELL to cut, take, or open any kind of holster. It would require you to reach inside their trenchcoat, unsnap it... not to mention them FEELING the holster move as you open, cut, or remove it...

That would be nearly impossible in my mind... its just not something that can be rationallyl done, except by the best. Likewise, if you have enough money to buy a gun, you have enough to go up to Green and buy a holster... which makes it impossible to steal as is...

Likewise, its also not very possible to carry around a sledgehammer... yet I used to all the time. Realism is left for RP and other circumstances... So yes, in my opinion... it should be possible to open holsters and then take guns from them... However, it needs to come at a price... VERY HARD to do in the first place. Second, it would take time... and while its happening, there should be numerous checks to make sure you succeed...

Sad that I've resorted to such a pathetic tactic in my war against SD, huh? :cool:

(Edited by Rastus at 3:19 pm on June 5, 2002)

This post was randomly deleted by Rastus. Whee!

(Edited by Rastus at 3:17 pm on June 5, 2002)