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- BubbleKangaroo 33s
- QueenZombean 6m
- Knyghtskye 2m
- Lena 26s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 30s
- adrognik 1m
- Sivartas 43s
a Kard 3h
- zxq 19m
- Baphomei 2s
- Baguette 2m waow
- Emily 27s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 30 more hiding and/or disguised

Changes on the horizion

In the interest of moving forward with having a MOO that's super cool on a scale of one to awesome, the staff has decided to make some broad sweeping changes.

These changes I'm sure will be met with a certian amount of resistance, but all I can say is 'tough shit' because this is how it is.

First of all were going to delete the player base and start over. Were also letting all the GMs go. Only Johnny and myself will remain. Your welcome to reapply, but be forwarned:

All new players will be required to write a history of at LEAST 10,000 words. This really isn't that bad... It's about 3 pages or so. For most of you this won't be a problem. For a few, you'll have to say 'and stuff.' a few more times to reach the limit.

There will be no more OOC command. There will be no more OOC communication of any sort. If you make a mistake, 'typo' and repost. Anyone caught speaking OOC will be removed from the game.

We'll be changing the name of the game as well. The new name will either be JohnnyMOO or Super Fluffy Bunny Land... we havn't decided which yet.

And finally, we'll be implementing a entire new framework to assist you in in the insanely complex task of checking the date. (Pssst: That's a clue. Go check the date.)

Any comments can be made in the usual forum.


OMG!!! Super Fluffy Bunny Land!!!



*epiletic rage starts*


At least my character didn't wake up naked, dripping with clone goo all over him in the middle of Sinn St.

That's what I was expecting ... ;)


t-t-ten th-th-thou-thou-thousand....??????   I had enough trouble writing 50 lines...


~looks at the date~ Oh, well, that's ok, then.


Not bad, but last April 1st's actually made me jump. I actually believed it for a good ten minutes.

you know, I was completely taken in by that until you mentioned renaming the MOO to JohnnyMOO, then I realised it -had- to be an April fool... it's been called JohnnyMOO for ages.
All new players will be required to write a history of at LEAST 10,000 words. This really isn't that bad... It's about 3 pages or so. For most of you this won't be a problem. For a few, you'll have to say 'and stuff.' a few more times to reach the limit.

There will be no more OOC command. There will be no more OOC communication of any sort. If you make a mistake, 'typo' and repost. Anyone caught speaking OOC will be removed from the game.

Are those suggestions really that bad?

It's only bad if you want the playerbase to increase instead of decrease.
Yeah, accualy it is.

OOC, abused as it is, has a very real and necessary purpose, as demonstrated last night by a group of players who wanted to RP play sparing instead of just kicking the shit out of each other. They made good use of OOC to coordinate their -immideate- actions and clarify their poses, and seemed to have a BLAST doing it. And really that's what it's for: Enhancing RP. It's when people start using it for anything else... like when they use it for what they should be using AIM for... that it disrupts RP and takes away from the game. And I hope they noticed I didn't tell em to 'get IC' once despite the fact that they were doing a noticable ammount of OOC. That's because they wern't abusing it; They were using it for what it was intended for.

As for histories, it would be nice if everyone had enough writing skills to come up with a plausable and interesting story, but we all can't be professional writers. Besides, it's quality were looking for, not quanity. If it fills the basic requirements, and it's only 3 paragraphs, then fine.


Am I the only one who's been waiting to have my played deleted and to have create a new one? I mean I've been thinking it was goin to happen for over a week now....then i asked Kevvy on AIM bout it.....cause i hadnt checked this part of the board in a while.  

REally guys....i'm not dumb.....honestly....just slow....