1. NO functionality. That means no extra limbs, no heat vision, no super eyesight.
2. ONLY visual changes. You can look more like a cat. Or a dog. Or a fish. But you aren't going to get a cat's balance or a dogs jaws or a fishes ability to breath underwater.
3. ICly mods must follow the 80/20 principle. You can only be 20% modified. That means no fur covering the entirety of your body. No all encompassing changes. No changes to the way your body functions.
4. You can modify up to 4 @nakeds with a Biomod. Two @nakeds being the default package. Each @naked after that up to four costs an additional fee.
5. Keep it simple, keep it CP. Focus on individual features like your eyes, horns, a tail, teeth, nose, etc.
Admin reserve the right to veto mods or request changes if they do not feel it's fitting to the theme.