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- robotdogfighter 5m
- baewulf 26s
- Aida 4m
- AdamBlue9000 35s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 8h Doing a bit of everything.
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Some people are just born with it...


(Edited by Rastus at 4:16 pm on June 5, 2002)

*looks around*

Aren't -all- stats priorities?

Yes they are... but quite a few of you seem to think Agility is the only important stat. �Throwing all your points into one stat is just not a smart move. Just because certain code might have, at one time or currently, use a certain stat I'm working on getting things more balanced. Neglecting your other stats will of course give you disadvantages in other aspects of the game.

Keep that in mind for when you want that special job someplace and can't figure out why you didn't get it. Perhaps it's because your stats show you to be a dumb fucker or totally uncharismatic. Another bit of FYI from your friendly neighbourhood admin.