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places that could use some help

Ok, so i was wanderin aroun the mix this mornin, and i see an apartment. Sweet! an apartment complex on knife and ashlin. great.
Complex? *snicker* no no no no... is a duplex. 2 apartments. that's it.

Is this not done yet? need some help? i volunteer as builder. done it before, can do it again. not a coder yet, still learning, but i did the original Westinghaus apartments back in the mid 90's, i'd gladly work on any build jobs that need done.

Quote: from SoulExistence on 1:05 pm on June 19, 2006[br]Ok, so i was wanderin aroun the mix this mornin, and i see an apartment. Sweet! an apartment complex on knife and ashlin. great.
Complex? *snicker* no no no no... is a duplex. 2 apartments. that's it.

Is this not done yet? need some help? i volunteer as builder. done it before, can do it again. not a coder yet, still learning, but i did the original Westinghaus apartments back in the mid 90's, i'd gladly work on any build jobs that need done.

There is an IC reason for it ;)

I used to have a MOO of my own, but I completely overlooked the fact I havent learned to code yet, so all I did was build the giant complex, described it and yeah...
@dig north,n|south,s to <Complex name>

God I am so bored...