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- AdamBlue9000 5m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 9s
- baewulf 4m
- RedProtokoll 1m
- BubbleKangaroo 10s
- QueenZombean 10m
- Knyghtskye 5m
- Lena 15s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 57s
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a Kard 3h
- zxq 11m
- Emily 1m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised

The OOC Channels
The Sad Tale of One Newbie's Ignominious Defeat

> help channel

Showing help on `channels':


> xcon Hi.

You aren't talking on any channel.

> ooc-chat I'm sorry, I can't figure how to use the right ooc channel. Is it 'xm'? Or is that IC?

I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine ' for more help]

> @ooc-chat I'm sorry, I can't figure how to use the right ooc channel. Is it 'xm'? Or is that IC?

I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine ' for more help]

> @OOC-Chat I'm sorry, I can't figure how to use the right ooc channel. Is it 'xm'? Or is that IC?

I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine ' for more help]

> xm Is this how this works?

You aren't talking on any channel.

> @xm Is this how this works?

You aren't talking on any channel.

> xooc ...

You aren't talking on any channel.

> @xooc This?

I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine ' for more help]



> to Johnny Trying to figure how to ask a question on an ooc channel, and am completely baffled!

I see no "Johnny" here.

> xto Johnny Trying to figure how to ask a question on an ooc channel, and am completely baffled!

You aren't talking on any channel.

> help channel


> @xcon ooc-chat

[-][OOC-Chat] Someone has joined the channel.

You join the "OOC-Chat" channel.

> ooc-chat Is this how this works?

I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine ' for more help]

> @ooc-chat Is this how this works?

Usage: @ooc-chat

Worse and worse, I didn't even manage to put the whole sad story in there. And it god funny, too! But somehow I truncated it.
Players have access to the following communication channels:

Game-Help - Moderated channel for OOC questions & answers,

OOC-Chat - Come here to chit chat with other players

@xcon - Listen and talk to your primary channel

xm - Say something

xmo - Emote something (help emote)

xto - Say something to someone on a channel

xsocials - Available channel socials

xthink - Think in your channel.

@xalias - Use the alias on anonymous channels. (OOC-Chat)

@xlisten - Listen to a second channel:

xgame - Talk on the Game-Help channel

xooc - Talk on the OOC-Chat channel

@xonly - Quit all channels except .

@xsilence - Leave a channel

@xsw*itch - Change your primary channel to perform actions on it.

@xdiscon*nect - Quit listening to all channels.

NOTE: You can only emote and use socials on your primary channel.

@xcon ooc

@xlisten game

xooc talk on ooc

xgame talk on game-help


I saw the title of this thread, and before reading it, I was 80% expecting something like this:

I love how the OP explicitly leaves out the help they got from help channels where it tells them precisely how to use the channel. Helps if we read the help that comes up when we type 'help channels'.
That's what 'truncated' means. I got plenty of help, until I managed to turn off both channels when I tried to stop listening to ooc. It was a funny story, too.

But that's a strange and hostile reply, Johnny, and sours me on the game (despite the very kind help of players). Because oddly enough, I read 'help channels' several times. I come from other games, which work differently, and didn't understand the helpfile. Hence my questions.

Enjoy your game!