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Proposed Sever Tweaks
Meta Prevention & QoL suggestions

I love[/] the coded command, but it has a few shortcoming. I'll try to be concise so this doesn't become a long-winded rant. Number 1 involves meta prevention, the rest are all quality of life things.

1. Lack of on NPCs

This has the potential for metagaming as a loitering shroud can be examined to tell if it's an NPC or PC. I'm sure it's easy to catch if someone is exploiting this, but it'd be nice for people to not have the opportunity to. Also it'd just be nice to be able to cut things off of NPCs in general.

2. Expanding what you can

I don't mean fingers and toes, but expanding it to include, for example heads (yes that would kill the target) would make for wonderful opportunities to throw an enemy's head into a bar their colleagues frequent (which is currently impossible) and so on.

3. Including corpses as targets

Just because someone is dead, doesn't necessarily mean you don't want a trophy/proof of having killed them.

4. Longer body part shelf life

I realize that having body parts decompose to reduce/prevent bloat makes a lot of sense, but currently a severed leg decomposes about as quickly as a gouged out eyeball. I'm not saying a severed body part should decompose at the same rate as a corpse and go through the stages of decomposition, but it would be nice if they lasted a little bit longer.

Originally put "sever" inside less than/greater than and as a result it just doesn't show up, so reposting for readability.

I love the coded sever command, but it has a few shortcoming. I'll try to be concise so this doesn't become a long-winded rant. Number 1 involves meta prevention, the rest are all quality of life things.

1. Lack of sever on NPCs

This has the potential for metagaming as a loitering shroud can be examined to tell if it's an NPC or PC. I'm sure it's easy to catch if someone is exploiting this, but it'd be nice for people to not have the opportunity to. Also it'd just be nice to be able to cut things off of NPCs in general.

2. Expanding what you can sever

I don't mean fingers and toes, but expanding it to include, for example heads (yes that would kill the target) would make for wonderful opportunities to throw an enemy's head into a bar their colleagues frequent (which is currently impossible) and so on.

3. Including corpses as sever targets

Just because someone is dead, doesn't necessarily mean you don't want a trophy/proof of having killed them.

4. Longer body part shelf life

I realize that having body parts decompose to reduce/prevent bloat makes a lot of sense, but currently a severed leg decomposes about as quickly as a gouged out eyeball. I'm not saying a severed body part should decompose at the same rate as a corpse and go through the stages of decomposition, but it would be nice if they lasted a little bit longer.

Severing corpses is a big thing that I wish was possible. Right now, you need the entire corpse if you want to prove you killed someone most of the time, but taking an identifiable body part such as the head should serve as a good alternative for solos who don't want to be lugging hundreds of pounds of meat around.

Also, I think the sever command could do with tweaks to make it more survivable. Currently, it is actually very difficult to successfully sever a limb from someone and let them live. Realistic, yes, but realism isn't exactly the point.

I propose making lesser extremities significantly faster to sever, such as ears, eyes and hands. If a solo wants to take a hand or eye or ear, it actually takes quite a while, and death from bloodloss sets in well before you even get half way finished severing the limb.

Severing should not be so easy as to be a one-and-done sort of deal that it used to be when left up to strictly roleplay, but it should also be easy enough for most people to accomplish and let their target survive that it becomes a viable alternative to vatting people, because as it stands, the length and difficulty of the process makes me really consider the kill command.

Regardless of anyone's feeling on balancing and how hard severing should be, I feel like the first point is crucial to the point that it should be seen as a @bug rather than something that's even up for debate.
The reason things are the way they are is we don't want to give the players the ability to horde / create a large number of body parts.

This is a very intentional decision and unlikely to be changed.

That said, some of what you have suggested is already in game, including your balance suggestions (which are actually how it be right now.)