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- QueenZombean 2m
- Knyghtskye 26m
- Lena 37s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 1h
- adrognik 41s
- Sivartas 2m
a Kard 2h
- zxq 37m
- Baphomei 2m
- Baguette 11s waow
- Emily 9m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 2h Doing a bit of everything.
And 31 more hiding and/or disguised

Playing from Work
A brand newb drama (feat: admin)

Greetings, stranger. We don't know each other (I discovered the game last weekend) but I have a brief tale of Sindome-novice woe to share and this seemed to be the appropriate place.

So earlier this afternoon I was logged in at work (my original sin!), using a phone app to read help files while my new character ground out some chyen at SHI. It was near the end of my IRL workday; I could stick around for another fifteen or twenty minutes. My character was kidnapped.

Fun, right?

And it would have been fun had I been an available, consenting participant in the RP. As it stood, I was sitting somewhere in an Ohio office, first trying to appraise myself of the game mechanics being used (it happened fast!) and then communicate my limited circumstances to the other player. At length, I just said I had to go using OOC, he let my character go, and I figured that was that. Not thinking much of it, I walked my character back to SHI to grind out the last minutes of my IRL workday.

Imagine my surprise (and dawning horror) when a bright yellow inquiry flashed on my phone: the player presumably contacted an admin who wanted to confirm my side of the story. I returned to the help files to figure out the mechanics of responding. For my effort, I was almost immediately and repeatedly called a liar. In the end, after I had a chance to explain my circumstances, I was let go with the admonition to avoid playing Sindome at work or under other circumstances that constrain players from being volunteered and fully-present for spontaneous RP events. I walked my character to a coffin and logged out.

Am I right to be miffed?

If you are logged in, you are playing the game, with all of it's ups and downs. Using OOC to say, 'I wish I could do this thing with you, but I'm busy IRL at work!' and then going and doing something else, you've just used OOC to affect an IC circumstance.

In my opinion, you are definitely in the wrong and have no right to be upset.

it would have been fun had I been an available, consenting participant in the RP.

Long story short is, having your character in-character indicates that you ARE an available, consenting participant.

If you are not, then, log off or go @ooc and get your character away from other people who want to roleplay.

You were unfair to the other actors in the scene.

Also, the reason you were called a liar is that after you told the other admin that you were unavailable, you were back in-character a very short time later. So, you cheated. You used an OOC excuse to escape an IC situation, but you got right back IC and in public, so, I'm sorry your fun wasn't stimulated but you need to respect the @rules and the other people who are actively interacting with this game.

You can read helpfiles from the @OOC Lounge (the command is '@ooc') or you can lock yourself inside an IC safe area. If you're in a public IC area, you're expected to be ready to react to other characters.

I can understand how it was construed as doing something else, I guess it was (however briefly). I'll just take the opportunity to apologize for any unfairness to other players and for my unfamiliarity with community expectations. Thanks for your replies.
You used an OOC excuse to escape an IC situation, but you got right back IC and in public, so, I'm sorry your fun wasn't stimulated but you need to respect the @rules and the other people who are actively interacting with this game.

It wasn't about stimulating my fun so much as not having the wherewithal (in terms of time or even a working knowledge of game mechanics) to engage with said fun. I tried to communicate this but I guess I failed. Appreciate the reminder about the @OOC Lounge. I don't know that I'll be back after having shat the bed re: the powers that be but I appreciate your filling me in. Cheers!

You're welcome to stick around, it was a first-time mistake. I used blunt language because you didn't seem to understand WHY the other admin spoke to you about this at all.