This question cannot and should not be answered.
Who gives a fuck if it's staff dependent. It's ROLEPLAY DEPENDENT and no matter how many millions of steps you have taken Pacmanning around the city, you have very very obviously not roleplayed your way into a situation where you can fix.
You aren't even a pony, much less a faceman or a fixer.
This is not a solo game. You will not get where you want to be in it by simply asking people what they want and then soloing your way into finding it cheaper than they could do themselves.
The trading skill is important, but there is no possible way for us to code you an automated way to win connections. Not in a game like this, anyway.
You really need to stop gaming the game and trying to probe mechanics, and start thinking up ways to have your character learn the culture. We're all here to interact with humans because it's fun, none of us are here to grind on robot mobs till we win.
The markets are not broken. If your character can't find something in it, it either means YOU can't find it, or, it's not there. And if your character finds something but can't get it as cheap as you want, all it means is you are not a badass. Your days-old character should not be expected to be able to haggle like the best motherfucker in the game. It doesn't matter if you've invested in a specific skill, or in the stats which drive it in that situation, or what - You are not a badass.
Even after you've earned a REAL shitload of RP, spent it the right way, and learned how to use it, the market's purpose is not to automate your way into the trader/fixer role.
Last thing: NO YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BEG FOR SHIT FROM STAFF. It's IC, your character can do this ICly. Pretend there IS no staff, pretend that every character has a player behind it. BECAUSE THEY DO. Using your OOC voice on OOC channels to beg from anybody, players or admins or whoever, is literally cheating.