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- Bix 1m
- Thompson11062466 2m
- Terrible_the_duck 45s
- Emily 30s I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- SovietSly 35s
- Thorarinn 57s
- Hivemind 12s
- Komira 4s
- Rillem 21s
- Slyter 21m
- Inks 1h The pinnacle of mediocre.
- JunkerG 5h
- zxq 38m
a Mench 1m Doing a bit of everything.
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Ecogear Balaclava
@coverage does not match Description

The item parent says...

A DESCRIPTOR's head is covered by GENDER headwear, concealing their identity FROM THE NECK UP

DESCRIPTOR's eyes peer out from beneath a COLOR ski mask, which fits snugly to the base of GENDER throat. …

But the NECK @naked still shows

Your @naked neck is...

@bug or @typo it?
@typo plz
I've been informed that we're all wrong and this doesn't need to be bugged or typo'd.

Neck up doesn't necessarily mean the neck is to be covered. It's working as designed, thanks.