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Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- BubbleKangaroo 13s
- QueenZombean 4m
- Knyghtskye 56s
- Lena 1m Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 6m
- adrognik 6s
- Sivartas 2m
a Kard 3h
- zxq 18m
- Baphomei 32s
- Baguette 49s waow
- Emily 1m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 30 more hiding and/or disguised

It's Official
The Internet doesn't like me

OK I just switched to DSL today and now i'm having troubels. I log into the game via pueblo and move my character object into a room with a NLM term in it. I go to the website and login but it tells me that i have to be logged into the game to acces my player menu. I deleted all cookies, all files in my temporary internet folder shut down my machine botted it back up and still the same damn thing. I called my new ISP and had the little east TN hick lady who didn't know jack log into my sindome account on the game via telnet then into the website and it worked fine for her. Is there something I'm missing when i'm getting rid of all my cookies and what not?

(PS she might know more than i give her credit it for, it sounded like she was trained to say certain things when given the correct question...kinda like an NPC hehe)

Thanks fo da help!

Ok nevermind, It must be an IE thing

*starts singing to himself It aint nuttin but a G-Thang*
*that kinda sounds like g-stra....*

I downloaded Mozilla [GO FREEWARE!!] and it's working fine, but if anyone can offer any insight into the reason that IE is screwy ;like that i'd appreciate it. (ANd I know it's b/c microsoft sucks but i need a nother reason)


*runs off to play on his new 100 Mbps connection!*

Not particularly sure why it'd work with Mozilla and not with IE, but ask Johnny (or another justice familiar with the process... if such a thing still exists) to set your web-proxy flag. Takes all of 10 seconds to fix, slight problem with the way the MOO checks to see if the person logging onto the website is the same person who claims to be logged onto the MOO as that character.
If it's working in Mozilla and not in IE, it's not a proxy problem; It's very likely a timing problem concerning the MOO and Out Of Band communications with the Website. One of these days (in the very distant future) we -may- convert the Web OOB communication process to the Java bridge we built, which is 100% more reliable and not subject to issues of timing.

But don't hold your breath. The present system is still working ~99.67% of the time, so there's no need at this time.

It's probablly just a glitch. Setting the Proxy flag would only (potentially) create other problems if he's not behind a proxy/NAT as it (necessairly) lowers security.


Well, that about covers what I said about not knowing why it'd work in Mozilla but not IE, heh. :)
Oyea, and I kinda deliberately refrained from mentioning it was a security thing? Coz isn't that kinda like saying, hey, look at this thing we do... when we do it... it's a security risk... but we have to do it.

I mean sure, it's no big deal, but still... here's me treading carefully so's not to get spanked and you go blabbering about it ;)

Hrm... and since I'm posting and you'll prolly know, Kev, what's the deal with web browsing and proxies at your ISP? That's what the proxy flag was for, right, and coz like, some ISP's have local web caches or proxies that stops the MOO and Sindome website from being able to figure out you're the same person?

Never used Mozilla, but I'm aware it can do some funky stuff with stopping pop-ups and other unnecessaries, just presumed it did something funky with ISP web proxies doo-dahs and such.

My cats breath smells of cat food...

Why do people run from me?


I bent my wookie :(

Quote: "Oyea, and I kinda deliberately refrained from mentioning it was a security thing?"

As any member of the security community will tell you, security through obscurity is not security. It dosn't take a genius to figgure out the implications of setting the proxy flag, which we have done for many people in the past.

Quote: "Hrm... and since I'm posting and you'll prolly know, Kev, what's the deal with web browsing and proxies at your ISP? That's what the proxy flag was for, right, and coz like, some ISP's have local web caches or proxies that stops the MOO and Sindome website from being able to figure out you're the same person?"

A transparent proxy does (read: should) not pose a problem in this case unless it's incorrectly configured. You hear of this every so often, and as soon as it's discovered, it's usually properly configured.

Quote: "Never used Mozilla, but I'm aware it can do some funky stuff with stopping pop-ups and other unnecessaries, just presumed it did something funky with ISP web proxies doo-dahs and such."

Your mistaken.


(Edited by Kevlar at 3:57 pm on April 27, 2003)

Heh. I /so/ knew I could get a Captain Serious reply to that post. I win! I win!

Would this have anything to do with why whejn I connect to the Moo from work, I can't access the NLM?

This would probablly have -everything- to do with it, Max, seeing as how I happen to know for a fact your behind some fun pieces of IP header mangling hardware.


[Whitespace removed by Moderator so it dosn't take up an entire page.]


OH AND (oops) Mozilla can do fun things with popups....mine are all gone! unless theres a site that i -want- popup ads, then i can tell it to let 'em through.

say cheeze!

(Edited by Kevlar at 3:59 pm on April 28, 2003)

Quote: from Kevlar on 3:52 pm on April 28, 2003[br]your behind some fun pieces of IP header mangling hardware.


*stalks off to find/kick the firewall guys*