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Getting around port restrictions
Hard to Starboard!  YARRR!!!

Due to some network restrictions on my end during the day that I am not at liberty to discuss, I only have access to ports 21 (FTP Command) and 80 (HTTP) on outside servers.  This, of course, bars me from accessing port 5555.

I would love to log on during my lunch hour, but I am in no position to open port 5555 on my network.  I assume I am just S.O.L., but I wanted to check with the group and see if there was any trickery anyone knows about to route these port restrictions.

Logging in from work eh? Or school. Tisk tisk!

Unfortunately I do not know how to fool complex network systems... all I can do is mock.

Well, here's what you could do..  Find a program out there.. that is called something like 'Port Redirector' 'Port Bouncer' 'Port Proxy' or some bullshit like that..

Set it up on your home computer and have it bounce all connections from port 21 to port 5555.  Just like a proxy server would do.   So your at school, and you connect to your PC at home with sindome, and you PC at home relays the connection to SD without your school knowing.  Why this way instead of just using a proxy server you ask?  Because some school block proxy servers as well.  But you -could- try and use a proxy server.  I think I have a broadcast scanner I wrote somewhere that scans for proxys pretty quick.

Oh, and if you do actuly look, and dont find one that works, leme know and I'll make you one in VB real quick.

Er.. that is if the admin would allow you to use the program and all.
(Edited by Nemisis at 3:11 pm on Jan. 19, 2005)

(Edited by Nemisis at 3:12 pm on Jan. 19, 2005)

Got a linux box?

Use SSH port tunneling.

Here's a great HowTo:

But very basically, you have a box on the outside which can talk to 5555 on sindome, which has a ssh connection over port 21 or 80 to a box on the inside (Your box):

�� �       5555 � � � � � � � � � �ssh over 80
[Sindome]<------->[outside box]<----~~~~----->[inside box]
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� firewall

Your inside box listens on port 5555, connects to outside box via ssh on port 80, tunnels everything over said ssh connection, and then retransmits everything to 5555 on sindome. You just point your client at your inside box and away you go.

It's a $0.99 solution for a $4,000.00 hardware problem. :wink:
Don't got Linux?

Try Knoppix. You can boot it on your windows Boxen, and when your done, boot back into windows.

Here's Knoppix:

Don't have time to mess with Linux? Try CygWin. It'll make your windows environment unix-like, so you can run things like ssh.

Here's a link to Cygwin:

Unfortunately we're unwilling at this time to redirect port 80 and 21 to 5555 locally, because we'd prefer to not have every web scanner and spiderbot on the planet connecting to SindomeMOO, eating up valuable resources and degrading performance for you, the players.


(Edited by Kevlar at 1:14 pm on Jan. 19, 2005)

Unfortunately we're unwilling at this time to redirect port 80 and 21 to 5555 locally...

I certainly don't expect any changes to be made to the MOO!  But all of these insights are very helpful.

Regarding SSH port tunneling: I have used puTTY on my XP machine (before the port crackdown) to log into my Mac OS X command line interface (which I used to curl the entire collection of Library of Congress Country Studies books - let me know if you want the scripts), which may have been the reason for the crackdown in the first place.  I know I can set the port that puTTY uses to establish the SSH connection, and I assume there is a way to set the SSH server on the mac to receive on port 80, though it may involve changing some configuration file if there is no way to do so in the GUI.  I am no Unix guru by any means, just an enthuisiastic hobbyist, so I may need to do some research to find the appropriate config file.  I checked the SSH man page online, but I get the feeling that the config files listed here are client, and not server, files.

Anyway, thanks to all for your help.  I will let you know how things turn out.

I suspect puTTy will not do what you require.

Don't get me wrong, God loves puTTy like he loves kittens and bi-sexual females who like threesomes with you and her big-tittied girlfriend. Or maybe that's just me.

But as much as I love it, it probablly won't fit the bill. You'll need honest to goodness OpenSSH (built on OpenSSL) to do this.

More information on getting OpenSSH to work on windows can be found here: (basically, you gotta use CygWin, mentioned above).

But really, it's just so much easier to use Linux. And a live copy of Linux means no dedicated computer necessary to running it.


See, I knew some hackers-code-crackers could help you out. that Kevlar? The Kevlar? Holy hot monkey love! It IS!.

Hey man.

If I recal correctly the moo has a listener on port 80... But that was like back in 99 so I dunno if it still holds...
I am still investigating a solution for this that will work for me, but I thought I would keep everyone informed on my progress:

I don't really have the luxury of booting a linux OS on my 'inside' machine, as I will also have to monitor other processes (email, some OS-specific applications, etc.) on the same machine.  I may look into cygwin, but I would like to find a solution that avoids installation of additional software.

So here's what I'm thinking:

Although I am told only ports 21 and 80 are open, I am able to access https site, so port 443 must also be open.

At my Mac at home (the "outside" machine), I plan to enter the command

sshd -p 443
, which should set my Mac's SSH server to listen on port 443.

Then I will set puTTY (on the "inside" machine) to connect to my home URL on port 443.  Hopefully I will then be able to log into the command line of the Mac/Unix.

At that point, it should be an easy matter of launching TinyFugue...


Sounds like it'll work to me.

Let me know how it went.


Well, everything worked, and I have guided myself to a usable port.

In case anyone is wondering how this is done in Mac OS 10.2, it was a little different than the "sshd -p 443" command.  Here are the steps involved:

1. edit the file "/etc/sshd_config"
2. change the line "#Port 22" to "Port 443"
3. stop remote login in the system preferences if it is running, and restart it.

I understand that the process is markedly different on OS 10.3, so the usual disclaimers apply here - I am not responsible for any damages, your milage may vary.