Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
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Can't log in with my first character
"Either that player does not exist.."

So I created an account on the website, and I'm logged in. I clicked the button to make a new character. At first, the new character was named #New Player 01. Now, the chracter was renamed for me to Poser(string of numbers).

When I try to click "play now" under the character from the website, I get "Either that player does not exist, or has a different password." When I use my mudclient to connect and type "connect poser###### (password)" it says "Either that player does not exist, or has a different password." When I try to click "Reset password" on the website to CHANGE the character's password, nothing happens (Javascript(void).).

So, how does one get past this initial hurdle and get into the game?


Nevermind, I figured it out after I checked my email. Sorry to spam the boards.
I have a similar problem with this. After I got my initial login info for character creation, I was at the end of the description section when my browser crashed (Chrome). Upon trying to re-enter the game to finish up, I can't get in with either my chosen character name (Tinweasel) or my random character name from the email (Johnson04141537). Can someone send me another new character, or at least tell me how I can get a new character? Thanks in advance.

I have seen that your character did get into the game. What did you do to resolve this?


hello. I've create my first character. but I can't log in.

there is no approvement on email from admin.

my userid is user05254, name in the game -- zerbino/

please help.

this is my first MUD, btw. sorry for bad english

Connect as a guest and we'll get you sorted out. :)

go here directly and use 'connect guest', once you are connected, use 'xhelp' to communicate with admin.

i cant log in either, logged in as a guest typed the xhelp, but I get a 'dont understand...' so guess Im doing something wrong. Please advise.