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- himble 58s
- AdamBlue9000 6m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 54s
- baewulf 5m
- RedProtokoll 59s
- BubbleKangaroo 39s
- QueenZombean 53s
- Knyghtskye 7m
- Lena 32s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 2m
- Sivartas 41s
a Kard 4h
- zxq 12m
- Emily 17s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for 'tailoring'


Tailoring, a knowledge skill based on your artistry, might allow you to design clothing that is valuable and wearable by others. If you suck at tailoring, might mean you can't design and edit clothing. It definitely means it won't be worth very much. Its a complex skill that utilizes a lot of messages and commands, and below, you will find out what each of them does. Changing any of the following messages on an article of clothing that has been @finalize'd will render it unfinalized and unwearable until @finalize'd again.

Refer to 'help pronouns' for how to refer to a person in general when writing any of the messages. You may find that your dress is worn by a man eventually, and the description should not refer to 'her', but to 'him.'

For example. "This dress makes %p butt look big." %p will be replaced by the possessive pronoun of the appropriate gender. In this case, either 'his' or 'her', depending on which character is using the item.


This sets the name of your fresh material. Do not include 'pair of' if you're creating some pants, instead, the command will prompt you if you want to add these things in. This name will be utilized to target the item and will be used in several @messages later on.


This is how you configure a piece of clothing to be worn on the various body locations. It's perfectly fine to avoid setting various locations that your article may cover partially, so as to allow underlying articles to show 'through' the outer layer.

The thickness of an item's material will affect whether it can be worn OVER or must be worn UNDER other items on the same @coverage spot. For example: You cannot put a cotton brassiere on over an armored trench coat. Certain @name words (for one example, "Overcoat") will make an item wearable over anything.


This permanently establishes the primary color of your fresh material. This color must appear at least once in the @describe and @worn messages. Once you set it, the only way to change it will be through IC tools.


Toggle the 'see-thru' state of a piece of clothing, allowing nakeds, tattoos, cyberware and other clothing to completely show through in addition to this piece of clothing. This is useful for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses, mesh, etc.


Tailors can set the tread pattern for footwear they are creating. Once you use this on an @finalized item, you will not be able to change its @name or @coverage anymore. Basically, once you make a pair of shoes fully, you can't fix coverage issues or change your shoes into a pair of underwear or a hat.

Inspecting footwear will let you see what the tread is like on the bottom.

Why do you need tread patterns? Footprints are left during roleplay at various points.


Set the description of your fresh material. This is what you see when you look 'at' the article of clothing, not when you look at someone. You MUST include the string %color in the description so that the item's color can be dynamically changed. Avoid using any gender pronouns (his, her) or anyone's name, as the item could be worn by someone else. Read 'help pronouns' for what to use instead.

An example of using the %color string would be, "This dress is made of %color cottons."

%color would be replaced by whichever color you used with the @color command.


View the various messages that make an article of clothing unique and fun in the first place. You MUST include the string %color in the @worn message (do not include it in the others, it won't work there) so that the item's color can be dynamically changed. Avoid using any gender pronouns (his, her) or anyone's name, as the item could be worn by someone else. Read 'help pronouns' for what to use instead. Changing any message of something that has been @finalize'd will render it unfinalized and unwearable.

Under the @messages
command, you'll see a lot of unclear @messages that you can set. The following is a description of each one that you can use. Each of these messages should be entered into the moo as @ is . Don't use quotations in the messages, they are only listed under @messages to make it clear what the is. Quotation marks will not show up in any of the @messages.

@integration - This one you cannot actually set and has no purpose as a player. It is used when an admin wants to display a clothing article in a room description.

@wear - This is the message someone will see when they wear the clothing.

@owear - This is the message everyone else will see when someone wears the clothing.

@remove - This is the message someone will see when they remove the clothing.

@oremove - This is the message everyone else will see when someone removes the clothing.

@worn - This is what will show up on someone's description when you 'look '. It will dynamically be placed in the players description depending on the @coverage of the item.

@blood_description - This is the message that shows up when the article of clothing gets blood on it, usually a result of injuries to themselves or by causing injuries to others. This message has to be written differently than others, due to the way it shows up on someone's body. It will show up in someone's description as "The %t is covered in fresh <@blood_description>". %t is the name you set with @name.

The tease command is a way to flaunt what you've got to other players. Specifically, there are three variants of the command and they show up to players in different ways. 'examine
' shows you how to use the tease command.

@tease - This is what you will see when you tease your article of clothing without a target.

@dtease - This is what will show up when you target another player with your article of clothing. This message replaces the @tease and @otease message entirely, so use of pronouns is incredibly important.

@otease - This is what everyone else will see when you tease your article of clothing without a target.


A handy tool best used to verify that you're ready to @finalize something. Green means that you have set required messages, red means that you have failed to do so yet. It's a good way to verify that you've set all your messages at a glance.

Note: "realname" will always show in red, and reveals what type of material an object was actually made out of.


Use this command to complete your work on an article of clothing, making it wearable AND valuable. Use @check to validate your work before you @finalize it. When you @finalize it, your skills at tailoring will be used to determine whether you can finish the item and the value of the article of clothing. The first time you do this, the value will be basically locked in and each subsequent time you @finalize the item, the value will go down. This means that it pays to do your best work the first time and that typos have the potential to cost you.

Additional non-command-oriented information about tailoring in a themely and fair-gameplay way is to be found in "help tailor-play".


If you have spare time or if you want to help the game while getting a better idea of what kind of clothing has been created in the past, you can use @review-cloth to vote on if clothing that has been trashed by a player should be kept around for future use. 'help @review-cloth' for more info.


Items should be UNIQUE! Unless someone is paying you to create a new article of clothing because they lost theirs, or you are selling a clothing line (and have an actual order for an item), you should not create duplicates. It adds to the bloat of the game. Creating multiple copies of an item and selling them at the market is FORBIDDEN and you will be punished WHEN (not if) we find out.


help prog-cloth
help tailor-play
help skill
*Last Updated: 01/30/21 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

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