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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
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Help for 'tailor-play'


Tailoring can be abused. Don't do that.

Be coherent with your skill level: For example, if your character's tailoring skill is 'mediocre' it makes little sense to craft 'an alluring masterpiece that draws the attention of everyone in the room'.

Don't abuse descriptions: Similarly, stating that a piece of clothing 'entices your imagination' or something that involves another player's actions or feelings is inappropriate and considered power-gaming.

Respect materials: cotton is cotton, not white gold. Stick to the material you're using. It's ok to add beads or rhinestones for instance, but not to make a gold pendant out of a bolt of leather.

Respect intentions: Tailoring is for making clothes, not props. Don't make musical instruments, baby alligators, severed human limbs, weapons, vehicles, just don't make props with material.

Brevity: try to keep your messages on the brief side. Making a text wall for a single item worn discourages players from reading your char's descriptions or even looking at them.

Be original: doing a replica of an item already sold in stores is bad. Don't make plain silk dress shirts, simple sneakers, or microdresses, those already exist in game.

Don't cheat: making items that try to pass as hoodies, ponchos, shrouds, umbrellas, or specially armor is not cool. Don't try to make anything that can confuse a player -- tailored items can't be codedly used as disguises or armor.


If you remake an existing garment into something completely new, make sure that what you are doing makes RP sense. Describe your new item as something recycled or upcycled. Don't change fabric from denim jeans to stretchy leggins, even if both are codedly synthetic cotton. Don't turn a tiny g-string into a full-length robe. Someone who sees both the item before and after you alter it should say 'yes, those changes make RP sense.'

Be fair, be themely, be realistic.


Furthermore, it's possible to simply fail at tailoring. Inadequately-skilled people who get their hands on some material might find that they can't make it into what they want to make it into, or, can't finish it once they get started. Beyond this coded hurdle, adhere to the guidelines above.

help tailoring
help prog-cloth
*Last Updated: 03/28/20 by Fengshui*
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