Shinohara Heavy Industries is now known ICly as "Planetary Resources Incorporated" (PRI).
It is based on the east side of Red Sector, on Gibson Avenue just south of Fuller Street. The industry pays minimum wage and is not selective about its employees for boxing operations.
If you are looking to make some easy but time consuming money, first make sure your @history is approved and then head to SHI/PRI. You will have to ask In Character (the SIC is a good place) where to find it.
To start working, go to the correct room and type: 'scanin'.
Then, you must periodically type: 'work' or you will get booted out without your pay.
The pay is about 250 chyen an hour, so it should be used as a last resort. When you're ready to leave and collect your pay, type: 'scanout'
If you disconnect in the room, but quickly reconnect you can still get your pay with 'scanout'.
(However, if you disconnect for a long time and did not reconnect in time to type the "work" command within the set time period, you will be booted out.)
Commands: scanin work scanout
SEE ALSO: help job help work Newbie Guide - Wiki Entry for SHI: *Last Updated: 05/25/19 by Fengshui*