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Help for 'radio'


Radio communications in Sindome work similar to radios in the real world, but a bit simplified in ways. Transmissions take power to be transmitted, are sent over specific frequencies that are grouped into conceptual bands, can be affected by interference and are not encrypted by default.

\\ - the common shorthand transmission command shared by radios is \\ followed by what you want to say.

Radios can be found in a variety of form factors:
- handheld walkie talkies
- helmets with built-in radios
- craft installed radios
- cyberware
- fixed radio installations
- (more to come!)


Which band a radio operates in dramatically affects how far away a transmission can be received.


Low Band devices are generally low power and of low complexity. They are negatively affected by dome infrastructure and only work over a limited range as a consequence. As the signal drops off, the receiver will hear interference in the form of static, buzzing, hissing and the sound dropping out. Portable Low Band devices will not transmit inside vehicles due to the body of the craft acting as a Faraday cage and the low power of the devices.


Mid Band frequencies are affected by the Earth's ionosphere, being reflected by the water vapor that accumulates in this layer of the atmosphere. Transmissions from Mid Band devices, while powerful enough to operate within the dome with little interference, will not make it all the way to space and thus such devices are only suitable for Earth-based operations.


High Band devices take substantial power to operate, both transmitting and receiving and require the most complex computer circuits out of the three bands. They generate significant heat when transmitting and require thermal mitigation in some environments. Their power requirements mean you won't find man-portable High Band devices. These are the only way to communicate via radio frequency between Earth, Low Earth Orbit and beyond.


Looking at your radio when it is powered on will show you the range of frequencies it has access to. You can tune to any frequencies within this range unless the specific frequency is restricted.


Some radio frequencies are restricted (like the radios & freqs the WJF uses) and the manufacturer is required by law (in character) to block radios from transmitting and receiving on these frequencies. Looking at your radio when it is powered on will show you the list of restricted frequencies it cannot tune to.

There MAY be ways to modify radios to get around this built-in safeguard. Find out in character.


On radios that allow this, keying the mic essentially is holding down the transmit button. When you do this, you are taking control of the frequency and no one else can broadcast on it. This is intended for long form transmissions like radio shows and the like. It will eventually automatically time out as your radio overheats, but even if you key and then unkey right away your radio will be on cooldown for a while.

help phone
help radio-order
*Last Updated: 01/21/23 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.