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Help for 'prog-cloth'


Prog Cloth is a special kind of tailoring material which can be used to create especially flashy clothing. With Prog Cloth, you can make clothing that shimmers, changes color, displays flashing patterns, makes noise - almost anything you can come up with!

Credit to Battle Jenkins for extensive development testing and writing this help doc.

Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material has all the functions of normal tailoring materials (see 'help tailoring' for more details), in addition to extra, special functions tied to a simplified version of Sindome's scripting language.

Garments made with Prog Cloth, in addition to having a standard 'tease' action, also have an 'activate' action, which runs a scripted multimedia experience. The "@activate_action" message can be set by a tailor, and is a single message that display differently for all users, much like "@dtease" does.

If you are in a room that has the proper equipment, and you have the proper skill, you can program a script into the material using the "program" command. You may add up to 10 lines, each one beginning with one of the following commands: SAY, MUMBLE, EMOTE, POSE, PAUSE, and TEASE. "%t" should exist on each line that isn't a pause, referencing the item itself.

Example: SAY "Now, %t! Activate transformation sequence!"
Gives: You exclaim, "Now, Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material! Activate transformation sequence!"
This command has the wearer say or mumble something as a part of the scripted sequence.

ex: EMOTE "strokes the %t, looking warily around the room."
Gives: Wearer strokes the Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material, looking warily around the room.
This command projects a message beginning with your character's name, written in the third person. See "@help emote" for more details.

ex: POSE "warily .stroke my %t, glancing around the room."
Gives: You warily stroke your Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material, glancing around the room.
This command projects a message formatted like a pose. See "@help pose" for more details.

ex: PAUSE 3
Gives a three second pause between lines.
This command will provide a pause between lines of your script, in seconds.

ex: TEASE "The %t begins to shimmer, emitting a soft humming sound."
Gives: The Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material begins to shimmer, emitting a soft humming sound.
This command will project a message formatted exactly as you type it.

You can also include references to colors within these messages. In addition to %color, which provides the color of the garment as set by a tailor, you can also reference the following ANSI colors:

%red, %yellow, %green, %cyan, %blue, %magenta, %bright
%brred, %bryellow, %brgreen, %brcyan, %brblue, %brmagenta

These codes will be replaced with the name of the color, rendered in appropriately colored text. For example:

TEASE "The %t starts flashing %brblue and %brred, emitting a police siren noise."
Gives: The Prog Cloth programmable multimedia material starts flashing [1;34mbright blue[0m and [1;31mbright red[0m, emitting a police siren noise.

With the right skills and these tools at your disposal, you will be able to create extremely unique garments and props. You can experiment with the scripting language extensively before you need to finalize anything, so take all the time you need to become familiar and comfortable with the scripting system. Have fun, and good luck!

help tailoring
*Last Updated: 06/17/18 by Fengshui*
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