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- Baphomei 15s
- baewulf 3s
- RedProtokoll 4m
- BubbleKangaroo 2m
- QueenZombean 2m
- Knyghtskye 2m
- Lena 12s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 9s
- adrognik 3s
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a Kard 3h
- zxq 37m
- Baguette 56s waow
- Emily 56s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
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Help for 'deathball'


Deathball is a kill-the-man-with-the-ball style sport played by two teams. The game is played in a translucent sphere controlled by low gravity wells which allow players to navigate it with feats that evade the laws of physics. The goal of the game is to score by getting the ball in the opposing Mag-Lock. The Deathball itself is composed of an anamorphic Neutronium ball that shifts with the wielder's violent intentions. A powerful explosive device is shielded by the carapace of the ball and detonates at the end of each thirty-minute half. When a player is killed they are automatically QuickCloned(R) by recombination tanks.

Sponsored by the likes of Genetek Revival, New Light Media, ViriiSoma Pharmaceuticals, and Saedor Krupp. Each team is adorned in custom modifications on both a cybernetic and biological level. There are even rumors of U.N. approved biological aberrations typically quarantined by TOTACT treaty regulation. The betting market for Deathball is widely traded via stocks but there are some Red Sector establishments that are rumored to deal in actual chyen.

Evolving from older violent games, an early form of deathball was being played in Bansupuro Park in the early 2070's. This game was witnessed by NLM EyePods in the streets of Red Sector then brought topside, where the modern version developed. By 2080, Eternalism had begun to widely endorse the event as a demonstration of the tenacity of their lord and it had gained momentum throughout Withmore City both by Incorporated Citizens and mixers alike.

Street variants of the game are most common throughout Red Sector, however, most players are recruited amongst top CorpSec employees and mixers alike.

In street rules, the game is not played in zero gravity. The deathball does not explode at the end of the half. Instead, the deathball can extend spikes which will injure or kill the person who catches it, depending on if it was thrown by a teammate or a member of the opposing team.

The court contains three sections. A center court controlled by no team, a left court controlled by team A, and a right court controlled by team B.

Any number of players can play on a team, and teams can be lopsided to offer a handicap.

Some games are played to KO instead of death. The rules typically state that only dying via the deathball is allowed and no weapons or combat is allowed during the game.

The ball drops in centre court and is recovered by one of the teams which advance the ball by throwing it. The goal is to score on the other team, and the other team may have a goalie who attempts to block shots (which will result in them being injured).

Goalies can switch to other roles or be replaced if they are KO'd or killed.

The winner is the team with the most points at the end of the game.

Currently, deathball is not playable. It is just viewed by watching TV.

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*Last Updated: 11/09/20 by Mench*
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