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- Burgerwolf 11s PRETZELS
- BubbleKangaroo 3m
- Rillem 1m
- Phexion 26s
- Sivartas 21s Burning bridges as i run past.
- AdamBlue9000 37s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Zulfi 55m
- Emily 3m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Kard 9h
- Bruhlicious 1s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Baguette 1m waow
- zxq 1m
- Wonderland 1m
a Mench 23h Doing a bit of everything.
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for 'chyen'


Chyen is the currency of Withmore City. There are chyen bills of all denominations and they are issued by various corporations. It's not uncommon to see a stack of chyen notes and have a mixture of notes from various different corporations. This is all just flavor. There is no difference between RPing a stack of all NLM notes and a stack of mixed denomination, mixed corporation notes. It's all worth the same.

At times you may hear chyen referred to as 'chy' or 'flash' or 'credits'. It's all the same.


count - To see how much money you have on you.
pay to - Pay someone the amount specified.
shortchange to - Attempt to fool someone that you've paid them in full.
dropm - Drop a specific amount of money on the floor.

Bank commands.

deposit - Deposit money into your bank account for safekeeping.
withdraw - Withdraw money you own from the bank.
open account - Create an account with the bank.
transfer to - Pay someone through the bank without having to see them in person. must be their SIC alias.
transfer to - Transfers money from a personal account to a business account. Note the acct must be the account number, not the business name.
balance - See how much it is that you've got in the bank.
vend chip - Purchase one of the few models of credchips.
buy disposable cred chip - Buy a disposable, non-reloadable cred chip
cashout <1st/2nd/3rd/etc> chip - Cashout a disposable credchip
history - see recent banking transactions

help pickpocket
help credchip
help crate
help weekly earnings cap
help job
help work
*Last Updated: 09/02/24 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.