How do you play card games with the in-game "Deck of cards" item?
Here are a couple of examples. Many games should be playable with the cards. Instructions for Blackjack and for Texas Hold'Em follow.
Blackjack! This guide written from the perspective of the deck holder, IE dealer. Deal two cards to yourself with "Deal deck to me" followed by "2." Players pay the dealer their bets with "pay X to dealer." You can skip this if there isn't any money on the game, or perhaps you have a different way to make a pot of money for card games. Deal two cards to each player with "Deal deck to player" followed by "2." Show the players your hand with "flip hand." The players can see your cards with "look hand on dealer." The players bet more! The players hit! Do this for them with "Add deck to player" followed by "1." Play until the players stop hitting, or all bust. Then, "add deck to me" one card at a time until you bust or win. Finish by using "collect deck" to take the cards and shuffle, followed by "pay X to winner," assuming you yourself didn't win.
Texas Hold'em! This guide written from the perspective of the deck holder, IE the dealer. Collect bets from the players. Players pay the dealer their bets with "pay X to dealer." You can skip this if there isn't any money on the game, or perhaps you have a different way to make a pot of money for card games. Deal two cards to each player, with "deal deck to player" followed by "2." Deal three cards to yourself, with "deal deck to me" followed by "3." The players bet some more, or don't. Deal a fourth card to yourself, with "add deck to me" followed by "1." Players bet more! Deal the fifth and final card to yourself, with the same command as before. The players reveal their hands with "flip hand," and determine who has the best hand. Pay the winner their due with "pay X to winner." Remember to "collect deck" to take back all the cards and shuffle. *Last Updated: 06/17/18 by Fengshui*