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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised
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Help for 'appear'

Syntax: appear / appear

The 'appear' command is used to slightly alter your appearance and demeanor. It is an IC command that you can use when your character is affecting a physical change such as hunching, trying to appear taller, sucking in their tummy to appear skinnier, pushing out their belly to appear fatter, or appearing more feminine, masculine, or androgynous than they typically are.

Appear is available to everyone, but some of the abilities it offers are only available when the character has a high enough disguise skill. Appear is a powerful command that can enhance your roleplay in a variety of ways. It can be coupled with disguises to make you increasingly unrecognizable amongst the sea of people in Withmore City.

Appear physically changes how your character is presenting themselves to the world. If you appear taller, your short description will change. If you appear shorter, your short description will change. The same goes for your gender.

Below you will find a more detailed explanation of some of what you can do.


Simply typing the command with no options will show you a list of what you can do. This will change as you increase your disguise.


This will show you the appearances you are currently affecting.


You straighten your back, adjust your shoes (possibly putting in some lifts) and you appear taller. If you were previously short, you would now appear average. You must be wearing shoes for this to work.


You adopt a hunch, and appear shorter. Your short description will go down a level (if possible).


You push out your belly and appear fatter than you are. You must be covering your abdomen with clothing for this to work.


You suck in your belly and appear skinnier. You must be covering your abdomen for this to work.


This option is gated behind a disguise skill check AND an charisma check. If you don't have a high enough charisma you can't appear uglier. Cause you already ain't attractive. Appearing uglier will impact your short description, and will impact how you are treated by NPCs in various situations.


This option is gated behind a disguise skill check. If your 'ht me' shows something above 'excellent' such as 'spectacular' you can use 'appear weaker' to drop your health message. This works in a similar way to @holdback, but it does not affect your stats.


You can appear as a short description that is not your physical gender (if you want to change your physical gender short desc you still use @shortdesc change). For example if you are masculine, you can 'appear hag' to change your characters pronouns to the feminine, and appear as a 'hag' in your short description. Your characters ACTUAL pronouns will change.

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PORT: 5555

Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.