There is no 'alias' command on Sindome. Let's talk about a few things you MIGHT have been looking for when you typed 'help alias'.
Are you looking for information on SIC aliases? Try 'help sic-commands' to see how to change your alias.
Are you looking for a way to modify the name that shows up when you enter a room or when you are in a room? You can do this with @title. Type 'help @title' for more information.
Are you looking for a way to change the name that shows up in game when you are walking around? This can only be accomplished with a very high 'disguise' skill and gear that lets you disguise. Or, with expensive elective surgery that is only available through extensive RP. 'help disguise' for more info on that.
Your BGBB alias, which you set when you created your account on the website, is also your OOC-Chat alias. There is no way to change this alias once it has been set.
If you have NOT set your bgbb-name / OOC-Chat alias you can do so with the '@bgbbname' name command by doing '@bgbbname my-alias-here'
SEE ALSO: help sic-commands help @title help disguise *Last Updated: 03/28/20 by Fengshui*