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Help for '@look_place'

Syntax: @look_place / @lp / @sleep_place / @sp / @temp_place / @tp
       @look_place me is
       @sleep_place me is
       @temp_place me is

There are three commands that you can use to let other players know what you are doing within the room when they type 'look' or when they enter the room.

**Note: Please do not use your @TP/@LP to make it look as if your character is sleeping. This is against the rules for specific reasons, do not do this.

@look_place (@lp for short)

This command lets you set a persistent message about your character that will show up instead of the default 'John is standing here.'. It will not change unless you clear it or change it to something else.

@look_place is used to set the details about you that people can see when they look at the room. These are ambient details about your character including what you are doing. It is intended to alert anyone entering or observing the room to what your character is doing. Such as leaning against a wall, playing cards, and so forth. Your @lp stays until you change it. So make sure to update it often or even set yourself up an @macros to effortlessly replace with a default.

Set your @look_place: @look_place me is

@sleep_place (@sp for short)

This command lets you set a persistent message about your character that will show up instead of the default 'John is sleeping here.'. It will not change unless you clear it or change it to something else. It only shows up when you are NOT connected. It will always begin with 'is sleeping here,'.

Set your @sleep_place: @sleep_place me is

Ex: @sleep_place me is on the ground.
John is sleeping here, on the ground.

@temp_place (@tp for short)

This command lets you set a temporary message about your character that will show up instead of your current @look_place message (this does not affect your @sleep_place). It will not persist when you change rooms. This can be very powerful and allow you to set a one-off message like 'John is leaning against the bar.' and not have to remember to change it when you leave the room. It also allows you to set a more persistent and verbose @look_place message that you don't have to change as often.

Set your @temp_place: @temp_place me is

Check your @look_place / @temp_place / @sleep_place by typing just the command.


@look_place me is leaning against the bar, sipping a beer.
John is leaning against the bar, sipping a beer.

@lp me is grinning from ear to ear.
John is grinning from ear to ear.

@look_place me is dripping blood from numerous wounds, eyeing the street around him.
John is dripping blood from numerous wounds, eyeing the street around him.


@look_place / @temp_place / @sleep_place should be written in the third person. IE: He, she, they. Not I, my.

@messages me will reveal a list of messages that you can set on yourself.

You can toggle on temp_place auto emote with '@options tpemote'. This will make it so whenever you change your @temp_place you also emote out the change automatically.

help @describe
help @nakeds
help appear
help shortdesc
help disguise
*Last Updated: 12/03/23 by Fengshui*
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PORT: 5555

Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.