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- F9DFCQ 27m
- Emily 15m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- NightHollow 18m
- mercuri 17s
- Napoleon 2m
- Bruhlicious 5h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- SacredWest 3h
And 24 more hiding and/or disguised
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Cyberware & Nanogens

Neural ProcessorCyber-BrainSaedor Krupp
Central Processing Unit for most implants
Flashboost Capacitor UnitCyber-GutSaedor Krupp
Temporary boost of speed, recharges after use
GPS Location ChipCyber-SpineSaedor Krupp
No matter where you go, there you are!
Secure Identification ChipCyber-SpineSaedor Krupp
The standard Withmore City ident chip
Behavior Modification ChipCyber-SpineWithmore Justice Force
Can't control yourself? The law will do it for you.
Skillsoft Chip SocketCyber-HeadSaedor Krupp
Learn new things the easy way!
Pain Editor ChipCyber-SpineSaedor Krupp
Keep from passing out from pain in those critical moments
Cortex BombCyber-Brain???
Suicide is just a thought away ...
Thought ReceiverCyber-BrainSaedor Krupp
Know what they're thinking about you!
Studdly DoRight™ Phallic ReplacementCyber-GroinSaedor Krupp
Do her right, all night long, stud.
TruSight™ Interface SocketCyber-WristZircon Matsua Industries
Never miss again with the best targeting system around
Subdermal SkinwatchCyber-WristNito Kodak
Never lose your watch again and change the color to fit your mood
Supplemental Renal SystemCyber-KidneysSaedor Krupp
Optimized liquid waste processing, helping you keep moisture in
Nailz(tm) FingerBladesCyber-FingersSaedor Krupp
Death is at the tip of your fingers
Cybernetic EyeCyber-FaceSaedor Krupp
Lets you see, nothing special
Visual Overlay Optical ModuleCyber-EyeSaedor Krupp
Heads up display for all your implants
Thermographic Vision ModuleCyber-EyeNito Kodak
Don't let them sneak up on you, see their heat!
LowLite Nightvision ModuleCyber-EyeNito Kodak
Now with Paris Hilton Porno Mode!
Telescopic LensesCyber-EyesNito Kodak
Zoom in on that girly across the way ... or your enemy
Image Enhancement LensesCyber-EyesNito Kodak
Swim in a sea of visual information from the things around
Color Changing Cybernetic EyeCyber-FaceSaedor Krupp
Lets you match your eyes to your wardrobe
Video Transcoding ChipCyber-HeadSaedor Krupp
Route your video security feed directly into your head
Cybernetic EarCyber-HeadSaedor Krupp
Lets you hear, nothing special
Amplified Hearing ChipCyber-EarSaedor Krupp
Lets you hear quiet convos thru doors!
Echolocation ChipCyber-EarSaedor Krupp
Find your way in the dark, like a bat.
Sound Editing ChipCyber-EarSaedor Krupp
Makes it easier to eavesdrop on conversations.
Sonic Dampening ChipCyber-EarZircon Matsua
Auto-leveling system, keeping loud noises quiet.
Universal Translator ChipCyber-EarSaedor Krupp
Lets you better understand almost any language.
VS Gills INano-SkinViriiSoma
Perks of a fish, without the stink
VS Pheromone Enhancer INano-SystemViriiSoma
One shot to make you smell like an angel
VS Metachrosis Skin INano-SystemViriiSoma
Become a chameleon and blend in with the shadows
Muscle Graft INano-SystemViriiSoma
Get a shot, grow more muscles
Synaptic Stimulus INano-NervesViriiSoma
Expand the surface area of your synapse
Hemoglobin Replacement INano-MarrowViriiSoma
Replace your hemoglobin with a chemical that attracts more oxygen
Enhanced Antibodies INano-BloodViriiSoma
Speed healing with an upgraded immune system
Cerebral Enhancement INano-BrainViriiSoma
Grow more connections between your brain cells
Nanosurgeons INano-BloodViriiSoma
Stop bleeding in the nick of time
Toxin Binders INano-KidneysViriiSoma
Filter out life threatening toxins and keep from overdosing
Feline Sculpture ModuleNano-SkinViriiSoma
Feel that furry vibe with a custom skin scuplture
Body Modification Culture ModuleNano-SkinViriiSoma
Have your own skin design built from the ground up