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- Enkidu 56s
a Mench 34s Doing a bit of everything.
- Slyter 40m
- Emily 38m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- Enven 1h
- NightHollow 3h
And 21 more hiding and/or disguised

SenatorDankstrong's Profile

human man
SenatorDankstrong is from Malaysia.
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Twenty Answers

Which would be harder for you to give up: coffee or alcohol?
Neither because...why would I drink these shet?
If money were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
Tokyo, Japan. It's my utopia.
Who is your favorite cartoon character? Why?
I don't really have any favorites.... Why? Cause I aint got no favorites!
If you were offered the position of mayor of your city, would you take it?
No. Not gonna have myself burdened with taking care of the people, taxes or whatnot.
Have you ever pooped your pants? (not including when you were a baby)
Do you think all dogs go to heaven?
Absolutely I guess. Eh..
What two languages would you like to be fluent in?
Japanese German.
What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Pure uranium from Chernobyl.
Youre in prison with a life sentence, what was your crime?
Neglected my loved one in Withmore
If you were in the circus what kind of performer would you be? (Clown, tight-rope walker, etc)
An audience. Cause an audience performs by whooping and hollering right?
If you could got back in time 1,000 years, what year would you visit?
Shit, not being able to go to medieval times? I guess the Viking age would do.
Would you rather be a judge or a lawyer?
What phobias have you overcome in your lifetime?
Steamroller and time stopping phobias.
What insect do you wish would completely go extinct?
Cockroaches. Because fuck cockroaches. Worse if they evolved into Homo erectus.
What fashion trend do you wish would go away?
Don't really give a shit about those..
If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your new name and where would you go?
If you found out you were the direct descendant of a king or queen, would that boost your self esteem or have no affect on you at all?
The latter cause no one would give a shit anyway.
Has anyone ever saved your life?
If you could break any world record which one would it be?
Answering zero of these sometimes stupid questions.
If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be? many...fuck it. EVA from MGS3 cause why not.

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