Fengshui says, "Please find your seats. We will be starting in a moment."
Panda absent mindedly pokes and fiddles with his left ankle sheath.
[OOC: Butako exclaims, "
https://www.twitch.tv/sindomerp for the tunes!"
Mirk mumbles, ", "*:peak:ng en:li:h, in : s:ro:g Scottish voi:e: ...I see :hem again..: I'll... :hey'll see..:."" under his breath.
Mia appears out of nowhere.
Hazel takes a bite of his calzone and chews it thoughtfully before swallowing.
Hazel pops the last bite of calzone in his mouth.
Frost sits cross-legged on the floor.
Jo appears out of nowhere.
Dreamer looks tired and yawns sleepily.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "town hall is starting any second."
Rose flips the cap open on her ruby flarelighter and presses the button, the
red flare sparkling for a second before she flips it off.
Fengshui approachs the podium leaving a vapor trail of light as he moves. he places his hands on either side of the podium and smiles warmly out at the crowd, "Welcome to the July 2019 Town Hall Meeting! The second of two Town Hall meetings this year!"
Hazel stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gerik appears out of nowhere.
Hazel edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Gerik edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui motions out over the crowd with his left hand, causing confetti to appear and begin falling, inches above the heads of some of the participants, "These Town Hall meetings have a long history. I attended my first Town Hall as a newbie player, way back in 2003. It was an excellent experience, everyone being together and discussing the game in a constructive and positive way."
Maina appears out of nowhere.
Kard rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Jo edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui smiles out at the crowd for a moment before continuing, "These Town Hall meetings are incredibly helpful in that they give the admin a chance to update you on what we've been working on, and we get a chance to hear from the most important part of the game."
Kard appears out of nowhere.
Kard walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui motions out over the crowd again, "All of you."
Fengshui Flash a white toothed smile as he says, "We iterate on our process each time we hold a Town Hall. For example, I iterate on this speech."
Mia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui chuckles and says, "This Town Hall is no different. After the meeting we will send out a feedback from. I hope each of you will take the time to fill it out so we can make the next Town Hall event better."
Sasha gets out his slice of pepperoni pizza.
Sasha takes a bite of his slice of pepperoni pizza and chews for a few moments before swallowing.
Sasha finishes his slice of pepperoni pizza and disposes of the remains.
[OOC: Fengshui says, "please refrain from eating, and doing other poses/emotes"
Fengshui motions to the speaking queue, "This is the speaking queue. We use this to help us stay on topic and keep track of who's turn it is to speak. When you are interested in joining the conversation on a specific topic you can 'join speaking' to join the queue."
Fengshui pats the speaking queue onna head, "If the queue is open, you will be able to join."
Jo gets out her pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs.
Jo snaps a pair of pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs around her wrists.
Fengshui lies a hand on the speaking queue, causing it to vibrate slightly, "When it's your turn, the queue will ping you. You can then stand up, and say your piece. When you are done you can sit down to indicate you are finished. If you are asking a question, you can wait for an answer before sitting if you feel you'll want to add more after."
Enri appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui flicks a glance over the crowd, "Please don't remain standing if you are finished though. It's really the only indicator we have that you are done. I will then move the queue on to the next person. When we are drawing short on time for a topic, I will close the speaking queue and no new people will be allowed to join. When we finish with folks in the current queue, we'll switch topics."
Theseus's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Archer appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui jerks a thumb over at the queue again as he says, The queue has some additional features that let us manage the Town Hall with a minimum of hassle. If you 'look queue' or 'look speaking' you'll see some nifty information such as the current topic and if the queue is open or closed.
Archer edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui jerks a thumb over at the queue again as he says, "The queue has some additional features that let us manage the Town Hall with a minimum of hassle. If you 'look queue' or 'look speaking' you'll see some nifty information such as the current topic and if the queue is open or closed. Hopefully this makes keeping track of things a bit easier for everyone. When we switch topics, the queue will announce the new topic."
Greggy appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui nods and says, Speaking of topics, hopefully everyone has reviewed the Agenda and pre-read items so we can jump right into the discussion. If you have not, it is here: http://sindo.me/BJR5EoPWB
Greggy sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui continues speaking, "Please have your comments pre-prepared as much as possible. The agenda covers all the topics we'll be discussing-- so write your initial statements ahead of time. That way you can stand up, say your piece, and we can jump right into discussing it without awkward silence while you type."
Greggy stands up from the floor.
Fengshui motions around the room again, "Admin have the ability to turn moderation on and off. When it's on, only admin and the person who's turn it is on the speaking queue can speak. This should reduce the crosstalk and let us get through more of our topics, more quickly. When moderation is turned on and off, it looks like this"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Phlox lets her fingers play against the hem of her jacket. The dragon on the back of her Neon Sun aviator jacket suddenly comes to life, peeks over Phlox's shoulder, and roars at Fengshui! before retreating back into place.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Mohammed briefly exposes his groin.
The first thing you notice about his groin is that it is a mound of thick, black matted pubes. His weiner is short, maybe abnormally short. You can hardly see the uncircumsized ant eater when flaccid, and it isn't much longer nor does it have much more girth when erect.
Jaheim starts applauding politely.
Charley briefly exposes her groin.
Between her legs is a small, waxed, and very slightly puffy slit. Her butt looks rather soft and squeezable, even though there isn't really much there. A cute paw print is tattooed onto the right cheek of her buttocks in black ink.
Archer briefly exposes his right arm.
Inked in thick black lines on the underside of his right forearm is a strong looking iron cross. Centered in the cross are two sowilo runes, strong symbols cut into the flesh and shaded to look as though they are truly carved into the solid muscle of his arm.
Eisako sighs quietly.
Johnny gets his Annie Lennox on.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui grins and says, "It's important that you have your statement prepared--unless of course you're the first person in the queue. Even then, please keep an eye on the upcoming topics and try to have your statements prepared ahead of time."
Greggy sits cross-legged on the floor.
Secra's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Fengshui ticks a few things off on his fingers as he speaks, "Please be respectful of others in your comments. Please do not reveal IC information in your comments. If you're not sure if what you're saying is IC info or not, err on the side of caution."
Archer stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Archer vanishes from the meeting.
Angel appears out of nowhere.
Angel reaches a hand up and grips her liberty purple hoodie, struggling for a moment before tugging off the synth-cotton material.
Angel gets out her liberty purple hoodie.
Angel puts her liberty purple hoodie away.
[OOC: Butako exclaims, "Please avoid emoting, posing, exposing your dicks, fiddling with items, etc. Thanks!"
Fengshui smiles and says, "We're going to cover a lot of stuff today. Everything from new code you may or may not be aware of, membership and finances of the game, new in character policies, new initiatives, and new in game directions. We will start with speeches, like this one, from the admin that have important stuff to say, and then we will move on to open discussion. You can follow along via the agenda document."
Secra hauls herself to her feet, rubbing her eyes.
Secra stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Secra vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui leans forward on the podium, looking excited, "Thank you all for coming. Every Town Hall is an incredible opportunity to connect with each other and it helps us nail down what we will be focusing on in the next six months."
Luise appears out of nowhere.
Luise reaches a hand up, gripping her chocolate poncho at the scruff of her neck, and gives it a good hard tug, sliding its entirety off her body in one swift motion.
Luise gets out her chocolate poncho.
Luise puts her chocolate poncho away.
Angel edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Luise edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Torsten appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui steps back from the podium, "Without further ado, our fearless leader, Johnny!"
Fengshui snaps his fingers and gigantic glowing neon signs appear in the air in front of the stage reading [APPLAUSE] [APPLAUSE] [APPLAUSE].
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Roach starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Jaheim starts applauding politely.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Mench starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Dethrow screams.
You start applauding politely.
Hermes starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Rejind starts applauding politely.
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Moira starts applauding loudly.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Mono starts applauding politely.
Liang starts applauding politely.
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Angel starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Rose burps loudly.
Jo starts applauding politely.
Mohammed disgustingly releases some methane.
Shift starts applauding rapidly.
Charley starts applauding politely.
Chayna starts applauding politely.
Johnny steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench shouts loudly, "YEAH! GO JOHNNY!"
Johnny says loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* Welcome everyone to the 2019 Summer Town Hall! Thank you all for joining us today."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Our community has been pretty busy over the last six months, so let's get everyone up to speed with what's been going on!"
Johnny says loudly, "First off, we continue to be not only the most popular Cyberpunk MUD, but also often the #1 MOO period. https://i.imgur.com/p1YMriB.png"
Johnny says loudly, "And these metrics are 3rd party, both mudstats.com and grapevine.haus backing up our own numbers. https://i.imgur.com/IBqpQlN.png"
Johnny says loudly, "Over the past 6 months, we've been called to vote on a number of issues. I'll review them now."
Johnny says loudly, "On February 17th, we voted to bring on two support GMs."
Johnny says loudly, "On February 18th, we voted to suspend a player for 3 months for multi-playing 3 characters. The player was forced to forfeit all 3 characters but allowed to continue playing after their suspension."
Johnny says loudly, "On April 27th, we voted against bringing on a support GM."
Johnny says loudly, "On April 27th, I called a vote of no confidence for Cerberus due to a break down in trust and communication. Before the vote could be finished, Cerberus called a vote to make Slither Chief Justice in my place. Prior to this vote finishing, Cerberus resigned."
Johnny says loudly, "I continue to be dismayed about making this decision. I really valued what Cerberus brought to the team. I consider him one of my closest friends. It's impossible for me to log on without thinking about what I've done."
Johnny says loudly, "But I didn't do this for myself. I did this for the community. Some individuals who left us because of our support for Cerberus over the years have begun returning. I apologize to anyone who felt driven away just for being who you are. "
Johnny says loudly, "On April 28th, we voted to bring on a new support GM."
Johnny says loudly, "On May 19th, we voted to ban a player for repeated OOC violations including meta-gaming and OOC collusion. This was the same player who was voted against becoming a support GM the month before."
Johnny says loudly, "On May 19th, we voted to suspend a player for 3 months for the same collusion."
Johnny says loudly, "On May 23rd, we voted to bring on a new support GM."
Johnny says loudly, "On May 29th, we voted to amend section 2.B. of the Admin Policy, adding the paragraph: This applies to NPCs reserved for the use of a single, specific Admin as well. They are NPCs and not PCs. EVERYTHING needs to be noted in detail as if they were any other NPC. NO exceptions."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "It hasn't been announced yet so give it up on July 3rd, we voted to make Glitch the Head Builder!"
Johnny toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
You start applauding politely.
Liang starts applauding politely.
Charley starts applauding politely.
Amon respectfully bows to Glitch.
Shift shouts loudly, "WOOOH!"
Aika starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Roach applauds politely at Glitch.
Zylas starts applauding politely.
Jaheim starts applauding loudly.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Kard exclaims, "*speaking english* WOO Glitch!"
Dethrow shouts loudly, "HELL YEAH GLITCH!"
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Charley shouts loudly, "DON'T FUCK UP!"
Panda starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Niko starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding sarcastically.
Solmaz says, "YEAH JMAN"
Rose shouts loudly, "MEME"
Glitch smiles innocently.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Shift shouts loudly, "PROMOTE THAT MANO!"
Mench shouts loudly, "I BLAME GLITCH!"
Flash starts applauding politely.
Molly starts applauding politely.
Ibris respectfully bows to Glitch.
Angel starts applauding politely.
Greggy starts applauding enthusiastically.
Blinder [to Glitch]: Woooooo!
Glitch laughs loudly at Mench.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "WOOOO IT WASN'T ME!"
Phlox cheers!
Johnny toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Butako [to Glitch]: O CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!
Blinder laughs loudly at Fengshui.
Glitch laughs loudly at Fengshui.
Johnny says loudly, "Our systems have been pretty stable this semester but things could be better. "
Johnny says loudly, "The MOO was only unavailable for an hour in total over this time, which included a planned outage for maintenance and 2 runaway CPU incidents."
Johnny says loudly, "It's usually hard to really get a handle on these CPU incidents without trial and error, but we think we identified the source of the problem with this one. It was caused by an unterminated while loop in our custom wrapping code. We introduced the bug with 256 color support, but Slither fixed it."
Johnny says loudly, "Some time in April, our link shortener was stuffed with a bunch of malicious links and subsequently blacklisted by Cloud Flare on April 26th. It took us 48 hours to successfully get the blacklisting lifted after purging the malicious links and making our app respond to them the way Cloud Flare wanted us to. We have nerf'd the Sindo.me shortener so you can't use it directly as a means of blocking the spammers. It still does its job for the webclient, which is how almost everyone was using it anyway."
Johnny says loudly, "Outside of the Gojira bug system, our systems were up 99.9% of the time or better."
Johnny says loudly, "Since we've moved to Amazon Web Services, we've done pretty good performance-wise. "
Mia's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Johnny says loudly, "Our server selections have been adequate for the usage for the most part. The MOO has been the one area where we've hit performance walls. We've since enabled 'Unlimited' CPU consumption, which allows us to burst above our allotted usage. "
Johnny says loudly, "Some of this bursting is free, but we have recently begun to exceed our free credits and incur additional costs for this increased CPU usage. The cost so far has been pennies so it's nothing to be concerned about, but it's something we're monitoring closely because this is a new experience for us. I don't believe it will increase our costs more than a dollar a month."
Mohammed stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mohammed vanishes from the meeting.
Johnny says loudly, "When we realized this was the solution to the lag that was occurring, that we were hitting an artificial ceiling, it was asked why we didn't go up to the next product tier within the Amazon computing service. The short answer to this, since its likely to be a thought others have too, is that the next tier up adds an additional CPU of the same maximum speed. Given that the MOO can only take advantage of a single CPU, the next tier wouldn't give us much benefit."
Johnny says loudly, "We'll keep an eye on this, as we get an alert every time we engage 'Turbo Mode'."
[OOC: The game has been saved and backed up successfully to disk. 'help cp']
Johnny says loudly, "Our costs remain consistent with some annual and less frequently recurring expenses taking place this semester. "
Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/IJHJzgK.png"
Mia hauls herself to her feet, rubbing her eyes.
Grimes appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "the jump in cost for the teal bar is when sindo.me was stuffed with bad stuff"
Johnny says loudly, "it'll go away next month."
Sayuri appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "We paid for another 3 years on our domain names."
Johnny says loudly, "We paid for another year of service monitoring. This is how we know how we've got 99.9% uptime."
Johnny says loudly, "Every month we pay Amazon between $50 and $65 for various services including bandwidth consumed, metric monitoring, physical storage. This excludes the primary costs of computing hardware, which we prepaid for 36 months in June of 2018."
Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/HK1dtns.png"
Greggy takes a long drag from his lit cigarette, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke into the air.
Doug's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Doug hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Johnny says loudly, "the blue shows individual transactions, either memberships or bills we're paying"
Sayuri edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "the red shows the balance in the bank over the same time"
Johnny says loudly, "Our funding is sufficient for the next 48 months given our costs. At the beginning of the year, this was just over 36 months. "
Isaac appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "As always, your funds are only used for The Sindome Corporation business. None of us board members, staff or otherwise get any portion of your membership dues."
Johnny says loudly, "Our memberships are up 17% over last semester."
Johnny says loudly, "We have over 100 individuals with active Club Memberships! Thank you to all our members! Y'all keep the lights on."
Johnny says loudly, "More folks have been choosing to renew their memberships, with more than 50% of memberships being folks coming back after having previously had a membership before. "
Johnny says loudly, "While we had about the same number of regular memberships, we had 13 individuals able to secure the 18 month membership option on top of those. "
Johnny says loudly, "One of the primary reasons our runway went from 36 to 48 months is due to the new $125 membership option. It was pretty popular, sold out quickly and likely will remain a rarely available option. There are two reasons for this."
Johnny says loudly, "First, the MOO is healthy financially. The initial boost to our balance sheet replenishes the funds we spent prepaying for our servers. We really appreciate the support of our community, but at the same time, it would be greedy of us to say we need the extra funds. "
Johnny says loudly, "Second, I'd like builders to spend their time building interesting destinations for adventures and tragedies, not private places. Apartment complexes are great for building skills, but there's a lot more interesting work to do."
Johnny says loudly, "As we have funds for keeping running situated, it seems only fair to talk about returning value to our members beyond keeping the game running."
Johnny asks loudly, "Should getting a Sindome membership come with stuff beyond a membership pad? Perhaps a Welcome package with a handy command reference and a collectable Sindome pin? Stickers? Bookmarks? Should we have someone working on merch in general?"
Torsten sits cross-legged on the floor.
Grimes edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Isaac edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "I'd like to hear input from the community when we open the floor for questions."
Maina edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Now for the fun part! Let's review the huge list of stuff worked on over the past 6 months."
Johnny says loudly, "Let's start with the help. We've updated or added more than 100 help files including more detailed information on stats and substats."
Johnny says loudly, "We've added reminders that we have help files, reminders to read specific help files like metagaming and we've added a 'help recent' command so you can stay on top of all these changes to help."
Tarav appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "We've updated 'examine me' for new commands we've added over the past 2 years or so."
Tarav edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "We've updated the 'speaking' command, highlighting the language you're speaking in red. (this should probably use $su:highlight to be accessible)"
Johnny says loudly, "We hope these help improvements are making it easier for new players and returning players alike."
Johnny says loudly, "We've improved gameplay in a number of ways big and small this semester."
Johnny says loudly, "First, we rolled out 256 color right after the last town hall and I think it's been a big hit with everyone. Since then, we've addressed a number of trailing issues about it - clothing colors, ansi art, channel socials, etc."
Torsten's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Johnny says loudly, "We did an audit of store pricing and standardized the variance for the various city sectors so that pricing is consistently higher or lower in the right parts of town. We also capped the number of items per store shelf and limited them to 5 shelves, thus determining the maximum number of items you'll find in any store."
Johnny says loudly, "You can deface security cameras with spray paint now. Please do keep in mind the need to respect the public nature of your actions -- give us a heads up when you're doing this topside or in front of characters, real or ambient."
Johnny says loudly, "We closed the meta hole with bank accounts, doing transfers by SIC alias now instead of the name of the character."
Johnny says loudly, "We fixed bugs with dart boards, photos in wallets, drunk walking, TV schedules, blood drawing, stationary enotes and sleazing."
Immram appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "We made it so you'll see characters forced into vehicles and updated / fixed the thermos and telescopic vision systems."
Johnny says loudly, "'Watch all' will no longer waste your abilities watching yourself."
A thousand slithering snakes appear from various nooks and crannies and head toward the center of the room where they combine into a voltron-esque being known as Slither.
Immram edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Stealing now randomly chooses 1 of multiple items when the individual you're robbing has more than one of those items. Previously, you'd get an error exposing that the person has more than one of the item."
Johnny says loudly, "WJF Operators finally see the random sic chatter from admin."
Johnny says loudly, "Employment positions will reset to the most junior tier for the job when the position is vacated in an employment terminal."
Johnny says loudly, "We reduced the eviction grace period from 2 weeks to 1 week at Westinghaus to make units available for renting sooner. "
Johnny says loudly, "We updated a number of member pads facing parts of the city that we only pretend exist so they have windows with some sort of view now. We also fixed the elevators at Ashlin Crown I hear."
Johnny knocks on wood.
Johnny says loudly, "You can determine the potency of a drug by inspecting it."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "You can expose yourself!"
A thousand slithering snakes appear from various nooks and crannies and head toward the center of the room where they combine into a voltron-esque being known as Slither.
Johnny says loudly, "We advanced character definition by letting you determine your character's @skintone (which shows up when you enter a location), @personality (which is up to you to portray) and preferred default adverbs when using socials."
Johnny says loudly, "Character weight is now calculated based on your height and build. This fixes the long standing problem of unrealistic weights / heights / builds."
Johnny says loudly, "We've made a number of changes designed to limit bad conduct."
Johnny says loudly, "We had already put limits on how much unspent UE you can accrue, but this semester, we added a limit to how much you could raise any stat or skill per day. "
Johnny says loudly, "We limited your @titles to 15 characters. I'm sure whoever caused this change knows who they are."
Johnny says loudly, "You can no longer hand a live grenade to someone. *ahem*"
Johnny says loudly, "You can no longer see the chyen inside of closed containers with the image enhancement lens module."
Johnny says loudly, "Everyone is a unique Someone on OOC-Chat from now on."
Johnny says loudly, "We added a check when tease messages are entered to stop people from abusing them to get the undisguised name of another individual."
Johnny says loudly, "We did a bunch of great work on NPCs starting with the chatter system."
Johnny says loudly, "Slither did gangbusters work on the chatter system and hope everyone is getting to experience the effects of it."
Johnny says loudly, "We did some big fixes to mementos, npc groups and the dispatcher that orchestrates them to address their spawning and retiring. This should be causing the streets to feel more populated. "
Johnny says loudly, "We also increased the number of npcs roaming around in shrouds. In fact, when you put a shroud on, there's a pretty high chance that there is another character walking around in the same shroud."
Johnny says loudly, "We removed shopkeepers' wants, as this was at odds with their code for handling buybacks."
Johnny says loudly, "Corpie tourist NPCs slumming it in the mix will now have a wider variety of @look_places."
Johnny says loudly, "When memento NPCs are killed, you'll no longer be able to loot the items they are responsible for, as those items will disappear from your inventory if you did get them."
Johnny says loudly, "The dispatcher will no longer send an NPC passenger for a taxi driver PC who has reached their weekly earnings cap."
Johnny says loudly, "The potential payout gangers will give for items has been reduced from 100% of the items value to 75% to give fixers room on the market."
Johnny says loudly, "For those of you who don't know, a memento is a chunk of objects, be they an npc and all its gear, or a room and all its stuff, that are serialized out of the MOO onto the hard drive to save memory space."
Johnny says loudly, "The courier NPCs will no longer give crate runs to corpies in the gold sector."
Tax appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "The MOO is looking fit and trim these days compared to the past."
Johnny says loudly, "We completed a project to transition photos to lazy loading objects so that their detailed data is kept on disk until its needed in the MOO."
Johnny says loudly, "Auto-pruning code is built into numerous systems at this point, from courier npcs to store receipts and everything in between. We've finally upgraded this pruning system to run on its own, no more need to run it manually. Its been running every week for a few months now."
Johnny says loudly, "We even went into the bars and pruned dead bartenders off the registers."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to State of the Corp.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "After our MOO cleanup day, we reduced the MOO down to 113 Megs, giving us more room for all the crap folks shove in their closets!"
Johnny says loudly, "New tools were released for staff, improving their ability to support your RP."
Johnny says loudly, "We added an interface for staff to file puppet requests, supporting use cases like returning to characters, IC chains of command, and queuing puppet work by more senior GMs. We also added a @request-service option for staff to make requests of senior staff."
Johnny says loudly, "We added an optional warning when admin send a message to a player channel, giving staff a means to avoid horrible mischans. "
Johnny says loudly, "We added more @gm-options too! GMs can now disable their natural ability to see in the dark, see hidden things and highlighting directories in file listings."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "The new @scheduled command gives us the means to filter the amount of information we get about scheduled tasks in the scheduling system that governs anything that runs on a timer code-wise. This list had grown quite long!"
Johnny says loudly, "We added a new command for GMs to get all the things a character is authorized for, doors, vehicles, shops, etc all work by auth lists, so this brings all the data into one place."
Johnny says loudly, "We also made it possible for support GMs to get limited information from @stats - namely, they can confirm you have a clone."
Luna appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "The final category of improvements is the largest, things that improve playing the game for everyone."
Johnny says loudly, "We updated the help on combo door (help codelock) to make it more it more obvious how to get out of programming mode and generally make this long important doc more readable."
Johnny says loudly, "It's no longer possible to close the mag-lev doors manually."
Johnny says loudly, "We added shortcuts for freehands (fh) and glance (gl) commands."
Johnny says loudly, "We made @shortdesc macro friendly by allowing you to specify your choice in the command itself."
Johnny says loudly, "We fixed the false pronoun warnings that were occurring when tailoring clothing."
Johnny says loudly, "We fixed all the bad sindo.me urls."
Johnny says loudly, "We fixed all the borked grid forums."
Johnny says loudly, "You can view the webclient logs again. If anyone has a broken webclient log, we can help you fix the file to make it viewable in your browser again."
Johnny says loudly, "We made it so you can see your pending puppet requests."
Johnny says loudly, "We updated @ansi to give you simple means of controlling the new 256 color support and added the @colors command to give us all the means to work with this expansive new palette."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "We caused and fixed quota issues with mazes and npc groups - a positive consequence of us increasing the amount of npcs roaming around. We also found some long standing problems with dynamic rooms and believe we've resolved those issues. You might not end up in the $nothing now!"
Johnny says loudly, "We wrote a whole new low-level column formatting function and have been slowly implementing its usage around the MOO since we added 256 color support. If you're still seeing tables of information where the last columns are being cut off, report those so we can migrate them over to this new code."
Johnny says loudly, "We fixed the messaging when renting a residence to properly communicate how frequently you must pay the rent there. Not all locations are the same interval."
Johnny says loudly, "We also audited our rental classification groupings, verifying the rents and sizes of units to determine whether they're suitable for standard member pads, large member pads or fall outside of these."
Luna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "We added a warning that license request fees are non-refundable."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Overall, our massive bug backlog was chopped down to just 250ish issues!"
Johnny says loudly, "I did like, 4 or 5 of these things, so I would like to thank Slither, Mobius, Glitch and anyone else who had a hand in this massive list of improvements."
Johnny turns to the staff and bows politely.
Fengshui grins mischievously.
Johnny turns back to the crowd.
Johnny says loudly, "This semester has been pretty hard on me mentally."
Johnny says loudly, "I've had a great deal of pressure to spend free time on my IRL work projects and technologies, soaking up both time and energy I would otherwise put towards Sindome work. "
Johnny says loudly, "My family has been facing some health challenges as well that require a lot of back and forth to doctors."
Johnny says loudly, "Between these moments, I've been battling the inertia of working on Sindome stuff. Just working on the grid 3.0 requires me to be completely connected to sindome. This brings with it all the immediacy - supporting staff, seeing errors occurring, the spam of channel activity from RP. They all need attention, distract and remind me of who is no longer a part of the team."
Johnny says loudly, "Suffice it to say, I got little done on Grid 3.0. I believe I've completed the coding on the auto restore process, so we're at the phase where I need to test migrate grid 2.0 data into grid 3.0 and begin the final testing."
Johnny says loudly, "Really, I just need to find the mojo at this point. My IRL work is showing I can have a more sane schedule again and I'm hoping that with this town hall, I can move on with the future of Sindome and stop thinking about its past so much."
Johnny says loudly, "Grid 3.0 will continue to be my focus. I am also talking with someone interested in helping with the project -- apologies to you if you're listening, I know you're waiting for another reply, I haven't forgotten you -- just slow at emails. :)"
Johnny says loudly, "Now, I've talked for a long time now, so I'd like to make my ending a little shorter."
Johnny says loudly, "Thank you all for making our community the success it is. I am ever so thankful for those of you who volunteer, for those of you who contribute content, for those of you who contribute funds, for those of you who just show up and share excellent RP with us."
Johnny says loudly, "Please keep having fun, keep scheming in the dark and please keep pushing us to refine the experience."
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Thank you!"
Johnny toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Liang starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding politely.
You start applauding politely.
Elana starts applauding politely.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Zylas starts applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Aika starts applauding politely.
Jaheim starts applauding politely.
Chayna starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Roach starts applauding politely.
Charley starts applauding politely.
Jo starts applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Solmaz says, "JMAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Tarav starts applauding politely.
Glitch applauds politely at Johnny.
Niko starts applauding politely.
Liang exclaims, "*speaking english, in a smooth, Asian accented voice* Nice Speech!!!!!!!"
Fancy exclaims, "*speaking english, in a creole accented low, sweet voice* YAY!"
Lora starts applauding politely.
Rose burps loudly.
Shift starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Rejind starts applauding politely.
Charley shouts loudly, "WOO, GRID 3!"
Angel starts applauding politely.
Ryuichi starts applauding politely.
Enri exclaims, "*speaking english, in a deep, bassy Cuban-accented voice* YEE HAW!"
>shout WOO!
You shout loudly, "WOO!"
Maks starts applauding politely.
Johnny bows respectfully.
[OOC: Greggy clap
Rose says, "I'm empty inside."
Greggy starts applauding enthusiastically.
Chayna says, "*speaking english, in a soft, slightly lilting feminine voice* <3 Johnny"
Johnny steps away from the podium.
Moira starts applauding loudly.
Panda exclaims, "*speaking english, in a loud English accent and lightly feminine voice* Love your work!"
Mirk exclaims, "*speaking english, in a strong Scottish voice* word!"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench exclaims loudly, "We all love an' appreciate ya Johnny boi!"
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui grins and continues to applaud as he steps up to the podium, "Now we're going to hear from our freshly minted Head Builder: Glitch."
Enri edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui backs away from the podium and motions toward Glitch.
Greggy takes a long drag from his lit cigarette, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke into the air.
Glitch rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Virgil appears out of nowhere.
Mench eyes Glitch warily.
Glitch walks up the microphone and tap it.
Virgil edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Glitch says loudly, "Firstly, I want to personally thank both Blinder and Butako for their assistance in this migration of responsibility during the hand over of our building function to myself (which we only actually finalised on July Six) however I have been acting in this position for a couple of months."
Glitch says loudly, "Between the last town hall and today, a large quantity of typos were corrected by the builder team, a significant apartment building was released (Which involved the creation, and customisation of over 600 objects by Blinder and Butako) as well as an addition to an existing location to provide further functionality and to be frank more reason to go there including more smokable items. "
Glitch says loudly, "In addition to this we've within the last day released a new cube hotel into the red level as well as made Cup-o-Joy Bowls the reality they deserve to be."
Butako gets out its oh my thai curry cup-o-joy bowl.
Butako slurps up a fork full of long noodles from its oh my thai curry cup-o-joy bowl and chews for a few moments before swallowing.
Glitch laughs loudly at Butako.
Glitch says loudly, "A whole stack of normalisation activities were completed on Blue as well as a large number of redecorations and other builder related activities that dont fall under their own heading."
Glitch says loudly, "In the lead up to this meeting, we have completed an assessment of all current building projects, re-prioritised them and created further building documentation to allow Senior Staff to see at a glance what our building pipeline is and when projects (or as I call it, Project Runway, because its funny) will be released on to the game at large. This will allow much more focused improvement of the game world in the long term with additional quality control built into the process, to minimise any errors in new buildings moving forward."
Glitch says loudly, "We have one more building project set to be released into the In Game world prior to the end of the month, which has been in progress since 2017 and will add significantly to the lore of the game world."
[-][Game-Help] The [Emote Tutorial] is now IN-USE. [10 karma]
Glitch says loudly, "In Addition to this, we have a further 10 building projects on our development pipeline in various stages, which we expect to complete by the next town hall. These vary from things such as additional large member pads and other player accomodation through to large scale NPC description updates across the MOO (at last count this included about 40 NPCs). "
Glitch says loudly, "We have one other significant change to the game world which we expect to complete within 12 months however it is in its infancy so too early to give any detail around at this point and may take longer depending on code supporting requirements yet to be scoped and negotiated with our programming team."
Glitch says loudly, "We have 10 further ideas at a proposal stage pending that will be moved into our development pipeline as they are further fleshed out and approved to proceed and we have room to accommodate them."
[-][Game-Help] The [Emote Tutorial] is now FREE. (@tutorial emote) [10 karma]
Glitch says loudly, "If you believe a specific area of the game is overdue for some love, feel free to send your suggestions to [email protected]. While I cant guarantee well work on it, it will definitely help us when we prioritise the work that needs to be completed. Thank you."
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Butako applauds politely at Glitch.
Blinder says loudly, "Soon to be more than ten. "
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Panda woots! "More buildings and things to explore!"
Dethrow starts applauding politely.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Aika starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Liang applauds politely at Glitch.
Niko starts applauding politely.
You start applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Chayna starts applauding politely.
Phlox exclaims, "WOOHOO!!!"
Elana starts applauding politely.
Liana starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Amon exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a stoic, authoritative voice* I want more Badlands settlements!"
Panda starts applauding politely.
Glitch walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Dethrow shouts loudly, "KILLING IT!"
Flash starts applauding politely.
Shift exclaims, "Wooo!"
Hiroshi starts applauding politely.
Kard applauds politely at Glitch.
Virgil starts applauding politely.
Shift starts applauding politely.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui steps forward to the podium again and places his hands on either side, "Now we'll hear from Dreamer, representing the GMs."
Fengshui steps back from the podium.
Dreamer floats down by the podium and waves at everyone.
Dreamer says loudly, "*speaking english* Thanks to all you chummers and citizens for showing up and spending some time not playing to listen to us discuss the state of things. This is my first speech so Ill keep it brief and talk from the heart instead of statistics and metrics which while important, I am terrible with."
Dreamer says loudly, "Weve had an intense year so far. Youre all aware of the heavy changes staff side but Ill focus on the good kind of heavy. At the moment our team is kitted out in groups of three (almost). Weve got our Seniors, our GMs, our Support GMs, and our Builders. "
Fengshui coughs, "Coders." cough cough.
Glitch snickers sarcastically at Dreamer.
Mench mumbles something about Publishers too.
Dreamer says loudly, "At the top we have the Seniors, Slither (Fengshui), Glitch, and of course Johnny, leading from behind the scenes while taking care of the high level biz. They support the GMs with their combined decades of experience in Sindome. They are our Overwatch."
A giant
applause sign floats over the coders heads.
Dreamer incredulously rolls his eyes at Mench.
Dreamer says loudly, "At the center myself, Storm, and Mobius are running plots and major storylines trying to push narrative and make big decisions. We do our best to support all facets of the game and we get some seriously needed backup from our SGMs."
Dreamer says loudly, "The trio of Support GMs are Kard, Mono, and Crow, who work the majority of everyday tasks and gridmails and help immensely with the day to day things that come through. Several of them are even running their own major plots. They grow up so fast."
Mimi stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mimi vanishes from the meeting.
Dreamer says loudly, "The Builders here break the cycle, because builders break things. Weve got Butako and Blinder blasting buildings and baking bits of ...okay enough of that, theyre making all kinds of things happen. New hotels, new halls, new food, theyre doing the creation with Glitch in there having multiple jobs to make the rest of us look bad."
Dreamer scratches his chin, thinking if he forgot anyone...
Johnny chuckles softly.
Dreamer says loudly, "And of course, Mench. Performing wizardry in the background and generally keeping things maintained. He likes to hide but we always know he's there, ready to strike and flip a desk at a moments notice."
Dreamer says loudly, "Were a solid team. We all bring something different to the game with the hours we volunteer, the style we have, the methods we use, and where we shine. A group of different minded individuals means many thoughts and views go into creation and it really shows when we put things out. Im proud to be part of this team and I hope to be for a long time coming."
Mench chuckles softly.
Dreamer says loudly, "Remember that I expect all of you to keep telling great stories, being fair and kind minded players, and enjoying the ups and downs that the CP world of Sindome brings. Laterater Bakalakas."
Dreamer floats away back to his corner to watch all of you.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Tarav applauds politely at Dreamer.
You start applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Panda blows a kiss to Dreamer.
Liang exclaims, "YEAH DREAMER!!!"
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Jane fangirls real hard and clap also too as well.
Roach starts applauding politely.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Charley starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding politely.
Shift shouts loudly, "DREAMER HAVE MY BABIES."
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Chayna starts applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Hiroshi starts applauding politely.
Aika starts applauding politely.
Shift starts applauding politely.
Rose shouts loudly, "I'M NOT A BAKA"
Elana starts applauding politely.
Glitch applauds politely at Dreamer.
Butako applauds politely at Dreamer.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Liana starts applauding politely.
Dethrow puckers her lips in the air.
Fancy shouts loudly, "YEAH! FUCK IT UP!"
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Zylas starts applauding politely.
Moira shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in an otherworldly, hollowed & demonically accented voice* WOO!"
Sasha starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding politely.
You shout loudly, "WE LOVE YOU DREAMER!"
Phlox says, "WOOO"
Charley shouts loudly, "AM ON TEEVEE"
Dethrow applauds politely at Dreamer.
Maks shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, growling, and Russian-inflected voice* NOIICE"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Solmaz says, "STAFF LOVE"
Johnny applauds politely at Dreamer.
Fengshui continues to applaud as he steps back up to the podium, bobbing his head to the music from the live stream, "Now we'll hear from Operations-- which is me."
Fengshui says loudly, "I am going to throw some numbers at you and recognize a few people on the staff and player side. The stats are ALL TIME but all time is subjective since I've added these analytics over time and not all at the same time. So, some are from the last 2 years, and some are from the last 2 months and some are a few weeks (like typo analytics)."
Fengshui says loudly, "Sora has done 1332 cloth cleanups. THANK YOU."
Fengshui says loudly, "Jak has done 1097 cloth cleanups."
Fengshui says loudly, "Liana has done 930."
Owens appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui says loudly, "Lorcan, Niko, Flash, Archer, Arachne, Svetlana, Cassy, Elana, Lisette, Renna, Riya, Yunika, Maks, Owens, Fancy, Valentina, and Charley have all done 100 or more cloth cleanups."
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Thank you ALL for keeping the MOO Clean!"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Liang starts applauding politely.
Glitch starts applauding politely.
Hermes starts applauding politely.
Roach starts applauding politely.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Wow, thanks guys!"
Jane starts applauding politely.
Owens says, "*speaking english, in a Michigan-accented voice* Nice."
Shift starts applauding politely.
Phlox exclaims, "WOOHOO!"
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Sasha starts applauding politely.
Dethrow suddenly gasps!
Aika starts applauding politely.
Zylas starts applauding politely.
Elana starts applauding politely.
Hermes exclaims, "*speaking english, in a masculine and damaged voice* Go Sora!"
You start applauding politely.
Tarav starts applauding politely.
Hiroshi starts applauding politely.
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Chayna starts applauding politely.
Charley points finger-guns at Fengshui.
Liana starts applauding politely.
Maks starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench exclaims loudly, "Good job guise! Appreciate it!"
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "villa has the high game-help karma of 121. Thanks for helping the new players!"
Fengshui says loudly, "Rangerkrauser has the most notes left total with 443. Thanks for keeping us informed."
Fengshui says loudly, "Switching over to admin--"
Fengshui says loudly, "Storm has completed 1173 puppet requests the most of any GM, closed 51 service requests, approved 539 histories the most by an order of magnitude, denied 463 histories again the most, left 2338 notes, and sent 4410 xhelps."
Fengshui says loudly, "Dreamer has done 934 puppet requests, 97 service requests, approved 26 histories, denied 12 histories, left 949 notes and sent a whopping 11,330 xhelps which is like 3x higher than anyone else. Also he has 151 game help karma."
Johnny says loudly, "Denied?! fucking hardcore number."
Johnny laughs loudly.
Dreamer holds his chest and coughs subtly.
Hana appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui says loudly, "Crow has done 127 puppet requests, approved 35 histories, denied 57 histories, left 266 notes, and sent 447 xhelps. All in only a month and a half."
Hana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench starts applauding politely.
Fengshui says loudly, "Kard has done 68 puppet requests, 2 service requests, approved 41 histories, denied 33 histories, left 420 notes, sent 873 xhelps and has been learning MOO coding and closing bugs on boa. He's on track to be making big code contributions! All in only 5 months."
Johnny makes an Obama notbad face at Crow.
Fengshui says loudly, "Glitch has done 31 puppet requests, 126 service requests, approved 29 histories, denied 37 histories, left 137 notes, sent 1853 xhelps, created 96 things, dug 41 rooms, described 6 things, and set 623 props. The most props set, I believe."
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Mono has done 25 puppets,1 service request, approved 22 histories, denied 37, left 171 notes, and sent 299 xhelps. In only 2 months!"
Fengshui says loudly, "Butako has done 108 puppet requests, 161 service requests, sent 911 xhelps, created 151 objects, dug 159 rooms-- the most of any builder, described 22 things, set 427 props, approved 40 redec requests also the most of anyone, denied 22, and fixed 16 typos."
Fengshui says loudly, "Blinder has done 17 service requests, sent 816 xhelps, created 247 objects the most objects created, dug 198 rooms which is the most of anyone, described 86 things, set 272 props, approved 8 redecoration requests, denied 1 redec request, fixed 1 typo, and categorized 230 typos which was very helpful since now we know which ones Coders need to address."
Johnny thankfully nods at Blinder.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Whoops, guess Blinder had the most rooms-- either way both Blinder and Butako have dug a LOT!"
Fengshui says loudly, "Mobius well, we don't have stats on Mobius because I recycled him by accident last week."
Blinder exclaims loudly, "NEVER ENOUGH!"
Johnny laughs loudly.
Blinder laughs loudly.
Glitch grins mischievously at Fengshui.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Oh wait, I restored him. He's fine. Well, mostly fine. Bits of him are missing. He's done 306 puppet requests, 22 service requests, 95 history approvals, 30 history denials, left 377 notes, and send 777 xhelps, created 7 items, added 3 props, set 15 props, programmed 173 verbs, and added 8 verbs. He's becoming one of our most prolific coders!"
Johnny says loudly, "he twitches a little from time to time too."
Blinder says loudly, "777, nice."
Mench chuckles softly.
Fengshui says loudly, "Johnny has done 10 service requests, sent 945 xhelps, programmed 1378 verbs, added 183 verbs, added 228 props, set 40 props, created 78 objects, and dug 6 rooms. That's on top of the server work, grid 3.0 work, webclient code, and website code updates, which are innumerable."
Fengshui says loudly, "I, Fengshui/Slither, have done 18 puppet requests, 310 service requests, approved 23 histories, denied 14 histories, left 2946 notes, programmed 3715 verbs, added 414 new verbs, added 486 new props, set 843 props, created 81 objects, dug 4 rooms, described 28 things, approved 3 redec requests, denied 6, fixed 2 typos and categorized 3 typos, and sent 4055 xhelps."
Johnny says loudly, "thats a lot of xhelps."
Fengshui says loudly, "We've been tracking that the longest, I think."
Fengshui claps his hands and says, "Sadly I cannot mention everyone who deserves to be called out for their good works. Thank you to everyone I missed and special thanks to all the Staff who devote so much time to making the game run day to day."
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Panda wolf whistles and claps at all those stats!
Aika starts applauding politely.
Jo starts applauding politely.
You start applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Liang exclaims, "YEAH STATS!!!"
Hiroshi starts applauding politely.
Elana starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Niko starts applauding politely.
Rose shouts loudly, "420 NOTES"
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Zylas starts applauding politely.
Solmaz says, "SLITHER SO LAZY"
Jane starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Statement from Head Builder.
Maks shouts loudly, "DEEEEAM."
Sasha starts applauding politely.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Statement from the GMs.
Greggy starts applauding enthusiastically.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Statement from Operations.
Moira shouts loudly, "420"
Arachne whistles loudly.
Roach starts applauding politely.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Skills & Archetype Discussion.
Phlox exclaims, "NUMBERS YEAH!!"
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Mirk clap quietly
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Kard says, "*speaking english* I'm never noting ever again, sorry everyone."
Greggy takes a long drag from his lit cigarette, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke into the air.
Kard chuckles softly.
Fengshui says loudly, "We're going to begin our actual discussion now-- slightly ahead of schedule which is nice. Please STAND UP when it is your turn and SIT DOWN when you are done to indicate we can move on. Please have your statements prepared if possible."
Fengshui says loudly, "The first topic is: Skills & Archetype Discussion & Low-hanging fruit that would make your favorite archetype/skill more "codedly badass" without having to ask Admins for help"
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Fengshui says loudly, "As well as How to avoid being meta about skills that don't have coded support"
Rose has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Rose.
Solmaz has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Rose widens her eyes.
Rose exclaims loudly, "I just want more support for explosives and such!"
Dethrow stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui nods and says, "Do you have some examples of what you would like to see?"
Rose says loudly, "Maybe add some more, make things more viable without xhelping."
Charley has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose says loudly, "More -craftable- explosives."
Phlox stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Phlox edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose says loudly, "And, make it so two bottles come from one when making molotovs."
Dethrow appears out of nowhere.
Dethrow edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Rose chuckles softly.
Rose walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "It's a balancing act because we can't destroy actual buildings or dynamically make rooms have descriptions that are representative of all different types of explosives having gone off in them without writing 5x the room descriptions."
Johnny says loudly, "Thats definitely crafty."
Owens glances down at her digital watch.
Rose says loudly, "Ah, my mistake."
Liana has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose says loudly, "-NOT- two."
Rose says loudly, "Two already come from one occasionally."
Rose says loudly, "I'm done now."
Fengshui says loudly, "But if you've got ideas for different types of explosives, definitely create a BGBB post looking for feedback and other suggestions on it."
Mohammed appears out of nowhere.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Solmaz.
Solmaz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mohammed edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Nefret has joined the Speaking Queue.
Lora has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Solmaz.
Solmaz says, "RE: decker/techie addtions, It'd be insanely cool and healthy for the archetype(s) to have things like SIC-cracking (scraping encrypted traffic to varying degrees of success, lower your own and others' bills, creating free keys, etc.) or more progia cracking (short range tool that lets you listen in on progia conversations nearby, 'cracking the frequencies' or something?) -- things that aren't necessarily Grid 3.0-reliant but still themely and make the archetype more valuable and offers them leverage. IMO, there should essentially be no means of communication or saving/sending information in the game world that isn't, at some point, to some entity of skill/tools/chyen, vulnerable. this breeds paranoia, suspicion, and creates paydata, specifically in the hands of the archetype that should be the the master of paydata. all of these things can be balanced with appropriate tool needs, skill checks, legal fine risks, tip offs to those being cracked, etc. Thank you."
Solmaz sits cross-legged on the floor.
Solmaz stands up from the floor.
Solmaz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Shift asks, "How do I join the line to speak again?"
[OOC: Sasha says, "join queue"
Shift has joined the Speaking Queue.
Tarav has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui casually nods at Solmaz.
Johnny says loudly, "I've previous dismissed the notions about technical paydata based on the assumption that paydata about actual data is data we'd have to have in the moo"
Johnny says loudly, "But i've come around to new designs whereby the paydata doesn't have to live in the MOO."
Isaac has joined the Speaking Queue.
Johnny says loudly, "It can be transient in messages outside the MOO, in message queues."
Johnny says loudly, "being retrieved by whatever we build to retrieve them when someone earns some nugget of info"
Johnny says loudly, "in this way, you'd tap into a feed of recent events that had been recorded"
Johnny says loudly, "we'd give you different aspects of this feed depending on what system you were getting the paydata from"
Johnny says loudly, "getting sic events from the sic system, bank events from the bank, and so on."
Fengshui says loudly, "Sounds somewhat similar to have we have the $chatter system set up. Which is based on event streaming systems like Kafka."
Johnny says loudly, "and this in fact is how I plan to make things work for grid 3.0 paydata"
Fengshui says loudly, "Mobius and I have also been discussing a decker tool to possibly pull encrypt keys (with varying levels of success and failure) off dropped or ripped sic chips. I think this would be a valuable thing deckers could do that could earn em some flash."
Johnny says loudly, "I hear you, I feel you, it will happen."
Fengshui nods casually.
Solmaz nods slightly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Charley.
Greg appears out of nowhere.
Charley stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Greg sits cross-legged on the floor.
Charley eyes her surroundings warily.
Charley says, "I think I'd like a way for deckers to check the recent bank transactions of /specific/ accounts, not linked to the Grid (for now ;)), possibly something similar to the chatter system, behind an IC paywall."
Charley says, "I imagine it'd be a rather large paywall since it'd be for specific accounts, though"
Fancy has joined the Speaking Queue.
Johnny says loudly, "without the grid, you'd have to access it via a service panel of some kind we plan to roll out. Doing a physical hack to gain the access."
Ecko appears out of nowhere.
Charley nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "we have a generic design for the panels and need to spend the time crafting the more specific feature panels that expose things like bank routines"
Fengshui says loudly, "nice 91 online"
Fengshui says loudly, "Work on those has started in a preliminary basis on our dev server"
Charley says, "Alright, nice."
Charley edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "Kard has been working on something to allow deckers to open/close mag-lev doors to lock people on trains and such-- which will use panels like what Johnny described."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.
Phlox stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Phlox says loudly, "I'm not sure if this is the kind of input you're looking for here but having solid fluff for things like how canvases work and how they adhere to surfaces would be nice, because honestly I've just been making shit up as I go. I'd be happy to share the shit I've made up with staff and players."
Fengshui says loudly, "Sure. I'd love to hear it. I think a BGBB post with your thoughts on how it works that other people could weigh in on that we can review and possibly codify in messaging, would be excellent."
Ecko edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "Sounds like a mixed coder/builder project that any of the more junior coders could take on."
Phlox exclaims loudly, "Cool I'll write that up!"
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Thanks!"
Phlox edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Liana.
Johnny says loudly, "I love technobabble."
Liana stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Liana says, "*speaking english, in a lightly accented voice* Definitely not as important as deckers or maybe other archetypes. But it'd be really nice if there was more use for secure tech, especially reasons as to why you'd want to spend a lot of ue in it, rather than just buy a skillsoft or make it a secondary/tertiary skill to have. Maybe creating more security related items? :D Hard to balance out though so I understand why it may be difficult. "
Johnny says loudly, "There's quite a bit of secure tech dependent gear compared to some other skills"
Johnny says loudly, "I can't promise a whole lot of growth in that area while we know other areas are behind it."
Fengshui says loudly, "The security panels will also require secure tech / electro tech to open and use on top of any decker related skills."
Johnny says loudly, "There will be ways these ... yeah, these skills interrelate in ways"
[+][OOC-Chat] Learner:
[+][OOC-Chat] Ancom-chan Baguette: shush, you
[+][OOC-Chat] Learner: How does one check the queue..
Fengshui says loudly, "In some cases, a decker won't be physically capable, in the real world, of doing things without a real life security person to aide them in getting the access they need."
[OOC: Molly says, "l speaking"
Johnny says loudly, "like you might need someone skilled with security gear and someone capable of overcoming software blocks"
Avarius appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui nods casually.
[+][OOC-Chat] chiss: l speaking
Liana exclaims, "That sounds cool! Thanks!"
The Speaking Queue has switched to Nefret.
Liana sits cross-legged on the floor.
Nefret stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Nefret exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in an a soft, raspy and oddly accented voice* Rigging is one of the skills that new people to the MOO ask about quite often, and has limited support for. Could we think about getting mix-ghetto bots such as a camera on a RC toy, a bomb, or something along those lines, and make this not as exclusive as it is currently - and/or requiring puppets? It would be nice to see rigging beyond spying in lawless land. I think behind decking, rigging is one of the other 'top CP' themed things people have in mind at first and often reroll out of, and it's a shame!"
Liana stands up from the floor.
Liana walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Nefret edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Blinder says loudly, "Mmmm. Chapppie."
Blinder chuckles softly.
Fancy has left the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "There is a robot fighting place-- Mobius was investigating what it would take to finalize that code. I think it's most of the way there."
Fengshui says loudly, "I think a BGBB post with suggestions for uses of the rigging skill in the Mix (since we have uses topside already) would be really helpful and bring it to the forefront of coders minds when they are looking for a new pet project."
Avarius edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny asks loudly, "Do we have folks doing robot fighting at all?"
Johnny says loudly, "its completely IC today."
Fengshui says loudly, "No, not that I know of. I don't think we have fleshed out the ICness of it-- in that the GMs aren't aware of how it works and probably need a TLDR."
Fengshui says loudly, "I'll add that as an action item of mine."
Fengshui says loudly, "But do create a BGBB post Nefret, to start everyone brainstorming other rigging uses"
The Speaking Queue has switched to Lora.
Lora stands up from the floor.
Lora says, "*speaking english* Doctors after getting BASHED IN THE FACE. Most of the time it feels like going to a doctor is an optional choice (I did so to get some RP for both me and Doc.) but also a waste of cash game-play wise (I could just sleep it off to heal!) - there should be some consequences for being BASHED IN THE FACE that would make you plead and hustle and scramble the cash to be fixed. Basically make self-regeneration be worse than doctor provided healing - maybe self-healing could lower your physical stats for a while. Low-level medicine has good code support, but little reason beyond RP to actually seek medical aid. "
Lora sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui says loudly, "Taking extreme damage already lowers your stats in some cases."
Johnny asks loudly, "I thought we slowed down healing not too long ago?"
Fengshui says loudly, "that was a decade ago"
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Blaze steps out of the waterfall and climbs out of the tub.
Blaze appears out of nowhere.
Raidne appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui says loudly, "And while I hear what you are saying-- it's also a game. We need to balance the newer player experience with the older player experience. New players don't have the flash to pay for a doctor and making them wait 2 days to be able to walk around without crawling or risking being a SUPER EASY target-- is not great game play wise."
Blaze edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Going to the doctor also gets you back in the fight much faster."
Fengshui says loudly, "seconds instead of hours or days."
Blaze puts his brown hoodie away.
Johnny says loudly, "more infections indeed"
Raidne edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "But I hear your feedback. If you want to start a BGBB post with ideas for how we could improve the current situation without negatively impacting players without the money to pay for a doctor-- I'm all forit."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Shift.
Shift stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Johnny says loudly, "we still need much more variety when it comes to infectious agents and how easy it is to get them from every day activities."
Shift says loudly, ""
[OOC: Shift says, "Oof."
Shift says loudly, ""
Fengshui raises his eyebrow curiously.
[OOC: Shift says, "Sorry pasting isn't working : /"
Fengshui says loudly, "You have smart quotes"
Fengshui says loudly, "You can't paste things with the smart curly quotes into the moo"
Mench says loudly, "*speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* Moo isn't /that/ smart."
Mench chuckles softly.
Shift says loudly, "*speaking english, in a slow and even hispanic accented voice* This isn't a skill-related thing, but I think it's doable with basic scripting. I'd be really pumped if a toggle-able high feelings description of most candy was implemented in a similar way to current withdrawls. It wouldn't need to be telling you exactly what you experience, but general vibes like: You feel a surge of energy. Drugs like Endo are well-lo known for making you feel like a bullet train, so it might be cool to have your character feel that."
Fengshui asks loudly, "MOO Doesn't support UTF-8 characters or is it unicode?"
Fengshui nods casually.
Shift absent mindedly pokes and fiddles with his LnA-3z.
Shift exclaims loudly, "Just as few as three or four in one high would be cool. If people don't like it they can @drugs-feel off or something. I just remember the first time I did drugs IC I was expecting at least an initial taste. Like, a message you'd get from eating a food. I followed along with the other player but was just a bit bummed. It would just be nice to have a counterpoint to the crippling withdrawls. Bonus is it helps focus new players' RPing new drugs. I think people would buy them more too. I'd be interested in help writing these scripts, too. Thanks!"
Fengshui says loudly, "I have seen this feedback in the past and think it's cool. We used to have much more intense withdrawals and they didn't work out-- but I never considered until I heard that feedback, doing positive during the high messaging with what you're feeling."
Shift says loudly, "It would make stacking them even more fun."
Shift says loudly, "I find that RP'ing the withdrawls is fun and easy, but harder on the high end."
Fengshui says loudly, "Please find the BGBB post about this and revive it so that I remember it. Also, you should put in a service request to join fix-it channel if you haven't already so you can help us write htem."
Shift nods rapidly and says, "Okey will do."
Fengshui says loudly, "There is also a Google Drive folder for scripting that can be found in the Scripting section of the boards."
Shift sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui says loudly, "If anyone wants to take a crack at writing some of these scripts based off of their IC knowledge and the info on the Wiki about drugs."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Tarav.
Tarav stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Tarav says loudly, "*speaking english, in a cool, clear and decisive male voice* I would like the munitions skill to see more application; Ability to create variations of existing ammo, ability to -uninstall- weapon mods.. Etc. Thank you."
Fengshui nods casually.
Tarav edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "Some mods can't be uninstalled, like if you saw the barrel off-- but I swore I made it so some of them WERE uninstallable."
Fengshui says loudly, "Can you find a relevant BGBB post and revive it with that request so I can look into why it's not possible now? Maybe I just never finished it but it does seem obvious that we should have that ability-- even if it destroys the mod in the process."
Tarav [to Fengshui]: Sure.
Fengshui nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "yes, some mods are uninstallable"
Fengshui says loudly, "Oh-- maybe I ain't crazy."
Fengshui says loudly, "Some might not be uninstallable but should be. Revive that post and I'll investigate."
Johnny says loudly, "and we do have support for ammo affecting the guns mods"
Fengshui says loudly, "Making it so you can craft better or different ammo is a cool idea we've toyed with in the past."
Johnny says loudly, "so you can make ammo that improves the to hit chance or ammo that does differing damage types"
Fengshui asks loudly, "You can!?"
Fengshui asks loudly, "Wait, can you MAKE ammo?"
Tarav blinks his eyes rapidly.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Or are we talking things we want to do?"
Johnny says loudly, "no, I'm saying you, a coder, can take what we have today and make kinds of ammo that can affect the results of gun combat"
Fengshui nods casually.
Tarav nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Right right. Okay-- hey sometimes there is code I am totally unaware of."
Fengshui chuckles softly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Isaac.
Johnny says loudly, "silencers for sure are supposed to be removable with the right equipment."
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Johnny says loudly, "not sure if it actually takes a tool"
Isaac asks, "*speaking english, in a cold english dialect voice* Will the 'abandoned' buildings and areas in red be renovated or open to renovation for new businesses?"
[OOC: Isaac says, "oops"
Isaac stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Isaac asks, "Will the 'abandoned' buildings and areas in red be renovated or open to renovation for new businesses?"
Fengshui asks loudly, "Eh-- are you talking about the ambient ones or the IC ones?"
Virgil stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Johnny asks loudly, "abandoned buildings you can actually enter or ones just described?"
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Isaac.
Virgil vanishes from the meeting.
Isaac exclaims, "the ones you can enter!"
Isaac says, "abandoned hotel etc"
Fengshui says loudly, "Those are already serving an IC purpose-- you may just not know what that purpose is."
Fengshui says loudly, "be it a semi-safe place for a new player to disconnect, a gang base, a front, or something else."
Fengshui says loudly, "I suggest you explore them more ICly-- if you're up for some risk :)"
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Power emoting/posing/spoofing.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next up: Power emoting/posing/spoofing & What it is & why you shouldn't do it & When it is OK to do it & How to build people's perception of your character organically without relying on ambient population."
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Fengshui says loudly, "Power emoting. An example of this:"
Fengshui grabs a passerby and shout in their face before flashing a blade and glaring at them until they walk away.
Moira has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Moira.
Fengshui says loudly, "Just like you shouldn't include the reactions of NPCs or PCs in your emotes and poses, as it removes their agency to respond how their character see's fit, you should be very careful when considering a power emote."
Fengshui says loudly, "However, there are times where I personally think it is acceptable and adds ambiance."
Fengshui says loudly, "A Judge glaring down passing citizens, a Ganger hassling a passing beggar, a celebrity bodyguard shouldering ambient people out of the way as they move their charge through a crowded bar."
[++] New post to topic 'Cybernetics revamp. Ideas here please.' in Ideas
Fengshui says loudly, "Let's talk about this, and some examples of poor usage of power emoting. If you have examples, that is definitely useful. However, do not use exact examples, we don't need to call anyone out specifically."
Fengshui motions to the queue, "Queue is open."
Moira stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gerik has joined the Speaking Queue.
Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui says loudly, "Two more people and I'm closing it as we are now running behind :)"
Moira says loudly, "*speaking english, in an otherworldly, hollowed & demonically accented voice* So this is an old topic, and what most people would want to know is what is the 'middle ground' in accordance for the staff."
Sayuri has joined the Speaking Queue.
Niko has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Fengshui says loudly, "The middle ground depends on your character."
Fengshui says loudly, "Are you a well known fucking bad ass that half the mix is afraid of? Then having people shuffle out of your way when you enter a bar with your face visible is kinda reasonable."
Fengshui says loudly, "Are you a smelly beggar? Having ambient people steer clear of you because you stink makes sense."
Fengshui says loudly, "Are you a Street Judge? Having ambient people avert their eyes when your helmeted gaze shifts in their direction seems reasonable to me."
Fengshui says loudly, "It also depends on the sector."
Fengshui says loudly, "Smelly beggars probably don't stand out in the mix but they do topside"
Fengshui says loudly, "Corpies and mixers probably avert their eyes from judges on Gold, while in the mix they might be picking up bottles to throw."
Fengshui says loudly, "It's contextual, and if you are unsure, you should ask on game help (in a general way) or on xhelp."
Fengshui says loudly, "or, just don't do it. It's not needed."
Fengshui says loudly, "99% of people don't do this, and don't need to."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Gerik.
Moira sits cross-legged on the floor.
Moira stands up from the floor.
Gerik stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Moira edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Gerik says, "*speaking english, in a deep and masculine voice* I suppose my point is more about forcing other PCs to react to you, power-gaming if you will. a demonstration of this would be:"
Gerik walks up to Fengshui, smirking as a look of fear crosses his face and Fengshui cowers back in fear.
Fengshui strikes Gerik with lightning.
Fengshui says loudly, "Ya burnt."
Gerik edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "But yes, that is very meta and you should never do it."
Fengshui says loudly, "A better way to frame it would be:"
Fengshui walks up to Gerik, smirking as his eyes focus on his face, looking for a reaction.
Fengshui walks up to Gerik, smirking as his eyes focus on his face, looking for a reaction.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Dethrow.
Dethrow stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow says, "*speaking english, in a firm but gentle feminine voice* Gerik jumped on this before I could. Perceptions. IE, posing insinuating other players REACT a certain way, not that something's been done to you. I'd like to reiterate it and point out that things like clothing that makes the onlooker FEEL a certain way is another form of power-posing to be avoid. Along with player descs that leave other players ENCHANTED or FEARFUL etc. I've noticed a couple examples lately that even imply the onlooker 'thinks' about specific analogies when they see someone/something. "
Dethrow holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Dethrow says, "To be avoided."
Dethrow edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Agreed. If you see these things, have a tailor fix them. If you are a tailor: avoid them. If you can't find a tailor to fix them, trash the item. If you are reviewing cloth and you see these things in the messages, delete them."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Sayuri.
Sayuri stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Sayuri says, "*speaking english, in a soft spoken, appealing Korean voice* Not sure if this fits in here, but I think it needs to be addressed. I have noticed people adding in their descriptions how looking at them makes my character feel or react. We should avoid that. Just because you have a fat ass, does not mean I want to squeeze it... And Dethrow touched on that."
Sayuri sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "make the ass 'look squeezable' if you must."
Fengshui says loudly, "Agreed. Please use local OOC to remind people that it's not proper, and xhelp if they fail to change it."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Niko.
Niko stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Niko says, "*speaking english, in a rich whisky smooth voice* Fengshui, Gerik plus Dethrow & Sayuri covered a lot of of what I wanted to say."
Niko says, "I'd just say some other examples of what not to do is basically creating ambient NPCs purely for making your character look intimidating, badass and threatening. Having NPCs fight each other just so your PC can break them up. Please don't create ambient NPCs just to act scared of your characters and essentially be cowed into submission. Or so they can be violently removed/escorted out of the area."
Niko says, "There's measures in place for our characters to actually try to accomplish these interactions. Through plots, exchanges with other PCs, fights. Coded systems like grapple, attack.Actual skill-related tools in game. Even socials have reactions from NPCs built in if you do them (like slap). So when we do these power poses/emotes/spoofs on ambient NPCs, we're bypassing all those coded systems."
Niko says, "I get the need and want, especially if we're playing specific archetypes, for our PCs to come off strongly. But the key is to do that through showing through interactions with other PCs or actual NPCs that can physically respond in their own way rather than us telling the world how ambient NPCs are reacting. Because that isn't a story being created; that's us, as players, deciding how others respond to our characters. "
Niko exclaims, "Thanks!"
Niko edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Yes, if you are going to utilize ambient population in your poses emotes or spoofs, please do so in a general way and not a specific one, where possible. Please refer back to the examples I gave where specific archetypes follow certain tropes-- but if you are a bartender, a 'glance at an unruly patron' may be OK but 'throwing an unruly patron out on their ass' is not."
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next up: Tech-related coded job ideas for decking / electro_tech / etc.-oriented folks. I feel like we already touched on this in Skills & Archetype pretty deeply so we're taking a few people and then moving on."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Tech-related coded job ideas.
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Fengshui says loudly, "Going once."
Mohammed has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Mohammed.
Mohammed stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Maina has joined the Speaking Queue.
Mohammed says, "*speaking english, in a deep, masculine and middle-eastern accented voice* Make deckers essential for big heists; allow them to hack into camera feeds and open doors. That is all."
Fengshui shouts loudly, "CHUKS SONG ON THE STREAM!"
Mohammed edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fancy has joined the Speaking Queue.
Johnny says loudly, "Totally with you on that."
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "The GMs are also handling this via RP and manual skill checks currently, as was mentioned in a recent post."
Fengshui says loudly, "So we are doing it for big things already."
Fengshui says loudly, "Good callout."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Maina.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Maina stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Maina says, "*speaking english, in a quiet and soft voice* Add jobs in red for science skills, both employment based and scan-in based. Currently science skill oriented characters have to entirely rely on crates, the factory and odd jobs to make an initial living in red.(And depending on the skill, continue have to rely on those forever.)A first, simple addition could be scanin jobs at SHI that pay higher hourly rates (or increase the frequency you get 250), based on your science skills. Then dedicated jobs for each of the skills, for example repair shops, sweatshop programming firms, cybernetic calibrations, biomod factories etc.Of course they'd need to be balanced so that corp jobs have higher potential payout, but not all characters can use these corp jobs, be it either their history or player preference.Those are needed as deckers take more than 3 weeks of daily crate running to afford a liteterm, besides also keeping their clone up to date and spending chyen in minimum amounts.(And thats besides the point that a liteterm won't help you make the chyen back, and the gridnerd meta stigma turning your character into a joke.)Personally I'd love a scanin/employment job accessed through the liteterm, something along the lines of freelance/remote programming."
Johnny says loudly, "Everyone has to rely on crates initially."
Glitch says loudly, "*speaking english* Whilst we would have to assess such a change, I will say that during our last build meeting, we discussed future direction around these types of things."
Fengshui says loudly, "I'm not against having science related jobs on Red, for those that don't want to play a corpie but want to play a character that has those skills. They would be a stop gap though, something you work hourly like SHI most likely-- but at slightly higher pay. Programming sweatshop, or something is cool."
Fengshui asks loudly, "*speaking english* Maina, can you create a BGBB post in ideas with those suggestions so that we can track it and get other player feedback and ideas?"
Maina says, "Sure."
Maina sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Fancy.
Fancy stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Fancy asks, "*speaking english, in a creole accented low, sweet voice* I think Deckers should be able to hack into Rent Kiosks and mess around reset or pearn peoples codes, Or Employment terminals to get a higher payout, or lower someone elses pay out.. I think stuff like that would be fun and useful and might create more hunts, which would be good RP? Also Have deckers be able to 'cheat' the sic balances for a high enough price as another way to get sic creds without chuting or paying?"
Fancy says, "Uh,, Learn, not pearn."
Owens vanishes from the meeting.
Fancy edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* I believe we have some hacks planned for things like cube kiosks"
Alivia appears out of nowhere.
Alivia walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "same with employment terminals"
Johnny says loudly, "being able to see someones salary for example"
Johnny says loudly, "just seeing information can be incredibly powerful"
Fengshui says loudly, "I think stuff like that is a ways off because let's be honest, it would fuck up the balance of A LOT of things. Jobs are set at coded levels right now for balance reasons. And making a system where one decker could do all those things would need a ton of balancing. It's not impossible or something we DONT want, but it isn't something we want to do on a whim because it could unbalance a lot of things."
Johnny says loudly, "thats why I'm talking about the lower level hacks vs the dramatic effects ones, hehe"
Fancy says, "That makes cents."
Fengshui says loudly, "But gathering information-- that is powerful and something we can add without worrying someone is going to all the sudden have a billion chyen, as Johnny said."
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to OOC Chat Etiquette.
Fengshui says loudly, "Okay, we're behind schedule and I want to skip this. Don't be an ass on OOC Chat. Read the help file I wrote on it."
Mono appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui says loudly, "If you think you're not being an asshole but someone says you are, you are, just drop it and leave them alone. Don't be a jerk, and if someone gives you feedback that you are being one-- be gracious."
Tarav glances down at his digital watch.
Fengshui says loudly, "We're all friends and family here."
Fengshui asks loudly, "Cool?"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Panda says, "*speaking english, in a loud English accent and lightly feminine voice* Seems aces."
Jo nods casually.
Mohammed eyes his surroundings warily.
Liang exclaims, "*speaking english, in a smooth, Asian accented voice* Yeah!"
Avarius says, "*speaking english, in an imperious, English-accented voice* I'm screwed."
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui says loudly, "Cool."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to What makes a good player GM?.
Glitch nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Alright What makes a good player GM? "
Mench exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* Co-co-co-co-co-cool!"
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Ann appears out of nowhere.
Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Dethrow.
Dethrow stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Characters that create a lot of RP. What stops people from RPing this way?"
Ann edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Carrera has joined the Speaking Queue.
Shift has joined the Speaking Queue.
Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.
Moira has joined the Speaking Queue.
Tax has joined the Speaking Queue.
Gerik has joined the Speaking Queue.
Dethrow exclaims, "Go out, start shit, get other people roped in on your shit. People are terrified of consequences. Don't be! You'll only learn through mistakes! No one will teach you these things... Most of the time... Find players who DO start shit! Ask them to help you! They probably will out of sheer amusement!"
Mohammed has joined the Speaking Queue.
Dethrow edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Zukhov has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Carrera.
Carrera says, "*speaking english, in a lilting musical Freesky accent with a faint smokers rasp to his voice* So the this is my favorite part of game, but I often worry about the people I plot thing getting utterly destroyed for doing it. "
Alivia has joined the Speaking Queue.
Lisette has joined the Speaking Queue.
Molly has joined the Speaking Queue.
Carrera asks, "And I don't really feel like I have a good answer when they give that as a reason not to ever be hired. It makes it hard to want to bring people on. Any advice on this?"
Carrera stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Carrera sits cross-legged on the floor.
Carrera stands up from the floor.
Carrera walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "This isn't a game you win."
Fengshui says loudly, "You only survive."
Fengshui says loudly, "Losing can be fun if you let it."
Fengshui says loudly, "Also, you can be honest with people about the dangers. Highlight it. Make it exciting and illicit."
Fengshui says loudly, "Let them make their own choice."
Fengshui says loudly, "And reward them well for their efforts."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Shift.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Shift stands up from the floor.
Shift says loudly, "*speaking english, in a slow and even hispanic accented voice* First of all, massive props to the GMs and staff. This game is amazing. I've had some gaming experiences I'll never forget because of the staff. Your support and dedication is amazing. Thanks so much for investing all this time and sweat into this game. And also a big props to all the players. I love this game."
Shift says loudly, "In terms of creating plots for groups of players, I think the biggest challenge for me is payload or payoff. I'm never sure what I can rob (besides player characters, which is a no-brainer). I feel like I can motivate players, but I'm often unsure of where to point them. Specifically in terms of robbing corporations, which have the power we're supposed to steal. Beyond that, I often find myself losing money on events which involve players, which I'm sort of okay with, but it's sort of hard to go negative into the chy-hole on something from an IC perspective. I'm always trying to engage people because OOCly I like doing it (especially immies). But given my character and status, I'm struggling to make it sustainabile ICly from a financial perspective. It'd be cool to be able to finance more jobs and events without getting wailed on financially. It's sometimes hard to involve other players at the cost of the Chy I could be using to forward my character in a selfishly CP kind of way."
Molly has left the Speaking Queue.
[+][OOC-Chat] Fris has left the channel.
[+][OOC-Chat] Fris has joined the channel.
Shift sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "A fair point and a fair concern. I don't have an answer to it. Self funding endeavors is always tough and prone to losing money. My suggestion is to find a steady source of income that covers your base needs and then use your extra chy on those endeavors."
Shift shoots at thumbs up at Fengshui.
Fengshui says loudly, "Not really an answer, I know. But investing in new players is both important and a gamble-- but a gamble we want you all to take even if ya lose some flash. Sometimes you'll get a boon out of it."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Panda.
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Panda says loudly, "I think what stops people is mostly the risk of a lot of loss and the OOC fear of it. Even I'm guilty of this and I'm sure more are. Falling under the risk of 'loss' is if you get someone involved in your plot who plays for a month and just.. Vanishes, it kind of messes up the flow of RP. Causing a loss of the bricks you just placed up. Sadly I don't think there is a solution for the former on the pure fact no one is tied to RPing on this game, GM or player."
Mirek appears out of nowhere.
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "My solution is redundancy."
Fengshui says loudly, "Hire two immies instead of one and give them both the job and have them work together but give them both the instructions to do it themselves if they can't coordinate or the other disappears."
Fengshui says loudly, "I do this in many plots, even with older characters, because play times differ."
Panda nods quickly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Moira.
Moira stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Moira.
Moira says loudly, "*speaking english, in an otherworldly, hollowed & demonically accented voice* So my answer to this is simple, MONEY. I like to call this the 'PLOT ECONOMY'. Basically money given to other players in NEVER, money wasted. It can be small things or HUGE things."
Fengshui nods casually.
Moira says loudly, "RP. MAKE PLOTS. SPREAD THE WEALTH. "
Fengshui says loudly, "Couldn't agree more."
Moira exclaims loudly, "Thanks!"
Moira edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench whispers something about communism and sharing the wealth.
Fengshui says loudly, "The goal of the game isn't to make money, it's to have fun, having money doesn't mean you are having fun. Spending money, even if you don't have a ton, usually means you are having fun."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Tax.
Tax stands up.
Tax says, "Find and gather information and then use it to your advantage. Craft a narrative around IC events that fits with the goals you are trying to accomplish. Hire people to do stuff for you that you could do yourself. Spend your money. Give out free gear. Make people prove themselves with small jobs. Train people ICly to be your apprentice. Teach people skills. Get people to teach you skills, then teach them to others. Be an information raditator."
Tax edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Brilliant."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Gerik.
Gerik stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gerik says, "I will say this - spend chyen in ways that is less about 'what will my character directly get out of this' and look at long picture. Will me spending this chyen now give me a different kind of currency later to bank on, something more valuable than money? Could be rep, could be perception of other characters, could be something else entirely. "
Gerik says, "Does it make sense for me to fund another character doing this from a strictly IC point of view? Maybe, maybe not. A little bit of suspension of your own characters reality works for this sort of stuff, the same as you wouldn't perm a newbie fresh out of the gate because they called you a cock smoker even if you would go hard on an oldbie."
Gerik edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Also brilliant."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mohammed.
Mohammed stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[++] New post to topic 'Cybernetics revamp. Ideas here please.' in Ideas
[+][OOC-Chat] Ancom-chan Baguette: cock smoker
Mohammed says, "In all of the time I've been here, having been on staff, and having been one of these "player-gm's" I have found that people will not rise to this occasion or get burnt out on this occasion because they have expectations that don't fit in with how the game ends up going. Many people seemd to be worried about OOC consequences, hurting OOC feelings with betrayals, etc. Also, where as Carerra says he doesn't want to screw people over, I am the opposite, but when people used to come to me with things I both ICly and OOCly knew were bird brained schemes or not going to work out codedly, I had to be like, nah man, ain't happening. Sometimes it is a great idea but you get a "Nope, not happening" from a GM. In the past Cerberus was great about helping out with this because he would speak candidly with me and point in the right direction to help allieviate that feeling of being in limbo. Just my experience in the matter. Thanks."
[+][OOC-Chat] Fris chuckles at Ancom-chan Baguette.
Fengshui nods casually.
Mohammed edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[+][OOC-Chat] Stiza13 says, "stop being meta you're breaking my immersion this is ic"
[+][OOC-Chat] Fris asks, "Wait, wat?"
[+][OOC-Chat] Fris asks, "How in the fuck is this IC?"
Fengshui says loudly, "GMs and xhelp are your friend if you have an idea that you aren't sure will play out. I'm not saying you should fund every bad idea-- but you might be able to help turn that bad idea into a good one, and then profit off of it."
Fengshui chuckles softly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Zukhov.
Zukhov stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zukhov says, "*speaking english, in a deep, gritty voice* The most important part in being a good player GM is understanding you role. If you're in a corporation, a syndicate, a gang, or whatever - it's up to you to provide an experience not just flash. Simple things like the Welcome to Withmore don't have to be a rudimentary bash and drag to the clinic. Harvest a kidney. Put someone in debt (which really just means they now have to RP with you or face the consequences of avoiding you). Give other players a story to tell. Something to talk about. Give them a rival. That's what keeps all of us coming back. "
[+][OOC-Chat] HoPpiNgFrogs thwaps Stiza13 with a cat.
Zukhov edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[+][OOC-Chat] Stiza13 moans.
[+][OOC-Chat] OOC-Chat has been disabled. [Reason: Town Hall is on]
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Very true."
Fengshui says loudly, "I also want to point out that the combined Sindome experience in years played of the oldbies that have stepped up to give their thoughts on this (not saying who is who), during this section is roughly... 70 years."
Fengshui says loudly, "70 years of experience and I hear a lot of similar themes. Hopefully you all do too."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Alivia.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Alivia.
Fengshui says loudly, "Going once."
Fengshui says loudly, "Going twice."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Lisette.
Lisette stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Lisette says, "*speaking english, in a barely-perceptible French-Canadian accented voice* I just wanted to say that the accumulation of wealth, things, or even UE in the game... this is the least important aspect of playing it. I've had characters that have done both... accumulated things and played a nice sort, or risked it all and was a backstabbing mofo... and I can definitely tell you that risking everything is infinitely more rewarding. Even the world's greatest failure can lead to excitement and adrenaline. You may lose things you have worked hard for, but you will have gained something from it too -- fun, experience, the fun and experience others got from it too. Speaking from personal experience, you aren't out there -doing,- you are really, really missing out. If you are worried about 'plotting' and your lack of ability to do so, try to latch on someone who is out there doing it, and learn from them. Dip your toes into it, even just a little bit at a time. Involve other people as much as you can. Be a little bit evil. You won't regret it."
Lisette walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "The higher you climb, the harder you fall."
Fengshui says loudly, "The harder you fall, the higher you climb."
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Statement on Cooperative Competition & Meta.
Fengshui drops his hand back to the podium, "Now, for my favorite topic of conversation. Cooperative Competition."
Fengshui motions out to the crowd with his left hand, "Were all here to compete In Character, in one way or another. It could be physical confrontations, political backstabbing, power plays, power struggles, romance, renown, infamy or any number of other motivations."
Maks stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Fengshui turns his palm upward and flicks an eyebrow up, "Does that mean we compete Out of Character? No. Does that mean that whatever bleed we feel about something that happened to us In Character should change how we feel about a member of the community Out of Character? No."
Fengshui makes eye contact with several members of the crowd and says, "Take a look around. Not at the stage but at the people sitting to your right and to your left. The ones in front of you and behind you. This is your community. Your Sindome family."
Maks walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui chuckles and says, "Communities have issues, families fight. It happens. However, when you approach the situation from a perspective of Cooperative Competition, that being 'We cooperate Out of Character so we can better compete In Character', it can change your perspective on the interactions you want to provide and receive from your fellow community members."
Fengshui chuckles again and says, "Lets leave the hostility In Character. Treat your fellow community members with respect, lead by example, be above the fray if something does come up, and reach out to an Admin if you feel like an OOC situation is becoming unmanageable on OOC chat, the BGBB or in some other medium of communication."
Fengshui motions to the crowd again, "Harmony Out of Character, Discord In Character."
Maks stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Maks vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui drums his fingers against the podium, "Another thing we should address is the varying skill levels of all the players of the game. Some of you know the game quite well, and some of you are relatively new. For those of you that are oldbies, please help to nurture new players. For those of you that are new, read our help files, read the wiki, and ask any questions that remain unanswered about the mechanics of the game on our Game-Help channel."
Fengshui nods out to the crowd again, "Some are you are familiar with FOIG or Find Out In Game. Sometimes we say, 'Find out ICly' or 'that's IC' or 'that's IC info'. They all pretty much boil down to the same thing."
Fengshui smiles and says, We get a lot of questions about this. Basically, any information about the workings of the game that is not purely OOC (or Out of Character), must be attained ICly (aka In character).
Fengshui pauses for a moment before continuing, "This is to maintain the fairness of the game and keep everyone on the same footing. It can sometimes be hard to learn what is IC info and what is OOC info. Broad strokes, things like locations of NPCs or stores, where to pay your SIC bill, what a SIC deadzone is, where to access the Grid those are IC topics you must find out in character. Things like 'how to send a message on the sic' and 'how to I open a door' are OOC questions. Your character knows how to open a door, your character knows how to send a message on the SIC. You, the player, are having trouble figuring out the commands."
Grimes stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Grimes vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui motions around, "Telling someone to FOIG or find out ICly are common responses to questions that pertain to IC info. These questions are often asked on Game-Help. One of the learning curves on Sindome is figuring out what questions you can ask OOCly and what questions strictly have to be asked ICly. However, it's pretty obvious that to someone who is new to the game, being told 'FOIC' to a question is not helpful. It's up to each and every one of you to not just say FOIC but to explain what FOIC actually means, and to offer suggestions as to how someone might do that. You can't get specific, but if someone is asking where to find something, you can point them to the SIC or to the Grid. Try to include help files in your response, and remember that the person you're talking to could become a regular roleplayer here-- if they get the support they need during their initial foray into the game."
Lucia stands up from the floor.
Lucia vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui chuckles and says, "If you're told to 'Find Out In Character' it means we can't answer your question without violating our rules about revealing in character information through out of character means. Basically, your next step should be to ask someone in character, either on the SIC, or on the Grid, or in person. You'll usually find folks willing to answer your questions that way."
Immram stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Immram vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui chuckles and says, "It's easy to forget how difficult it was when you first signed on. So much info to remember. It's also easy to get frustrated by having to deal with the same questions over and over. That's something I continually work on with my videos and with reminder code and with better help files. However, if there are specific things that seem to come up over and over, open a BGBB post about how we can better present this info to new players so that they get it early and understand it quickly. We want to always be improving."
Fengshui frowns slightly, "Many times in the past we've had problems with people sharing IC info OOCly. I think it is important to mention this. It's really bad for the game. If you're unsure of why this is, ask your fellow players. Search the BGBB for the numerous posts about it. And most of all, just don't do it. It can be tempting at times, but it's going to ruin the game for you and those around you."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Smallworlding & Meta Discussion.
Fengshui says loudly, "Smallworlding & Meta Discussion: what it is, how to avoid it, how to approach staff about it, remembering it could be legit, when it's reasonable to identify someone / recognize someone... alias hopping, fake alias.... all ont he table."
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Niko has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Niko.
Niko stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Niko says, "*speaking english, in a rich whisky smooth voice* I specifically want to address smallworlding. Especially for situations like public SIC. Or even crowds. I think it's safe to say in some capacity we're all guilty of it and probably also have been victim of it at one point. "
Carrera has joined the Speaking Queue.
Niko says, "I think one of the biggest issues facing us as players is sometimes we don't stop to think about pattern recognition. Patterns are easy to tell when we're, for now, maxing out at 70-80 people. And of those 70-80, at most we're probably getting 20 talking during a big event on sic. And when it's even less.. well, it's so easy for us as players to recognize stuff. 'Hey, that person sic is thinking exactly like another person does.. only on a different alias. So it's probably the same guy. Or hey, they're making certain kinds of jokes/personal attacks. Just like that one person I know does.'"
Niko says, "You can apply this to sic key activity and how we notice it too."
Niko says, "We can also apply it to how many friends/allies/people our characters know. While someone might be connected to just, as an example, five literal PCs and two NPCs, if we expand to the reality of the world's population they probably know and are connected to hundreds of people. So automatically assuming someone helping someone else is that person's 'five or so friends', that factors in too."
Niko says, "So we maybe think, that's very easy for us to recognize since it's happening in an isolated number of people. And if my character doesn't recognize that behavior, maybe people will think they're stupid. "
Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.
Niko says, "I think, though, we should distinguish that while it's easy for us as players to recognize in small groups, our character would be seeing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, think exactly the same way at the exact same moment."
Niko says, "One time Mobius gave me some great coaching during a puppet-request. Summed up, 'Let a story be told.' Our characters don't have to recognize everything happening around them just because we as players do. Let it unfold and see where it goes."
Charley has joined the Speaking Queue.
Elana has joined the Speaking Queue.
Niko says, "Thanks. And sorry. I write a lot."
Niko edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Very well said."
Fengshui says loudly, "I think we are all guilty of it and can all work to improve it."
Jo has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui says loudly, "I do not personally like calling out alias hopping."
Dethrow stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "You would not notice this unless someone is hopping aliases and messaging your specifically or directing messages at you specifically."
Fengshui says loudly, "I think we should CALL OUT in character, when people do this."
Fengshui says loudly, "I send a public sic calling out an alias hopper"
Fengshui says loudly, "You all reinforce that it is NOT OK to do that by being like 'what, how could you possibly know that just because that alias isn't one you saw recently' or 'there are 65 million people on sic'"
Fengshui says loudly, "Shit like that."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Carrera.
Carrera stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Carrera says, "The hunt is the fun part, winning is no where near as rewarding as the story that will come from taking a long time to track down and truly ID your enemy. As a buncha people said, this game isnt about winning. Its about the trip making a dope story. Willful ignorance can be fun. It can be fun to ignore the meta stats and make a powerful enemy you cant out fight so you need to out think."
Carrera sits cross-legged on the floor.
Carrera stands up from the floor.
Carrera says, "i say as I fail to sit back down right like a dumbass."
Carrera walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Dethrow.
Dethrow says, "On alias hopping. I would like to say there is always a small degree of small worlding going on, to ensure those stories continue. There's only so many times players can do the same exact thing (pattern recognition) without the opposing party's good graces and willful sense of disbelief being shattered. I personally give people the benefit of the doubt, but when all your 'antagonism' is the safe bet of doing a 'ca BigMeany' to talk shit and disappear, it's time to up your game and don't be surprised when you're called out. And there's -many- ways to figure out who is who, so don't just assume it's simply meta-gaming if you -do- get called out."
Dethrow edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "I think it's important to point out, especiallly as we roll out more and more ways to gather paydata-- what you see as meta may very well be (and often is) someone using something in game, or info they were sold, to figure out what's going on."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Charley.
Charley stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Charley says, "*speaking english, in a tired, Dutch-accented voice* I'd like to address Grid smallworlding. Whenever a decker character makes changes to or defaces a node, I've seen it be rather common for people to do something along the lines of 'Hey, someone's fucked with X node, it must be Y!'. It's understandable, because there's a very limited amount of deckers in the game (as far as I can tell), but it's still something that people should try to avoid, even if you're OOCly /CERTAIN/ on who it was (within reason, there's obviously cases where you'd know for sure). The Grid's big, possibly with more accounts than the population of the city, and there's gonna be quite a few ambient deckers doing their thing on there."
Fengshui says loudly, "SIC tracking, hiring for jobs, bank transfers, items sold at the market-- these are only a small number of ways people can begin to piece puzzles together through ic means"
[OOC: Charley says, "ghsh fuck"
Fengshui says loudly, "Agreed."
Johnny says loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* hopefully grid 3.0 will solve that"
Fengshui says loudly, "There are NPC deckers and ambient deckers out there-- maybe in Grid 3.0 I'll write some code to make nodes get randomly hacked for no reason."
Fengshui chuckles softly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Elana.
Elana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Charley edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Elana says, "*speaking english, in a dulcet, lilting Euro-accented voice* I think this goes for both ends of the spectrum. First there are those that 'small world' and forget there is an ambient population. Literally millions, so someone is always seeing what you do or say. But, also. We're not stupid characters. There are intuitive thoughts that our PC can have regarding processing IC information to come to a conclusion (if stats support). Even if it's wrong. So, I think sometimes when people cry 'small world' it's could be also a common conclusion wrought from common sense. - And, screw you DETHROW - you beat me to most of this."
Elana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "I definitely want to introduce a chaos monkey"
Johnny asks loudly, "I mean, gotta explain the Loa, right?"
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Fengshui says loudly, "Ssh. That's IC."
Johnny looks around innocently.
Fengshui says loudly, "And yes, we aren't expecting you to be stupid."
Fengshui says loudly, "However, we do ping people and ask for reasoning and justification for how they came to conclusions."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jo.
Jo stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jo says loudly, "*speaking english, in a fast cadence, with the slightest rasp to a gravelly voice* I think it's very important to be critical of ourselves and constantly remind ourselves what our characters would think over what we think. When there is an obvious boon or piece of information that we can figure out OOC it's is extremely difficult sometimes to put ourselves into the world and think is that actually realistic if I could visualize, hear and smell this place? What can seem very obvious to us is often superhuman when you realize that you're on a street so crowded you can barely see past the person in front of you, or that someone lurking in the corner of a room might seem strange on a screen but you wouldn't even pay attention to it on the street. I feel this way about calling out aliases and 'pattern recognition'. Maybe someone acts like someone else, but so do 10,000 other people of similar backgrounds."
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Jo says loudly, "if someone calls you out it should be because they know something special, dug out the data, have some sort of source."
Jo sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui says loudly, "Let's all agree we'll just stop calling out alias hopping, in general. Unless it's so SUPER blatant or someone makes a mistake like not changing their SIC tag. It seems like a new problem that has been caused by us restricting alias changes to a certain amount of time-- which we did to better support tech characters and we don't want to roll back."
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Quality of Life Improvements we might make.
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Panda.
Liang has joined the Speaking Queue.
Zukhov has joined the Speaking Queue.
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
>join queue
Renna has joined the Speaking Queue.
You have just joined the speaking queue. Please 'stand' when it is your turn and 'sit' when you are finished, to indicate we can move on to the next person. Please have your message typed up and ready to go so we can proceed quickly. Please write everything out and avoid multiple 'say' or 'to' or 'pose' actions if you can. Failure to speak quickly enough, or if you are not paying attention, will result in your turn being forfeit and you having to join at the end of the queue.
Solmaz has joined the Speaking Queue.
Panda stands up, clearing his throat.
>speak loudly
You begin speaking loudly.
Panda says loudly, "I love the idea of changing SIC colors, not just for easy of life, but because OOCly I myself have a hard time with colors and my eyes, Im sure Im not the only one either. Eye strain and just overload of information are what most times drives me to take unneeded breaks lest make myself sick seeing a constaint red on black (which theme switching only helps the tiniest bit, some even being worse on the eyes). "
Blinder walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui says loudly, "Quality of Life Improvements we might make: Updating the primary SIC color so it's not like combat, Offsetting SIC encryption messages as a different color, Some kind of highlighting when you are posed at or spoken to -- all on the table."
Panda says loudly, "Even tiny change to a different hue, color breaks with grayed out keys, or even a choice to change the color OOCly with the new fancy colors (because even with the point of themely, our thoughts are going to be all in dark red?). "
Panda says loudly, "As a personal suggestion, maybe a toggleable gradient fade from one color to the next on each message for the accessibility toggle purposes? I would put an example, but Im unsure if you guys want me sending links."
Fengshui says loudly, "The web client does offer a variety of color schemes. For those looking for a change."
Fengshui says loudly, "I would prefer you do not share links that contain any IC data."
Fengshui says loudly, "I think we all understand what you're asking."
Fengshui says loudly, "And I like the idea of changing encrypted versus regular sic colors."
Panda nods firmly.
Fengshui says loudly, "Can you please break that out into an idea post on the BGBB so I can look into it."
Eddy appears out of nowhere.
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Liang.
Liang stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Liang says, "*speaking english, in a smooth, Asian accented voice* First and foremost, as a newbie at his first town hall, I just want to say that the staff and players on this game are amazing and I am a new addict. These SIC color ideas are something that I feel strongly about even as a new player. I'd love to see general SIC in one color, keys in another, and private ones in another. Twice i've had to face IC consequences because I, the player, missed private SICs amongst the general ones. It is fun RP, but not in character for me to be missing/ignoring those messages. Thanks for the time and consideration! And sorry this is now a +1 :)"
Liang walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Eddy sits cross-legged on the floor.
Sayuri has joined the Speaking Queue.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "I think it can be themely to miss things ICly-- I miss things in real life."
Fengshui says loudly, "But I agree that different shades of a color would be cool."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Zukhov.
Zukhov stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zukhov says, "I'm all for quality of life changes. I just would humbly request the color changes be configurable to preference because I fear change. Although, if SIC hacking were to be introduced - the color of SIC being based on the version of your SIC chip or a purchasable feature would be cool too."
Zukhov edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "I'll investigate the kind of performance hit we'd take from doing an additional check for a SIC color preference."
Fengshui says loudly, "Please include that in the new ideas post for configurable colors."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Renna.
It's your turn! 'stand' and say your piece and then 'sit' when you are done.
You stand from your seat in the first row and easily move away from it.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
>say Please add shorteners to combat postures such as posture kamikaze to posture k, like how you shortened freehands to fh. That is all.
You say loudly, "Please add shorteners to combat postures such as posture kamikaze to posture k, like how you shortened freehands to fh. That is all."
>sit first row
You walk around the front of the rows of seats and pick one out to sit in, and lower yourself into it.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Solmaz has left the Speaking Queue.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "new cyberware just for color'd sic!"
Johnny laughs loudly.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "kidding!"
Fengshui says loudly, "This was raised on the GM side in the past I'm still percolating on it."
>speak softly
You begin speaking softly.
Fengshui says loudly, "I don't want to make experienced players even more powerful in combat because they know they can type posture k"
Glitch says loudly, "*speaking english* I am personally not a fan of it, as it would give a speed advantage to experienced players over new ones..."
Glitch casually nods at Fengshui.
Fengshui says loudly, "As a side note: You could create a k macro"
Fengshui says loudly, "But I know macros are coveted"
Your turn is over. Please 'sit' down at a row if you haven't already!
The Speaking Queue has switched to Sayuri.
Sayuri stands up from the floor.
Sayuri says, "*speaking english, in a soft spoken, appealing Korean voice* I just want to say every time I see Pinstrips I add, I about have a heart attack."
Sayuri sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui chuckles softly.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to 'Teaching' skills ICly.
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Fengshui says loudly, "'Teaching' skills ICly."
Alivia has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Alivia.
Fengshui says loudly, "I will state from the outset that I am against anything that reduces the need to RP with other characters."
Alivia stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Fancy has joined the Speaking Queue.
Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui says loudly, "But I think Grid 3.0-- with the auto restore feature for nodes so the data isn't gone forever when hacked, will allow for more long lived IC guides for how to do more rare skills/archetypes."
Mohammed has joined the Speaking Queue.
Alivia says, "*speaking english, in a breezy Caribbean cadence flavoring her soft-spoken soprano voice* NLM STAR ACADEMY PLEAAAASE!!!!!! I think this is a fucking fabulous idea and I want to see things that allow us to interact with each other more and teach. I don't know how it'd be implemented though."
Alivia says, "Also, I love you Dreamer! <3"
Alivia sits cross-legged on the floor.
Blaze stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Blaze vanishes from the meeting.
Mench feels a lack of love from Alivia.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Take note, GMs."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Fancy.
Fancy stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mench takes note to beat up Dreamer for stealing all the love.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Fancy.
Fancy asks, "*speaking english, in a creole accented low, sweet voice* I really like That I was able to get a lot of IC help with the skill I wanted. And I wanted to continue that! But I'm having a small hitch deciding how much OOC uhmm.. Mechnic.. like stuff, I should find away to share ICLY, and how to do it without it beinga little Meta. Like, There are certain deeper things that I noticed that I don't know if it's something I should share ICLY, or if theres away to even say it?"
Fengshui says loudly, "This sounds like something you should xhelp about a few hours after the town hall and get some GM feedback on."
Fancy says, "Yikes."
Fancy edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Fengshui says loudly, "You're being vague enough that it sounds like you're worried about sharing IC info and I get that-- so it could just be easier to chat over xhelp is all I mean."
Fengshui smiles innocently.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.
Phlox stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Phlox says loudly, "*speaking english, in a youthful, corporately perfect voice* I touched on this way in the beginning but it's sometimes hard to teach skills ICly when you OOCly don't know the specific tools you're working with, or how they work ICly.. You just know you enter a command and things happen."
Phlox says loudly, "I'm not always super great at techno babble also."
Johnny says loudly, "Its fair to reach out for specific GM guidance that can be talked through in those situations."
Fengshui nods and says, "I've been there. Sometimes ya just gotta hand wave a little. It's OK to throw a local OOC out that says hey i'm not a real XYZ so I'm making some fluff up"
Phlox says loudly, "Okay cool."
Fengshui says loudly, "But also asking the GMs is cool too."
Phlox nods sagely.
Phlox edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "On the flip side, if your character SHOULD know how to do something and you're being taught and don't want to look 'stupid' (which you wont because we all get it) you can say "i have worked with this in the past before arriving in withmore but we used different tools so I would appreciate a walk through'"
Fengshui says loudly, "Or osmething like that."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mohammed.
Mohammed stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mohammed says, "*speaking english, in a deep, masculine and middle-eastern accented voice* I think this is both a good opportunity to help a new player, as well as gain an ally and or profiteer. One thing that has been done is publishing your own magazine/newpaper that details things such as a Pistol guide, or an armor guide. You don't have to spell out everything for everyone, or tell them as much as you know as to give them an edge to knock you off of your "throne", but you should not be afraid to do these things or embrace these kinds of activities. There are ways to weave in the Meta, for example: "This gun is much more powerful then a 9mm, and is very effective against x06656 armor." to indicate that it is a decent gun. "
Fengshui says loudly, "Such a good idea. Then you can sell that. Or it becomes something people seek out."
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Fengshui says loudly, "Great feedback."
Mohammed bows respectfully.
Mohammed sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Sindome Merch.
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Quinn has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Quinn.
Quinn stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.
Mench nods casually.
Quinn says, "*speaking english, in an a smooth, low Hispanic-tinted voice* I haven't been here long, but it's easy to tell the level of devotion and love the staff and playerbase has for this game, so the opportunity to show it off would be great. I think it would be beneficial to have merchandise, especially for those interested in obtaining a membership. They may not even need/want a pad ICly, but want to financially support the game, so maybe they'd like a t-shirt or sticker instead. And everyone loves t-shirts and stickers. If staff is interested, I'm happy to help with identifying vendors at good prices, since I've done this for other volunteer organizations in the past."
Fengshui turns to Johnny, "Johnny mentioned this earlier but we've been considering stuff for members and we're looking for suggestions and ideas. No promises obviously."
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Quinn edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mohammed stands up from the floor.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "That's awesome, thank you for the offer. Please send us an email at [email protected] with some contact info!"
Mohammed edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Charley has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Panda.
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Fancy has joined the Speaking Queue.
Panda says loudly, "Personally, I would love merch, but only physical merch. Everything with buying more stuff IC things with OOC money is very.. Pay to win."
Grimes appears out of nowhere.
Grimes edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny thankfully nods at Quinn.
Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.
Panda says loudly, "I love flats, but even then I feel a tiny bit guilt OOC like I got some 'advantage' for supporting the game."
Rose has joined the Speaking Queue.
Starr appears out of nowhere.
Johnny [to Quinn]: we'll probably hit you up, thank you!
Fengshui says loudly, "We're definitely not talking about IC stuff."
Panda nods firmly.
Fengshui says loudly, "IRL stuff."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Charley.
[++] New post to topic 'IC command to change SIC output color?' in Ideas
Phlox has left the Speaking Queue.
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Charley stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.
Charley says, "I think SD merch is a great idea. It doesn't have to be anything too complicated, maybe lanyards and mugs with IC corp logos on them, Progia-XX phone cases (maybe), Quick/Liteterm tablet cases, Maybe even an EbolaCola tumbler like that 'Bonk' tumbler Valve sells."
Charley says loudly, "I think SD merch is a great idea. It doesn't have to be anything too complicated, maybe lanyards and mugs with IC corp logos on them, Progia-XX phone cases (maybe), Quick/Liteterm tablet cases, Maybe even an EbolaCola tumbler like that 'Bonk' tumbler Valve sells."
Johnny says loudly, "I keep seeing a nice enamel dome logo pin in my mind, something simple and clean you pin on purses, lapels, backpacks, wherever."
Fengshui says loudly, "I'd rock that."
Fengshui asks loudly, "Magnets maybe?"
Fengshui asks loudly, "How do they work?"
Fengshui says loudly, "Great feedback."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Fancy.
Charley sits cross-legged on the floor.
Charley stands up from the floor.
Charley edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fancy stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mench says loudly, "*speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* Can we make IRL Studdly's with our Char's name on them? That'd be cool..."
Fancy says, "Seven Ecks brand condoms. That is all. Though seriously like Charley said, Ebola tumblers. I love the idea of magnets too."
Glitch [to Fengshui]: How do magnets work?
Fancy edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Ebola tumblers, lol"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "we are going to rapid fire some feedback, and ideas in the next topic, say whatever you want, but please have the messags ready"
[-][Game-Help] Beepboop [2 karma]: The Orifice t-shirt, perfect for family meetings.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Rose.
Fengshui chuckles softly at Fancy.
Rose stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Rose says loudly, "*speaking english, in a low and melancholic, non-descript voice* I want a real life sonic grenade please. Kidding. What I really want is like a book of the Sindome-specific drinks. Be better than a muted video on YouTube."
Rose says loudly, "And an NLM coffee mug."
Rose eyes her surroundings warily.
Rose walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Liana has joined the Speaking Queue.
Sayuri has joined the Speaking Queue.
Solmaz has joined the Speaking Queue.
Jo has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose stares blankly at nothing at all.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Muted?"
Alivia has joined the Speaking Queue.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Did that video get censored or something?"
Roach has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose says loudly, "The YouTube video where the drinks get made is muted, yes."
Rose chuckles softly.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "doh!"
Fengshui says loudly, "mother fucker"
Fengshui says loudly, "piece of shit youtube"
The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "they censored your alcohol lesson you bad streamer you!"
Phlox stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Leaf appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Phlox says loudly, "I don't know how you feel about this but it would be nice to get character art commissions as part of a Sindome donation, help out our starving artists a bit more."
Fengshui says loudly, "Interesting concept."
Fengshui says loudly, "We do support Sindome artists for things like archetype art."
Phlox exclaims loudly, "Something to think on!"
Phlox edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Liana.
Mirek sits cross-legged on the floor.
Leaf edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Liana says, "*speaking english, in a lightly accented voice* What happened to the anthology that was brought up some time ago? I'm a sucker for books, poems etc. so I'd be really interested."
Liana stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Fengshui says loudly, "I didn't get the amount of submissions I was looking for."
Fengshui says loudly, "Or rather, the amount of proposals for submissions."
Fengshui says loudly, "Only got like 3."
Liana asks, "Ahh...Sucks. :/ Could we use the stories one we already have on the web page and make it into a really nice book?"
Fengshui says loudly, "So it would have ended up being a book of my short stories + 3 other peoples + my girlfriends cyberpunk poetry"
Liana asks, "Or add artworks into it between stories?"
Fengshui says loudly, "It was already going to include art and poetry and still only 3 submissions"
Liana says, "Ohh. I see."
Liana walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "SO. If you all are interested, revive the BGBB thread and post some messages saying you're in for it and I'll continue work on it."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Sayuri.
Sayuri stands up from the floor.
Sayuri says, "I think that being able to just take chrome of a corpse should be done by someone with that skill set, sorry I meant to touch on this during the appropriate section. Give more to the need of a ripper doc."
Fengshui says loudly, "Running out of time so i'm picking up the pace."
Sayuri sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Solmaz.
Solmaz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Solmaz exclaims, "*speaking english, in a feminine, slightly nasal and distinctly monotone voice* say Random I know, but I keep thinking sometimes about a flying sushi restaurant on Gold that got teased a couple town halls back. Is that still floating somewhere along Project Runway? It sounded so badass!"
[OOC: Solmaz says, "fack"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "have your rapid fires ready for the next section please-- anything goes"
Solmaz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Roach has left the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jo.
Jo stands up from the floor.
Johnny says loudly, "there's nothing stopping it from being built by builders with todays tech."
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "It's on the Project runway!"
Jo says loudly, "*speaking english, in a fast cadence, with the slightest rasp to a gravelly voice* I'm looking to create a board about this when I get time but I've been doing some research for applying more themely descriptions for firearms and or weapons in general. I think there is a lot that can be done with this that would add to the feel, a lot of tech that already exists or is experimental."
Arachne stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Arachne vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui says loudly, "We're still on sindome merch."
Fengshui says loudly, "But I will look for that BGBB post :)"
The Speaking Queue has switched to Alivia.
Jo sits cross-legged on the floor.
Alivia stands up from the floor.
Blinder says, "*speaking english* Send this stuff in emails to the builder team as well. Given what those last two were."
Alivia says, "SLITHER IS THE MAAAAN! Please, please, please PLEASE make movies able to be scheduled in the movie theater like other shows & maybe have a showings queue somewhere"
Alivia sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Thoguht that was already possible now?"
Alivia exclaims, "... I probably didn't read it!"
Fengshui says loudly, "Maybe you should read the BGBB more :)"
Stitch appears out of nowhere.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "RAPID FIRE TIME"
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Open Discussion [RAPID FIRE].
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.
Quinn has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Quinn.
Shift has joined the Speaking Queue.
Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.
Roach has joined the Speaking Queue.
Quinn stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "gogoogogogogog"
Fancy has joined the Speaking Queue.
Quinn says, "First, I wanted to say how much I deeply appreciate the transparency you guys offer. Few games do this, let alone on a regular schedule. It really makes me feel valued and a part of the community. I also wanted to share that in the three weeks I've been playing here, I have had the most incredible time. This has been one of the best RP experiences I've had in the past two decades of RPing. Thank you for all your endless hard work and for making such an incredible, creative, and welcoming space."
Chayna has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose has joined the Speaking Queue.
Quinn edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Alivia stands up from the floor.
Fengshui grins mischievously.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Shift.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "I'm really glad!"
Shift stands up from the floor.
Johnny excitedly slams Quinn a mean high-five!
Mohammed has joined the Speaking Queue.
Shift says loudly, "*speaking english, in a slow and even hispanic accented voice* I'm fucking LOVING the shroud and new NPC populations. It's taken disguising to a new level and is shattering a lot of the meta-ing I couldn't help but at least partially engage in before this system was buffed up. I'm constantly on edge now, and have no idea who anyone is. It's awesome."
Shift sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui grins mischievously.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Dethrow.
Dethrow stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow says, "*speaking english, in a firm but gentle feminine voice* With a flying sushi restaurant, we'd have three on Gold with Bizou and Rong. Can we get something else besides more Japanese food? I know it's a genre favorite but...."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Roach.
Dethrow edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Roach stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "Sure, I see no reason why not"
Roach says loudly, "*speaking english, in a thick Neo Yorker accented voice* I meant to touch on this in merch but things got confusing! Please do Deathball jerseys! That is all."
Roach edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Picot appears out of nowhere.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Fancy.
Fancy stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fancy says loudly, "I'd like to bring back up discusion of SIC voucher vending machines. or alternate ways to pay the sic bill besides chuting valuables. I really thought a voucher system would be cool, and would help if someone you're trying to sic is constantly out of creds, and you're not the BASH THEIR FACE kinda character."
Fancy edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "this is a good point, a flying korean bbq restaurant pls."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Chayna.
Chayna stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Chayna says, "*speaking english, in a soft, slightly lilting feminine voice* I just wanted to piggyback a little on coopertition and player-GMing to say: don't be afraid of being mean and don't worry so much about playing the 'good guy.' The game thrives on betrayal and harsh consequences and everyone wins from conflict and chaos. Always remember that you're not the protagonist and while it takes some getting used to and I understand the reluctance, being an absolute bastard IC is fantastic."
Fengshui says loudly, "We want people to have to pay their sic bill at the HOJ"
Chayna sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui says loudly, "It adds friction for criminals"
Fengshui says loudly, "It's not a bad idea but yeah, that's why it's not on the docket"
The Speaking Queue has switched to Rose.
Hiroshi has joined the Speaking Queue.
Rose stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Rose says loudly, "Ganger code could stand to be refined and no attacking in bars is stupid."
Rose walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "Disagree, but feel free to open a BGBB post about it."
Rose nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "We need safe spaces for people to RP or people will murder hobo everywhere and there won't be RP."
Niko has joined the Speaking Queue.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mohammed.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.
Mohammed stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gotz appears out of nowhere.
Mohammed edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Hiroshi.
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Gotz sits cross-legged on the floor.
Hiroshi stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gotz stands up from the floor.
Hiroshi says, "*speaking english, in an in an asian accent with a deep voice* For helping the IC teaching of skill, we could add that a place on grid where people look for apprentices/mentors in the same way you are looking for a job. Or we coul have an IC place devoted to that like a artisan associations HQ"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "after the town hall the different types of admin will be going into rooms off the town hall and you can come chat with us about stuff from the town hall if ya want."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Niko.
Hiroshi sits cross-legged on the floor.
Hiroshi stands up from the floor.
Gotz sits cross-legged on the floor.
Blinder asks, "Use the wanted section?"
Hiroshi edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Gotz stands up from the floor.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "You can post in the jobs/employment section or basically the wanted section, nothing wrong with that!"
Niko stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Niko says, "*speaking english, in a rich whisky smooth voice* This is just to go back to something Shift said about money/funding in one of the previous topics, but corporate people: remember to find ways to spread the wealth to Mix characters. They're in the first line of meeting up with new characters with more access right away. That's a good way to help retain new players/invest in new characters, get them excited and make them feel involved."
Gotz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Niko exclaims, "PS - if you're a badass that wouldn't interact with someone you think is lower than you, that's awesome, but pose that out instead of just straight up ignoring people with no emotes/poses etc. That just makes a player feel shitty and like their efforts to RP are being wasted. Especially if they're new. That's all!"
Niko edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.
Fengshui steps back up to the podium for one final time, "Thats it folks. Thank you so much for attending, for your feedback, for everything. We will be posting a log of the event on the BGBB for everyone to review, and for those who missed it. If you dont see a BGBB topic for something we decided to continue discussing-- create one when youre ready and lets keep this conversation going! The next town hall will be Early 2105!"
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Closing statement from moderator.
Fengshui claps his hands together and says, "This Town Hall Meeting is officially ended and you are free to return ICly. The admin are going to stick around if you want to continue chatting with us, but this room is so spammy that we're going to break off into a few different rooms. Feel free to stay here and jabber, head back to game, or follow us into one of these rooms to continue conversing."
Fengshui shouts loudly, "AS A REMINDER, IT'S @TOWN-HALL TO LEAVE."
Glitch rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Hana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Milana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Avarius stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gotz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jo stands up from the floor.
Rose stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Ann stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Shift stands up from the floor.
Milana vanishes from the meeting.
Frost stands up from the floor.
Raziel stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Hana vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui bursts into a million holographic pieces and reappears in the center of the crowd, smiling.
Sasha stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Sayuri stands up from the floor.
Liang stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Molly stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gotz edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Ann vanishes from the meeting.
Solmaz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Sayuri vanishes from the meeting.
Dalilah stands up from the floor.
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Avarius vanishes from the meeting.
Frost vanishes from the meeting.
Elana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Grimes stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fancy opens her arms and waits for a hug.
Sasha vanishes from the meeting.
Raziel vanishes from the meeting.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Dalilah vanishes from the meeting.
Rose says loudly, "Moo."
Panda rudely gives Ibris an up-close-and-personal view of his middle finger.
Shift shouts loudly, "WOOH!"
Mia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Hiroshi stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Molly vanishes from the meeting.
Flash stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Grimes vanishes from the meeting.
Alivia vanishes from the meeting.
Jane stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Roach stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mia vanishes from the meeting.
Mohammed briefly exposes his groin.
The first thing you notice about his groin is that it is a mound of thick, black matted pubes. His weiner is short, maybe abnormally short. You can hardly see the uncircumsized ant eater when flaccid, and it isn't much longer nor does it have much more girth when erect.
Stitch vanishes from the meeting.
Panda waves nonchalantly.
Roach shouts loudly, "WHOO!"
Rafael stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Charley stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Carrera stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
You stand from your seat in the first row and easily move away from it.
Fengshui grabs the handle on the door leading Senior and opens it.
Flash vanishes from the meeting.
Rose puts her two foot long strap-on away.
Rose pulls the straps of her backless strappy cami dress off her shoulders, peeling the garment off afterwards.
Rose gets out her backless strappy cami dress.
Jo affectionately gives Fancy a warm hug.