Cerberus walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
You edge into the sixth row, and pick a seat and lower yourself into it.
You shout loudly, "NO 7TH ROW?"
You shout loudly, "THIS IS BULLSHIT."
You stand from your seat in the sixth row, and edge your way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Johnny says, "we're bias."
[OOC: Buddha says, "to Shkmet 'stand', '@look_place me is surrepticiously fellating Anderson.'"
Malice appears out of nowhere.
Your look_place message has been set to "Seven is sitting in the 7th row, despite there not being a fucking 7th row, which is bullshit."
Malice appears out of nowhere.
Malice waves nonchalantly.
Malice walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "You may now use @town-hall to join the town hall."
[OOC: Semya wrinkles her nose.
Carrera appears out of nowhere.
Kurgal appears out of nowhere.
Amon appears out of nowhere.
Grayson appears out of nowhere.
Cayce appears out of nowhere.
Kurgal waves at Seven nonchalantly.
Delilah appears out of nowhere.
Kurgal edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Waiguoren_Guest is summoned in by Fengshui.
Amon respectfully bows to Seven.
Azelle appears out of nowhere.
Delilah edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Zinna appears out of nowhere.
Vivyan appears out of nowhere.
Buddha exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, mildly Japanese-accented voice* Please find a seat!"
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Sam_Guest appears out of nowhere.
Mephisto [to You]: *speaking english* Well we were going to have a seventh row
Bobby appears out of nowhere.
Amon edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Omara appears out of nowhere.
Grumble appears out of nowhere.
Zinna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
You [to Mephisto]: It's fine. I magicked one up with my @look_place powers.
Mephisto [to You]: But then someone wrote a large ecks over the plans
Vivyan edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
You laugh loudly.
Cayce starts applauding politely.
You [to Mephisto]: Nice one.
Alexxis appears out of nowhere.
Noah appears out of nowhere.
Marcello appears out of nowhere.
Mephisto says, "Thank you"
Grumble edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mephisto says, "I'll be here all night"
Omara edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Grayson walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas discreetly sniffs herself.
Atlas walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Mephisto discreetly sniffs himself.
Cerberus discreetly sniffs himself.
Mephisto leans over and discreetly smells Atlas.
Mephisto says, "Oh gawd brb shower"
Buddha exclaims loudly, "PLEASE FIND A SEAT!"
Noah edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "@town-hall to join the town hall"
Amon leans over and discreetly smells you.
Grayson stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Carrera edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Grayson leans over and discreetly smells you.
Nivira appears out of nowhere.
Reinhardt appears out of nowhere.
Delilah leans over and discreetly smells Cayce.
Noah discreetly sniffs himself.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Cayce.
Zinna says, "*speaking english* I know who you really have to smell."
Zinna leans over and discreetly smells Johnny.
Carrera leans over and discreetly smells you.
Carrera heaves and gags for a moment but manages not to puke.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Johnny.
Cayce leans over and discreetly smells you.
You [to Carrera]: That's what a man smells like.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Alexxis.
Carrera [to You]: or a rotting corpse
[OOC: Buddha says, "That means -you-, Azelle, Marcello, Alexxis, Bobby, Sam_Guest, Carrera"
Mephisto walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Semya leans over and discreetly smells you.
Grayson edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Semya gags.
Fengshui edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mephisto discreetly sniffs himself.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Grayson.
Mephisto leans over and discreetly smells you.
Mephisto appears out of nowhere.
Vetsa appears out of nowhere.
[OOC: Azelle says, "I AM seated."
Waiguoren_Guest waves nonchalantly.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Vetsa.
Mephisto leans over and discreetly smells Vetsa.
Vivyan gets out her medpak.
Vetsa blinks her eyes rapidly.
[OOC: Buddha exclaims, "Not seated enough!"
Vetsa discreetly sniffs herself.
[OOC: Azelle says, "I'm sitting with Seven and that's final."
Mephisto [to Vetsa]: Pooo-eeeh
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Vivyan.
Waiguoren_Guest discreetly sniffs himself.
Fengshui teleports Jinx in.
Amon leans over and discreetly smells Anderson.
[OOC: Carrera says, "We aaaaalll wanna sit with seven"
Amon discreetly sniffs himself.
[OOC: Semya says, "pft"
[OOC: Carrera says, "I recommend we all try to sit ON him."
Machete Scabbard (worn) (2) Onyx Black NeXus Synth-hide Boots (worn)
Burgundy Xo3 Battle Helmet Electricians Toolbelt (worn)
Pair of Burnt Yellow Xo3 Shoulder Pads (worn) Bright Yellow Poncho
Pair of Burnt Yellow Xo3 Knee Pads (worn) Titanium Rolex (worn)
Pair of Matte Black Xo3 Bracers (worn) Progia-11 Gridphone
Burgundy Xo3 Codpiece (worn) M-82S Sonic Grenade
Set of Burgundy Xo3 Thorax Plates (worn) Heavy Bolo Machete
Sword Scabbard (worn) Medpak
ZMI Tactical Paraglider (worn)
Held In Hands:
Nothing is in your right hand.
Nothing is in your left hand.
The weight of your belongings is almost non-existent.
Alexxis edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
You say, "I have grenades."
Vetsa has no time for showers.
Marcello sits cross-legged on the floor.
Carrera [to You]: That makes it more fun!
Mephisto says, "You need the same @lp to appear as though on the same seat."
Amon says, "Hi everyone"
Zinna [to You]: That would probably encourage half of the people here.
Carrera [to You]: adds excitement
[OOC: Semya says, "gives a whole new meaning to "baby lemme see it go boom.""
Malice nerfs Seven's grenades.
Mephisto [to Azelle]: you forgot the , which is bullshit. :P
[OOC: Buddha [to Azelle]: It's like a tin knife through ruby. It doesn't cut it.
Gaz appears out of nowhere.
[OOC: Cerberus says, "You know what"
[OOC: Amon asks, "Am I allowed to go naked???"
[OOC: Sehkmet says, "im nekkid"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "my wonderful spotify playlist is located here: http://sindo.me/mn3M43 though do not start it until I tell you, if you wanna follow along"
Zinna [to Mephisto]: So it's bullshit that she forgot a comma?
[OOC: Reinhardt exclaims, "I knew you're going to as that!"
Zinna ducks.
Mephisto says, "I'm mega nekkid"
[OOC: Kurgal says, "You like it that way Sehk..."
Gaz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Malice [to You]: *speaking english* You try and start something and I'll code you into a number...
Mephisto reaches behind Zinna and cheekily gooses Zinna on the rear-end, causing Zinna to jump out of surprise.
[OOC: Vivyan says, "I don't want anyone to see my terrible @nakeds"
[OOC: Buddha [to Connor]: Find a seat, please.
[OOC: Sehkmet nods.
You [to Malice]: I'm already a number, it's #15840
[OOC: Johnny says, "I'm just full of testing things, lol"
Amon looks around for someone to kiss.
Vetsa edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Mephisto says, "I'm full of descs of NPCs I was working on and some PC nakeds I stole for them."
Phlox appears out of nowhere.
Cayce kisses Amon on the lips passionately.
[OOC: Buddha says, "Sam_Guest, Bobby, Nirvana, find a seat, please."
Carrera [to You]: I figured you would just say you were #7
Phlox dances around happily.
Carrera asks, "we all kissin amon now?"
Phlox edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Delilah vigorously bounces up and down near Cayce, screaming, "Boingy, Boingy, Boingy!"
Carrera exclaims, "Is this kiss a judge day?!"
Nivira sits cross-legged on the floor.
Vetsa takes a long drag from her lit cigarette, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke into the air.
Reinhardt blinks at Delilah rapidly.
Nivira stands up from the floor.
[OOC: Buddha says, "Reinhardt, find a seat, please. Also Vetsa, Gaz, Marcello."
Mephisto embraces Amon and french kisses him lasciviously.
Malice [to Cayce]: First town hall, yes?
Cayce [to Malice]: Yep yep!
Grayson vigorously nods at Carrera.
Reinhardt edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Semya [to Anderson]: do you feel left out?
Malice casually nods at Cayce.
Waiguoren_Guest sits cross-legged on the floor.
Malice [to Cayce]: Glad you could make it.
Carrera makes the fuck out with amon, real gross like, lots of face licking.
[OOC: Bobby says, "hi"
Cayce [to Malice]: Thank you! Glad to be here.
Mephisto embraces Anderson and french kisses him lasciviously.
Johnny exclaims, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* My Loot Crate just arrived!"
[OOC: Buddha [to Waiguoren_Guest]: Try again. 'stand', 'sit first'
Amon tenderly gives Carrera a warm hug.
Vetsa sits emphatically in the sixth row, so hard she lies sideways and takes up two spots.
Azelle edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Nivira edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Azelle says, "damn it"
[OOC: Nivira says, "There we are"
[OOC: Cerberus says, "I added a quick 7th row with bad messaging"
Mephisto grabs Azelle and dances around happily.
[OOC: Cerberus says, "rejoice."
Linekin teleports in.
Vetsa takes a long drag from her lit cigarette, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke into the air.
[OOC: Vivyan says, "Praise be"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "the town hall is starting in 5 minutes, please @town-hall to join and then find a seat"
Alexxis waves at Linekin nonchalantly.
[OOC: Amon exclaims, "I can't wait for the STATS!!!!"
Malice [to Linekin]: You're late.
Vivyan absent mindedly pokes and fiddles with her medpak.
[OOC: Carrera says, "Next time instead of rows we should just have bean bags. "
[OOC: Amon exclaims, "STATS!!!!!!!!"
Anderson [to Semya]: *speaking english, in a confident, mid-west American accented voice* Of what?
[OOC: Vetsa exclaims, "omg will there be stats?!!"
Amon dances around happily.
Buddha slinks up to the podium, "Let's all give a big hand for Linekin!"
Vivyan shoves her hands into the pockets of her sturdy leather duster as she waits around.
Linekin walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Malice [to Linekin]: As in the Late Mr. Linekin.
Fengshui applauds politely at Linekin.
Cayce applauds politely at Linekin.
Factor appears out of nowhere.
Amon waves at Linekin nonchalantly.
Amon tenderly gives Factor a warm hug.
Azura appears out of nowhere.
Delilah childishly lifts up Factor's shirt, bends down and >>ZERBERTS!<< their belly!
Sen appears out of nowhere.
Alexxis waves at Factor nonchalantly.
Factor leans slightly forward and licks Amon suggestively.
Vivyan applauds politely at Linekin.
Sehkmet claps for linkedin.
[OOC] Linekin goes AFK. (this being no substitute for @ooc, he takes the chance something will happen.)
Factor waves at Alexxis nonchalantly.
Sen edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Azura edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cayce childishly lifts up Factor's shirt, bends down and >>ZERBERTS!<< their belly!
Semya embraces Factor and french kisses him lasciviously.
[OOC: Buddha exclaims, "Please find a seat!"
Grayson applauds politely at Linekin.
Malice [to Factor]: Welcome to town hall. Glad you could make it, omae.
Malice winks at Factor playfully.
Vivyan kisses Cayce on the lips passionately.
Carrera throws his brandy at Seven.
The brandy bounces off you and falls to the ground.
[OOC: Cerberus says, "Okay let's start to get the poses and emotes and stuff under control."
You pick up the brandy.
[OOC: You're now using brandy as your weapon. @options weapon]
Factor blinks after Semya's kiss and faints dead away.
[OOC: Carrera says, "VICTORY"
You knock back the remains of your tumbler of brandy, letting out a small grimace as the alcohol hits your system.
You [to Carrera]: Now your brandy is gone. So it's a victory for me.
XHELP Buddha [responding to you]: Please find a seat.
Azura gets out his disposable lighter.
Carrera [to You]: if was a gift!
Atlas materializes from a sudden swirl of mist and fog.
Azura lights his Persian Gold cigarillo with his disposable lighter, a puff of smoke coming off the end as he draws on it.
Azura puts his disposable lighter away.
Mephisto gets out his molotov cocktail.
Mephisto asks, "Anyone got a light?"
Mephisto smiles innocently.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "okay, we will be starting the playlist in 30 seconds."
Factor [to Malice]: danke
Malice points a flamethrower at Mephisto.
Amon grabs Mephisto by the arm for a moment before Mephisto breaks free from the attempt to disarm.
Alexxis sticks her tongue out at Malice.
Mephisto raises an eyebrow curiously at Amon.
Buddha appears out of nowhere.
Mephisto says, "Foolish mortal."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "hit play on that playlist if you are following along :)"
Conor appears out of nowhere.
Bobby's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
[OOC: Johnny says, "here's the June Loot Crate - Dystopia -
Factor edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says, "The Robocop Tee is wicked cool."
[OOC: Carrera says, "swaaaag"
Leah appears out of nowhere.
[OOC: Vetsa exclaims, "That shirt!"
Leah edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "town hall starting in two minutes please @town-hall to join and find a seat"
XHELP Buddha [responding to you]: -Please- find a seat.
You think . o O ( Lucky Me! )
Amon whispers, ", "stats"" to Omara.
[OOC: Carrera says, "Starting of with M and the Diamonds! Fuckin hell yeeeah"
Conor edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Carrera says, "I'm already pumped now."
Omara whispers, ", "*speaking english, in a ruggedly feminine mixer affected Spanish voice* Whaaat?"" to Amon.
[OOC: Johnny asks, "whats the playlist url?"
[OOC: Fengshui says, "
Atlas says, "*speaking english, in a clear and ringing voice accented with the laughter of bells voice* Nope"
Arisruk appears out of nowhere.
Linekin returns from AFK and is more or less present.
[OOC: Zinna says, "I'm using
http://tinyurl.com/SindomeTownHallJune2016BGM for a human-readable one."
Amon excitedly slams Linekin a mean high-five!
Daffnee appears out of nowhere.
Malice mo sings happily, "I'm gonna be your bubble gum bitch... I'm gonna be your bubble gum bitch."
Alexxis flicks Factor in the back of the head from the row behind.
[OOC: Johnny says, "for those of you using the webclient, Please click the 'Images' blue button at the top to enable inline images for my presentation."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Town hall has started."
Factor turns and sticks his tongue out at Alexxis.
[OOC: Cerberus says, "Time to relax now."
Daffnee sits cross-legged on the floor.
Daffnee stands up from the floor.
Factor licks Delilah and Cayce.
Fengshui steps up to the podium and smiles out at the crowd, "*speaking english, in an a stereotypically asian voice* Welcome to the June 2016 Sindome Town Hall. I'm so happy all of you could join us."
Fengshui places both hands on either side of the podium, "When I was a brand new player, the GM I looked up to the most, Iga, who also played the famous Nicadaemus Fraiser, helped lead a Town Hall."
Fengshui makes eye contact with of the older players in the crowd and smiles, "I was still so very new to the game I don't even think I was playing Seven yet."
You wave nonchalantly.
Fengshui makes a sweeping gesture out of the crowd with his left hand as he says, "I thought it was such a grand idea for us all to get together, discuss the game, and walk away with not only ideas on how to improve our own roleplay, but the game itself."
Fengshui returns his hand to the podium and says, "So, that Town Hall was a success--but then they didn't do another one. Years went by and they still didn't do another one."
Fengshui reachs up and scratchs the side of his face lightly with two fingers, "Iga had retired by now and someone else was carrying the torch and they still didn't do another one."
Fengshui flashs the crowd a smile and says, "This made me sad until I realized that the they' that was not having Town Hall meetings, was in fact... me. And thus, our tradition was reborn with the help of Johnny and all the other admin."
Fengshui continues speaking, making eye contact with different members of the crowd, "I love doing these meetings. The energy is so incredible. And after the meetings-- that energy carries over and things visibly change. Those of you that attended the last Town Hall meeting, or the one before that, or the one before that. You know what I mean."
Fengshui leans forward slightly, "We're going to discuss a lot of stuff today and some of that will include things that we changed based on feedback from the last Town Hall. Things like grapple."
Aki cheers, "*speaking japanese, in a clear voice* We do!"
Fengshui continues speaking, "I'm really excited to get all of your feedback and to hear your opinions on everything. This is a good segway into the rules of this event."
Fengshui sweeps his gaze over the crowd, "Look around, there are a lot of us here. We're going to have to stay as quiet as possible during the meeting such that we can follow the scroll of what's going on, and also so we can move fast enough that we get through everything."
Fengshui waves his hand through the air leaving a trail of pixelated dust in it's wake, "The structure of the meeting is thus: Speeches from Admin which will touch on their various parts of the game, discussion of the topics outlined in the agenda, and then if we have time, open discussion of any other topics. Then we wrap up and the meeting is officially over. We will then have time to break off into groups and discuss things here, or you can head back In Character."
Buddha raises a hand.
Hayes appears out of nowhere.
Rupe appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui flicks his wrist and with a flourish of system magic, a 'QUIET PLEASE' sign pops into existence, flashing for a moment before popping out of existence just as quickly, "During the speeches, keep your responses to applause until the end, like you would in real life."
Hayes walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Rupe edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui continues, "During both the structured and open discussion, I will propose a topic from the agenda, and you can raise your hand to be added to the queue. Buddha will be keeping track of who's turn it is to talk. Try to have your comments ready so that there isn't dead time in between speakers. Make sure your comments are respectful. When it's your turn to talk, Buddha will message you privately."
Rupe palms Aki's thigh with a pat.
Rupe grins mischievously at Zinna.
Fengshui smiles out at the crowd, "We are a family, even if we aren't all friends. Hell, maybe we are all friends. I consider you all friends, but then again, I'm mushy and love everyone."
Slither . o O ( Love to kill them all In Character, at any rate.)
Aki smiles to Rupe.
Fengshui continues, "Be respectful. Don't talk unless you've been called on. Don't whisper, we can all see it even if it's garbled. You can use OOC-Chat, but try not to have too much scroll there or I will disable it, and anyone who doesn't want OOC-Chat can @xsilence it."
Fengshui continues, "If you are talking out of turn or being disruptive, you'll be messaged by an admin to stop. If you continue you'll be tossed into the void. We've never had to do that, and let's keep it that way."
Fengshui looks down at his hand and quietly tick a few things off on his fingers before saying, "One last thing. Cooperative Competition. We all cooperate OOCly so that we can compete ICly. This is an important tenet of this game. You guys have been doing a great job with it lately. Thank you all for continuing to live up to my expectations."
Fengshui steps back from the podium and motions to Johnny, "So, without further adieu, our Arch Justice, the man with the plan, celebrating nineteen -years- on the MOO in a month and a half, Johnny."
Buddha slides around the stage and up to the podium.
Vetsa starts applauding politely.
Carrera cheers!
Buddha smiles to Johnny, "Apologies."
Cayce starts applauding politely.
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that his rests on the stage.
Daffnee starts applauding politely.
Grayson starts applauding enthusiastically.
Dario appears out of nowhere.
Amon starts applauding politely.
Johnny steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Buddha says loudly, "Speak out of turn, and I -will- end you."
Malice starts applauding politely.
Buddha hops off of the stage.
Johnny smiles out at the audience.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Greetings Sindomians!"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "as a reminder if you are using the web client please hit the images button at the top to turn in line images on!"
Johnny says loudly, "It's been a long time since we gathered in our amphitheater. We're overdue by a few months. I felt it was important to wait until we had a year's worth of data to report on before we reported on it. See, for just over a year now, we've been dumping events into a fancy analytical engine and then mining that data for all sorts of interesting things. So a good bit of what I'll present is based on this data. It's been an amazing year and I know it's going to keep going because it's all due to you making the RP happen."
Atlas materializes from a sudden swirl of mist and fog.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Before I continue, I want to thank the staff for putting this together at such short notice. These don't just happen magically and I'm glad everyone can come together and make it happen. Thank you team!"
a hooded petite woman is summoned in by Buddha.
Yahto appears out of nowhere.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Now, let's talk about the #1 Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game ... Sindome!"
Johnny says loudly, "That's right. Whether you're asking Mud Connect, Google, Bing, Top Mud Sites. We are #1 and that's thanks to you. "
Malice cheers loudly!
a hooded petite woman edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Over the past 9 months, a lot has changed in my personal life, so I don't have nearly the same amount of time to devote to my role with Sindome. Nyron and Malice and Slither have been stepping up and fixing bugs and coding whole new things for you and I'd like to highlight some of the new elements the team has been able to achieve."
Yahto edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "First, the Grapple Refactor was spearheaded by Nyron and resulted in a completely new set of verbs to carefully accomplish what it needed. Later on, I'd like to hear feedback from everyone about the grapple changes."
Johnny says loudly, "Another big change Nyron coded is shooting through exits or 'directional projectiles. We're still refining this code, but I hope to be able to leverage it for vehicle on vehicle combat with projectiles as well as installable security systems."
Johnny says loudly, "Malice reopened SHFL several weeks ago and blazed through a trail of bug fixes. You all seemed to be thoroughly be enjoying that."
Johnny says loudly, "Slither took some time to refactor @look_place / @sleep_place and give us @temp_place in the process. I know many of you are appreciating the @temp_place addition, I'm seeing it used frequently! "
Frijol appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "Slither also brought randomization improvements to the SIC scripts and the documentation around scripting. We have a lot more work to do when it comes to docs and guides for scripting, but we want more of the community to have more involvement in script creation. "
Frijol edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "We're also still looking for someone who wants to work on website content like this and other things as their main focus. Light HTML skills are helpful but you could learn on the job if you'd comfortable writing marketing and informational material. :)"
Rejind appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "The @attention system that Slither coded to keep staff informed about things that need attention was evolved to reduce the tendency to tune things out. The new Note Buffer system for GMs lets them stream a note together as RP is occurring. These two things, while unseen by you, help let the GMs better support you. We keep improving the staff side tools as we find opportunities."
Danilochka appears out of nowhere.
XHELP Buddha [responding to you]: Find a seat.
Johnny says loudly, "We tweaked char-gen, replacing the multi-line description input with the @describe command. This sacrifice has resulted in a lot fewer individuals getting stuck at the description step in Character Generation. We also added a prompt when people go to submit their histories, reminding them of what we need, and this has cut down on the number of submissions that were missing the basics."
Johnny says loudly, "We made thoughts 100% IC things that other characters (with the right implants) can receive (including sic messages). Some of you laughed, but then someone got busted based on thought evidence and people stopped laughing as much."
Johnny says loudly, "We converted the city's Historic Archives from just 4 rooms to a whole complex building. This also extended the reachable portions of rooftops across the Green Sector, something that has been sorely lacking for years."
Johnny says loudly, "We've added mountpoints to vehicles so additional components can be installed. Some of the first of these components are IC already in the form of fog lights, spoilers and such. Not much yet today, but in the future, weaponry will become available for some of these positions too."
You edge into the sixth row, and pick a seat and lower yourself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "When we did the grapple refactor, I asked Nyron to add support for a 'wariness factor' and since then he's inserted changes into key places so your characters are being noted as being 'wary' from a recent situation. Wake up in the clone vats, get hit in a fight, have someone try to grapple you; all these things will make you wary for a period of time. This wariness is currently applying when we check if you notice someone making a move to grapple you -- you're expecting it. In the future, this wariness might be applied in other similar situations."
Johnny says loudly, "One thing you've not seen yet is our new powers when it comes to setting up spawnable characters. We've now got the ability to spawn whole teams of diverse characters in fancy vehicles. APCs, official dropship classes for combat, security and medical and all the supporting characters to fill them."
Arisruk edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Those of you who already have access to ORBs know they weren't capable of much. We've given them a planned upgrade for full flight capabilities that work much like flying a vehicle complete with built-in flight interface. The ORBs are going to be our official IC manifestation of alumni Bishop's Autonomous Combat Drone (ACD, sACD and rACD) concept which you've seen represented in ambience, weather and descriptions. You'll see this change happen as the builders get to them all."
Dario sits cross-legged on the floor.
Dario stands up from the floor.
Dario edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "The final new features I want to highlight are the vinyl sticker making kiosk and the weapon / jewelry engraving machine that are now available in game. There hasn't been a whole lot of use of these yet, so I wanted to call attention to these. Both of them will let you customize your weaponry. The vinyl stickers can be put on car and robot parts too and other stuff I'm forgetting. And jewelry engraving of course is important for those wedding rings I've been seeing are needed from time to time."
Marcello stands up from the floor.
Marcello walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Virgulino appears out of nowhere.
Daffnee edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Vetsa bunches up her black hoodie, tugs the synth-cotton fabric down over her chest and adjusts the fit with a slight tug. She pulls the hood over her head, letting it cast a shadow over her face.
Johnny says loudly, "It's amazing to think, but in a year's time, we've had over 1000 immigrants walk through the Withmore City gates.
Johnny says loudly, "42% of those who come in will end up drafting a history. Of those that draft one, 91% submit it for a GM to review and approve. Of those submitted, 1/3rd are rejected -- our GMs are pretty strict about what we require. All total, out of the original pool of those who get out of chargen and through the main gates, only 26% end up with an approved history."
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "Despite this 'History Gauntlet', the number of unique PCs we're seeing connect each week is up more than 40% compared to a year ago, so we're seeing more of you on a regular basis than ever. "
a hooded lithe woman reaches a hand up and grips her black hoodie, struggling for a moment before tugging off the synth-cotton material.
Johnny says loudly, "
Morgan appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "A year ago we'd had a max of 42 people connected at once and an average of 26 connected at any given time over the course of a week. Now we're seeing over 50 people connected at once regularly and a weekly average of 36-37. "
Johnny says loudly, "It's important to keep in mind that over the summer will be a somewhat quieter time, so don't be surprised if our numbers don't reflect these stats until september again. Vacations and school affect our population seasonally."
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "As the number of immigrants increased, we're seeing a similar increase in deaths. Coincidence? Easy fodder? Note the spike of deaths from SHFL testing! "
Johnny says loudly, "Lets dive into some combat numbers
Johnny says loudly, "First of all, only 676 of you have attacked something or someone successfully (at least one hit). Collectively doing some 191,221 points of damage, each hit is averaging about 13.4 points of damage. In the Unique Attackers per Day chart, you can see the number increase by 50% in late 2015 and stay consistently at or above that through today. Your Best Damage each Day is pretty consistent and our outliers aren't crazy."
Kurgal's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "Between the 4 styles of Martial Arts, I'm not going to show which style is most popular. I don't want you deciding to pick one of them based on popularity or not. Instead, this shows successful hits by style. You can see the increase in activity that matches the increase on the previous Unique Attackers chart. Additionally, note the spike at the end from SHFL testing."
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "By far the most hits are happening with your bare hands. Cigarettes and gridphones are popular enough choices too. Again, try not to read too much into Krav Maga being so high on this chart, as an oldbie MA master who chose Krav Maga is going to have an outsized effect."
Kurgal hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Kurgal edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "The top 25 weapons account for more than 75% of all damage dealt. You'll notice that the gridphones and cigarettes didn't do enough damage despite all their hits to make this chart."
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny exclaims loudly, "The top 25 combat locations are almost exclusively located in the mix or virtual. And boy is Bansupuro park a dangerous place!"
Johnny says loudly, "All that combat brings us back to death
Johnny says loudly, "The player population experienced death 680 times in the past year. 262 times at the hands of another PC. Some of you experienced more deaths than others. Some of you have been fortunate in that you only know of IC friends who have died. Some 26 corpse clonings have happened. I won't share how many clone insurance policies were claimed against, but 2.8 million is a lot of clones and updates. "
Johnny says loudly, "Those that don't die might make it to the local ER.
Johnny says loudly, "Of course, some of you are going to the doctor for other reasons. Perhaps you were touched by the Buddha? The GMs are empowered to infect you if they deem your RP, traversal of terrain or area or combat warrant catching an infection. That didn't stop you from then spreading infections to others some 93 times! Note that ER Bills and Spenders doesn't include elective procedures like cybernetic installations or nanogenic injections. You can see that nanogenics outsell cybernetics pretty handily though."
Johnny says loudly, "Lets take a look at RP!
Buddha waves meekly.
Johnny says loudly, "A whole lot of activity is going on at Red Finest, even beating the venerable Drome. Grunen's continues to be a focus of activity in the Green Sector along with the Krakeon Apartments building. Obviously a lot of RP happens in the bars, on the streets and when navigating the transit system."
Johnny says loudly, "Note that this chart excludes all the private locations I could readily filter out like bedrooms, closets, living rooms, etc."
Johnny says loudly, "The one show is blank. :)"
Johnny says loudly, "So, poses or emotes?
Johnny says loudly, "Hermes, Vigil, Izzy, Conor, Nion and Arisruk each have done 23,000 or more poses. Hermes' 32K is insane. That's so much RP! "
Hayes grins.
Johnny says loudly, "rp includes all speech, poses, emotes, socials, thinks, changing your @look_place ..."
Johnny says loudly, "Notice how much more RP happens out in public compared to private."
Johnny says loudly, "How about socials?
Johnny says loudly, "Mordith, Conor, Elina, Vetsa, Proxy and Reinhardt each have done 11,000 or more socials. "
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Vetsa and Proxy each have done 23,000 or more emotes. Vetsa's almost 39K is even more insane than Hermes! That's so much RP!"
Johnny exclaims loudly, "One observation you can make from this set of data is that you're 6 times more likely to get a kiss if you get your date somewhere private!"
Johnny says loudly, "How many of you use adverbs when you use social commands like 'grin' or 'nod'? Can I see a show of hands."
Nion raises a hand.
Grayson raises a hand.
Fengshui raises his hand.
Reinhardt rises his hand.
Cayce raises a hand.
Noah raises his hand.
Leah raises a hand.
Rejind raises his hand.
Carrera raises his hand
Conor raises hand.
Buddha says loudly, "Nion is the fastest."
Buddha says loudly, "Therefore the best."
Buddha blows a kiss to Nion.
Johnny says loudly, "It's good to see them being used. I find them handy myself."
Malice raises her hand.
Johnny says loudly, "We don't capture the extra detail of adverbs used, so you're helping me understand if it's useful. Thank you."
Johnny says loudly, "
Yahto raises his hand
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Now, I know some of you are laughing. We don't directly track this, but you sometimes get a bonus of a specific value, so we track when you get that bonus and infer your character had sex at least once in that 24hr period. So, -at least- 1120 fucks were given, perhaps more!"
June appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "Not many of you are smoking after though. I think most smokes are smoked while you're out and about. It seems most of you keep it simple when it comes to your boozin'. We do keep the bars from having too broad a selection each, so this limitation likely plays a role in the way the numbers shake out here."
Buddha raises her hand.
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "Yep, look at all those cigarettes smoked in bars, not in bedrooms! And we can see the regular booze being the dominate choices at all the bars too. Obviously, you prefer to drink when you party, but you do a fair bit of the other stuff too. If we exclude alcohol and cigarettes, you can see that marcy and endo are the favorite drugs and very few are smoking TH-2c."
June sits cross-legged on the floor.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Props to Hermes for solidifying his reign as Vanity King! He was leading at the last townhall. I know he's making excellent use of @temp_place on a regular basis. If you remember, Hermes has also done the most poses this year, so if you find yourself RPing with him, study the master!"
June stands up from the floor.
Manuel appears out of nowhere.
Johnny says loudly, "Switching gears to money
Manuel edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
June edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "You earned 50 Million chyen in salaried pay! Another ~10 million directly from NPCs. Pickpockets stole more a million of it (not counting the thieves that pick your pockets when it's foggy). 64 million in purchases is great news for all the local businesses, but you'll note that about a million and half of what was spent, was spent on streets that don't exist. Those are inside Super Happy Fun Land. Obviously, a lot of what you spend your money on has to do with where you live. "
Johnny says loudly, "
Johnny says loudly, "Here's a compound chart showing the number of PCs scaled up to compare it against the amount of RP occurring. I am not a statistics expert, but I think this clearly shows a dramatic increase in the amount of RP occurring as the population slowly increases pretty steadily."
Johnny says loudly, "My final chart ...
Johnny says loudly, "All this extra activity has resulted in some dramatic growth I doubt we can maintain safely. We've had 2 runaway CPU moments we're still unsure the root cause of, but slimming down what can be slimmed down is once again something I need to put on my todo list. See if we can get it back under 80 at least."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "if you are following along on the playlist, Killing Strangers just started."
Johnny says loudly, "My last topic will be about our budget."
Johnny says loudly, "Through the end of 2015, we took in enough donations to cover our planned costs. We did spend more in advertising than we budgeted for, but this didn't eat into our 2014 surplus by much. We still carried over almost enough to cover a year of infrastructure costs. "
Sen's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Johnny says loudly, "So far, we're about halfway through the year and you've already donated enough to cover our infrastructure costs. We haven't had to increase our spending on advertising and for 2016, we budgeted about half as much as we did for 2015. We're seeing a lot of organic traffic from google so we've not advertised there in over a year. "
Sen hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "We are advertising and 'boosting' posts in Facebook to re-connect with fans who might not be playing and to reach their friends who might be roleplayers and fans of the things that brought them to our site in the first place. The money we save by being voted into the top pages on Mud Connect and Top Mud Sites is also pretty huge!"
Johnny says loudly, "We're going to be fine for 2016. Probably 2017 too. I can see the donations are slowing though, so I want to get ahead of the costs."
Johnny says loudly, "In addition to the advertising cost reductions, I have abandoned the 'gondor' server project that would have seen our hosting costs go up as we move to better hardware."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "60 PEOPLE! NEW MAX EVER."
Johnny says loudly, "Instead, I am evaluating options that would see us move to Amazon Web Services EC2, Linode, or something of the like. We could gain features while reducing our costs. "
Buddha appears out of nowhere.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "One of the things I'm interested in doing is getting us on solid state disks. Because of our legacy nature, we do a lot of things via the hard drive. A slow hard drive is bad for the MOO, bad for our node.js apps (the website and the webclient) and bad for the PHP powered wiki too. Solid state hosting would dramatic improve our quality of life. This project might be completed by the end of the year if I get to focus on it. It might increase our capacity for current player activity too!"
Johnny says loudly, "Finally, I will be sunsetting the service that supplied our fancy charts. I've been personally paying for it at a super high cost. With my new family, I can't keep paying for it, nor can I ask the community to bear this huge cost for such a nice to have. Being able to search this data and visualize it has been amazing, but we don't -need- this. If you think there are interesting searches left to make before we turn the service off, I encourage you to mail us to get it looked into. There's a lot of stuff we can't share with you but it might still be interesting to the staff."
Poseidon walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Johnny says loudly, "With all that said, I'd like to thank the staff for volunteering with us and thank you for playing Sindome with us. I look forward to finishing out a great 2016."
Navi walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Johnny says loudly, "And now I'll turn the stage over to our glorious quartermaster, Jinx. "
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Nion applauds the staff gratutously!
Johnny exclaims loudly, "or Cerberus!"
Daffnee starts applauding politely.
Yahto starts applauding politely.
Manuel starts applauding politely.
Cayce starts applauding excitedly.
Cerberus says, "*speaking english* Correction, our glorious backup quartermaster, Cerberus."
Johnny smiles broadly.
Mephisto starts applauding impolitely.
Vivyan starts applauding loudly.
Yahto starts applauding politely.
Fengshui steps up to the podium, "Jinx actually isn't here, despite being here."
Noah starts applauding enthusiastically.
Johnny steps away from the podium.
Vetsa starts applauding loudly.
Grayson starts applauding politely.
Delilah starts applauding politely.
Cerberus rises from the plush leather seat that his rests on the stage.
Cerberus steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Linekin pokes Jinx in the ribs repeatedly.
Linekin pokes Jinx in the ribs repeatedly.
Fengshui motions to Cerberus, "Cerb will be giving his update."
Fengshui steps back from the podium.
Cerberus waves nonchalantly.
Azura takes a long drag from his lit Persian Gold cigarillo, blowing a dark blue cloud of sweet smelling smoke into the air.
Connor edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cerberus says, "I will be working Jinx's statement into my own Head Builder update, so it'll all come together."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Okay, playlist sync: Gasoline by Halsey is starting in 30 seconds."
Buddha says, "Please weclcome to the stage, Cerberus!""
Cerberus coughs into his hand and begins.
Cerberus says, "For the uninitiated, My name is Cerberus, I am a former GM, former Head GM and currently Head Builder for Sindome. I have a team of approximately four active or part-time builders, including Sehkmet, Sinbad, Atlas and myself. My role in addition to simply getting out there and creating content is organizing the build agenda based on the priorities and needs of the game as they develop."
Cerberus says, "I'd like to start off with a brief note on everyone's favorite thing to see built, donation pads."
Cerberus says, "Donations continue to come in and donation pads continue to be steadily churned out in a wide variety of flavors from ground vehicle based to atmospheric and space flight based pads. For those of you that are unfamiliar, we try to build a new perma-pad based on your characters RP and what would be themely and appropriate for that characters accomplishments and goals. Its a lot more personal than a fancy apartment in a non-standard location. "
Cerberus says, "Atlas will be speaking more about donation pads towards the end of the meeting."
Cerberus says, "Now onto the fun stuff. How is the game world going to develop over the next twelve months? Let's start with Space."
Carrera cheers!
Cerberus says, "The second half of 2016 and first half of 2017 should see a lot of development on making Space locations more accessible, populated, and useful within their specific context. Rather than having a broad set of uses or simply offering other locations to hang out, each destination in space will be designed around a specific purpose to encourage people to visit them for specific plots and RP goals, then return to the Dome where the core interaction should be done."
Cerberus says, "The first major overhaul will be done to FreeSky, and weve got several other locations already planned and outlined. A lot of the space development will feature new code, new environments, new items, new concepts, and new flavor to add to your RP and your characters."
Cerberus says, "Crashing down through the Atmosphere brings us to the Badlands."
Cerberus says, "The Badlands will be seeing a lot of development in the near future as well, new locations to explore, and some revamping of existing locations to make them more exploration appropriate. A current issue we have right now with the Badlands is that it is not as dangerous as the theme suggests it is unless a GM makes it as such. We will be making quality of life improvements that increase the risk associated with travel, and well be taking steps to correct this with the addition of new content and challenges to experience."
Cerberus says, "One difficulty we have with the Badlands is a lack of assailable security, things are usually either open or they are not and I want to take steps to make this more of a grey area with consequences that don't require a GM being awake and watching."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "61! New World Sindome Record!"
Cerberus says, "Now let's shake off the dust and walk through the gates. Bringing us to our most frequented area of the game, the Mix."
Cerberus exclaims, "The Mix is doing pretty good in terms of development, and before anyone has a chance to ask, no I am not putting a strip club on Fuller Street, two strip clubs and a whore house is sufficient on one sector. :-) However, I am in the process of improving unfinished locations in the Dome, and I will be adding a new perma-pad location and rentable apartment location to Red Sector that will accomodate our growing population. It's safe to say that due to our very supportive player base, we're effectively running out of places to build perma pads on some sectors!"
Cerberus says, "That brings us Topside."
Cerberus says, "I am adding more stuff to do for our Corporate Citizens. This is pretty important to me, I've always been an advocate for classism in Sindome, Corpies need to be disgusted by Mixers and in order to achieve this, I need Corpies to feel like Corpies by having more Corpie things to do that Mixers can't afford to do. In order to achieve this ive added and am continuing to add and improve whole groups/factions of NPCs to provide more tools for GMs to interact with different types of roleplay from the playerbase."
Annaliese appears out of nowhere.
Cerberus says, "My aim is to diversity the portfolio for people looking to get involved in factional RP and Corporate lifestyle RP from new angles to offer a fresh experience to existing areas of the game. Corpies should be able to easily participate in the Corporate intrigues that you might expect, and part of this will be realized with the (finally) establishment of the IC Corporate Council."
Annaliese edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cerberus says, "At my last Town Hall I unveiled the idea that we will assign a GM or two to a single mega-corporation and encourage these GMs to plot against the other GMs mega-corporations in sinister ways, we want GMs to be undermining other GMs efforts and forcing the PC employees to 'deal' with it in various ways. This should drive a LOT of corporate intrigue, back-stabbing and RP that people have been asking for. While I am no longer a GM, I am setting the expectations of use with the content I am developing, so we will be pushing this agenda pretty hard to get it out and ICly affecting the players."
Cerberus coughs, "Now, onto other topics outside of my Head Builder umbrella."
Cerberus says, "In addition to being the Head Builder, I act as a back-up for Jinx on balancing and adding new items to the game, for Fengshui on Loremaster tasks, and for Johnny on approving code changes before they impact the IC world. "
Cerberus says, "As part of these responsibilities I am continuing to review and balance all Combat oriented NPCs and factions to ensure theyre not being over-utilized or overpowered against the existing player-base opposition. As the player base expands and contracts, the threat to specific groups of NPCs changes and requires that staff re-visit and fine tune the experience so that the challenge is not too easily overcome nor impossible to overcome. Players grow and weaken, so do the NPCs."
Frijol twists the gold pearl ring on his finger.
Vee appears out of nowhere.
Cerberus exclaims, "We've added a lot of new items to the game and are continuing to add more, for instance. Jewelry!"
Cerberus says, "Vehicles and auto/aero techs are getting some much needed love in terms available things to do and will be available for purchase in the coming weeks. This includes fog lights, spoilers, panel lighting, and tint."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Sixty-fucking-three!"
Vee edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cerberus says, "Corpies will start to see new items to utilize that play off of Corpie friendly stats, and new brands of existing products that help establish the class gap between the sectors, also in turn providing Mixers new gear to steal away from the wealthy and privileged. This will also encourage more consistent wealth gap creation between Corporate Citizens and Mixers. We dont want it to be too easy for Mixers to simple save up and appear corpie we want it to be easier for Corpies to inherently stay ahead of Mixer financial development, as the theme demands."
Alivia appears out of nowhere.
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cerberus says, "Delving into Jinx's workload, Round two of the weapons overhaul will be starting soon, and will see the completion of the Heavy Weapons skill, this maybe include mini guns, RPGs, flame throwers and the like. In addition to Heavy Weapons, we're going to be adding Energy weapons in and these will utilize existing skills and be utilized by skills like melee, pistol, rifle, martial arts and brawling, etc. "
Cerberus says, "Jinx is still in the process of finishing new Armor to fill the higher tier gaps. We'll be adding new style and effectnivess to various tiers of armor and we're looking to add about another four sets alongside xo3 and the other new additions that've made their way IC."
Cerberus says, "We're going to be re-working cyberlimbs and introducing new nanogenics down the line once the game world is ready to accept such changes. As always we're going to be balancing all weapons and armor as we go along so you can expect minor tweaks here and thing to bring things in line with one another."
Fengshui brushs some dust off of his vintage Xo3 battlemesh.
Cerberus says, "I've also been mulling over the possibility of creating classes to weapons that make them distinct in their origin, such as Badlands scavenged gear, lower tech or 'traditional' weapon types found in the Mix, and higher-tech, sleek Corporate Sectory class options but this idea is still in it's conceptual phase."
Cerberus says, "On the Loremaster front, and I will be updating the Wiki and Lore on the website to include all new groups, and updates for existing groups that are in need of some attention. This also has me creating, managing, and implementing the background history, interpersonal facts, and themeliness of all new and existing groups, which is in part an effort to make it easy for GMs to find the purpose and value in making use of specific RP tools, to have a wider range of options when plot-crafting and responding to players RP choices."
Cerberus says, "Speaking of Lore, with the hint from Jinx that Energy weapons are coming to the game world, I highly encourage all players to re-read the timeline and fully understand the historical implications of bringing these types of weapons to the game. Its a very big part of the timeline with a lot of RP weight behind it, itll be an exciting addition to the game, and will lead to the creation of new areas of the game to facilitate their introduction appropriately and in accordance with their established theme."
Cerberus says, "Theres a lot to accomplish over the next year, and were constantly adding new projects to my list of things to do, so theres plenty of content to come in all shapes and sizes. Thank you."
Cerberus steps away from the podium.
Cayce starts applauding excitedly.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Noah starts applauding politely.
Delilah starts applauding politely.
Malice starts applauding politely.
Johnny starts applauding politely.
Carrera starts applauding politely.
Cerberus firmly secures his hand around the head of his Gomorrah dildo, massaging the tip firmly before starting to pump his hand up and down the pliable yet hard length.
Azura starts applauding politely.
Grayson starts applauding enthusiastically.
Poseidon starts applauding politely.
Aki starts applauding enthustiastically.
Alivia just sulks.
Fengshui steps up to the podium, "Okay. Let's see, what is next."
Phlox starts applauding politely.
Amon looks around the room.
Nion leans over and kisses Amon lightly on the cheek.
Nion grins mischievously.
Yahto starts applauding politely.
Cerberus takes a seat.
Fengshui motions to Atlas, "Speaking on GM related issues, Atlas."
Fengshui steps back from the podium.
Atlas rises from the plush leather seat that her rests on the stage.
Danilochka's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Hermes appears out of nowhere.
Hermes eyes his surroundings warily.
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that his rests on the stage.
Johnny applauds politely at Hermes.
Atlas steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Hermes respectfully bows to Hermes.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "quick round of applause for Hermes."
Amon applauds politely at Hermes.
Factor starts applauding politely.
Hermes eyes his surroundings warily.
Cayce applauds politely at Hermes.
Poseidon applauds politely at Hermes.
Alexxis waves at Hermes nonchalantly.
Leah applauds.
Yahto applauds politely at Hermes.
Hermes edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Reinhardt applauds at Hermes.
Grayson applauds loudly at Hermes.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Hermes was #1 for poses and #1 for vanity changes!"
Zinna applauds politely at Hermes.
Noah applauds politely at Hermes.
Nion applauds Hermes loudly, whooping.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "for his awesome use of pose and emote that he has no idea we called out."
Hermes exclaims, "*speaking english, in a hushed and raspy voice* I was sudying!"
Atlas applauds politely at Hermes.
Vee starts applauding politely.
Delilah starts applauding politely.
Hayes starts applauding politely.
Vivyan starts applauding politely.
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Atlas [to Hermes]: *speaking english, in a clear and ringing voice accented with the laughter of bells voice* Keep stealing my thunder.
Atlas eyes Hermes warily.
Frijol [to Hermes]: *speaking english, in a corn-fed accented baritone voice* wait till you see the logfile and the charts in it
Hermes [to Atlas]: Now reap the whirlwind.
Connor applauds politely at Hermes.
Hayes grins.
Hermes casually nods at Frijol.
Daffnee starts applauding politely.
Cayce [to Hermes]: *speaking english, in a girly Southern accent voice* I'm coming for your record.
Buddha exclaims, "Silence for Atlas!"
Mephisto starts applauding impolitely.
Fengshui flicks his wrist and a 'QUIET PLEASE' sign appears and flashes for several moments.
Alivia [to Hermes]: I totally taught you how to pose.
Atlas holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Atlas says, "Most of you may know me as Atlas the builder. Well, they were looking for a GM to do this speech. I killed the GM they picked and assumed the role."
Hayes laughs.
Atlas smiles innocently.
Linekin eyes his surroundings warily.
Atlas says, "First, I wanted to talk to you about what GMs "do" in the game. Many of you think of us as puppet masters, plotters, and the badmin behind your character's death. What we really are is player support. We support you in your successes and failures, we make sure these things move forward. There are more and more of you each day that we watch grow, learn, and proudly watch you begin to move out on your own two legs."
Atlas says, "We are inspired by your character's goals and ideas to do things. Some days, you'll see our response times are long and you think we aren't here. We still watch, listen, and read notes later. The summer is a time for a lot of changes in players as well as our behind the curtain team. "
Atlas says, "And, if you think we aren't watching your thoughts, I know a handful of you have had my own personal touch applied to your mind in response. We are here."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Spotify Playlist sync, currently playing: We know where you sleep ;)"
Atlas says, "I want to discuss the current climate and balance of the MOO."
Atlas says, "This means the grittiness versus fluffiness. "
Atlas says, "And, I just want to say..."
Atlas says, "You all motherfuckers need Jesus."
Buddha snickers.
Johnny cackles madly, his eyes lighting up with glee.
Atlas says, "We're pretty close to a balance between fluffy and gritty as it stands. There is always a line that we love to see our players getting closer and closer to. I have personally watched players plot via phones, SIC, in bars, and wherever else they find each other. Players plotting is exactly what we love to see because, that means our players are feeling confident and empowered enough to not need a GM to carry them in a plot."
Atlas says, "That doesn't mean we aren't plotting."
Atlas says, "We, of course, have plots in the works. I know for a fact a very interesting plot is going to rock the MOO this year. I can't say when, where, why, or how but you probably won't even know about it until it's suddenly on you. There will, of course, be players involved in this plotting and I'm sure they'll be very excited. I know I am. We have at least two current and somewhat subtle plots running, you may not even know they've affected you...until it's too late."
Atlas says, "Other plots this year saw us introducing new NPCs permanently to the game, dramatically affecting character's positions in life, and adding hand mirrors. Yes...hand mirrors.."
You nod casually.
You say, "Important."
Buddha flashs light in your eyes with a handheld mirror.
Atlas says, "Hand mirrors will be more involved in plotting than you might think."
Atlas says, "Things that have been themely lately. I mentioned it earlier but, I am seeing a rise in players plotting against players! I LOVE THIS! The GMs love this! This is beautiful cyberpunk themeliness at it's greatest. When you are using each other to get ahead. Corporate backstabbing and straight up backstabbing. You saw Johnny's charts, cigarettes got involved, information was spilled, and then blood. Beautiful."
Sam_Guest has disconnected.
A group of gangers runs in shouting loudly and flashing gang signs before picking up Sam_Guest and carrying it off quickly.
Manuel stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Atlas says, "Unthemely things that we always try to work on and address and talk about as a team behind the curtain is usually about the corpie and mixer divide. The washed masses sitting topside in their fancy apartments, taking their fancy drugs, talking on their fancy phones, versus the scum underside. Where SK frequently forgets to turn the heat on at night, rats are more dangerous than Gangers when they are in packs, and there is strange howling coming from the park if you listen hard enough. This is something that, as a team and with your help we want to make more apparent. It's themely to have a Mixer connection for your drugs and other things, less themely for the Mixers to come up and chill with you and your buds for karaoke. Same with you wandering down under and being welcomed. "
Atlas says, "Through plotting and other devices, this divide is slowly being felt more and more by some."
Atlas says, "Things we have to look forward to on the GM front in this year. Every year we have new GMs come on, some leave for real life, some I kill off and recycle into jewelry because they've displeased me. I am excited when we invite new staff members to our team, it means you get more support and we have more creative juices to pump into the game. Don't think we've gone and ignored you if you don't get help right away. Our staff is busy with their lives just like you, review the helpfiles on NPCs and such and help us help you by leaving notes and giving information so we can work on it with you. Without the players, there are no needs for GMs and we appreciate all of you for your support."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Playlist Sync: LED Spirals "
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "playlist link: http://sindo.me/mn3M43"
Atlas says, "So, thank you from the GMs and all the staff for you, the players for being here."
Atlas says, "Now, onto my customary speech stuff. I'll make it brief."
Frijol starts applauding warmly.
Buddha barges onstage.
Atlas says, "Every town hall I mention donation pads and my favorite channel, the fix-it channel."
[OOC: Buddha says, "If you're listening along on Spotify, about now you should be listening to Three prayers to the Buddha:"
Johnny gives it up to the Buddha.
Buddha steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Atlas says, "I have personally dug my hands around in many donation pads, picked up the RP for apartments that were donated for. Your donations are very appreciated as always and, my email (
[email protected]) is always open to discuss ideas or ask what you might be getting if you do donate. I want it to be realized that, while we appreciate donations---"
Atlas [to Buddha]: I will recycle you into jewelry on the spot.
Atlas holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Poseidon eyes Buddha warily.
Hayes giggles.
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Buddha yields the podium to Atlas.
Buddha steps away from the podium.
Atlas says, "While we appreciate donations, we want you to donate because you love the game, not because you get something for it. The pad is a perk, not an investment. "
Carrera cheers.
Atlas says, "As for the fix-it channel, quite a number of you have joined it. The fix-it channel allows us to tap into player creativity to fuel our own projects. In the last month we've asked for corporate children descriptions, cars, an aero, and Mexinese gangers."
[OOC: Johnny says, "archetypes"
Atlas says, "We encourage anyone who wants to contribute to descriptions, to xhelp us later to be added to this channel. We welcome the new creativity."
Atlas says, "Oh yes, we just started getting archetypes described by our fix-its."
[OOC: The game has been saved and backed up successfully to disk. 'help cp']
Atlas says, "After this, if you have donation pad questions, please see me. Thank you for your eyes."
Atlas bows respectfully.
Atlas steps away from the podium.
Grayson starts applauding enthusiastically.
Cayce applauds politely at Atlas.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Atlas angrily slaps Buddha right in the face, hard.
Daffnee starts applauding politely.
Noah applauds and cheers!
Vee starts applauding politely.
Amon angrily slaps Amon right in the face, hard.
Delilah starts applauding politely.
Buddha eyes Atlas warily.
Atlas says, "That was more vicious than I wanted."
Atlas kisses Buddha on the lips passionately.
Hermes applauds viciously at Atlas.
Atlas walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Poseidon shouts loudly, "*speaking spanish* GET SOME!"
Buddha steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Conor starts applauding politely.
Fengshui steps up to the podium and says, "Now for a few words from Malice on code, and then we get to talking!"
Linekin preciously slaps Atlas right in the face, hard.
Chris appears out of nowhere.
Vivyan starts applauding angrily.
Hermes blows a kiss at Malice.
Buddha says, "Let's all pretend we don't see the admin fighting."
Fengshui steps away from the podium.
Buddha smiles to you.
Malice rises from the plush leather seat that her rests on the stage.
Cayce suddenly gasps!
Malice approaches the podium.
Atlas says, "The admin never fight. Cooperative competition."
Azura grins mischievously.
Malice says, "*speaking english* First of all for all my friends out there, most of whom won't recognize me, thank you for your friendship. Sindome remains a constant source of community and inspiration for me, and being able to participate in all the ways I've been invited to has been an honor."
Yahto starts applauding politely.
Buddha steps away from the podium.
Malice says, "I should start by saying that the coders here a some of the most creatively motivated people I've ever gotten to work with, and it's always a joy to see the creative things the players come up with to utilize what they create."
Malice says, "Which brings me to the first bit of code you all know and love: Super Happy Fun Land! To say it's had an interesting past would be an understatement."
Malice says, "To briefly recap, it was original written many years ago, and closed due to critical bugs which prevent you from doing rather important things like going back to the real world."
Chris edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Malice says, "What I can tell you is that the code is something I've been all through at this point, and it's deceptiptively simple, which is why it's so hard to fix: because it was written by someone who knew how to accomplish a lot by writing very little code... a brilliant piece of art from an artist who's ability I have far from mastered in this context."
Malice says, "Regardless, I've done my best to make what improvements I can and I've fixed a fair bit of things that were broken, both with the game and with the rest of the MOO."
Malice says, "Unfortunately, some bugs remain. But focusing on those bugs would be like saying that a steak dinner was bad because the side salad was overdressed. The fact of the matter is that you your constant return to the game has made it possible to expose those bugs, track them down, and fix them over and over."
Malice says, "As a result, combat and death is now a lot more stable. Specifically multi-party combat, where 3 or more people are involved in the fight, and doing things like grappling someone when someone else kills them. Real edge cases that were tricky to spot, and lots of them."
Malice says, "But with your help, we actually made the whole MOO better. Cerberus redid the vending machine, and that really helped put the weapon tiers Jinx worked hard on into the spotlight, but it also highlighted a few shortcomings we're hoping to address soon with regards to the contexts in which weapons are used. "
Malice says, "Aiming through exits really paved the way for this, and it's safe to say you can expect your world to get even deadlier as a result in the future."
Malice says, "My point I want to make to you is that when you play Sindome, and when you get stuck, your patience with helping the rest of the team to get you unstuck has resulted in the experience consistently improving for everyone down the line. That's been invaluable to all of us. When you try out new stuff in the game, and learn that there's a bug, and spend time helping us fix it? Magic happens."
The room runs with blood and horror.
Malice says, "And I really need to impress upon you the need to keep doing it. Keep exploring. Keep trying different things. Keep pushing the limits. But perhaps more importantly, keep putting up with our rough edges while we made those improvements."
People start to scream and stab each other with sporks.
Rejind eyes his surroundings warily.
Buddha nods solemnlu.
Malice sighs, and watches helplessly as blood starts to come out of people's eyes.
Malice says, "And understand sometimes those rough edges come in the form of code, and sometimes they come in the form of people. Coders are people who make mistakes, and they have bad days. Frequently. Trust me. You'd have a bad day frequently too if you were responsible for so many lines of code."
Conor stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Conor edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Malice says, "Lines of code don't remember to say please, or thank you for writing them. They ruthlessly execute, sometimes against your will, wielding a weapon of potential destruction when a bug occurs. So when a coder yells at you, "GOD DAMNIT, KNOCK IT OFF!" because you keep running afoul of a bug, remember to say thank you, and give them a hug, because it's not you they're really angry at, and trying to make you happy is the reason they're having a bad day."
Malice says, "Remember that this is the 8th engineering wonder of the world, comparable to little else. Johnny has created a monument to creativity, and we are responsible for maintaining it's status as art, cherished by a community who loves it, curates it, and makes it a world they inhabit, and constantly improve."
Rejind edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Malice says, "I can't stress that enough. I've been coding as long as I can remember. This code base is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's amazing. And it's because you helped make it amazing."
Malice exclaims, "So I thank you for your contribution, and I'm looking forward to the next things that we will do together, both with the code, and in character. You are the reason we code, so please keep on being that vitally important part of the game. Without you, I wouldn't exist. GAME ON!"
Malice bows respectfully.
Malice walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Atlas starts applauding politely.
Hayes cheers loudly.
Nion clapses their palms together repeatedly in a noisy manner.
Daffnee starts applauding politely.
Conor starts applauding politely.
Yahto starts applauding politely.
Delilah starts applauding politely.
Vee starts applauding politely.
Cerberus appears out of nowhere.
Conor tenderly gives Chris a warm hug.
Poseidon leans slightly forward and licks Malice suggestively.
Nion claps her palms together repeatedly in a noisy manner. - fix.
Vivyan starts applauding boisterously.
Alexxis sticks her tongue out at Malice.
Frijol applauds politely at Malice.
Johnny sniffles and applauds Malice happily.
Hermes applauds sensually at Malice.
Connor applauds politely at Malice.
Alivia squints at Frijol.
Amon nods casually.
You step up to the podium, Okay, so to recap how this will work. I'm going to raise a topic and then you guys (admin included) who want to speak on it, raise your hands. Buddha will keep track and call on you. Try to have your responses / questions / statements as ready as possible. And stand up when you are called on, and sit down when done. Cool?
Noah applauds everyone, because you're all awesome.
Johnny suddenly gasps at Seven!
Hayes nods casually.
Amon nods casually.
[OOC: Fengshui says, "whoops"
Alivia nods casually.
[OOC: Fengshui says, "lol"
Atlas [to You]: Sit down you freak.
Reinhardt nods casually.
Fengshui steps up to the podium, Okay, so to recap how this will work. I'm going to raise a topic and then you guys (admin included) who want to speak on it, raise your hands. Buddha will keep track and call on you. Try to have your responses / questions / statements as ready as possible. And stand up when you are called on, and sit down when done. Cool?
[OOC: Cerberus says, "someone get this scrub off the podium"
Semya starts applauding politely.
[OOC: Johnny says, "the illusion is shattered."
Hayes giggles.
You walk away in shame.
Yahto sniffles and starts crying woefully as tears roll off his cheeks.
Buddha waves.
[OOC: Kurgal says, "Slither go drunk , you are home. "
Hayes pats Seven onna head parentally.
Fengshui says, "Okay! If you are following along here:
Fengshui says loudly, "Our first topic is: Non-combat stuff to do (paydata, smuggling, forgery). Raise your hand to get in the queue."
Hayes's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Cerberus raises his hand.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Also keep in mind I will be moving things along as we don't want to fall behind schedule, so if you don't have a chance to talk, start a BGBB post!"
Buddha says loudly, "First comment is from Cerberus."
Eyes fluttering open, Hayes climbs slowly to her feet.
Alivia raises her hand immediately.
Phlox's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Buddha asks loudly, "Alivia, your comment?"
Hayes walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Alivia says, "Cerb's commeting first, I thought."
Buddha says loudly, "I changed my mind."
Alivia says, "Nngh."
Buddha says loudly, "Pray that I don't change it furhter."
Zinna raises her hand.
Alivia says, "Yeah, ok, so I'll keep this quick."
Phlox shifts slightly.
Poseidon stares blankly at Alivia.
Phlox edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Yahto raises his hand
Alivia says, "I feel like non-combatives is grossly misrepresented. I'd be happy as a clam if there were more going on for corporates of all varieties to do that was like, important other than backstabbing reality drama-type scenarios."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "please make sure you are standing up and sitting down when done so we know when to move on"
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Fengshui says, "thanks"
Cerberus says, "*speaking english* So, I saw this post on the forums and I have to admit I was a bit discouraged. Paydata is and always will be a player driven aspect of the game, if you're NOT creating dossiers on people, or you're NOT selling paydata to each other instead of gossiping it away first for free, then I suggest you start doing that because that's what paydata is for, profit. More players keeping information to themselves and selling it is what is going to create a bigger market for that type of RP. "
Cayce raises a hand and wiggles her fingers.
[OOC: Linekin says, "When you raise your hand, please type out your comments/questions while you're waiting to be called on. It will help things move along quickly and smoothly."
Johnny raises his hand.
Cerberus says, "That's all."
Mephisto raises a hand.
Buddha says loudly, "Zinna, then Yahto."
Zinna stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zinna asks, "Say someone feels like they have too much flash, but are, for some reason or another unwilling to spend it in a manner that hurts someone. What are some things everyone would ICly know about that they could do to blow away their money?"
Zinna sits cross-legged on the floor.
Zinna stands up from the floor.
Zinna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Linekin rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Linekin walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Cerberus steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Cerberus says, "As I stated in my speech, we'll be adding new corpie brands of products and such to the game."
Amon's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Amon hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Amon edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cerberus says, "There WILL be more to do and more to spend on, you can invest in bodyguards, cars, tailors, and soon ultra sleek versions of Liteterms, and such."
Cerberus steps away from the podium.
Cerberus says, "And more Jewelry."
Cayce applauds politely at Cerberus.
Frijol twists the silver peridot ring on his finger.
Buddha asks loudly, "Yahto?"
Morgan sits cross-legged on the floor.
Yahto stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Yahto asks, "*speaking english, in a haggard, and slightly slurred with 'z's a lot voice* My thoughts were answered by Cerberus moments ago, about stuff like paydata. I haven't seen that much, if at all, things like as paydata, forgery, in my few months of playing. Will there be a priority for GMs to and bring light to these ways to RP?"
[OOC: Yahto says, "whoops"
Fengshui steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Yahto edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Reinhardt's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Hermes raises a hand.
Fengshui says loudly, "Paydata is something that is player driven. It's up to all you guys to make it and to distribute it. NPCs might pay to get paydata, or distribute paydata that is plot related, but player to player paydata is all you guys."
Fengshui steps away from the podium.
Buddha asks loudly, "We had a couple of admin comments on thi?"
Buddha turns to the stage.
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Johnny steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Alivia raises her hand again, shyly.
Johnny says loudly, "This is why I agreed with the plan for GMs to take control of corporations and work against each others interests. I still think this is an idea worth exploring, but it requires team by-in."
Johnny steps away from the podium.
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Lorcan appears out of nowhere.
Buddha says loudly, "Final comment from Alivia."
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cayce raises her hand again.
Lorcan edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Hermes looks at his raised hand and pouts.
Alivia says, "I'm probably seeing this from tunnel vision-esque point of view, but I totally disagree with the angle the gMs are playing at for the corporate division. I don't think we need more shit to buy, insofar as fancy junk to spend money on, but more plot in general."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "we'll burn through the rest of the queue quickly, and then we need to move on."
Buddha says loudly, "Noted."
Buddha gestures to Cayce, "Final comment from Cayce"
Cayce stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cayce says, "*speaking english, in a girly Southern accent voice* I think there's been a certain misunderstanding or misconception, community wise, of paydata and folks could maybe use some better examples of how to operate in those areas so they can do so more independently. I feel like realization of potential will help the community help itself in that regard. Generally plotting as well and going after those plots opens avenues for other players to get paydata and spreads the plot love, while it feels a lot of people are waiting for it to come to them."
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Hermes discreetly sniffs himself.
Buddha bows to you, "Thank you."
Mephisto rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "also we are moving a bit fast to make up for time, the GMs are noting and will review all your comments / concerns / counter arguments. So if we just say noted, it's a time pressure not a lack of interest."
Mephisto says, "*speaking english* If you want to deal in paydata, you have to be a shrewd businessman that puts money first, or your friends are going to make you broke. Use coded mechanics such as high perception, cybernetics, and surveillance equipment to glean useful data. For smuggling, there are IC ways to get into that if you go to the right people. As for forgery, there is presently nothing to forge per se. You can always use social engineering to achieve your goals, and this is highly effective in SD. Do your research, plan rationally, and you will find the way to do these things. You really have to find out yourself, if we made it super obvious and accessible it would be moot."
Mephisto walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
I don't understand that. [try 'examine me', 'examine here' or 'examine <whatever>' for more help]
Fengshui [to Hermes]: Last comment.
Hermes pushes a black curl behind his eara and says: "I'd like to know GM opinion in non coded stuff that interacts with the ambient pop. Like for examplr..."
Hermes says, "Paying money to make people trash a part of town and change the room desc."
Fengshui steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Hermes says, "Or creating a new gang that sticks like the Snakes back then."
Carrera cheer at you.
Hermes smiles as he finishes talking.
Fengshui says loudly, "possible, though you'll need to discuss something like that with GMs if you want our support for things like room description changes. New gangs are also possible but they require a lot of RP, money, connections, etc. It's not something that happens over night and is mostly player driven to the point where GMs have to pick up on it."
Hermes nods once.
Fengshui says loudly, "Let's open a BGBB post and discuss."
Fengshui says loudly, "Next topic, show of hands: How can we maintain the corpie mixer divide both economically and rp wise. While at the same providing for sufficient RP to keep people having fun."
Alivia raises her hand.
Amon raises a hand.
[OOC: Linekin says, "When you raise your hand, please type out your comments/questions while you're waiting to be called on. It will help things move along quickly and smoothly."
Buddha says loudly, "We have Alivia, Amon."
Rose appears out of nowhere.
[OOC: Hermes says, "Sorry about thay"
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui steps away from the podium.
Mephisto raises a hand.
Atlas raises her hand.
Buddha says loudly, "Then Mephisto."
Buddha says loudly, "And Atlas."
Rose edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Phlox raises a hand.
Buddha says loudly, "And then Phlox, then we'll be moving on.,"
Buddha says loudly, "Type up your answers and be ready, please."
Alivia says, "I think that trying to keep them divided is like, not really the best idea. I mean, yeah, there should be shit ton of animosity, but there should be a reluctant co-depedency that doesn't punish either parties for wanting to be involved with the others. IE, ganger players going to topside for certain etc etc etc. "
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Amon says, "I believe the GMs should encourage the corpies to despise mixers more. More IC consequences if you are a high rank corp mingling with an average Mixer. This will not isolate the sectors, it will create CONFLICT, grudges, resenting feelings, etc. I believe it benefits the game as a while. "
Amon stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
June's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Buddha nods, "Mephisto?"
Mephisto rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Amon edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Nion sighs, and raises a hand.
Mephisto says, "The class animosity is a fundamental part of theme and we will be working on enabling corpies to represent their part of this dynamic."
Mephisto walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Cayce starts applauding politely.
Linekin raises his hand. "*speaking english* REMOVING reasons for conflict is not something we're interested in."
Linekin puts it down.
Buddha asks loudly, "Atlas?"
Atlas says, "Skip me."
Buddha asks loudly, "Phlox?"
Phlox says, "Part of the problem is that everyone starts as a mixer. That doesn't seem to help that divide at all. One of the things I see a lot is that corpies will insist they're not corpies and keep ties with the Mix, because that's where they first made friends. Let in more corporate immigrants, that's what NeoTrans is for."
Buddha says loudly, "We're going to allow Nion, then move on."
Phlox stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Phlox edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Buddha says loudly, "Nion."
Nion stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Nion says, "Having played sindome for over a year now and been in some very very priveledged positions from which to observe roleplay I can safely say that the corpie/mixer divide is not something I see at all amongst player characters. Why? is a complex matter."
Virgulino vanishes from the meeting.
Buddha says loudly, "Thank you."
Buddha asks loudly, "Commens from the GMs?"
Nion says, "GMs very clearly encourage a haves vs have not attitude."
Cerberus says, "Side comment, Corporate Immigration is for experienced players only and requires more knowledge of the game world, it's not what NeoTrans is for."
Nion coughs, eying her seat.
Nion shrugs unceremoniously.
Nion sits cross-legged on the floor.
Nion stands up from the floor.
Alivia snickers at Cerberus.
Nion edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui [to Nion]: Please continue.
Linekin says, "Another side comment, many first-time players with immigrant characters "go corpie" as fast as they possibly can make it happen."
Nion stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mephisto raises a hand, "As we said, we will be working on enabling corpie theme. Mixer theme is very well developed and we will be differentiating the topside one."
Fengshui points to Nion, "Go ahead."
Nion asks, "Many mixers haven't seen the ways in which corporate law works to oppress their rights... I can assure you it does... But it could be made more prevalent... Equally. Mixers? Why are you so tolerant of your greedy corporate bretheren?"
Nion says, "They have the shit."
Nion says, "They have money. Stuff."
Nion says, "And it sits in their accounts, in their houses, just waiting to be robbed and blackmailed out of them."
Nion says, "I feel a universal plot making it more obvious just how much the corporate need is prioritised over the mixers would contribute well to players understanding the theme."
Nion says, "And vice versa... Mixers. Show the corpies why you're dirty and not to be trusted."
Nion says, "that's all."
Nion edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui [to Nion]: Well said, thank you.
Atlas says, "Thank you, Nion."
Amon excitedly slams Nion a mean high-five!
Fengshui asks loudly, "We are going to move the next item to a BGBB convo: Enabling corpies to be corpies (being able to backstab, having enough money to benefit from a corpie lifestyle rather than having more money in the Mix, generally being able to have fun with this role). Someone please be proactive and create the topic for discussion. We have already touched on it several times so lets bring it all together. So, next topic to discuss: Can we increase conflict between the Factions? Ideas for how we might do this?"
Cayce raises a hand.
Alivia raises her hand.
Cayce stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui casually nods at Cayce.
June yawns and rubs her eyes.
June edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Grayson raises her hand, too.
Fengshui [to Cayce]: Please.
Cayce says, "I've noticed an increased outcry between Mixer/Corpie relations, just the start, but it's definitely had effects. I feel that the more corpie driven plots that emerge, the more the divide will become apparent, and there'll be a clearer gulf. I think that a certain Mix of player involvement to voice these opinions and help underline that part of the setting is important, and I'd like to see and create more reasons for that to be shown."
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Phlox raises a hand.
Fengshui [to Alivia]: Go for it.
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next up Grayson and then we are moving on."
Fengshui says loudly, "Sorry, next up Grayson then Phlox then moving on."
Alivia says, "When you say factions, I assume you mean the underworld-Mix related ones. Personally, I think it's kind of unfair that it's limited severely to Mixers. The major factions & corporate worlds should probably have a fucked up symbiosis that keeps them both thriving. It'd help w/ facilitating conflict between both divisions."
Cerberus says, "I'm adding factions topside in droves, and they already exist as it is. You just need to expose yourself ICly enough to interest them."
Cerberus says, "Factions are MOO wide, not just mix."
Fengshui nods casually.
Atlas says, "If you aren't aware of them, they are probably doing their jobs well."
Fengshui says loudly, "Faction is a term to describe entities in the game. Criminal, corporate, gang."
Alivia says, "Oh, cool. My bad."
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui [to Grayson]: You're up.
Grayson stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Grayson says loudly, "*speaking english, in a placid voice* Thanks yall. From the effort into that went into speeches alone, I can tell just how much the admins loved the player base and the world you help bring to live. I would like to mention that without conflict in any form, you dont have a good game world. While sometimes it might seem a bit like a soap-opera at times, even this leads up to a lot of fun rather than sitting around and staring at a wall. It is up to the players, with their know-how, luck and gumption, to be plotting behind the smiles. "
Grayson continues, That said, I would like to see conflict initiated from the GM side because not only do players have invested interests in their characters and want to minimize risks and hedge their bets, but also the game world currently does not have a lot of movers and shakers to stir stuff from up above in the corporation world, either to piss down into the mix and abuse them for profit or to compete against other corps interests. Sometimes, players just cannot spawn the creative plots that admins have the power for. She throws down her two cents and steals a hug from Malice before seating.
Jp appears out of nowhere.
Nion's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Nion hauls herself to her feet, rubbing her eyes.
Nion edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Grayson says loudly, "Also, players can't make easily make nanogenic zombies to torment mixers or accidentally some EBOLA on people. I'd like to see more of this too."
Fengshui [to Grayson]: Anything else or?
Grayson says loudly, "That is all."
Fengshui nods casually.
Grayson edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Amon excitedly slams Grayson a mean high-five!
James appears out of nowhere.
Fengshui says loudly, "We are behind so the next topic is going to be moved to the BGBB, that's space and the badlands."
Grayson tenderly gives Amon a warm hug.
Fengshui says loudly, "let's discuss: what staff think makes an interesting character & plot"
Fengshui asks loudly, "Staff hands please?"
Buddha raises her hand.
Fengshui [to Buddha]: Go for it.
Atlas raises her hand.
Buddha steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Buddha says loudly, "There are a lot of things that make an interesting character."
Buddha says loudly, "None of them are in the past."
Buddha says loudly, "This is something that other admin might fight me on, but I stand by it:"
Buddha says loudly, "Don't write an interesting history."
Atlas casually nods at Buddha.
Buddha says loudly, "Be an interesting character."
Cayce starts applauding politely.
Lorcan starts applauding politely.
Buddha says loudly, "For your next character, try this basic history on for size:"
Hayes smiles.
Buddha says loudly, "Character McCharacterface lived a quiet, unassuming life, until they were told that their godfather wandered into Withmore."
Buddha says loudly, "History: Done."
Cerberus says, "On a side note, please make sure you meet the minimum requirements of a history before submitting at least. :-)"
James nods casually.
Buddha says loudly, "When you write your history, don't kill your hashtag plot hooks."
Raidne appears out of nowhere.
Buddha says loudly, "When you write your plot hooks, we're going to ask you for your parents even if they're dead."
Buddha says loudly, "You can't game the system."
Mephisto raises a hand.
Buddha says loudly, "Clones are good. You're a double-sleeved clone of a CEO of some corp or other."
Buddha says loudly, "Instant conflict."
Poseidon says, "*speaking spanish* Clones are like condoms. Use 'em and lose 'em."
Buddha says loudly, "But more than anything, make sure your history establishes a -character-"
Buddha says loudly, "The history isn't for -us-"
Buddha says loudly, "It's for -you-."
[OOC: Johnny says, "
Buddha asks loudly, "Mephisto, you had a comment?"
Atlas says, "Don't skip me."
Buddha says loudly, "Also Atlas."
Fengshui says loudly, "Whoever has their statement ready, go."
Fengshui says loudly, "We are behind."
Atlas says, "What makes a player interesting to me, and probably a couple of my faves, are the quiet and dangerous and those that can adapt. Shit happens, they continue on like a damned cockroach. They have the paydata, they have the secrets, they have the fake smile and the knife to your back. You might not be aware that they exist, but they do, I've seen them. I wholeheartedly agree with Buddha on the history. Don't have an interesting past, have an interesting present and future. And, the least interesting characters to me by far are those who suicide offhand and go through char gen again. Sometimes, suicide happens and whatever but...there is always a way to change without that and be different and be what you want your character to be. I have a harder time trusting a new character who just suicided because they couldn't get creative."
Atlas says, "Don't mistake that for me hating you for the suicide, but, you have to earn my trust all over again."
Buddha says loudly, "Thank you, Atlas, you capture my point."
Malice crawls on Atlas like a fucking cockroach.
Fengshui [to Mephisto]: You're up.
Atlas finishes.
Mephisto rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Mephisto says, "We have extensive help on how to write a history and we encourage you to write a detailed story that describes your character's personality. History is important for characterization of motivations and goals and we don't recommend rushing past it. At least you should figure out what you want your character to behave like over time and add more detail to your history afterwards."
Mephisto walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui nods casually.
Buddha says loudly, "Good point."
Buddha gestures to Atlas.
Atlas says, "One thing I wanted to add that a character told me they did, they determined a personality and stuck to it wholeheartedly. They have become a fantastic character in the game because of this."
Fengshui says loudly, "Okay, be an interesting character, not an interesting history. Have vices. Have issues. Have goals you'll never achieve but have tons of fun trying to."
Buddha bows to fengshi.
Buddha bows to Fengshui.
You say, "Get others involved in your RP. Even if they wll fuck you over :)"
Buddha nods.
Buddha steps away from the podium.
Fengshui says loudly, "Okay, next topic. initial steps to a successfully staff supported plan/plot/idea"
Fengshui says loudly, "Player and GM hands please."
Atlas Raises hands.
You begin speaking Spanish.
Rejind stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cayce holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Rejind vanishes from the meeting.
You begin speaking English.
[OOC: Seven says, "say Get others involved in your RP. Even if they wll fuck you over :)"
Fengshui [to Atlas]: Go.
Atlas rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Malice raises her hand.
Hermes raises a hand.
[OOC: James asks, "Aint that good?"
[OOC: James says, "You can fuck around. Haha"
Aki stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Aki vanishes from the meeting.
[OOC: Johnny says, "if you have to leave, stand up and then @town-hall."
Atlas says, "Make me want to support you but, the initial steps are to have a goal in mind, and start the RP. For me to get interested, I want to see that you are willing to put in the work and the notes. If I'm going to do paperwork on you, I want you to show me you are going to put in some effort for something interesting. Especially getting it started with other players and leaving notes and thoughts."
Gaz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "Malace. then Hermes."
Gaz waves nonchalantly.
Gaz vanishes from the meeting.
Atlas walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Malice rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Malice says, "*speaking english* I just had a quick question for Linekin."
Linekin rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Linekin respectfully bows to Malice.
Malice [to Linekin]: How do I get out of this chicken shit outfit?!?
Linekin says, "Metagame."
Malice walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Linekin grins.
Linekin walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui [to Hermes]: You're up.
Atlas [to Hermes]: You're up.
[OOC: Linekin exclaims, "No, that is not how *I* got out of it!"
Hermes stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Koka appears out of nowhere.
Phlox raises her hand.
Hermes clears his throat.
Hermes says loudly, "Add notes explaining what's on your mind, consistently. Write your lines of reasoning and your intentions. Then go and -get shit done- aggressively. The world (players and GM-run) will react to it, often beyond your control. I've seen it happen, a plot starts and dies and time later I learn that it's fallout is still moving stuff forwards. Go and talk to NPCs, buy and sell stuff, hire people, delegate, kill maim burn.... Write good notes. Get shit done."
Atlas says, "Phlox is the last commentor on this topic."
Atlas [to Hermes]: Well said, thank you.
Poseidon casually nods at Hermes.
Hermes bows respectfully.
Hermes edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Phlox]: You're up.
Atlas eyes Phlox warily.
[OOC: Anderson says, "Please type up your responses while waiting on others to finish."
Phlox stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Phlox exclaims, "I was!!"
[OOC: Atlas says, "Be quiet player."
[OOC: Poseidon says, "Not quick enough."
[OOC: Cerberus says, "Ill turn YOU into jewelry."
[OOC: Atlas says, "Not if I do it first baka."
Phlox says, "One of the things I've noticed with plots my character has started with the GMs in particular is I'm almost always met somewhere in the middle. I tend to get something at the end, even if it's not exactly what I wanted. It's both frustrating and rewarding. It can be discouraging, but it's also good to not get what you want all the time, even when you put all the work into it."
Koka claws haphazardly at her neck. her tender flesh glowing a bright red hue as her fingernails rake off dead scraps of skin.
Atlas [to Phlox]: Thanks for understanding that you can't always win.
Linekin nods at Phlox. "The fastest way to see someone quit the game forever is to give them everything and exactly what they want. We've seen that many times."
Phlox says, "A balance has to be struck between how much someone fails and how much someone succeeds. There needs to be enough success to encourage players to try again, but there needs to be enough failure to keep things interesting."
June's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Fengshui [to Phlox]: Anything else?
Phlox shakes her head.
Fengshui says loudly, "Okay, next topic I am going to tackle. developing new things ICly (cybers, cars, aeros, matrix). Developing THINGS that are not already possible to develop, like drugs, is purely an RP thing. You can be working on a new project at Virii-soma for instance. That doesn't mean it will ever make it IC and you should level-set your expectations. We have to write code for new stuff and there is a huge back log. We may involve you in RP around the release of something new."
Phlox edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
June yawns and rubs her eyes.
Fengshui says loudly, "Do not rely on this. Focus on informational development like writing a how-to guide on making awesome drugs, then SELL IT. Or how to be a good mechanic and then SELL IT. And when someone steals it or pirates it. KILL THEM. Or better yet pay someone to kill them."
June edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says loudly, "Focus on putting out and generating content. Write a book ICly. Write a guide. Put out a newspaper. Create a business that doesnt need GM support to be successful."
Liana appears out of nowhere.
Johnny raises his hand.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next topic I will also handle: common mistakes players make in staff supported plots. "
Fengshui says loudly, "Or... Johnny."
Fengshui says loudly, "Go."
James vanishes from the meeting.
Liana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* I would like to add that part of how I build things and release them is to release a 'bare minimum' feature set for whatever it is. This means I'm expecting others to then go forward and flesh out, horizontally the variety of things where I have left things more bare."
Johnny says loudly, "..."
Johnny says loudly, "Where players see opportunities for this variety to be expanded, they can contribute what they think is needed. Descriptions, messages, proposed values they understand, etc."
Johnny says loudly, "Join fixit, share your contributes with the team there"
Fengshui nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "You'd be surprised how easy it is to expand things that way."
Johnny says loudly, "thanks."
Fengshui says loudly, "Next topic I will also handle: common mistakes players make in staff supported plots. "
Fengshui says loudly, "You might lose. You might not be the main character. You might not see everything else going on, or the RP that is going on behind your back. Be mindful of this and roll with your punches. Enjoy yourself. Your character wants to win but that doesnt mean you have to. Not always. There is something glorious in losing, or being on the wrong side of it."
Zinna raises her hand.
Johnny says loudly, "Remember, cyberpunk is about the struggle, not the success."
Atlas [to Zinna]: Last comment after Johnny.
Atlas holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Johnny motions to Zinna, "Go ahead."
Hayes stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Hayes's body goes limp as she slumps to the ground unconscious.
Fengshui [to Zinna]: You going or?
Zinna says, "I just wanted to say that my most profound RP moment in Sindome was in a plot occurance where I was a side character, at best. Someone valued my presence, and I was targetted to hurt them. Without going into significant details, I was, OOCly, terrified. Afterwards, I was sad that my participation was so short and limited, because it was AMAZING."
[OOC: Fengshui says, "nm"
Zinna nods casually.
Fengshui casually nods at Zinna.
Fengshui [to Zinna]: Thank you.
Cayce applauds politely at Zinna.
Fengshui asks loudly, "Next topic: communication, the dos and don'ts of it. First, don't be a dick. Not OOCly. That's pretty much the important thing. Leave notes. Let us know what you are doing. We will TRY to take it into account. We see a lot of notes though and there are a lot of you. Any other comments on communication? Players? Admin?"
Cayce raises a hand.
James appears out of nowhere.
Atlas raises a hand.
Alivia raises her hand.
Atlas [to Cayce]: Go ahead.
Lorcan casually nods at Zinna.
Zinna raises her hand.
Atlas says, "Zinna will be the last to comment. "
Cayce says, "*speaking english, in a girly Southern accent voice* Most of the time, when I come with questions as a player, it's always with the best intentions and erring on the side of caution. I appreciate staff directly addressing the issue and helping me understand, while not pandering or condescending me. It's greatly appreciated."
Cayce stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Cayce]: Thank you.
Factor's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Grayson raises a hand too.
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Atlas [to Alivia]: Go ahead.
Dario stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dario vanishes from the meeting.
Alivia says, "#TeamJohnny!! No, seriously, I'd like to just thank the GMs collectively for being cooperative w/ me. I know, through Hermes's helpful observations, that I can come across as bitchy & ultra-flakey, but the times that people like Linekin, Buddha, and Cerb-the-Herb worked with me and gave me the feedback I needed like, keeps me me wrong. Thanks. Tons."
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas casually nods at Alivia.
Atlas [to Zinna]: Your turn.
Zinna stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zinna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Zinna asks, "I agree with both Cayce and Alivia's comments in full. That aside, I'm sure it will be asked many times, and has been asked many times. If I know I am going to need to speak to an NPC at such and such time in the next few hours, is it appropriate to xhelp such, and should I also @note it?"
Factor hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Atlas says, "Please do not xhelp about it, please note it."
Alivia pinchs Factor.
James edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Factor edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas says, "I don't want to say never xhelp but, we don't want xhelps for puppets. If we're available, we're available."
Amon raises a hand hesitatingly.
Alivia raises her hand, practically flailing at Atlas.
Atlas says, "One thing I want to see people doing more of is @notes and giving NPCs the correct info and then @noting what they said to the NPC and using gridmails. This gives me a better chance to work with players that I might be in a different timezone than."
Raifuru appears out of nowhere.
Atlas [to Fengshui]: Next
Fengshui says loudly, "what careers/jobs need attention the most/least (from info brokers to artists)"
Fengshui says loudly, "Hands please."
Atlas says, "Four commentors. Get your hands up."
Fengshui says loudly, "okay I will go."
Annaliese raises her hand.
Alivia raises her hand even more, flailing.
Sen's body goes limp as he slumps to the ground unconscious.
Grayson has her hand raised too.
Fengshui says loudly, "WCS. I want a WCS person or three at the gates."
Fengshui says loudly, "So if that job interests you, basically newbie greeter, apply."
Fengshui says loudly, "Super good for newbie retention."
Atlas says, "Feng, then Annaliese, then Alivia, then Grayson. "
Fengshui says loudly, "We need multiple people in different timezones."
Fengshui casually nods at Atlas.
Atlas [to Annaliese]: Go.
Annaliese stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Annaliese asks, "A few jobs that need support and additions, biotech, rigging, electrotech, and auto...tech?"
Sen hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Cerberus says, "We just added more vehicle parts."
Kurgal raises his hand.
Annaliese says, "I want to say chemistry too. It's there but, drugs are kind of...eh. And dealing with the IC stuff can be like a fulltime job"
Fengshui says loudly, "So, we need drone pilots, electrical people, and possibly mechanics."
Annaliese sitses.
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Alivia asks, "Entertainers, celebrites, NLM entertainment specifically. Haxxors, as well, are grossly misrepresented. But, I guess, that's moreso because no one really knows how to go about it/find that one IC guy who knows everything. :| Where they at?"
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Annaliese]: Noted. Your pose didn't work.
Johnny asks loudly, "kind of ... eh is unhelpful, can you clarify that point?"
Sen edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Eyes fluttering open, Hayes climbs slowly to her feet.
Hayes vanishes from the meeting.
Annaliese says, "I didn't want to give a lot of IC info. But, one thing I would love to see is scripted highs and more withdrawal varieties."
Cayce casually nods at Annaliese.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Take to the scripting section of the forum and say you want to be part of the scripting workshop i'm going to have so we can all write awesome scripts!"
Fengshui [to Atlas]: Who is next?
Koka casually nods at Annaliese.
Atlas says, "This is something I want to poke at quickly"
Atlas says, "If you are truly interested in helping on a drug related project, email me at
[email protected]"
Alivia [to Fengshui]: Oh, uh, I kind of threw mine in there when I thought Anna was done. My fault.
Conor slips an arm behind Liana.
Atlas [to Grayson]: You're up.
[OOC: James asks, "Is the suggesting things done?"
[OOC: Fengshui says, "no we are in the middle of a topic still."
Atlas [to Alivia]: Noted your comment by the way.
Grayson asks loudly, "*speaking english, in a placid voice* We're still on communications, right?"
[OOC: James says, "Got it."
Fengshui says loudly, "No, we are on jobs that need filling"
Hermes raises a hand timidly.
Fengshui [to Grayson]: Guessing you should create a BGBB topic on communication as we have to move on.
Atlas says, "Onwards."
Grayson lowers her hand, "I will, I'd like to see more news articles 'cause I eat them up, but that's all."
Fengshui nods casually.
Grayson nods casually.
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Create content, everyone!"
Fengshui [to Hermes]: Final comment.
Hermes says loudly, "Bodyguards. PC bguards are very rare and NPC bgards except TERRA and corpsec are nonexistant."
Hermes stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Atlas says, "Noted."
Hermes bows respectfully.
Hermes walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
James casually nods at Hermes.
Anderson mutters something about being a bodyguard for the Law.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next topic we will take no questions on as we are behind. I will just comment."
Fengshui asks loudly, "playing a 'good' antagonist?"
Amon raises a hand.
Atlas says, ""
Fengshui says loudly, "Have deep seeded reasons for doing what you do that you slowly reveal over time as people get to know you. A crushing backstory. "
Atlas says, "No comments beyond Fengshui."
Fengshui says loudly, "Dont be a dick to everyone, just some people Punch people in the feels, not just their wallets A good antagonist doesnt need to be seen, or even known. Work through others to accomplish your goals."
Fengshui [to Amon]: Please create a BGBB topic about being a good antagonist and lets continue the conversation there.
Amon nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next: How can we make professions like deckers, brokers, PI's more profitable. My comments: Players need to do this. Hire PIs. Hire deckers. Hire bodyguards. Even if you know you dont ICly need these things because you have the skills yourself. We have time for 3 people to speak on this if needed."
Alivia raises her hand.
Atlas [to Alivia]: Go.
Atlas raises her hand.
Hermes raises a hand.
Alivia stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Alivia [to Fengshui]: The problem with deckers is that, from what I've come to understand, is that it needs GM support. Can you shed some insight to make achieving making monies a little easier? Like, what limitations should be be aware of so we don't go barking up the wrong tree promising things?
Alivia [to Fengshui]: IE, me telling Hermes that I'll haxxors the fuck out a bank account and see how much money Billy Joe Bob has, for random example.
Fengshui [to Alivia]: You can currently hack grid nodes.
Fengshui [to Alivia]: You do not need GM support for that.
Fengshui says loudly, "Deckers will be more useful in the future when you have the matrix and hackable buildings."
Alivia [to Fengshui]: I meant BEYOND grid nodes, unless I can hack a bank account/get paydata via-- Oh, that works.
Alivia edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui [to Atlas]: Next?
Atlas nods casually.
Atlas says, "The one thing I want to add, and I hate seeing this happen. Some player is usually too lazy or just doesn't want to spend the flash to hire someone, so they add points to a skill just so they can do the thing. Artistry sees this the most. Just because you can spend UE in it, doesn't mean you should. Does it make sense for your character to do so? If not, hire someone."
Fengshui exclaims loudly, "Also!"
Fengshui says loudly, "One thing. If you are interested in the Matrix. Apply for a job at Prime"
Atlas says, "Spread the RP love, don't keep it for yourself."
Linekin suddenly gasps!
Alivia snickers at Linekin.
Zinna laughs loudly.
Atlas [to Hermes]: You're up.
Lorcan applauds loudly at Atlas.
Hermes stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Hermes licks his lips.
Hermes says loudly, "Professionals need to know what skills and gear they need to get shit done. As they get these, they need to charge more and more as they become better and more specialised. This also applies to other specialists. I've seen real professionals charging like one kay for services in general, not just to their friends or lovers. Even if they may have IC reasons for this, this devalues their professions."
Atlas casually nods at Hermes.
Hermes bows respectfully.
Fengshui nods casually.
Hermes walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas says, "Make people want what you've got. Don't lower your price to make that happen. Why should they want it? Charge them to want shit."
Hermes shouts loudly, "FUCK YEAH!"
Cayce starts applauding loudly.
Grayson nods wholeheartedly.
Fengshui says loudly, "You're a snake oil salesman. Make people WANT what you've got."
Poseidon says, "*speaking spanish* Like your D."
Linekin says, "Working for cheap just means you will NEVER be able to raise your prices."
Hermes laughs loudly.
Fengshui says loudly, "Next topic is one I know a lot of you have ideas on so we are going to discuss it for a bit. Newbie Retention. Ideas to make the game more accessible, without making it -easier-."
Cayce raises a hand.
[OOC] Hermes goes AFK. (this being no substitute for @ooc, he takes the chance something will happen.)
Carrera raises hand
Atlas [to Cayce]: Go ahead.
Arisruk raises his hand.
Kurgal raises his hand.
Cayce says, "Newbies having more dynamic roles they can play beyond just simply applying mechanics would be fantastic."
Cayce stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Nion raises a hand.
Atlas [to Cayce]: Explain quickly please?
Cayce stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zinna raises her hand.
Cayce says, "As in having challenges presented to them, by other players or GMs, that involves them in RP beyond just installing a TV, making a pair of pants, fixing a car, etc."
Atlas [to Cayce]: Noted. Thank you.
Cayce edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Carrera]: You're up.
Carrera stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Carrera says, "So I will try to make this brief, I think the thing I've noticed most is that there is a certain hostility when new players -ask- for help. "
Nion drops their hand.
[OOC: Atlas asks, "Explain quickly please?"
Grayson raises her hand tentatively.
[OOC: Carrera says, "And we all need to remember that no matter how dumb their questions happen to be, answering them politley is better than being hostile in tone. They usually get answers, but people can be pretty harsh about it."
[OOC: Carrera says, "Which I think the solution to is just us remembering to go easy on stupid questions just because they seem stupid to us."
Atlas says, "It is a good reminder that immies are the game's future. They are the ones you want to drag into RP and maneuver to your wills."
Carrera nods casually.
Atlas [to Carrera]: Thanks.
James nodded at Carrera agreeing.
Carrera edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Arisruk]: Go ahead.
Arisruk stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Arisruk says loudly, "I wanted to take a moment just to speak on new player engagement. One of the most consistent acts, which might seem small, to create discouragement is a lack of acknowledgment when a character is come across. Certainly, there'll be times when you the player or your character are in a hurry and perhaps, for whatever reason, cannot shoot out a pose/emote/say. However, there's been countless times where the opportunity for roleplay - brief or lengthy - has been ignored to run crates, for example. "
Arisruk says loudly, "My suggestion isn't that everyone must stop and roleplay for even ten minutes, no. And many characters would ignore other characters they come upon - but that too can be roleplayed with a simple PlayerX doesn't acknowledge player Y. "
Arisruk says loudly, "Our jobs as players is to make sure the other players feel welcomed, and that can be accomplished by even a quick one line emote that lets the other player know: Yes, I see you. Yes, I will roleplay with you. Yes, we engage with each other here. Small interactions go a long way in positive experiences, reinforcement and, yes, retention."
Arisruk edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas says, "Fantastically said. Thank you."
Cayce coughs slightly, "Lev interactions."
Atlas says, "I don't want you to ignore the ambient population, but, like Arisruk mentions, even the emote of not acknowledging the existence of a player due to ambience is still RP."
Sen nods in agreement.
Raidne nods casually.
Atlas [to Zinna]: Go ahead.
A fresh immigrant is tackled by a group of rowdy gangers and carried off to Johnny knows where.
Zinna [to Atlas]: I have to retype my comment. Pass me for the moment if you can?
Atlas nods casually.
Atlas [to Grayson]: Go ahead.
Grayson says loudly, "Carrera kind of tackled this. When I first came to Sindome, way over a year ago, I felt like there was some abbrasive ooc communications. Maybe I should have a thicker skin with it, but tone of the text felt like it was chiding and belittling - a huge put off to the game. It made me feel stupid. What I mean to say is, let's show the OOC love to newbies. A 'FIND OUT IC!' sounds a lot worse than 'Hey, you can find that out in game :D.' Hate on characters, not the players."
Factor nods casually.
Atlas says, "Thank you."
Atlas [to Zinna]: You're my last commentor.
Lorcan casually nods at Grayson.
Kurgal shrugs unceremoniously.
Amon excitedly slams Grayson a mean high-five!
Atlas [to Kurgal]: Did I skip you?
Atlas [to Kurgal]: I did. Go ahead. I'm sorry.
Kurgal says, "I believe one suggestion has already been talked about with the WCS greeter position. I would also love to see an exit interview coupled with the reaper mail. That could teach us a lot more of the reasons why newbies are not being retained. On top of that , i would suggest an projected map for the newbies that is easier accesible than CH or the grid map. "
Kurgal says, "Lastly , i would like to suggest have any newbies with the newbie tag exempt from sic blackouts. That will theoretically allow them better acces to players and make them less feel alone. ICly this can be handwaved with the "newness" of their sic implant before it starts failing. "
Atlas [to Kurgal]: Noted ideas. Would you mind actually making a thread for this and adding your comments there please?
Kurgal [to Atlas]: Will do
Fengshui says loudly, "Maybe we need a better generic OOC 'find out in game' social or thing we can send out that is both friendly and reinforces the idea."
Atlas [to Kurgal]: Thank you.
Nion raises a hnd.
Atlas [to Zinna]: You're up.
Zinna stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Zinna says, "For me, coming into Sindome would have been hard. I walked into this (to me) huge new world, barely found clothes, and had no idea of where to go and what to do. I came in expecting some coded progress and features, but what I wanted to do was a little more complicated than push buttons and things happen."
Linekin says, "Yeah, the existing 'xic' and 'xooc' aren't that helpful"
Zinna says, "I ran into another player, who led me to another player, who got me started. That second player helped me figure out not just the job I wanted to do, but the bits of Sindome I was missing. ICly, he was trying to set up an immigration service, to help new arrivals to the city get settled. I'm not sure how well things like this fit into theme, and it certainly colored my experience in a friendly light, but I probably would have left without this."
Zinna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Atlas [to Zinna]: Thank you for the comment.
Atlas [to Nion]: I'll make a final allowance for you since you raised your hand earlier, go ahead.
Johnny asks loudly, "how the fuck is xic not exactly the nice you want?"
Nion coughs, then states. "Immies play the game for the reason any of us play a game. For something to do. Cayce is absolutely correct in saying that immies need less mechanically orientated tasks to complete. People, these are the minions of the now and the future! Help them out... sure. But don't make that help free. Make them do a little something first, even running pizza delivery is something! Then help them out, throw a clone into the bargain if you can afford it... But they owe you now... " she cycles a finger in the air then says "And people... When someone tries to get you doing something based on the fact you owe them... It's rp! It's really disheartening when you are trying to gen rp for a player and they say... Jump off a skywalk."
Nion [to Zinna]: You were asking earlier what to do with excess chyen?... Theres a possible answer.
Nion says, "Hire people to do shit."
Atlas [to Nion]: Wonderful. Thank you.
Nion says, "Done"
Fengshui says loudly, "Final section, we are drawing to a close as anyone listening to the playlist can attest in the change of tone it has just undergone. CODE! We have recently introduced changes to grapple. Wonderful changes. Changes we discussed and agreed to work on in the last town hall. FEEDBACK from those of you who have used it."
Nion massives thumbs up.
Koka sticks up a thumb.
Fengshui says loudly, "Feedbackkkk."
Nion raises a hand.
Atlas says, "We're looking for some real typed feedback but appreciate your likes."
Fengshui says loudly, "Thumbs up is cool too."
Fengshui [to Nion]: Go
Atlas asks, "Thumbs up, who likes the grapple changes? Hands up, who wants to comment on them?"
Johnny asks loudly, "Are we ready to make the grapple changes required for everyone?"
Nion says, "The changes to initial grapple go a long way to rebalance what -felt- like an overpowered mechanic. It also feels easier to escape grapples lately althugh I don't know if the mechanics were changed or that was stat related"
Nion says, "Once in a grapple however, I'd still like to see a functional option besides 'resist'."
Factor casually nods at Nion.
Noah thumbs up.
Factor thumbs up.
Nion says, "At present you have 8+ functional options in free combat, and one once in a grapple."
Atlas asks, "*speaking english, in a clear and ringing voice accented with the laughter of bells voice* What else do you want to do in grapple?"
Factor raises his hand.
Nion says, "Even just being able to change posture would be good."
Cayce asks, "Fishhooking?"
Atlas [to Factor]: Go ahead.
Malice exclaims, "*speaking english* Attacks!"
James says, "Counters"
Atlas says, "Noted on the grapple attacks."
Atlas says, "And defenses."
James nods casually.
Poseidon says, "Shoot a baka in their kneecap."
James nods casually.
Lorcan smiles innocently.
Factor says, "I just wanted to tack on with Nion. Maybe a limited ability to still unarmed. Kicking and screaming as you're choked to death"
Conor asks, "reversals?"
James says, "any possible"
Cerberus says, "Things you shouldn't be expected to do unless you're a combat master."
Malice says, "If I've got a knife, I'm stabbing him behind me. In his leg."
Poseidon says, "Headbutts."
Rose says, "*speaking english, in a soft, faintly Boston-accented voice* If your combat skill is higher, it'd be nice if reversals/elbowing/etc was possible"
James nods casually.
Atlas [to Factor]: Noted. Thanks.
Rose says, "higher than the grappler, that is"
Factor says, "Right. Lower chance or slower attack rate, but something to give you a chance to do anything but just slowly get choked to death"
Amon says, "Add a new posture that is 'passive', based only in defending and no attacks at all"
Atlas asks, "Someone start a topic on this please. Factor, will you?"
Cerberus says, "*speaking english* Then you need more options WHILE grappling too"
Vetsa says, "*speaking english, in a silvery and enigmatic, Russian accented voice* Option to bite the attacker with chance to infect them with filthy human mouth germs."
Yahto asks, "*speaking english, in a haggard, and slightly slurred with 'z's a lot voice* If you're being grappled by somebody with a gun, the fact that pressing said gun to your head would make it harder for you to resist, death-impending and otherwise?"
Yahto says, "Or anywhere else for that matter"
Fengshui says loudly, "*speaking english, in an a stereotypically asian voice* Okay we have to move on."
Fengshui says loudly, "Suggestions for new cyberware. Don't bother raising your hands, just shout 'em out."
Atlas says, "Wrist whips"
Vetsa shouts loudly, "TASERS!"
Malice exclaims, "Limbs that work!"
Amon says, "Laser eyes"
Malice exclaims, "Arm blades!"
Atlas says, "More weapons"
Yahto says, "Built in toolbelts"
Cayce exclaims, "Custom aesthetic limb casemods!"
Vetsa shouts loudly, "ELECTRIC EEL SKIN GRAFT!"
Grayson says loudly, "Custom perma-smells."
[OOC: Carrera says, "More visible implants! Limbs n'such! "
Atlas [to Vetsa]: Freaky freaky
Cerberus says, "Energy weapons are coming, that includes tasers."
Zinna exclaims, "Additional arms!"
Omara says, "*speaking english, in a ruggedly feminine mixer affected Spanish voice* Functional limbs."
Vetsa raises an eyebrow curiously at Atlas.
Poseidon says, "Automagic condoms."
Vetsa meant to wag her brow!
Atlas [to Vetsa]: Do you mean activateable?
Malice exclaims, "Biomods that impact charisma!"
Johnny asks loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* functional limbs?"
Johnny asks loudly, "for what purpose?"
Atlas [to Vetsa]: Otherwise...shit's gonna get interesting
Zinna says, "TV receiver, so you can watch Nakada @ Nite while you dance at the Sing-A-Rong."
Malice says, "Yes. arms that make you stronger."
Atlas asks, "Strength?"
Koka says, "Combat enhancing limbs."
[OOC: Carrera asks, "Because robot arms are cool?"
Cayce exclaims, "Big giant eyebands! Things that stick out! Lower grade wares for Mixers, higher grade for corp execs!"
Cerberus asks, "Don't we have muscle graft for that?"
James says, "That op."
Omara says, "Str / dexterity, fine motor control."
Malice says, "Or legs that make you jump higher."
Malice casually nods at Omara.
Annaliese says, "*speaking english, in a soft, feminine, monotone voice* Cyberware that makes you lemon scented"
Amon says, "Radio implants"
Johnny says loudly, "cloning functionally replaces the drive for most cyberware as it is."
Lorcan says, "*speaking english, in a deep irish brogue voice* SD verison of a pipboy would be cool..."
Grayson says loudly, "Custom perma-smells -and- tastes."
Grayson casually nods at Annaliese.
Malice says, "Phone implants."
Vetsa wags it retroactively. "Yeah. Charges like flashboost. Electric skin. Grapple attack + cyberware enhancement."
Fengshui says loudly, "Grappling hook cyberware"
Connor pokes Lorcan in the ribs repeatedly.
Johnny says loudly, "I'm not going to sanction more work on cyberware you aren't using to be more you won't use."
Alivia says, "*speaking english, in an ebullient, exotic-accented contralto voice* You can make your own perma-smell."
Cayce exclaims, "Make the SkinWatch not as useless!"
Rupe stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Amon says, "Spiderman biomods (crawl on walls)"
Annaliese says, "Cyberware that stays after cloning"
Rupe vanishes from the meeting.
Lorcan pokes Connor in the ribs repeatedly.
Johnny [to Annaliese]: and thats not gonna happen really.
Connor says, "*speaking english, in a soft, heavily accented Irish voice* Bioware."
Yahto [to Annaliese]: no plz
Grayson thumbs up at Amon.
Amon says, "Drone you can control with your mind (like in Deus Ex)"
Johnny [to Connor]: we have extensive bioware, but tier 2s are needed still.
Fengshui says loudly, "Okay, now, suggestions for new CODE. Just shout 'em out."
Vivyan says, "*speaking english* If they're not a thing, full-body replacements would be fun"
James says, "Invisibility jacket or somethin."
Malice says, "We have drones."
Cerberus says, "I did say new nanogenics are coming"
Omara says, "If anything, -visibly- different limbs is very CP. Maybe make it an either/or to be combined with nanos."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "last topic, suggestions for new code, you have 3 minutes."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "shout em out"
Yahto says, "Cyber that increases your ability to operate certain vehicles (specific vehicles, aerodynes, ect) "
Malice exclaims, "Vehicle combat!"
Vetsa exclaims, "NAPALM!"
Annaliese says, "More games"
Amon says, "Add a 'passive' posture in combat"
Connor casually nods at Johnny.
Kurgal shouts loudly, "*speaking english* WAYS TO RESET SECURITY CAMS AND HUBS WITHOUT OWNING EITHER"
Johnny [to Zinna]: again, cloning makes that impractical. 5K new body
Fengshui [to Yahto]: that's what skill softs are for!
Annaliese [to Yahto]: That's a thing.
Mephisto [to Amon]: *speaking english* You mean neutral?
Cayce exclaims, "Skateboards, longboards, grappling hooking on cars and riding the tubes!"
Yahto asks, "An @look_grapple and @look_ograpple?"
Vivyan [to Kurgal]: HEAR HEAR
Amon [to Mephisto]: No, only defending, not attacking
Rose says, "More unarmed melee weapon variety (more than just knuckle dusters and a bo staff)"
James shouts loudly, "WHEEL CHAIRS!"
Malice says, "Security system routing and hacking"
Poseidon shouts loudly, "WALL DILDES!"
Annaliese says, "Please no wheel chairs."
Zinna [to Johnny]: That's easily fixed.
Amon says, "More gore and blood"
Amon says, "Limbs aputations"
Cerberus says, "Wall dildes are coming to a boutique near you."
Zinna [to Johnny]: Limb regain on clones is clearly a premium package.
Atlas OOCly shouts, "We will not be adding wall dildes, stop asking."
James shouts loudly, "MORE RANDOM EVENTS"
Omara says, "New code = more random NPC violence."
Conor strokes Liana's shoulder with his thumb, watching quietly.
You exclaim, "Purchasable holograms of Seven Ecks!"
Yahto exclaims, "Limb loss for sure, knocking somebody out and hacking their arm off- or not even knocking them out at all!"
Cerberus OOCly shouts, "Atlas isn't the boss of me."
Cayce exclaims, "More vehicle variety without 50 different bikes!"
Zinna [to Johnny]: Same with cyberware installs.
Raifuru says, "*speaking english, in a bored and uncarring light russian-accented voice* All this talk about skaeboards and wall riding is making me think 'Pirate Radio'."
Atlas OOCly shouts, "That's what he fucking thinks."
Alexxis says, "*speaking english, in a thick Scandinavian accented voice* Just please...self-defense during grapple. I can do that IRL."
Cayce exclaims, "Holo-sculpture items like digital canvas!"
Malice casually nods at Alexxis.
James shouts loudly, "JETS PAK"
Grayson says loudly, "I think this has been said before, but glasses and flags for negative perception bonuses that have to be amended by your glasses."
Johnny [to Zinna]: and this is reflected in the numbers, yep
Amon says, "Limb loss"
Vetsa exclaims, "Limbloss!!"
Mephisto exclaims, "A purpose in life!"
Malice says, "Limb loss is a good one."
Johnny says loudly, "its somewhat coded"
Zinna [to Johnny]: To be fair, the room's description DOES talk about additional packages.
Fengshui says loudly, "Somewhat."
Lorcan says, "You guys keep talking about limp loss like we need a Jack the Ripper or something.."
Amon says, "*speaking english, in a deep, soothingly calm voice* Deathball"
Delilah exclaims, "*speaking english, in a soft irish accented voice* Stores cycling their inventory every few days, not just when items are bought!"
James asks, "Acid gun?"
Daffnee casually nods at Delilah.
Amon says, "Bycicles"
Carrera says, "*speaking english, in a lilting almost musical Freesky accent with just a little bit of smokers rasp to his voice* disguises that make you show up on cameras as just fuzz. "
Vivyan agrees with Delilah
Linekin [to Lorcan]: don't you think that would happen, if it were that easy?
Vetsa says, "X-ray goggles."
Connor [to Lorcan]: Cyberware can help you with limp problems.
Amon says, "Skateboards"
Kurgal [to Delilah]: thats a good one
James says, "Cameras."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Thank you all for joining the 2016 June Town Hall Meeting! Your contributions are all appreciated and thank you so much. You are welcome to @town-hall to go back IC and RP or stay here and continue talking to the admins that want to stick around and talk."
Atlas says loudly, "This was our final topic. If any of you have questions about donations or the fix-it channel, now is the time to address it with me. "
Cayce exclaims, "Corpie hoverboards!"
Yahto says, "Bikes, yeah. More biker-gang esc harley kind of rides"
Linekin rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Anderson stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Anderson vanishes from the meeting.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Town Hall...over!"
[OOC: Atlas says, "This was our final topic. If any of you have questions about donations or the fix-it channel, now is the time to address it with me. "
Azelle stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Azelle vanishes from the meeting.
Koka vanishes from the meeting.
Cayce starts applauding excitedly.
Amon says, "I am the 2nd most killed PC"
Conor stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Malice says, "I'm here to talk about code."
Amon sniffles and starts crying woefully as tears roll off his cheeks.
Vivyan starts applauding angrily.
Lorcan [to Linekin]: I'd consder it
Johnny says loudly, "maybe there's some sort of cyberware insurance"
Rose stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Lorcan stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Linekin exclaims, "I'm glad to see you all. I'm still absent from the MOO, but I'm putting an AMA on the BGBB, see you there!"
Amon stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Chris stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Conor tugs Liana to her feet.
James stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Annaliese vanishes from the meeting.
Vivyan stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Carrera exclaims, "I'm going to miss all of you OOC, see you back IC!"
Noah starts applauding politely.
Omara says, "Cyberware insurance yes."
Carrera stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Rose vanishes from the meeting.
Amon vanishes from the meeting.
Waiguoren_Guest has disconnected.
A group of gangers runs in shouting loudly and flashing gang signs before picking up Waiguoren_Guest and carrying it off quickly.
Delilah stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Malice exclaims, "Anyone has any questions about the code, or coded things, please ask!"
Omara stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Conor tenderly gives Chris a warm hug.
Omara vanishes from the meeting.
Annaliese appears out of nowhere.
James vanishes from the meeting.
Nion [to Johnny]: Insurance would make some sorta sense.
Vivyan kisses Cayce on the lips passionately.
Liana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Lorcan vanishes from the meeting.
Annaliese vanishes from the meeting.
[OOC: Carrera says, "Seven you is a wuss! "
Cayce asks, "Still after-meeting discussion, right?"
Vivyan vanishes from the meeting.
Johnny says loudly, "pay for it and if you die, you collect enough money to get your wares reinstalled that you had when you bought the policy"
Connor stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Linekin vanishes from the meeting.
Yahto stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
You can't grapple while sitting down.
You stand from your seat in the sixth row, and edge your way out of it into the aisle.
Grayson [to Cayce]: Dunno.
You lunge at Carrera and lock him in a powerful hold.
Chris shyly gives Conor a warm hug.
Vetsa stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Noah stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
You dance around happily.
Grayson asks loudly, "Are we allowed to stay a bit longer and party?"
You dance around happily.
You release your grip on Carrera.
[OOC: Carrera exclaims, "AAAAH SAVE ME JEEEBUS!"
Sen stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Nion stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cerberus OOCly shouts, "IF you missed my Builder/Quartermaster/Loremaster statement, review the log, there's a TON of info in there that would have answered more than a few questions that were asked"
Sen vanishes from the meeting.
Connor fixes you with a steely gaze, readying his Muay Thai.
Carrera laughs loudly.
Malice smites Carrera.
[++] New post to topic 'Linekin AMA' in Anything Really
Vetsa eyes her surroundings warily.
Nion fixes you with a steely gaze, readying her Muay Thai.
You unlatch your sword scabbard and flip open the flap.
You slip your finger into your sword scabbard and pull out a ceramic composite katana.
[OOC: You're now using ceramic composite katana as your weapon. @options weapon]
You latch your sword scabbard securely closed.
Nion says, "Grrr"
Your NK Telescopic Lenses can't focus effectively at this close of a range; The optics are much to powerful.
Nion flicks her hand, a flash of steel catching your eye as the business end of her SpyderCo compact blade comes into view.
+ |-------| o__ ###### _____ _ __
| | = = = | < __\<= ##### / ___/(_)___ ____/ /___ ____ ___ ___
|------\| = = = | ` ` #### |\__ \/ / __ \/ __ / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \
| [] [] \ = = = | |--####-| |__/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / __/
| \= = = |_____| O## O | /____/_/_/ /_/\__,_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/
| [] [] \ = = ||....| # | | = = = = |
| |= = ||....|WW O O | | = = = = | A Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game
| [] [] [] |= = ||....| |-----|= = = |
| |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = | *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
| [] [] [] |= = | |.| |--|..|= = = | * type 'connect guest' to *
| |= = | |.| O O O | |..|= = = | * come in and check us out! *
| [] [] [] |= = | |.| | |..|= = = | *---------------------------*
| |= =|-------|O O O | |..|= = = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | |..|= = = | Signup on our website before
| |= =| |O O O | |..|= = = | or after you create your first
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | |-----|= = | character.
| |= =| |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | =>/_L> |= = | Note: Adults Only, RP Required
| |= =| |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | | |= = | Existing Players:
| |= =| |O O O | | X X |= = | connect <username> <password>
| | | | |
"You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."
Either that player does not exist, or has a different password.
*** Redirecting old connection to this port ***
Zinna [to Johnny]: You know, I just realized something.
You aren't aiming at anyone.
You unlatch your sword scabbard and flip open the flap.
[OOC: You're now using your deadly moves as your weapon. @options weapon]
You slip your ceramic composite katana into your sword scabbard in one swift motion.
Carrera waves nonchalantly.
You latch your sword scabbard securely closed.
Atlas [to Yahto]: Feel free to add it to an idea post
[OOC: Carrera says, "Bye wonderful ooc people"
Fengshui appears out of nowhere.
Cerberus levels his WAI XM-777 minigun at you and flicks off the safety.
Kurgal [to Yahto]: already excist , do'nt they ?
Malice [to Atlas]: I will replace you with a few lines of code that do nothing but proclaim their greatness.
Yahto [to Atlas]: you got it
Atlas rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Cayce [to You]: Hey baby, what are you doing later?
Cayce winks at Seven playfully.
You [to Cerberus]: I still like my chances.
Atlas [to Yahto]: Thanks.
Poseidon rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Cerberus says, "Alright."
Leah stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Cerberus sets his minigun into his shoulder, and takes a half step back, heaving the minigun up, ready to lay down some supression fire in your direction.
Yahto [to Kurgal]: They might, but that's for me to find out eventually. I still think it's a great topic though.
You drop into a fighting crouch and raises your fists as Cerberus moves to attack.
You begin to take a guarded stance in combat.
Cerberus pulls the trigger and the minigun bucks like a wild animal in his hands, spraying rounds and filling the air with a growling ratatatat. Rounds slam into the ground and richochet around you as his minigun spits fury.
You feel a rush from head to toe as your Flashboost Capacitor kicks in, causing you to shiver violently.
Cerberus loses his grip on his WAI XM-777 minigun and it falls to the ground.
You raise your knee up before kicking forward into Cerberus's right arm.
You back off completely, doing everything possible to avoid injury.
+ |-------| o__ ###### _____ _ __
| | = = = | < __\<= ##### / ___/(_)___ ____/ /___ ____ ___ ___
|------\| = = = | ` ` #### |\__ \/ / __ \/ __ / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \
| [] [] \ = = = | |--####-| |__/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / __/
| \= = = |_____| O## O | /____/_/_/ /_/\__,_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/
| [] [] \ = = ||....| # | | = = = = |
| |= = ||....|WW O O | | = = = = | A Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game
| [] [] [] |= = ||....| |-----|= = = |
| |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = | *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
| [] [] [] |= = | |.| |--|..|= = = | * type 'connect guest' to *
| |= = | |.| O O O | |..|= = = | * come in and check us out! *
| [] [] [] |= = | |.| | |..|= = = | *---------------------------*
| |= =|-------|O O O | |..|= = = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | |..|= = = | Signup on our website before
| |= =| |O O O | |..|= = = | or after you create your first
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | |-----|= = | character.
| |= =| |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | =>/_L> |= = | Note: Adults Only, RP Required
| |= =| |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | | |= = | Existing Players:
| |= =| |O O O | | X X |= = | connect <username> <password>
| | | | |
"You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."
Drifting to consciousness, the event horizon of your mind spills past as the stark reality of your life rushes into view.
[* SYS-MSG *] LCT - Sat Jun 18 18:02:36 2016 PDT
[* SYS-MSG *] LCP - localhost
[* SYS-MSG *]
|C|*SYSTEM*>> No signal detected...
[++] No new bitch board posts
There are fresh news articles for you to read. Please type "news" to get a summary.
Sindome Amphitheater
The Brobdingnagian structure encompassing you lends heavily to classical stylings from the Italian Renaissance, characterized by transcendent marble arches. Tens of thousands of seats comfortably furnished with the finest upholstery surround the arena in tiers, each laboriously designated with hand engraved golden plates. Sleek displays are available in front of every chair, appointed to relay information from whatever function the arena is hosting at the time in a variety of languages and an assortment of touch-screen options. The landings of each tier bear floor plaques lionizing the mega-corporations involved in the funding of the gargantuan building project, lending special thanks to names that only anybody who is anybody has heard of, fettered to the tongues of the unwashed masses.
You would only have to wonder for a moment how such the revenue for such an exorbitant expense could be justified before being assaulted by innumerable holographic advertisements flickering into life along the rows, others being projected as gigantic slogans and logos in the air, the products owned by the largest and most influential corporations dominating the airspace by a huge margin. The advertisements blink out of existence just as rapidly as they had appeared, working on an annoyingly regular timer chosen by market psychologists to be as disorientating as distracting as possible to the average consumer. Recycling chutes located alongside every aisle hint promisingly towards a flourishing income stream provided by confections, fast-foods and consumer drugs.
Overhead awaits a dizzying sight as anybody who were to look up would find themselves staring out into the captifying panorama of space. Long-dead stars burn fiercely billions of light years away from here, with a clarity unknown to your typical mudboy who has only seen the sky as a perversion marred by human pollutants. Lurid nebulas that cannot be seen by the human eye from here are as conspicuous as earthly clouds. A
Nito-Kodak Chronos has a hologram of the date rotating above it:
Saturday, June 18th, 2101 : 6:03 PM.
Connor O'Brian is watching your every move, ready to attack.
Poseidon is doing God knows what.
Cerberus is seated on stage. Icarus
Raidne and
Conor Duffy are standing here.
Vetsa is just standing around.
Jinx is smashing things with a hammer. HALT RP. Builder
Atlas is substituting your reality with her own.
Yahto is walking around.
Jp is standing here with a neutral expression.
Liana is moving around, surveying the area. Fox-Girl
Raifuru is keeping her head low. Slither
Fengshui is rocking an old school Xo3 battlemesh, that appears slightly dusty.
Reinhardt is sleeping here, lying on the couch.
Danilochka is sleeping here.
Morgan is sitting on the floor.
Sehkmet, HardHat
Mephisto Pheles and
Malice are seated in the large leather chairs on the stage. The podium is vacant.
Semya, Armored
Hermes and Armored
Hermes are sitting in the first row.
June and
Zinna Cat are sitting in the second row.
Frijol, Jamie
Grayson and
Cayce Ogata are sitting in the third row. Jagerfly
Alexxis is sitting in the fourth row.
Daffnee and
Arisruk are sitting in the fifth row.
Kurgal, Tabitha
Factor and Party-Princess
Alivia are sitting in the sixth row.
Azura and
Vee are sitting in the seventh row.
There are no visible exits.
[OOC: Grayson loves you all.
Liana suddenly gasps!
[OOC: Seven says, "lol my internet"
[OOC: Cayce says, "<3"
Yahto says, "I'll remember this moment forever. The almighty adminigun."
Zinna [to Johnny]: Space Station 13 has cloning and limb loss. Limb loss is very much significant. It's usually followed by cloning just because things that cause limb loss tend to be lethal, but when they're not, there's little concern for a player offing themselves just to get a limb back. At least not on the RP servers.
You are in magnificent condition, and are physically well rested but recovering slowly.
Zinna [to Johnny]: Yet, I completely get the concern for it here.
Cayce says, "So I was promised ice cream..."
Conor tenderly gives Liana a warm hug.
Carrera vanishes from the meeting.
Poseidon says, "I got your ice cream."
Yahto [to Zinna]: Space Station 13 was my life for like, 1,300 hours
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "voteeee"
Cayce [to Zinna]: Good lord, is everyone from SS13 here?
Atlas raises her hands above her head, mumbling a few incoherent words.
Cerberus glows with a strange blue light briefly before emerging in perfect health.
Yahto [to Zinna]: i lie, only like 100
Atlas raises her hands above her head, mumbling a few incoherent words.
You glow with a strange blue light briefly before emerging in perfect health.
You think . o O ( Lucky Me! )
Conor whispers, ", "@town-hall when ready"" to Liana.
Cayce makes gimme hands at Poseidon.
Yahto [to Cayce]: You better hope
Leah vanishes from the meeting.
Delilah [to Zinna]: You too?
Vetsa vanishes from the meeting.
Liana casually nods at Conor.
Zinna nods. I lived it for probably a summer or two.
Cayce says, "Polaris represent."
Delilah [to Cayce]: Woop woop, Polaris
Zinna exclaims, "Hypatia!"
Cerberus raises his hands above his head, mumbling a few incoherent words.
Cerberus glows with a strange blue light briefly before emerging in perfect health.
[OOC] Grayson goes AFK. (this being no substitute for @ooc, she takes the chance something will happen.)
Amon appears out of nowhere.
Poseidon gives ice cream.
Yahto says, "Goon Station 13 for lyfe"
Cerberus appears out of nowhere.
Raidne vanishes from the meeting.
Yahto flashes gang signs
Yahto vanishes from the meeting.
Amon shouts loudly, "OBEY THE LAW!!!"
Fengshui says loudly, "Does anyone want to discuss anything with me."
Conor chuckles softly.
Cayce tenderly gives Amon a warm hug.
Connor shouts loudly, "FUCK THE LAW!"
Delilah [to Amon]: -You- obey the law!
Johnny says loudly, "Thanks everyone! I would love to stay and chat, but I have a hungry 4 year old to get food in."
Liana shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a lightly accented voice* NEVER!"
Cerberus levels his WAI XM-777 minigun at you and flicks off the safety.
Zinna waves at Johnny nonchalantly.
Johnny waves nonchalantly.
Fengshui waves at Johnny nonchalantly.
Fengshui looks around, "Who wanna talk?"
Johnny's body shatters into a cloud of pixels, it swirls and vanishes from here.
Conor chuckles softly at Delilah.
Jinx shouts loudly, "*speaking english* OI!"
Jinx says, "Those aren't done."
Zinna [to Fengshui]: I have OOC concerns about Prime.
Cerberus says, "Back off, Midget."
Cerberus lowers his WAI XM-777 minigun and engages the safety.
Cayce [to Fengshui]: Anything you'd like to see more of, player-wise, that we can contribute and add to our RP?
Cerberus levels his WAI XM-777 minigun at Jinx and flicks off the safety, taking careful aim.
Daffnee stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Arisruk stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Daffnee vanishes from the meeting.
Poseidon grabs Cerberus by the arm for a moment before Cerberus breaks free from the attempt to disarm.
Cerberus lowers his WAI XM-777 minigun and engages the safety.
Zinna says, "I suppose I also have OOC concerns about my character."
Cerberus levels his WAI XM-777 minigun at Poseidon and flicks off the safety, taking careful aim.
Alexxis stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Poseidon eyes his surroundings warily.
Arisruk padses the pose stats and picks up Cayce to throw into Grumble across the room. Then, he disappears into nothingness.
Cerberus lowers his WAI XM-777 minigun and engages the safety.
Cerberus pulls his WAI XM-777 minigun back in the nick of time as Nion swings a disarming kick at it.
Arisruk vanishes from the meeting.
Nion grins mischievously.
Cerberus dodges aside as Poseidon makes a grab for him.
Cerberus stares blankly at nothing at all.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "hey, i need LOGS of this"
Conor leans on Liana's shoulder and grins.
Cayce suddenly gasps!
Navi rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Poseidon stares blankly at Cerberus.
Amon lunges towards Connor!
Connor dodges aside as Amon makes a grab for him.
Connor raises his eyebrow curiously.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "everyone hit the log button on their web client and then e-mail it to [email protected]"
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "everyone hit the log button on their web client and then e-mail it to [email protected]"
Connor slips his finger into his ZMI right shoulder holster and pulls out a Ruger P93-CDS.
Connor levels his Ruger P93-CDS at Amon and flicks off the safety, taking careful aim.
Cerberus says, "All of you calm down before I kill everyone."
Kurgal [to Cerberus]: i double dog dare you
Connor [to Amon]: You want to die tonight Jake?
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "sorry [email protected]"
Amon fumbles with his belt holster before realizing it is already closed.
Grumble asks, "*speaking english, in a laconically grouchy, Neo Yorkish voice* Who do we talk with if we're interested in that fix-it channel thingy / working on website content?"
Amon grins mischievously at Connor.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "SERIOUSLY, I NEED A LOG."
Fengshui shouts loudly, "SOMEONE GIVE ME A LOG"
Connor slips his Ruger P93-CDS into his ZMI right shoulder holster in one swift motion.
Delilah gives Cerberus two thumbs up.
Conor [to Liana]: Need more grenades around here...
Amon thumbs open the retainer strap on his belt holster.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "AHHHHHHHH"
Connor winks at Amon playfully.
This shout generated by a cage full of trained ass-clowns for Johnny: we're still looking for new GMs, Coders and Website Content people. submit your application after finding the bgbb thread about new admin. Thanks again for playing!
Liana grins mischievously at Conor.
Cayce says, "I would like to talk about the IC production of goods, since it relates. Don't want to go pushing for something as an annoyance."
Alexxis [to Grumble]: Atlas.
Nion vanishes from the meeting.
You shout loudly, "SERIOUSLY, WHO HAS A LOG."
Connor lowers his Muay Thai and backs down from Amon.
Conor kisses Liana's cheek and pats his pocket.
Kurgal [to You]: i got one as soon as i disconnect , should be any second now
Connor [to You]: I have a log.