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| |= = ||....|WW O O | | = = = = | A Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game
| [] [] [] |= = ||....| |-----|= = = |
| |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = | *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
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| |= = | |.| O O O | |..|= = = | * come in and check us out! *
| [] [] [] |= = | |.| | |..|= = = | *---------------------------*
| |= =|-------|O O O | |..|= = = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | |..|= = = | Signup on our website before
| |= =| |O O O | |..|= = = | or after you create your first
| |= =| |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | =>/_L> |= = | Note: Adults Only, RP Required
| |= =| |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
| [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ | | | |= = | Existing Players:
| |= =| |O O O | | X X |= = | connect <username> <password>
| | | | |
"You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."
Drifting to consciousness, the event horizon of your mind spills past as the stark reality of your life rushes into view.
[-][SYS-MSG]: Hello! We are currently having our twice yearly Town Hall meeting. During this time all roleplay in the game is suspended. Please join us! 'help town hall' for more info. When you are ready to join just type @town-hall to join and then find a seat quietly. When you wish to discuss add your feedback to the current topic then you can join the Speaking Queue by typing join queue. When the queue reaches you, please please stand, say your piece and sit back down to indicate you are finished. Please do your best to have your statement prepared ahead of time so that we can move along at a good pace. We have a lot to cover! If you do not wish to participate. You may log out, or sit in your cube/coffin. There is no wandering around the world during this time. You can listen to the Spotify playlist for the event by streaming it on Spotify: http://sindo.me/Hk6MTEzzL & The Agenda for the meeting is here: http://sindo.me/Hy4uHX~zI and we are currently discussing: Introduction / Opening Statement by Moderator[++] Modified forums since last check:
[++] 55 new posts on Anything Really
[++] 11 new posts on Theme
[++] 124 new posts on Ideas
[++] 3 new posts on Website Problems & Announcements
[++] 25 new posts on New Game Features & Bug Fixes
[++] @forums-notify to watch/ignore posts
There are fresh news articles for you to read. Please type "news" to get a summary.
This is an OOC discussion, please be respectful of your fellow communitiy members or you will be removed from the discussion. This is a MODERATED discussion, your ability to speak may be disabled when it is not your turn. During discussion you may join the SPEAKING QUEUE to get in line to speak. Please find a SEAT in a ROW and sit. Thanks for joining in and contributing!You suddenly OOCly vanish, heading off to the town hall.
Sindome Amphitheater [Town Hall Active - Description Shortened] A
Nito-Kodak Chronos has a hologram of the date rotating above it:
Saturday, February 1st, 2105 : 2:44 PM. The
Speaking Queue is empty. To listen to the playlist:
http://sindo.me/Hk6MTEzzL The walls have been daubed with colorful
Aika walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Mench quickly operates the complex machinery, drawing out a cup of cappuccino.
Avarius edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jo edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cassy excitedly slams a mean high-five to the air.
Dreamer is floating in the air on clouds of blue and purpose smoke.
Aika Hazumi is a silver dragon.
Cassy is decidedly neutral.
Mark is stuck in a perpetual scowl. Ursine
Panda is wearing a soft smile. Demoness
Solai is another nobody in the world. Rise
Creux, Withmore-Ghoul
Yunika and Lead-Medic
Rejind are standing here. Copperhead
Amir is standing around, casually glancing at his surroundings. Tigress
Jo is on karma's recieving end.
Carlito is collecting tolls. Cadet-Judge
Avarius is a shining acolyte of the Law.
Shun is looking calm and relaxed. Iz
Bisset is standing proud.
Sirus is trying to move with the crowd, but liberty spikes stick out.
Mazen is going somewhere, and there he'll be. Gimp
Mench, Sammy
Siren and
Butako are seated in the large leather chairs on the stage. Slither
Fengshui is standing at the podium Field-Medic
Auri Foley, Cadet-Judge
Bartine Coltish and
Aika Hazumi are sitting in the first row. Cadet-Judge
Avarius is sitting in the second row. Maitresse
Roxanne, Cheshire
Phlox and PrettyBoy
Raziel are sitting in the third row.
Flash is sitting in the fourth row. Medic
Xiao is sitting in the fifth row. Rasta
Maks Morozov,
Dalilah Morrigan, Risky
Leerika, Esraven
Serret and
Tamar El-Araia are sitting in the sixth row.
Pinky and Lieutenant
Dethrow are sitting in the seventh row.
There are exits to the Senior (s), Gamemaster (gm), Builder (b).
You appear out of nowhere.
Lisette appears out of nowhere.
Mench picks up a cappuccino from the coffee counter.
Rejind edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Creux looks at nothing in particular, and smirks softly.
Naviel appears out of nowhere.
Naviel exclaims, "*speaking english, in a playful, sing-song voice* AAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Sirus edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Yunika walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Carlito asks, "*speaking english, in a sing-songy hispanic-accened voice* Did someone just put graffiti in the town hall?"
Lisette walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Raziel raises his middle finger up "*speaking english, in a soft-spoken, calm and Irish accented voice* Die corpies.." he says.. smile after.
Creux puts her can of spraypaint away.
Eden appears out of nowhere.
Amir says, "*speaking english, in a coarse voice* Snake turf."
Creux says, "*speaking english, in a soft and clear, with a lusty growl to her mix accented voice* No."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "alright, hit play on the playlist: http://sindo.me/BkbKyF7G8 <-- first song is The void"Eden says, "*speaking english, in a slightly feminine, North Californian voice* whats poppin"
Jane appears out of nowhere.
Maks waves nonchalantly.
Avarius [to Raziel]: *speaking english, in a measured, imperious, English-accented voice* No you.
Jo disgustingly releases some methane.
Xiao says, "*speaking english, in a haunted, monotone Chinese-accented voice* Now THAT is a power move."
Sirus exclaims, "*speaking english, in a soft friendly with a hint of trouble voice* Hello!"
Jo waves nonchalantly.
Dethrow looks tired and yawns sleepily.
Xiao says, "graffiting the OOC areas"
Leerika says, "*speaking english, in a honeyed Slavic-accented feminine voice* You and your fucking memes."
Kaimana waves nonchalantly.
Bisset grabs a cigarette from her pack of Black Deth cigarettes.
Blaze appears out of nowhere.
Mark [to Amir]: *speaking english, in a deep, slightly Hispanic accented voice* Sarz turf.
Dalilah says, "*speaking english, in a throaty and singsong voice* Hi."
Mark snickers sarcastically.
Jane says, "*speaking english, in an airy, calm feminine voice* New fone who dis"
Amir grins mischievously at Mark.
Raziel [to Avarius]: Sparta kick coming for you.
Bartine eyes her surroundings warily.
Eden says, "sugondeez"
Mark holds his chest and coughs slightly.
Eden [to Naviel]: NO.
Naviel walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Mark says, "Oh, yeah, I have a disease."
Bartine clears her throat.Mark says, "Just saying."
Eden eyes Mark warily.
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Blaze stretchs off interlinking his fingers overhead then slinging some lines. "*speaking english, in an expressive, Miami accented voice* Guess who's back? Back again."
Mazen edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Blaze edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Bartine asks loudly, "Have you accepted our lord and savior?"Malcolm appears out of nowhere.
Leerika says, "WRYYYYYYYYYYYY"
Raziel [to Mark]: Drink more Corona.
Bisset edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Avarius [to Mark]: Get insulin for it.
Naviel [to Blaze]: Welcome back!
Eden [to Mark]: tfw give the entire moo coronavirus
Mark says, "Kiss me if you want."
Blaze casually nods at Naviel.
Bartine points at Mench brashly.
Carlito says, "Mmmm..."
Kaimana asks, "*speaking english, in a Deep Tongan Basso voice* cheesuschrist?"
Carlito says, "Feet...."
Jo kisses Mark on the lips passionately.
Carlito briefly exposes his left foot.
Leerika kisses Mark on the lips sloppily.
Carlito's feet are rather average.
Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Stipanov appears out of nowhere.
Xiao exclaims, "Paper writing time!"
Bisset asks, "*speaking english, in a low, London-accented voice* Can people spread diseases here?"
Mark says, "Feet.........."
Mench [to Bartine]: *speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* Wut?
Mark briefly exposes his right foot.
Jane edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Bisset says, "Getting ebola in the void"
Pinky says, "*speaking english, in a lisping euro-pidgin accented voice* Diseases can spread here do NOT touch each other."
Naviel says, "Nice."
Raziel says, "Dear god.."
Stipanov walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Jo [to Jane]: *speaking english, in a cool crisp, sultry rasping voice* Here there, long time no see.
Solai pokes Phlox in the ribs repeatedly.
Bartine [to Mench]: Looking good.
Malcolm edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Naviel flips his Progia-7 gridphone closed.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a slight boston accent voice* DO NOT TOUCH EACH OTHER OR YOU WILL BE INFECTED BY ME WITH UNCURABLE EBOLAIDS"
Jo snuggles up with Phlox cozily.
Panda [to Pinky]: *speaking english, in a flat tone of indeterminate gender, peaks of an English accent in their voice* Townhall Ebola baby!!
Mark exclaims loudly, "Don't touch me I got diseases, yo!"Jane says, "rip. ded"
Leerika says, "FUCK."
Creux exclaims, "They blocked the expose code!"
Carlito says, "I'm convinced ebolaids is just an urban legend."
Avarius pokes Jane in the ribs repeatedly.
Raziel [to Pinky]: I'm about to jump on your lap.
Leerika says, "I KISSED THE EBOLA"
Kaimana says, "All that ebola."
Jane [to Jo]: Hi <3
Mark eyes Avarius warily.
Milana appears out of nowhere.
Xiao says, "It was never VS spreading ebola, it was always the town halls"
Mia appears out of nowhere.
Avarius [to Mark]: Insulin.
Mark [to Avarius]: Take off your socks.
Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Milana edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mark cackles.
Creux [to Jane]: Hey there! <3
You can't look at peeps in the town hall.
Dethrow eyes Mench warily.
You can't glance in moderated rooms, bakalaka.
Mark [to Avarius]: I hate you
Bartine looks at Mia, fear in her eyes and she trembles violently.
Solai exclaims, "*speaking english, in an icy and crisp with intent voice* I can't figure out how to sit down!"
Solai cries.
Avarius [to Mark]: Die
Amir [to Mench]: Oowoo.
Mark [to Avarius]: no u
Niko says, "*speaking english, in a rich whisky smooth voice* Sit front, second, third, etc row"
Avarius [to Mark]: :-)
Auri says, "*speaking english, in a feminine, lilting, Irish-accented voice* Bork"
Cassy says, "*speaking english, in a velvety tone, with a lightly spanish accented voice* Guess I'll die."
Mark snickers sarcastically.
Milana waves to Flash as she grabs a seat next to Flash.
Raziel says, "Love Town halls, just want to say ya all rock an' also fuck all a ya at tha same time."
Mark [to Avarius]: B)
Jo exclaims, "Sit 3rd!"
Jo wiggles her ass for Jane.
Fengshui gets out his Generic V-202 Grenade.
Eden briefly exposes his groin.
Eden sports a just-below-average, uncut dick, with a tight little coinpurse just behind it, all shaven. On the other side sits a firm, bubbly, heart-shaped ass.
Creux says, "Oh nor."
Kaimana exclaims, "oh god!"
Auri says, "Ugh"
Mark [to Fengshui]: Gimme
Avarius says, "Shiiiiieeeetttt"
Fengshui eyes the grenade and the crowd for a moment before putting it away.
Fengshui puts his Generic V-202 Grenade away.
Cassy [to Eden]: bro please.
Leerika says, "Can I get cured PLEASE"
Solai edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jane asks, "What happens if I hug dreamer? Do I ascend to purple automagically?"
Pinky says, "Towns hall."
Eden [to Cassy]: wait hold up i thought it didnt actually expose it in town hall
Jane stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Xiao [to Eden]: hahahahah
Jo asks, "V-202 Grenade? Are we having a battle royal?"
Eden [to Cassy]: mb
Jane edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mark [to Eden]: Disgust
Stipanov [to Fengshui]: *speaking english, in a sharp street-hardened voice* Do it I dare you
Cassy [to Eden]: what else would it do??
Pinky [to Fengshui]: At least use exy, cmon.
Jane sitses on Jo's lap, real ladylike and shit.
Raziel asks, "Shush, we start yeah?"
Mark eyes Dethrow warily.
Dethrow eyes Mark warily.
Carlito nods casually.
Creux [to Pinky]: Speedforce. We must channel it.
Creux eyes Dethrow warily.
Mark [to Dethrow]: Been a long time coming.
Leerika eyes Dethrow cautiously.
Kaimana says, "such a good drug to rain unhappy death on people with."
Jo eyes everyone warily.
Mark wiggles his fingers at his hip.
Cassy pokes Jo in the ribs repeatedly.
Dethrow power-poses.[+][OOC-Chat] Bruhlicious says, "can we continue the moosex"Carlito says, "Hi everyone."
Butako turns to Dethrow. Its eyes sparkle and Butako looks to Dethrow, its body swooning romantically.
Zukhov puts his Progia-9 gridphone away.
Jo nips at casssy's fingers.
Bisset takes a drag on her unlit cigarette.
Dethrow turns to Butako. Her eyes sparkle and Dethrow looks to Butako, her body swooning romantically.
Raziel shrugs, "We go' ten. Shall I strip?"
Creux waves at Butako nonchalantly.
Mark turns to Butako. His eyes sparkle and Mark looks to Butako, his body swooning romantically.
[+][OOC-Chat] OOC-Chat has been disabled. [Reason: ]Butako [to Creux]: *speaking english* Hi!
Solai says, "This isnt weird at all. Nope."
Stipanov says, "pull pin on th-2c grenade"
Carlito starts applauding politely.
Bisset starts applauding politely.
Jo starts applauding politely.
Creux [to Butako]: Hi hi! How are you?
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Solai starts applauding politely.
Ann starts applauding politely.
Pinky starts applauding politely.
Bartine briefly exposes her GROIN.
Jane [to Creux]: Hey girl whats yo numba <3
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Carlito shouts loudly, "SLITHER I LOVE YOU!"
Eden says, "hotbox the townhall"
Mazen [to Solai]: *speaking english, in a soft baritone voice* Sure it is, but that's the point.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Mark [to Dethrow]: I... have to tell you something. I love you.
Avarius [to Bartine]: Stop being LEWD
Ann starts applauding LOUDLY.
Phlox shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a youthful, corporately perfect voice* SLITHER I WANT TO MAKE KITTENS WITH YOU!!"
Solai [to Mazen]: Sup Mazen!
Kaimana says, "whoa."
Dethrow [to Mark]: I know. I've always known.
Picot appears out of nowhere.
Panda laughs loudly at Phlox.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Mark [to Dethrow]: ...and?
Naviel [to Phlox]: 'grats on becoming bi!
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Mimi appears out of nowhere.
Xiao [to Dethrow]: I love and hate your character so much, it's admirable how smug you are.
Creux starts applauding politely.
Xiao starts applauding politely.
Jo puts Phlox in her box.
Creux shouts loudly, "WE LOVE YOU SLITHER!"
Mark [to Xiao]: Don't.
Raziel says, "It's so ace how we can get chums that hate each other IC into a forum to discuss things to help the game."
Fengshui waves nonchalantly.
Dethrow [to Xiao]: Thank you SO much!
Solai [to Pinky]: I started a Pinky fan club.
Mench blinks at Creux rapidly.
Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Carlito shouts loudly, "I LOVE YOU ALL!"
Raziel [to Carlito]: Fuck you!
Logan appears out of nowhere.
Picot exclaims, "*speaking english, in a gentle Texan voice* It's like a family reunion!"
Mark [to Solai]: tfw no mark fanclub
Jane [to Maks]: Hi :) your char is great that is all thank you
Logan edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "WE ARE 2:10 INTO INTO THE VOID BY NIN ON THE PLAYLIST"
Kaimana [to Carlito]: I have to admit you aree my favorite
Creux waves at Picot nonchalantly.
Phlox [to Naviel]: Slither is WORTH IT
Raziel winks at Carlito playfully.
Mimi edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Kaimana says, "Are, fuck twitchy hands."
Picot winks at Creux conspiratorially.
Carlito smiles innocently at Kaimana.
Taro appears out of nowhere.
Xiao says, "I fucking adore that the in-game ads still play here"
Leerika says, "h8 u all"
Carlito [to Kaimana]: Thanks dude
Avarius says, "I dunno who that is"
Mazen [to Solai]: Hey there, back.
Taro dabs furiously.
Panda [to Leerika]: I love you too.
Butako dances around to nine inch nails.
[-][Game-Help] Pavane [0 karma]: What is the command to go to the Town Hall?Avarius says, "Ohh"
Dethrow sniffles and starts crying woefully as tears roll off her cheeks.
[-][Game-Help] crashdown [171 karma]: @town-hallLeerika tenderly gives Panda a warm hug.
Solai [to Mark]: You are slowly starting to grow on me. Kinda like a fungus.
Trey appears out of nowhere.
[-][Game-Help] crashdown [172 karma]: help @town-hall is a great file to review.Mark scratches his crotch aggressively.
Sirus [to Panda]: Hey you.
Avarius waves at Trey lightly.
Solai laughs loudly.
Pinky throws up a bunch of blood all over the place. "I has the 'bola!"
Sirus tenderly gives Panda a warm hug.
Taro says, "*speaking english, in an a soft spoken, miami accented voice* Expose groin, I heard."
Kaimana says, "oh my god I can't even."
Mark [to Solai]: I'm an acquired taste and I know this
Siren exclaims, "*speaking english* No touching, just a friendly reminder!"
Leerika says, "SHIT"
Panda [to Leerika]: No!! You gave me Ebola you fucker!
Butako [to Pinky]: AUUUUGH!!!
[OOC: Raziel asks, "When can we end these town halls with a brawl tha does not effect IC?"
]Kaimana gives mark a crotch scratcher.
Leerika says, "HAHAHAHAHAH"
Bisset says, "RIP everyone"
Taro reaches behind Butako and cheekily gooses Butako on the rear-end, causing Butako to jump out of surprise.
Siren exclaims loudly, "No touching, just a friendly reminder!"Carlito whispers, "*something unintelligible*" to Zukhov.
[OOC: Auri says, "never"
]Butako [to Taro]: OINK!!
Kard OOCly shouts, "If you're not in your cube or in this town hall in 2 minutes you're going to the shadow realm!"
Avarius says, "There's like a rampage init"
Solai [to Mark]: You're like the first time you taste beer. You can't figure out why anyone likes it... But soon yoiu just want it all the time.
Pinky's eyes explode, showering you with vitreous humour.
Trey is the DeathBall CHAMPION!
Celestial says loudly, "*speaking english* And start sitting down pleaaaase."[OOC: Raziel says, "Was a joke."
]Zukhov eyes Carlito warily.
Amir stares blankly at Carlito.
Mark flashes some hand gestures at Zukhov.
Celestial says loudly, "If you aren't sitting."Bisset takes a drag on her unlit cigarette.
Xiao applauds politely at Bisset.
Mench throws a cabbage at Carlito.Amir [to Carlito]: Gross.
[OOC: Auri exclaims, "your face!"
]Mench [to Carlito]: No whispering. Is rude!
Carlito walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Jo asks, "Does the shadow realm grant higher experience gains?"
Jane throws confetti on all the friends.
Phlox says, "I love how long it takes for look to load"
Phlox says, "It's fantastic."
Solmaz appears out of nowhere.
Mimi says, "*speaking english, in a quiet, French-accented voice* 4UE per day in the shadow realm. "
Trey sits cross-legged on the floor.
Bisset [to Xiao]: I have no lighter, and the void has no convenience store
Pinky says, "I would actually be pretty interested to see who would be the last man standing in here."
Trey stands up from the floor.
[OOC: Dalilah says, "No yours."
]Bartine [to Dethrow]: You wanna go out for coffee after this?
Bisset takes a drag on her unlit cigarette.
Xiao [to Bisset]: Always excuses.
Creux shouts loudly, "IN THE VOID NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM!"
[OOC: Raziel asks, "What is the player count?"
]Avarius says, "Rampage pls"
Solmaz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Erica appears out of nowhere.
Mark [to Trey]: Town hall is turf
Cassy edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Creux says, "83."
]Taro walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Dethrow [to Bartine]: Mench is holding out on me.
Stipanov eyes Mark warily.
Dethrow eyes Mench warily.
Amir says, "Honestly? I feel like if Seven showed up he'd just OOCly get a beer and everyone would be dead in ten minutes."
Bartine eyes Mench warily.
Mark eyes Mark warily.
Phlox exclaims, "Mini Town Hall rampage let's break the system!"
Mench [to Dethrow]: Wut?
Jo [to Dethrow]: Hey, want to start a gang?
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "5 minutes until we begin if you are not in the town hall or a cube/coffin by the time we start you WILL be moved to a coffin or the void."Shun walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Celestial says loudly, "Sit down in one of the rows please. Sit front, sit second, sit third, etc."Panda eyes his surroundings warily.
Erica edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Kaimana says, "death by osakasama."
Xiao says, "Someone Graffiti'd the town hall and I CAN'T LOOK AT IT I AM IN AN IRONIC HELL."
Dethrow [to Mench]: Gimme that capp.
[OOC: You haven't accepted the Membership Agreement
with this Character yet. Please type @member to review it. Please accept the membership agreement or disconnect if you do not wish to agree to the terms of membership. More Info?
http://sindome.org/membership/faq/ ]Butako pats Xiao onna head parentally.
Quinn appears out of nowhere.
Zukhov [to Kaimana]: *speaking english, in a deep, gritty voice* Wut yu say?
Raziel exclaims, "AM ON TEEVEE!!"
Trey asks, "*speaking english, in an a basso urban-accented voice* Wait, we can graffiti here?"
Taro says, "Imma sit on you."
Solai waves at Quinn nonchalantly.
Trey gets out his can of spraypaint.
Solai [to Quinn]: Hiiiii!
Amir begins to shake his can of spraypaint vigorously.
Mark walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Xiao says, "This is some real cave of plato shit"
Quinn [to Solai]: *speaking english, in a Hispanic, low-toned voice* Hey!!
Picot edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Avarius says, "It says like 'not in the town hall' when i try to read it lol"
Kaimana sobs. "I miss so many people from my old days of playing."
Trey starts to spray something across the walls with his can of spraypaint.
Celestial says loudly, "I'll throw Mench at anyone not sitting down."Cassy [to Solmaz]: Foodcourt pride.
Bartine casually nods at Avarius.
Taro [to Mark]: Oh hi mark.
Mark shouts loudly, "MENCH SUCKS!"
Trey finishes his tag and steps back.
Trey hurls his can of spraypaint away.
Solmaz grins mischievously at Cassy.
Xiao [to Taro]: Fucking boo.
Trey shouts loudly, "GOD DAMN IT!"
Xiao [to Taro]: 9 outta 10.
Erica laughs loudly.
Dethrow makes gimme-hands at Celestial.Panda laughs loudly at Trey.
Mark [to Trey]: Dummy
Dethrow says, "I'll cradle Mench like a newborn."
Quinn edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Bartine [to Trey]: Smarz Termf.
Mench shouts loudly, "FACK YOU MARK!"
Mark flexes.Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Solmaz shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a feminine, slightly nasal and distinctly monotone voice* WHO ORDERED NINE HUNDRED SPURTS, GOT EM' HEEEYAH?"
Sirus waves at Quinn nonchalantly.
Amir says, "I'll catch a Mench."
Jo says, "I just want to apologize to anyone I've murdered or beat up."
Quinn waves at Sirus nonchalantly.
Kaimana [to Dethrow]: please do.
Xiao says, "It's so hard to suppress my uniquely broken sense of humor IC"
Raziel says, "I'll just sit."
Zukhov laughs loudly.
Taro briefly exposes his neck.
Strong and a bit on the longer side, this guy's neck holds a few very old scars on it.
Johnny appears out of nowhere.
Malcolm laughs loudly.
Mark says, "feet......"
Dethrow says, "Lemme get a uhhhhhhhhh"
Raziel winks at Solai playfully.
Dethrow says, "Boneless pizza."
Luise appears out of nowhere.
Trey asks, "How long until someone exposes their groin?"
Butako says, "Oh thank god it wasn't the groin."
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Taro [to Mark]: Edpose groin.
Mark briefly exposes his groin.
He keeps an average sized uncircumcised member that stands at roughly seven inches when erect. The entire pubic area is clean-shaven.
Solmaz waves at Johnny nonchalantly.
Clem appears out of nowhere.
Avarius [to Trey]: Mark'-
Xiao [to Mark]: Ganger girl with FEETS.
Dethrow says, "Expomse Groim"
Panda laughs loudly at Mark.
Trey briefly exposes his groin.
Tight ass-cheeks in back give way to curly hairs in front, framing a thick cock with heavy balls. Flaccid, the black man's dick still hangs well down his leg.
Butako [to Mark]: Damn you!!
Mirov appears out of nowhere.
Jane breaks everyone's faces and they can't do a damn thing about it.
Avarius [to Trey]: Fuck.
Kaimana says, "He does have one, folks."
Stipanov exclaims, "No!!"
Solai exclaims, "Hell. I just want to thank anyone I have ever come into contact with for the six months of fun!"
Kaimana points at Mark discreetly.
Pinky briefly exposes her left foot.
Her feet are surprisingly small, though that might be down to the unusually high arches.
Amir edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jo says, "Except Naviel."
Tonio appears out of nowhere.
Mark says, "expomse groim"
Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Siren says loudly, "Please don't expose. It's spammy for the participants."Auri [to Pinky]: Lewd.
Jo says, "I take that one pack."
Creux briefly exposes her back.
Muscular in ways the indicate lithe flexibility increasing workouts, possibly dance. Her back is smooth and unblemished, with supple skin clearly having been well maintained. Knife wounds like claw marks have been been dragged down both sides of her spine ending at the top of her rump, with 10 finger spaced stab marks. All of them stitched and healing. Each claw mark has zig zags of smaller cuts, clearly bright red, looking like lightning surrounding the main wounds. Once they are done scarring over, it will look like a lighting storm arcing down towards her ass. On her back is a mural like tattoo in which sits a bear on a log, done in a cartoon style. Sitting primly in front of him is a fox with three tails, two of which curl around the bears legs holding it there. A small sparrowhawk has landed on the bears arm, though it's eyes peer down at the similar sized fox with a hunter's intensity. The bear sits with a regal imperial crown on his head and a honey pot on his legs, and two flowering bushes, bright pink azaleas caress around him to embrace him, and at the same time form themselves into hand-like shapes to scoop honey to his lips.
Naviel says, "Welp"
Pinky says, "FUCK"
[OOC: Serret says, "Knock it off."
][OOC: Creux says, "Fuck"
]Leerika says, "STOP"
Avarius says, "Wtf"
Celestial says loudly, "Stop exposing -please-."Auri says, "no spam pls"
Raziel [to Solai]: Ya been fun ta play wit.
Xiao says, "Aaaaa."
Mark cackles madly, his eyes lighting up with glee.
Stipanov says, "You people are animals."
Xiao [to Pinky]: I fucking love your character.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui motions around and says, "Sit. Play the playlist. We are on Shut It Up. It just started."
Clem edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Luise edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Hale edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Tonio edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mirov sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mirov stands up from the floor.
Glitch walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Eden edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "The playlist URL is in the room description if anyone needs it. We are on song 4, 45 seconds in."
Hale appears out of nowhere.
Celestial says loudly, "Again - Sit down in one of the rows please."Laerg walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Celestial says loudly, "Sit front, sit second, etc."Fengshui says, "The agenda is here:
[-][Free-Chat] Glitch has left the channel.Fengshui approachs the podium leaving a vapor trail of light as he moves. he places his hands on either side of the podium and smiles warmly out at the crowd, "Welcome to the Winter 2020 Town Hall Meeting! The first of two Town Hall meetings this year!"
Dreamer sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui motions out over the crowd with his left hand, causing confetti to appear and begin falling, inches above the heads of some of the participants, "These Town Hall meetings have a long history. I attended my first Town Hall as a newbie player, way back in 2003. It was an excellent experience, everyone being together and discussing the game in a constructive and positive way."
Fengshui smiles out at the crowd for a moment before continuing, "These Town Hall meetings are incredibly helpful in that they give the admin a chance to update you on what we've been working on, and we get a chance to hear from the most important part of the game."
Fengshui motions out over the crowd again, "All of you."
Fengshui Flash a white toothed smile as he says, "We iterate on our process each time we hold a Town Hall. For example, I iterate on this speech."
Fengshui chuckles and says, "This Town Hall is no different. After the meeting we will send out a feedback form. I hope each of you will take the time to fill it out so we can make the next Town Hall event better."
Fengshui motions to the speaking queue, "This is the speaking queue. We use this to help us stay on topic and keep track of who's turn it is to speak. When you are interested in joining the conversation on a specific topic you can 'join speaking' to join the queue."
Fengshui pats the speaking queue onna head, "If the queue is open, you will be able to join."
Fengshui lies a hand on the speaking queue, causing it to vibrate and purr like a kitten, "When it's your turn, the queue will ping you. You can then stand up, and say your piece. When you are done you can sit down to indicate you are finished. If you are asking a question, you can wait for an answer before sitting if you feel you'll want to add more after."
Fengshui flicks a glance over the crowd, "Please don't remain standing if you are finished though. It's really the only indicator we have that you are done. I will then move the queue on to the next person. When we are drawing short on time for a topic, I will close the speaking queue and no new people will be allowed to join. When we finish with folks in the current queue, we'll switch topics."
Fengshui jerks a thumb over at the queue again as he says, "The queue has some additional features that let us manage the Town Hall with a minimum of hassle. If you 'look queue' or 'look speaking' you'll see some nifty information such as the current topic and if the queue is open or closed. Hopefully this makes keeping track of things a bit easier for everyone. When we switch topics, the queue will announce the new topic."
Arachne edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Pharaoh edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods and says, Speaking of topics, hopefully everyone has reviewed the Agenda and pre-read items so we can jump right into the discussion. If you have not, it is here:
Fengshui continues speaking, "Please have your comments pre-prepared as much as possible. The agenda covers all the topics we'll be discussing-- so write your initial statements ahead of time. That way you can stand up, say your piece, and we can jump right into discussing it without awkward silence while you type."
Fengshui motions around the room again, "Admin have the ability to turn moderation on and off. When it's on, only admin and the person who's turn it is on the speaking queue can speak. This should reduce the crosstalk and let us get through more of our topics, more quickly. When moderation is turned on and off, it looks like this"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui grins and says, "It's important that you have your statement prepared--unless of course you're the first person in the queue. Even then, please keep an eye on the upcoming topics and try to have your statements prepared ahead of time."
Mirov edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui ticks a few things off on his fingers as he speaks, "Please be respectful of others in your comments. Please do not reveal IC information in your comments. If you're not sure if what you're saying is IC info or not, err on the side of caution."
Fengshui smiles and says, "We're going to cover a lot of stuff today. Everything from new code you may or may not be aware of, membership and finances of the game, new in character policies, new initiatives, and new in game directions. We will start with speeches, like this one, from the admin that have important stuff to say, and then we will move on to open discussion. You can follow along via the agenda document."
Nalima edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Fengshui leans forward on the podium, looking excited, "Thank you all for coming. Every Town Hall is an incredible opportunity to connect with each other and it helps us nail down what we will be focusing on in the next six months."
Fengshui steps back from the podium, "Without further ado, our fearless leader, Johnny!"
Fengshui snaps his fingers and gigantic glowing neon signs appear in the air in front of the stage reading [APPLAUSE] [APPLAUSE] [APPLAUSE].
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Kard exclaims, "*speaking english* Woo Johnny!"
Bisset starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Erica starts applauding casually.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Celestial starts applauding politely.
Taro dabs!
Solmaz shouts loudly, "YEAH JMAN"
Johnny rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Cassy starts applauding obnoxiously.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Creux starts applauding politely.
Solai starts applauding heavily.
Dethrow starts applauding politely.
Picot starts applauding politely.
Auri screams.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Phlox shouts loudly, "WOOHOO!!"
Ann starts applauding politely.
Siren exclaims loudly, "Woo, Mister J!"Quinn starts applauding politely.
Johnny steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Pharaoh respectfully bows to Fengshui.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui steps away from the podium.
Johnny looks out at the masses and grins.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Chief Justice - State of the Corp.Johnny exclaims loudly, "Welcome to the Future, Citizens of 2105! The Sindome Corporation welcomes you to our 2020 Winter Town Hall!"Johnny says loudly, "It's been a great year full of exciting RP, awesome new game features and some great numbers. "Johnny says loudly, "I've got some great charts to show you, so if you're using the webclient, click the 'Images' button up top to make those auto expand as I share them."Johnny says loudly, "I'm going to share all that with you in a moment, but first I would like to say thank you to the community, both players and staff."Johnny says loudly, "You've shown me a level of patience when it comes to Grid 3.0 that I really appreciate. You're working around some crippling breaks with Grid 2.0, and I'm eager to get Grid 3.0 up to MVP status so we can get going with new features for it. "Johnny says loudly, "Thank you for that."Johnny says loudly, "You've been putting up with a lot of BS griefing by those that have chosen to make a game out of disrupting our community."Johnny says loudly, "Thank you for that."Johnny says loudly, "I can't promise you I'll be working night and day on the Grid, but that's only because I don't have my nights and days like I did before I had a family, not because I'm in a depressive funk or burnt out on being around like I was for months. "Johnny says loudly, "I have 2 key things to work on for Grid 3.0 before its done: backing up nodes and the npc mailboxes page for GMs, once those are done, I think we can make this happen, so I am very hopeful for Grid 3.0 launching before CP 2077. :)"Johnny says loudly, "Now, lets go over the votes that have been held since last townhall in July."Johnny says loudly, "During this cycle, we voted to suspend the WJF Alt Limit that restricts how many WJF positions may be occupied by admin alts."Johnny says loudly, "At the end of July, we voted to restore a reaped character due to the nature of abuses suffered at the hands of Cerberus. This was a rather extraordinary event, but the circumstances warranted it."Johnny says loudly, "We voted to bring on a new builder at the end of July as well."Johnny says loudly, "We voted to bring on a new GM at the end of August."Kenji edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "We voted to bring on a new Support GM at the end of September."Johnny says loudly, "We voted to bring on a new Support GM at the beginning of October."Johnny says loudly, "We voted to permanently ban a suspended player for griefing the community from tor and proxy connections at the beginning of November."Johnny says loudly, "A few days later, we voted to suspend another player for 3 months for sharing IC information via OOC."Johnny says loudly, "Around the same time, we voted to suspend a player for 7 days for repeated metagaming violations."Johnny says loudly, "At the end of November, a former GM who was removed for deliberately sharing PC stats with other players requested a vote to be allowed to return as a player. We voted against allowing them to play at this time."Johnny says loudly, "Also at the end of November, after an extensive investigation, we uncovered a player with multiple accounts and voted to suspend them for 6 months."Johnny says loudly, "At the beginning of December we voted to permanently ban a GM for numerous cheating incidents over the past year."Johnny says loudly, "In mid December, we voted to bring on two new Support GMs."Johnny says loudly, "In mid December, we voted to suspend 2 players for 3 months for playing together from the same location and lying about their collusion."Johnny says loudly, "In mid December, we voted to suspend a player for 1 month for repeatedly circumventing game code and exploiting bugs despite being told not to use specific features."Johnny exclaims loudly, "In mid December, we voted to promote Mench to a Builder. Congrats Mench!"Johnny says loudly, "In the week before Christmas, we voted to suspend 4 players for various lengths of time for sharing IC info OOCly. "Mench nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "That same week, we voted to permanently ban two suspended players for soliciting IC information from other PCs OOCly, sharing that info with previous suspended players and griefing the community across multiple communication means."Johnny says loudly, "Just before Christmas, we voted to suspend a player for 12 months after repeated and flagrant metagaming."Johnny says loudly, "At the end of December, we voted to suspend a player for 3 weeks for previous participation in sharing IC info OOCly."Johnny says loudly, "All total, we banned or suspended some 15 players in the past 6 months. Bad behavior gets us nowhere."Johnny says loudly, "Our costs continue to stay relatively consistent since we've been on AWS."Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/9QHg7bwl.png"Fengshui OOCly shouts, "playlist update: dangerous by big data, joywave just started. playlist link is in the room description"Johnny says loudly, "We're now paying about $25/mo for our database needs. "Johnny says loudly, "Including the purple and yellow bars in the chart above, these power the notes storage system (SDDB), Grid 3.0, the Lore wiki, and main website accounts. They are incredibly important components of our communities services."Johnny says loudly, "On top of prepaying for 6 reserved cloud server instances, we get charged for use of network resources, monitoring and data storage in relation to the servers. These are represented in the chart above by the teal and maroon bar. "Johnny says loudly, "You can also see additional cloud servers for development work in the salmon (pink) colored bar in the chart."Johnny says loudly, "Outside of our infrastructure costs, we pay for 50% of our Slack costs via club funds. The rest of the Slack costs are paid for by staff members who volunteer to shoulder the burden."Johnny says loudly, "Annual expenses this year included SSL Certs, domain name renewals and server monitoring."Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/WPe6OE8l.png"Johnny says loudly, "Here's a report from our server monitoring service, showing the outages (in red) for each service. Outside of the bug system, GoJira, all our services were up 99.9% of the time."Jimz edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Yes, the MOO was down for 9 whole minutes!"Johnny says loudly, "All services are paid for with our corporate card. We pay the statement balance in full. Monthly costs ranged from $98 to $117 in 2019."Johnny says loudly, "We have over $9000 in our accounts. Here's what the year looked like in a single chart. "Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Mench takes a final sip of his steaming cappuchino, and returns the latte cup to it's saucer, licking the foam from his lips.
Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/UXp6WUnl.png"Johnny says loudly, "So in the blue lines that go up and down you're seeing memberships (up) and expenses (down) over the course of the year. The spikes up are the $125 memberships we offered in the first half of 2019, the big spikes down are annual service renewals and an AWS reserved instance payment."Johnny says loudly, "The red is showing our available funds over that same and the yellow curving line is showing the trend of our funds."Anne sits cross-legged on the floor.
Johnny says loudly, "Now, it might be tempting to think this looks like a lot of money. I don't know that we should get eager to spend it, but it certainly is enough for us to consider putting a portion of the money into a form that will gain interest or value on its own."Anne stands up from the floor.
Johnny says loudly, "Let's look at membership numbers and some math around them first "Fengshui OOCly shouts, "IF YOU HAD TROUBLE OPENING THE LINKS I'VE PUT THEM IN THE AENDA DOC UNDER THIS SECTION"Johnny says loudly, "Despite rumours from braying donkeys, club membership numbers are up."Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/GnNycKBl.png"Anne edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "Our club membership is up 16%! We had about the same amount of new club members join, and this makes sense, as we haven't changed anything in our advertising efforts."Johnny says loudly, "We're now at more than 50 renewing club members though! These are folks that have not just decided we were worth supporting once, but again. "Johnny exclaims loudly, "Some of you have been members continually since we started doing memberships several years ago. Thank you for continuing to play with us!"Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/qmcCSbOl.png"Johnny says loudly, "About 56% of you are choosing 6 month membership terms compared to 43% choosing 12 month memberships. "Johnny says loudly, "While a handful of the 12 month memberships are first timers, it probably comes as little surprise that 73% of them are renewing club members."Johnny says loudly, "This makes sense. Before you want to invest in an annual membership, you might want to try it out for a shorter term. And this is reflected in the 56% of 6 month memberships that are first timers."Johnny says loudly, "You've been loud and clear with your feedback on things and we've been steadily making improvements to the game that benefit all players."Johnny says loudly, "This past year saw us add 256 color support. If you're still using a 16 color client like VMoo, it's time to upgrade, you're missing out. Check out this thread if you want more info: http://sindo.me/Byncwt~MU"Jak puts his SIC Triangulation Tool away.
Jak puts his Progia-11 gridphone away.
Jak gets out his bright yellow poncho.
Jak puts his bright yellow poncho away.
Johnny says loudly, "Admin can now edit BGBB posts, lock BGBB posts, and pin BGBB posts. These are features we've wanted to add ever since the site was rebuilt in 2012. We finally prioritized them and I couldn't be more happy with the work Slither did on this."Johnny says loudly, "We made a number of improvements to the Drugs systems."Jak edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "You now need to inspect drugs to get an idea of how potent they are. This uses your skills and you'll no longer see values that change with every 'look'."Johnny says loudly, "We've brought back drug experience messages. This time via the BabbleOn scripting system. We had these ages ago but they went away for a mix of reasons. Hopefully everyone experiencing them appreciates them and wants to see this system expanded."Johnny exclaims loudly, "Thanks to the Fix-It channel and Scripting forum, we now have experience scripts and withdrawal scripts for all our drugs and slap patches. Thank you Fixers!"Johnny says loudly, "What's the Fix-It channel? The Fix-It channel is Yet Another Channel that players can be given access to. Players on that channel are invited to contribute descriptions, messages and BabbleOn scripts that Builders are sourcing for various project needs. You can submit a service request if you'd like to contribute on the Fix-It channel."Johnny says loudly, "Drug addiction and withdrawal has been modified significantly. We reset all addictions as part of fixing the Addicted Forever bug. Detoxing now relieves addiction (not just withdrawals) and taking the drug you are addicted to will stop current withdrawals. "Johnny says loudly, "Toxin Binders now reduce your chances of becoming addicted to a drug too! Read up about the addiction changes in this thread: http://sindo.me/HyUrhiBFB"Johnny says loudly, "Speaking of BabbleOn scripting. If you'd like to know more, read the awesome guide Slither has compiled: http://sindo.me/Sy5tDVQf8"Johnny says loudly, "Significant work has been done on the Bounty Hunting system ..."Johnny says loudly, "We cleaned up what was 'meta' about this by making both the loan sharks and the bounty terminal depend on your SIC."Johnny says loudly, "We've added logic to automatically clean up bounties that have been posted by now inactive SICs. Less dead bounties."Johnny says loudly, "Bounties have been increased to 50% of the loan for unpaid loan shark debts. You can no longer get a loan from a loan shark if you don't have a SIC."Johnny says loudly, "Corpses got a lot of love by Slither in October ..."Johnny ponders that line for a moment.Mench laughs loudly.
Siren chuckles softly.
Johnny says loudly, "Corpses are much more character-like. they no longer show character names. You've got to use your forensic skills to uncover the character's attributes."Fengshui eyes his surroundings warily.
Celestial laughs loudly.
Johnny says loudly, "You can disfigure and deface a corpse, making it harder to identify the body. Right now this is done via a molotov cocktail or spray paint, but more will come."Johnny says loudly, "They need to be frisked. They have cyberware you have to scan for and rip to harvest now. They have the same tats and @nakeds as characters. "Johnny says loudly, "We had an intense debate about whether we should hide groin and chest @nakeds, but ultimately decided to keep them in for the forensics and identification values. You've been able to look at each others @nakeds for 20 years. We're all adults playing a game much filthier than anything you see on HBO."Johnny says loudly, "We've improved a number of things about combat "Johnny exclaims loudly, "The new Stat / Skill terms provide everyone much needed clarity around ability and progression. Most everyone seems to agree that we did a good job with this. DING!"Johnny says loudly, "We've rebalanced Nailz and Knuckles cyber weapons to parry without taking damage."Johnny says loudly, "You see who's guarding what exit when looking at a room."Johnny says loudly, "We fixed weapon switching when dual wielding, made you auto-address those you attack so they see your actions outside combat on busy streets, made opening doors cost a combat round, added a skill dependent penalty/bonus to off-handed weapon usage, and we made it so you can't hand live grenades to persons."Johnny says loudly, "Vehicles got some Eye of Slither too "Johnny says loudly, "We fixed alarms so they would go off /outside/ the vehicle instead of just inside."Fengshui eyes his surroundings warily.
Johnny says loudly, "We've made it so the better vehicle security systems alarm and broadcast on SIC when you're tampering with them."Johnny exclaims loudly, "You can finally deface vehicles with graffiti too!"Johnny says loudly, "Economic systems received a number of good updates ..."Johnny says loudly, "We audited stores and purchase kiosks and rebalanced price modifiers depending on where they're located in the game. We also lowered Ganger Item Payout by 25% to give fixers some room for profit."Johnny says loudly, "We added more lockers for our growing number of active PCs and capped the number of items that can be stocked at stores. "Johnny says loudly, "We fixed employment terminals so they would reset to the 'Junior' position when a job is vacated. This way new hires start in a position they can improve and there's no meta demotions after hiring folks generating confusing Chatter paydata."Johnny says loudly, "Rental units now communicate their general size (small, medium, large) when you 'check' a door."Johnny says loudly, "Bank transfers now work via SIC alias only. This solves disguise issues and removes a meta aspect of this."Johnny says loudly, "In early 2019 and later in the year we made some really huge updates to the disguise system. Wigs, contacts and makeup; letting you change your name with advanced disguise skill; movement more directly impacting your disguise score. All have had significant effect on your usage of disguises."Johnny says loudly, "When stealing an item someone has more than one of, you'll get a random one instead of an error now."Johnny says loudly, "You won't be able to hide in situations that don't make sense, including grappling, being grappled, sitting, guarding, recovering from fatigue or riding a motorcycle."Johnny says loudly, "Your NPC brothers and sisters have felt the love too ..."Johnny says loudly, "NPCs you can boss around can now properly guard exits and will automatically relax after 30 minutes. They'll also talk to you if you try to use the exit their guarding."Johnny says loudly, "NPCs won't always rat on you if they see you picking someone else's pockets. They consider a number of factors before deciding now. http://sindo.me/rk6ptSQfI"Johnny says loudly, "Bartenders won't tell you about bogus parties anymore."Johnny says loudly, "We fixed some issues with the NPC spawner, so there are a lot more NPCs roaming around than ever before. There will be more groups and interesting characters to come. Don't miss the Builders report."Johnny says loudly, "The new Chatter system feeds various NPCs with info gathered based on IC events throughout the game. If you haven't started incorporating paydata dynamics to how you share information, you're missing out on a valuable source of income. Read more about chatter here: http://sindo.me/r1PyQxGiV"Johnny says loudly, "Character Personalization got some improvements this year as well ..."Johnny says loudly, "We added the @personality command so you could further define who your character is for yourself and staff."Johnny says loudly, "Your character's skintone is communicated when you enter a location along with your short description. Use @skin me to define this."Johnny says loudly, "You can personalize social adverbs for your goto socials. @social prefs or help @socials for more about that."Johnny says loudly, "We fixed the unrealistic height/weight/build combos that get determined in character generation. Moving forward all changes must be done ICly."Johnny says loudly, "Tattoos can be removed ICly now."Johnny says loudly, "We are more helpful than ever before ..."Johnny says loudly, "We setup the new Tip-Line channel to remind players AND staff of useful commands, concepts, help files and unset character attributes."Johnny says loudly, "The 'speaking' command now shows what language you're speaking in red so you can more easily identify it fast moving dialog."Johnny says loudly, "There's a whole new tutorial on movement."Johnny says loudly, "You can view your pending puppet requests and cancel them."Johnny says loudly, "New @options let you echo your pose back to you, auto emote your temp look place and customize the color of the SIC."Johnny says loudly, "The Help system now notifies game-help when an admin updates a help file, 'help recent' lets you stay up to date on recently updated help and the presentation of help has been polished in a number of ways."Johnny says loudly, "We've made extensive updates to stats and skills help as well as codelock doors 'help exitname'. Additionally, more than 120 other help topics have been edited in 2019."Johnny exclaims loudly, "Finally, we reviewed the bugs backlog, taking it from 575 down to 130 at the end of the year. We also addressed some 125+ typos. We still have typos to fix and bugs to troubleshoot, but it was a big effort and knocked down a lot issues. Please keep reporting your @bugs!"Johnny catches his breath.Johnny says loudly, "Boy was 2019 busy, eh? I would like to thank the admin team for their hard work this year."Johnny turns to half face the seated admin on the stage.Mench blows a kiss at Johnny.Fengshui waves nonchalantly.
Johnny winks at Mench playfully.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Slither lead our coding improvements this year. While I had a hand in some of the stuff I told you about, Slither accomplished the lion's share of development this year. Thank you Slither!"Butako wiggles her curly pig tail happily.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Glitch has been doing a great job getting good construction out of the Builders and being the primary GM shepherd. Thank you Glitch!"Johnny says loudly, "You'll hear from him after me."[-][Game-Help] NEWBIE-ALERT: A new character has just entered the city. Do your part and help us keep new characters around! [9 karma]Glitch waves nonchalantly.
Johnny says loudly, "I'd also like to thank Kard, Mobius and Mench for their coding contributions this year. "Johnny exclaims loudly, "Kard and Mobius have been growing in MOO coding skills by fixing bugs and implementing a number of the improvements this year. Thank you guys!"Johnny exclaims loudly, "Mench has been fixing typos, and he's even been brave enough to fix the ones in code! Mench works as both the MOOs sole Publisher responsible for website content, help files and Lore content as well as a Builder. Thank you Mench!"Johnny says loudly, "I would like to thank the GMs. Primary GMs Storm, Mobius and Dreamer work with the Support GMs, address your service requests, deal with all your xhelps, puppet all the things, constantly check npc grid mailboxes and leave detailed notes about it all. Thank you for all you do, thank you for taking the grief that you get."Mench bows respectfully.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Our Builders, Blinder and Butako have been going to task with construction and I'm excited for their unseen work to soon get sunlight cast on it. Thank you for all your hard work!"Johnny says loudly, "To everyone that took a turn as Support GM and those currently doing so, thank you for stepping up and volunteering. You all do a great job of keeping the meta gears turning and I am ever so grateful."Johnny exclaims loudly, "I would like to give a thank you to Support GM Hale for their initiative and drive with the new Stat and Skill Terms. They spent weeks working on it without knowing if we were even going to entertain the idea of changing them. Thank you Hale!"Ginna edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "I'm not going to outline any additional personal plans this year, I'll be focusing on Grid 3.0 things like I said at the beginning of my speech."Valerie edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Hale smiles innocently.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "The last thing I'll leave you with is to thank you for making us the best place to find Cyberpunk RP. The numbers don't lie, we're going nowhere haters. Thank you all!"Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/VpqCdJSl.png"Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/bOzSCr5l.png"Johnny says loudly, "https://i.imgur.com/0Nc4GbQl.png"Johnny exclaims loudly, "Thank you everyone!"Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Pharaoh respectfully bows to Johnny.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Taro dabs furiously, half-standing on the bench, screaming loudly, "*speaking english, in an a soft spoken, miami accented voice* WOOOO! JOHNNY! AV RAPPELLING!!!"
Mark starts applauding politely.
Stipanov shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a sharp street-hardened voice* STOCKS ARE UP!!"
Dethrow roars!Mirov starts applauding politely.
Stipanov starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Mench starts applauding politely.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Pinky laughs loudly.
Jane claps loudly and throws big hearts at Johnny, "*speaking english, in an airy, calm feminine voice* Thank you! I'd hug you but HR might find out."
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Valerie exclaims, "*speaking english* STONKS!"
Kaimana cheers.
Johnny bows respectfully.
Niko claps for all the people.
Jo starts applauding politely.
Xiao starts applauding politely.
Creux shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a soft and clear, with a lusty growl to her mix accented voice* WOOP WOOP!"
Shift shouts loudly, "*speaking mixmash, in a sad and flat voice* WOOO!"
Panda starts applauding politely.
Celestial starts applauding politely.
Kenji starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Johnny steps away from the podium.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Anne starts applauding politely.
Mark says, "*speaking english, in a deep, slightly Hispanic accented voice* Bro epic"
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Solai starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Taro briefly exposes his neck.
Strong and a bit on the longer side, this guy's neck holds a few very old scars on it.
Avarius says, "*speaking english, in a measured, imperious, English-accented voice* Stonks"
Panda exclaims, "*speaking english, in a flat tone of indeterminate gender, peaks of an English accent in their voice* Wooo!"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Johnny walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Mench fills a paper cup with spiced tea from an old looking teapot.
Celestial says loudly, "*speaking english* Stop exposing shit please."Mench picks up a spiced tea from the coffee counter.
Fengshui says, "Next up we've got our Head Builder, Glitch."
Fengshui steps away from the podium.
Glitch rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Mench gives a polite applause to Glitch.Butako falls to her knees and worships Glitch.
Glitch says loudly, "*speaking english* I'd like to start by welcoming Mench to the builder team. Since he's a glutton for punishment he has been taking care of a lot of the stuff that I tend to forget about. Like typos. Since the last Town Hall, we've completed a large number of projects. Bikes were re-described to allow them to officially support color. We completed a full top-down explosives review, which has opened the doorway to some changes down the line. Watch this space. "Jimz gets out his mRc capsules.
Jimz pushes a mRc capsule out of its bubble pack and pulls it apart under his nose, snorting its contents quickly.
Glitch says loudly, "We completed a REDACTED facility for REDACTED training, as well as finally bringing breakfast foods to Withmore. Get your Flakes-o-Joy on! We also completed a large in-depth build to support a very particular archetype in the game for GM use. "Glitch says loudly, "The long and oft-requested player rentable vending machines have now been made available in the game in addition to some work to bring greater scope to the ambiance you see within the city itself. Posters being one example of this. We are in the process of (and have almost completed) the creation of new badlands creatures. Expect significantly more variety and to stumble upon them a lot more often should you choose to venture out beyond civilization."Fengshui OOCly shouts, "playlist update: we are starting killing strangers by marilyn manson, playlist URL is in the room description."Glitch says loudly, "In relation to perma/large pads, we have no current plans (and I don't see this changing) to release these for further memberships. Some of these will always exist as a result of our original release of perma-pads for donations back in the day however that's not to say that you as a player will not at some point potentially be able to have access to one. What we will be doing over the next six months however is transitioning a large portion of these to faction control after review. They will be available as a result of roleplay and need to be maintained in the same fashion. As I'm sure you can all understand this takes a significant portion of time and it's not simply a switch we can flick."Nobunaga edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Glitch says loudly, "We have a large number of ongoing projects that take significant time to scope and work out over time. Things such as a REDACTED facility for REDACTED corp which involves some work on ...vehicle weapons and what our explosives review was predicated on."Glitch says loudly, "There are a number of builds and assessments that are in various stages of completion. As a building team - we are keeping support skilled characters at the forefront of our design decisions here so as certain things get released into the game, you will see greater reliance on so-called 'support skills'. Some of you may have already noticed this in some of the recent changes we have made."Sindome Amphitheater [Town Hall Active - Description Shortened] A
Nito-Kodak Chronos has a hologram of the date rotating above it:
Saturday, February 1st, 2105 : 3:36 PM. The
Speaking Queue is empty. To listen to the playlist:
http://sindo.me/Hk6MTEzzL The walls have been daubed with colorful
Fengshui is testing, move along. Rainbow-Crazy
Shift is standing here.
Mia Malice is sleeping here. Dreamy
Dreamer is sitting on the floor. Gimp
Butako and HardHat
Johnny are seated in the large leather chairs on the stage. The podium is vacant. Field-Medic
Auri Foley, Cadet-Judge
Bartine Coltish,
Aika Hazumi, Withmore-Ghoul
Yunika, Nerdy
Naviel, Ursine
Panda, Maddy
Carlito, Pie-Man
Shun and
Mark are sitting in the first row. Cadet-Judge
Avarius, Iz
Ginna and
Nobunaga are sitting in the second row. Maitresse
Roxanne, Cheshire
Phlox, PrettyBoy
Raziel, Tigress
Blaze, Rise
Jane Devaro,
Erica, Copperhead
Amir and Irish
Jak are sitting in the third row.
Milana, Demoness
Solai, Darlin'
Clem and
Tonio are sitting in the fourth row. Medic
Xiao and Miss
Picot are sitting in the fifth row. Rasta
Maks Morozov,
Dalilah Morrigan, Risky
Leerika, Esraven
Tamar El-Araia,
Pharaoh and
Jimz are sitting in the sixth row.
Pinky, Lieutenant
Dethrow, Lead-Medic
Rejind, Brother
Malcolm, Agent
Mirov, Bitch
Kenji and
Valerie are sitting in the seventh row.
There are exits to the Senior (s), Gamemaster (gm), Builder (b).
Glitch says loudly, "Our work output in the building team has drastically increased since the last Town Hall. To give you a rough sort of ballpark of this, in the last six months, we sent as many xhelps as a team as we did in our entire admin time prior to this. 68% of the total rooms we've built and 92% of our total typos fixed have occurred in the last six months. It's a testament to the hard work Blinder, Butako and Mench have been doing over the last six months. Unfortunately for them, I'm going to now hold them to this higher standard like every other asshole boss in history."Glitch says loudly, "As I've said previously in my speech, we are working on giving non-combat characters more of the love they deserve, and in line with that our primary project over the next 6 months will be making rigging more viable for the entire game. I can't say more than this as we are still in the process of scoping it, however, expect significant changes in this area over the medium term."Malcolm stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Glitch says loudly, "Thanks to everyone for all of the hard work, and the members who are on the fix-it channel, who I expect to ask for significant assistance over the next six months."Johnny exclaims loudly, "It's gonna rock!"Glitch walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Mench [to Glitch]: *speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* You go gurl!
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Aika starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Celestial starts applauding politely.
Naviel shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a playful, sing-song voice* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Carlito nods casually.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Valerie starts applauding loudly.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Blaze raciouslies applauds and hollers approval.Erica starts applauding casually.
Shift starts applauding politely.
Dethrow screeeees.Mirov cheerses.
Jane fans herself and claps loudly for Glitch, "Those builders tho. Oof."
Clem says, "*speaking english, in a smooth and soft as a breath of spring voice* yay"
Amir starts applauding politely.
Picot starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Johnny applauds politely at Glitch.
Kaimana exclaims, "*speaking english, in a Deep Tongan Basso voice* whoa support chars!"
Panda claps agressively.
Quinn exclaims, "*speaking english, in a Hispanic, low-toned voice* Great job, guys, we appreciate it so much!"
Glitch laughs loudly.
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Fengshui says, "Alright, let's get to some housekeeping, reminders, and updates from the GM side of things."
Fengshui says, "First and foremost, as a reminder when you are interacting with an NPC and then putting in a puppet request: you can and should include information in your puppet request that will allow the GMs to identify what it is you want to talk about with an NPC. This is EXTREMELY important as not every GM is suited for every interaction."
Johnny looks from mench to the podium and bach again.Fengshui says, "There could be ongoing plots or plot threads that need to be dealt with by a specific admin, or it could require a senior admin. Even if you only tell the NPC -in character- that you 'need to talk' you can still include WHAT you want to talk about in the puppet request. The NPC won't magically know, but the GMs will know who is best to handle the puppet, as well as how best to prepare."
Mench whispers to Johnny "@typo it :P"Fengshui says, "Another important bit: steer clear of modern-day memes, sayings, and text shorthand. 'OK boomer' is a good example of something you should never say or hear in this game. 'Lol' is another example of something you should never see on SIC or when talking. I understand it can be tempting and even funny in the moment, lord knows I've been guilty of this myself, but as a community, we need to be on guard about letting modernisms creep into our theme."
Fengshui says, "The SupportGMs wanted me to extend their thanks for being patient with them as they onboard, get trained up, and step into the world. It is a bit of a harrowing experience to go from being a player to the other side of the fence, and there is always the fear of making a mistake or doing something incorrectly."
Fengshui says, "On the SupportGM front, we're always looking for new SGMs and you can apply with our online form found in the Anything Really section of the BGBB under 'New Support GM Position'. Please do apply, but also keep in mind our criteria such as having played the game for at least 6 months. Not everyone who applies will be tapped to become an SGM."
Fengshui says, "An NPC telling you something does NOT make it ICly true any more than if a player character tells you it. Just because something gets said ICly does not make it true, regardless of who is saying it."
Fengshui says, "NPCs can be as ill-informed as any other character in the game. Do not take something an NPC says as gospel OOCly. Definitely do not take something an NPC has said and use it to explain an OOC situation or mechanic on Game-help or local OOC chat that has to do with the 'rules'. NPCs can and will be WRONG. They have their own perception of the world and their place in it, just like each of your characters."
Fengshui says, "And finally: Don't change how your character behaves just because they are interacting with an NPC instead of a PC. GMs want to roleplay with your character how you play them normally, not how you play them when you think you are interacting with an NPC."
Fengshui grins mischievously.
Fengshui exclaims, "Keep on plotting!"
Fengshui puts his hands on the podium, "That is it from the GM front, lets switch to Operations."
Fengshui says, "I'm going to provide a breakdown of the current staff as well as a brief overview of each type of admin. Currently, we have 2 full-time GMs, 3 support GMs (they operate on 3-month terms which can be extended at admin discretion), 4 builders, and 3 coders. This is a good amount of staff but we still need more. We always need more."
Fengshui says, "The process to become a full-time GM is to start as a Support GM, be exceptional, be asked to stay on, run a large plot to prove your skills, become a full-time GM, and then continue to excel at a high level. There is a fair amount of training and game knowledge required to become a full-time gm, as well as a non-insignificant amount of self-starting."
Fengshui says, "The process to become a builder typically starts with becoming a Support GM and then branching out into the builder area. Folks do this when they realize the contribution they want to make to the game is less about NPC interactions and plots and more to do with creating cool places and writing lots of descriptions."
Fengshui says, "The process to become a coder is a bit murkier. It typically requires some pre-existing coding knowledge though it isn't always required. Folks self select this path while they are GMing or Building by getting interested in fixing bugs and I spend time training them up in MOO and general programming best practices. Of all the roles, this is the one that takes the biggest commitment in terms of time."
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Fengshui says, "Mainly because there is a lot of computer sciencey stuff you need to get up to speed on before you can be effective coding on here. And a big codebase to grok."
Fengshui says, "We also have other roles which we fill as needed, such as becoming a Publisher, which is a specialized role that updates website content, wiki content, and pushes posts out to social media. Mench is a good example of someone who took this path, though he is now a full Builder."
Fengshui says, "The staff communicates on channels similar to OOC-Chat or Game-Help but that are admin only. Different classes of admin have access to different channels, as needed. We also communicate over in-game 'mail' and over Slack when we are not on the game."
Fengshui says, "As the game grows, and the tasks that each admin has to do on a daily basis to keep it running become more complex, we look to tooling and automation. We have a number of these that have been created to automatically update us, or perform tasks for us, that we used to do manually, thus allowing us to focus on the parts of the game that have not or cannot be automated-- such as puppet requests and answering xhelps."
Fengshui says, "Over the next 6 months we will continue to iterate on our tooling, ever seeking to better automate processes that currently take a ton of time on a daily basis, so that the staff are freed up to spend more time on the things they love doing: puppeting, mentoring, coding, writing, and building."
Fengshui says, "Thank you to all the staff past, present, and future, for the hard work you put into making Sindome such a deep and exciting experience to be involved with. You are truly appreciated. Round of applause for all these folks who put in their time, and for all of you who play and contribute to the community."
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Mench bows respectfully.
Celestial starts applauding politely.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Pharaoh nods casually.
Carlito nods casually.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Trey starts applauding politely.
Aika starts applauding politely.
Shift shouts loudly, "WOOOOOO"
Naviel starts applauding loudly.
Flash starts applauding wildly.
Erica starts applauding casually.
Clem starts applauding politely.
Glitch starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Jo starts applauding politely.
Creux starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Auri says, "*speaking english, in a feminine, lilting, Irish-accented voice* Yay"
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Valerie exclaims, "Yay!"
Picot starts applauding politely.
Butako oinks!
Kenji starts applauding politely.
Kaimana starts applauding politely.
Blaze starts applauding politely.
Rejind starts applauding politely.
Phlox shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a youthful, corporately perfect voice* WOOHOO"
Johnny applauds politely at Fengshui.
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Jimz heckles.
Sirus exclaims, "*speaking english, in a soft friendly with a hint of trouble voice* YAY!"
Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to State of the Builds.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to State of the GMs.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to State of the State [Operations].The Speaking Queue topic has switched to New Player Retention: What can we do better & how do we balance being welcoming & helpful with the cut throat nature of the game theme?.Fengshui exclaims, "We'll now begin our discussions!"
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Creux has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Creux.
Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui asks, "New Player Retention: What can we do better & how do we balance being welcoming & helpful with the cut throat nature of the game theme?"
Mench rubs his hands together, ready for discussions!Bull edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Anne has joined the Speaking Queue.Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux says, "I think the changes to income work on a new game level but not on a mid game, or end game level."
Creux says, "Any more stated than that is hard to explain without branching into IC things."
Valerie has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux sits cross-legged on the floor.
Creux stands up from the floor.
Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "I think you should stand back up and tell us a bit more about what you mean."
Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says, "We've got a bit of time for this topic."
Creux exclaims, "Okay!"
Fengshui asks, "I understand the restrictions on IC/OOC make it tough, but what are some issues you've seen?"
Creux says, "I didn't prepare much, but the ultimate fact is that for mid game fixers, the gangers to income have created a drain, and for end-game they are beyond the level of caring about the changes."
Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux says, "Changes to ganger incomes I should state."
Quinn has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux says, "And It it's concentrated that income into the hands of Gangers instead of fixers."
Raziel has joined the Speaking Queue.Johnny asks loudly, "we addressed that, didn't we?"Fengshui casually nods at Creux.
Fengshui says, "Thanks for clarifying."
Mirov has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Anne angrily spits on Johnny.
Anne has been removed from the IC world by admin. This is usually temporary, please stand by. You may use XHELP if this requires an explanation.Fengshui says, "Cool."
The Speaking Queue beeps and Anne vanishes from the queue list for not being present.The Speaking Queue has switched to Valerie.
Valerie stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Valerie says, "I think things have come a long way of both making new people feel welcome, while making new characters feel quite unwelcome. There are things that slip through the cracks, such as new characters thinking the mix is nice, but that is quickly remedied. But I have seen that new people get a good bit of interaction, and also learn some of the stuff needed in the game. I just wanted to say it seems like it's going pretty good, at least from that standpoint. That I've noticed."
Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Valerie sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mench casually nods at Valerie.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Pinky.Johnny [to Valerie]: Thank you.
Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Amir has joined the Speaking Queue.Pinky says, "*speaking english, in a lisping euro-pidgin accented voice* There is waaaay too much focus on farming income via NPCs, and many of the people doing it appear to see the money as an end goal. Remember that if you are selling something to one of the Knife Street Serpent NPCs, you're establishing a business relationship with these people. For players who are bringing immies in on this stuff: Teach them to see it as a way to get in with the gangs and make friends - with the understanding that they're not just turning in quest rewards."
Pinky says, "It's a way to get RP rolling by sucking up to the people in power, both PCs and NPCs."
Pinky says, "Not a way to make your 10k for the week or whatever."
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jak has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Quinn.Dreamer says, "*speaking english* Agreed."
Quinn stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Quinn says, "I'm wondering if a lot of information greeters provide to new players can be more automated. It's a lot of information thrown at a new player that can be done via an IC tutorial done by a hologram. That way, a new player can take in what they can, without feeling pressure to RP in a game they barely have a handle on. Greeters can be more for answering questions and pointing them into employment directions or getting them into plots."
Quinn edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "I'm not sure that simply providing info is the real role of greeters."
Fengshui says, "I think it's about giving info, but also initial roleplay."
Mirov has left the Speaking Queue.Quinn casually nods at Fengshui.
Johnny says loudly, "they're living examples of how to be."Fengshui says, "Am interested to hear other thoughts on it."
Quinn stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Quinn says, "My experience has been a lot of information dumping and moving on to other RP, but I can only speak from my own experience."
Quinn edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Cassy glances down at her digital watch.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Raziel.Raziel asks, "*speaking english, in a soft-spoken, calm and Irish accented voice* As far as fixing new player experience, you can do what you want to try and help but at the end of the day Greeters get tired of the same bullshit. We get tired of the same process verbatim day to day. What is the percentage of new plays that stay, and how many hours do greeters intest into that?"
Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.Raziel says, "It's furstrating, not going to lie and has been for years."
Mench says loudly, "From personal experience, I would say that if you're getting tired of the save verbatim every day, you should change it up to make it fun again. I get what you're saying on that though."Del edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Dreamer says, "We see a lot of turnover on Greeters. Frankly I don't expect any player to be a Greeter forever."
Fengshui says, "I don't know the percentage of folks that stay, but I'm positive it is higher than when there are no greeters. Also, I don't think greeter should be a job that people stay in for super long, unless they really like it. You're right about it being frustrating. It's an ongoing process, new people every day. I'd say greeters are probably the closest to having to deal with the kind of churn we see on the admin side."
Raziel says, "Fair."
Johnny says loudly, "430 unique players logged in the past month."Johnny says loudly, "all total, we have some 700+ player characters"Raziel says, "I did the job for a year as my last character."
Johnny says loudly, "151 unique players have logged in the last day."Dreamer exclaims, "I imagine you got real tired of it!"
Picot has joined the Speaking Queue.Raziel says, "Very, but I want more people to play here.."
Jimz glances down at his digital watch.
Dreamer says, "Maybe some kind of swapping program would help? Letting Greeters change to Haulers and back and forth"
Mirov has joined the Speaking Queue.Dreamer says, "Something to discuss more in depth for certain, maybe after the TH."
Raziel says, "I'd love to."
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Kaimana.Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Kaimana says, "It's definitely been helpful I've noticed that veteran players have been starting to pull characters into their circles and that that, along with mentoring on an in game level is definitely needed for newer players. Especially those support players that are not combat oriented. For a long time it seemed it's been bent that way, but I think combat characters pulling in those support characters are great in keeping them from going screw it and just dropping out of participating. Especially those who find combat difficult."
Lusitano edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Kaimana says, "As for greeting I had done it for a good bit of time on a previous character and a switch up is a very goodd idea, burn out happens quick when you want to rp, but you re dealing with a variety of immy problems."
Mench casually nods at Kaimana.
Dreamer casually nods at Kaimana.
Fengshui says, "I'll be honest, the reason we have Support GM as a role is because burn out happens at all levels of the game when your job is to help others."
Kaimana says, "So, I think that's all I had noticed, and finding ways to get people in plots quicker is better, if they sit too long it is rough and they'll leave. because they're bored."
Kaimana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Thank you."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Amir.Amir stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Amir says, "*speaking english, in a coarse voice* Kinda the same topic, but..."
Amir asks, "I personally feel that combat oriented characters pose a huge threat to new players/characters in general. From what I've seen, most players are doing a good job of self moderating, but occasionally there are incidents where a newer player is subjected to repeated abuse of the combat system. I'm not directing this at staff or calling for a coded/mechanical change, but rather asking that players make an increased effort to self moderate and attempt to instruct newer players and help them realize this isn't a hack and slash MUD before going all out on them, which can only serve to chase players away. Newer players lack the protection that connections provide, and that's a given, but let's not go overboard and inadvertently create a barrier to RP that could benefit everyone, yeah?"
Amir sits cross-legged on the floor.
Amir stands up from the floor.
Amir edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Logan has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "A fair point."
Fengshui says, "Remembering the length of time a person has been playing and adjusting your beating accordingly is always a good idea. Create fun experiences."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jak.Jak says, "*speaking english, in a thick Irish-Mixer accented voice* Hi gang, first off wanted to say big shout out to the staff for hosting this. Super fun to see and take part in a group discussion like this."
Chayna edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jak stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jak says, "Hi gang, first off wanted to say big shout out to the staff for hosting this. Super fun to see and take part in a group discussion like this."
Jak says, "I'd like to just make a point to counteract the vibe of that asshole that came in here to ruin a good time. Really appreciate everyone here who tries to make things fun."
Jak says, "So thanks, now I did want to touch on the ganger thing with moneymoneymoney"
Fengshui casually nods at Jak.
Jak says, "I think in general, it's themely for mixers to be poor for sure, Vera did have a good point when she posted that."
Jak says, "I did notice, though, a sharp drop in playerbase after the money got nerfed."
Jak says, "I think it's easy for oldbies to forget how loooong it takes to just get some damn pants and a phone."
Jak says, "And that a big part of the fun in this game is all the neat toys."
Johnny says loudly, "Our metrics don't reflect any drop to the player base though."Jak says, "They still need to grind, and I think lowering it was a good move but -"
Jak says, "Oh."
Jak says, "Well then ignore that hahaha"
Johnny says loudly, "If anything the fall of 2019 was better than 2018"Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Jak says, "Gotcha."
Raziel has joined the Speaking Queue.Jak says, "Well, guess it's fine as is then. haha"
Fengshui says, "Personal experiences are welcome here. Regardless of what our metrics say. Please continue making your point."
Fengshui chuckles softly.
Jak says, "I think a little more money floating around is good in general."
Fengshui nods casually.
Jak says, "It gives more people more stuff to play with, and more to lose."
Dreamer says, "Quick point for Jak to respond when hes fin."
Jak exclaims, "I'll step down. Had some stuff about greeting, but please let's keep it moving. Thanks all!"
Jak edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jak stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Johnny says loudly, "Thanks Jak, great feedback."Dreamer says, "Lowering the gang payouts absolutely put less fast flash out there. People are still turning things in and just getting less. That might mean less for the runner, less for the buyer, less for the fixer who got it, or all three. But that doesn't mean less flash in the game, it just means a different source of flash."
Jak [to Dreamer]: Hmm.
Johnny says loudly, "Here's the data I'm looking at btw: https://i.imgur.com/bOzSCr5l.png"Dreamer says, "Easy flash is harder to get. Hopefully RP flash happens more, via players and NPCs."
Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
Jak [to Dreamer]: I'm not sure I agree.
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Dreamer says, "Let me rephrase."
Dreamer says, "Rich Bako the PC is rich. He shares the wealth."
Jak nods casually.
Dreamer says, "WIth Immies cashing in at 20k a week because runs are easy, Bako may not share as much wealth. People have all the flash."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "Playlist update: Patient Zero @ 1:45 seconds"Jak [to Dreamer]: I guess that's PC to PC though, sharing wealth would be relative there. If both parties are richer, there'd still be money to share.
Dreamer says, "The hope is, Wealthy PCs share the wealth more because we've lowered automated income gains. And I have seen that here and there which is great. It also means payouts from NPCs during plots/favors/etc should be hire."
Jak nods casually.
Dreamer nods casually.
Jak [to Dreamer]: That's fair.
Dreamer says, "Also happy to talk more about Sharing the Wealth after the TH."
Jak nods casually.
Jak says, "Thanks y'all."
Mench grabs his hammer and sickle to help share the wealth.Jak edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Pinky.Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Raziel stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Pinky says, "A quick note on the wealth thing - it was changed in part because I reported some months ago that on a very new character I was able to pull down somewhere north of 40k a week with minimal skills and very little RP."
Pinky says, "As a result, people were so wealthy I couldn't hire them to do anything. They did not want to put themselves at risk and they had enough money to be comfortable already. ANYWAY."
Pinky says, "My real thing I joined the queue for - The number one thing immy greeters can do to create RP and shift some of the burden from their own shoulders is to identify what archetype their immy is trying to play and introduce them to the appropriate people. A thief or a violent asshole should be introduced to one of the gangs. A gearhead can be taken to a mechanic, a lost waif with a dark past and big titties you can take to the strip club. And I don't mean tell them where to find these people, take them down there, introduce them in person, and if you don't want to stay for the lecture, step back and let us handle it. Most of us who aren't immy greeters have a little more time and energy to tell people where to get clones and might be better equipped to show new players how their personal take on theme might fit into the bigger picture. Plus it makes contacts for you and that can help you out when you're like dying or whatever. This can be especially helpful for players who want to play criminals as the right guidance can be the difference between perming out in your first week and becoming a legend."
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Siren casually nods at Pinky.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "I'm glad to hear more than greeters are willing to step up and help out new characters. Us having that as a role doesn't mean that others aren't welcome to do it too. You just aren't getting paid by WCS. You'll be getting paid in RP and connections and MINIONS."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Picot.Picot stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Picot says, "*speaking english, in a gentle Texan voice* Looks like I was going to say roughly the same thing as Pinky."
Picot exclaims, "Regarding the immigration aides' duties: Almost everyone can help with them by bringing new players into plots. I know a lot of folks already do this, but plenty more can. Sometimes taking a few minutes to explain something about the world to a new player before telling them to go do something plot-related can brighten their interest in pursuit of learning more. 'Now that I've told you that, go do this and I'll give you a Progia-7.' You benefit by being their best chum, and they benefit by being your best chum. Put those immies to work! Even an aide can make chy on the side just by headhunting, 'Oh, you like to do _____? Well I know a guy who can help you out.' Then whip out your phone just to show you aren't joking. That's all I wanted to add. My thanks go out to everyone for making Sindome the best experience ever!"
Picot sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mench casually nods at Picot.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Thank you."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mirov.Mirov stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mirov says, "*speaking english, in a slight East Asian accent but a clear voice* Regarding greeter burnout, maybe it make sense to have greeting be a thing for which all players that have played for longer than a certain period can get a little chy on the side instead of a dedicated job. If a player does not want to work for the organization that runs the greeters, they still can greet and get a little chy for it. This will help burnout and spread out the number of players with whom new players have their first contact. I get there are cash incentives for working with immies, but staff just told us that greeters help player retention regardless of that already-existing incentive."
Fengshui nods casually.
Mirov edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Siren says loudly, "*speaking english* I think players sometimes forget or don't realize that they can be just as much a 'greeter' as an Immy greeter. Even if your PC's personality is harsh, that can still be used to guide and nurture a new player toward good and solid RP."Fengshui says, "It's definitely something worth considering. I think it would be a logistical challenge to make sure the person was actually doing it and not just collecting the money though. But it is worth further conversation. If someone wants to create a BGBB post about that it would be cool to discuss."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Logan.Logan stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Logan says, "*speaking english, in a deep, brash voice* I think one thing that can help make assisting new characters more fun is having your character be more greedy about it. Try and profit from it or establish a feeling of debt or loyalty. Especially as a Greeter. Get characters that work for various companies to pay you for referrals. Tell Immies that the places associated by your enemies suck. Tell them good things about your allies. Make them feel they owe you. No reason being a Greeter or helping immies otherwise needs to be a selfless endeavor. Consider using it as a tool."
Logan edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "As part of that, players that are not greeters, hit up the greeters and be like I will give you X chy for every immy you deliver to me or i will get your back or I will help you with X."
Fengshui says, "Could be a good way to extend your powerbase."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Raziel.Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Mench nods casually.
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "next topic coming up: Suggestions for creating meaningful, funny, interesting RP for everyone -- get your thoughts ready!"Raziel says, "That already happens."
Fengshui says, "That's awesome then. Now more people have it in their heads to do it."
Fengshui [to Raziel]: Did you have something else? I didn't see you sit/stand so I am unsure.
Raziel nods at Fengshui "Exactly.. and I hope it does."
Raziel sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Kaimana.Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui raises an eyebrow curiously at Kaimana.
Kaimana says, "I was going to just add in regards to the money thing, it is always a good idea that if you have chyen lying around that paying out for dumb tasks is always better than holding because you're gaining info on people and are having those people gravitate to you. It is really ridiculous to have hundreds of thousands saved up and not being able to part with it."
Fengshui says, "Gotta spend money to make money. And spending money generates rp."
Kaimana says, "eventually you can't really find much else to buy, when you have everything."
Kaimana says, "so spend it."
Kaimana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Suggestions for creating meaningful, funny, interesting RP for everyone.Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Trey has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Trey.
Jo has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui exclaims, "Suggestions for creating meaningful, funny, interesting RP for everyone!"
Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Carlito has joined the Speaking Queue.Trey says, "*speaking english, in an a basso urban-accented voice* This is really just me calling out Pinky for DeathBall. It was amazing."
Bartine has joined the Speaking Queue.Trey says, "People should do stuff like that."
Trey sits cross-legged on the floor.
Trey stands up from the floor.
Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jo.Fengshui casually nods at Trey.
Johnny says loudly, "I built a park on green."Jo stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mench bobs his head to the current song, becoming ever so slightly moist.Mark has joined the Speaking Queue.Johnny says loudly, "go tear it up with some street rules deathball, lol"Jo says loudly, "*speaking english, in a cool crisp, sultry rasping voice* Nothing says you need to stick to your skillset. I think some of the most fun is getting into something above your head and having to bullshit your way through it. Characters need to learn from experience and why not have fun doing that by patching up your buddy with duct tape? "Creux has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui chuckles softly.
Jo says loudly, "Just some food for thought."Stipanov has joined the Speaking Queue.Bartine has left the Speaking Queue.Bartine has joined the Speaking Queue.Logan has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue has switched to Carlito.Mench says loudly, "God this song is moistening."Jo edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Carlito stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Carlito says, "*speaking english, in a sing-songy hispanic-accened voice* Hello everyone. A preamble: I'm going to make a statement directed to oldbies, this comes from my own well intended perspective and it's not meant to be taken as my trying to dictate how you should play."
Carlito says, "say I've been playing Sindome for quite a bit of time, and I can testify that both topside and in the Mix it's easy to become comfortable in your position and play house. I am a believer that sometimes you disable other player's growth instead of enabling them and I think that's not very in accordance to the spirit of cooperative competition, especially if your RP is entirely based around your own success and merits. I believe one of the best ways to create funny, interesting, and unforgettable RP is by walking into your own traps, become vulnerable, and allow other players to be empowered in ways that make sense, and allow for organic plot growth."
[++] New post to topic 'Minor chatter stuff' in Ideas
Carlito says, "Nobody likes invincible play-2-win tanks, and I am a bit disappointed because a handful of players have the perception that these players exist, or have had this perception in the past regarding extremely powerful characters. I personally think nobody is invincible but I know better, so I'm only speaking in their behalf."
Carlito says, "The REAL existing perception of invincible, play-2-win characters could be changed to inspiration and awe with the right steps. So for the oldbies who have it all and don't really have much else to work towards, take a leap of faith and shit in the pot, make the man angry, and give others who are more powerful than you a reason to outmanouver you once in a while to keep things fresh and keep you (and them) on their toes. You may find unforgettable RP experiences when you let change happen and open the door for other people. "
Carlito says, "I've seen other characters embrace this type of RP and I think they're some of the best RPers this game has seen because they're simply very memorable."
Carlito says, "That's everyone, thank you if you took the time to read."
Carlito edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.Trey has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "I think being your own worst enemy is often the path to great deals of fun."
Carlito nods casually.
Fengshui says, "especially if you've found yourself in a situation where you don't have any enemies or your enemies are not being enemy-enough."
Carlito says, "All memorable villains are vulnerable."
Carlito nods casually.
Fengshui says, "If you are a hero who lives long enough to become the villian, does that mean that you can be the villian long enough to become the hero? Explore that."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mark.Mark stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Mark says loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, slightly Hispanic accented voice* First off, I agree 100 percent with Carlito, anybody can be taken down, but onto my point."Mark says loudly, "say My point and general advice for making RP more interesting is while you do have the power to just... you know, up and kill someone, DON'T. There's a time and a place for killing and everything has a breaking point, but you can do so many things alternatively. This has been somewhat bugging me recently when I saw a situation that halted an entire plot that could have been solved with some extortion. While this is... about as bad as it can sound, just think outside the box and don't act like a caveman in every situation. After all, there IS people behind the text. Make it fun and don't let months of their effort go to waste over something petty."Mark walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Raziel stands up from the floor.
Raziel has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui says, "This game has combat and if you are a bad ass you can kill people. Sometimes the more badass thing is to -not- kill the person. You can justify this in a number of ways. Maybe it's beneath you, maybe that just are not a threat. Maybe you want to show your power by handling it differently. Whatever you have to do to justify it, consider doing it. It isn't the correct course of action for all situations, but in many, it creates a lot of amazing RP."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Creux.Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Creux says loudly, "*speaking english, in a soft and clear, with a lusty growl to her mix accented voice* I think I want to state something very clearly. You can succeed OOCly by ICly watching other people succeed from your failures. Being interesting is not about success, or about failure. It's about being interesting. Be crazy, do stupid shit, but always have a goal, not necessarily a plan. I like to have three or four goals I have in my head, and I really should start to note them down. On that note, don't forget to note down the interesting things you do."Blaze has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui chuckles softly.
Creux says loudly, "There's also a perception that winning is all there is, that if you fail, you will perm out, you will die, but ultimately the best advice I can give, is be humble. Don't be a badass in your decisions. Be someone that can and knows when to back off, and when to kick shit off. Because it makes you dynamic. Unpredictable is predictable, so be unpredictable about when you are unpredictable. And it will make you interesting. Go out, get hooked on a combat stim or party drug, go out and just do shit. And even if you appear non-humble."Mirov has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Interesting is good. Unstable is good. Especially when it's only part time. People never know what they are going to get."
Creux says loudly, "I lost where I was going to go with that last bit. But just seperate OOC stubbornness and fear from IC stubonness and fear."Creux says loudly, "And that's all I've got."Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Stipanov.Stipanov stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Stipanov says, "*speaking english, in a sharp street-hardened voice* This is a small suggestion and Carlito and Creux touched on it a bit, but: don't take your character too seriously. Let them mess up or be stupid and make mistakes. A player who's in on the joke of their char is waaay more fun to play with!! When your goal is to entertain people instead of trying to stack chyen or win you naturally create fun RP."
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Mench nods casually.
Bianca leans over and discreetly smells Mench.
Fengshui says, "And RP usually leads to money anyways. Or more opportunities and plots because people involve you in more things."
Stipanov says, "I see people fighting the game to maintain this rigid idea of their char they have in their head a lot and it's always kind of a bummer."
Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Stipanov says, "Oh yeah. And spend your money as fast as you can!! Risk the shit you have. The GMs will see it and support you."
Stipanov walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "I would hope everyones character is developing and changing based on the actions they take and the things that happen to them."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Bartine.Bartine stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Bartine says, "*speaking english, in a glib, slightly scratchy West Coast voice* ... I just X'd out of my word document. You can move on. Also +1 to Deathball."
Bartine walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Logan.Mench respectfully bows to Bartine.
Creux leans over and discreetly smells Mench.
Trey leans over and discreetly smells Mench.
Logan stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Logan says, "Sometimes you can use training as an excuse for RP. This works with a lot of jobs. And you can even hire outside sources like Immies to play a role in company training. As an added benefit, when you actually do this kind of training things tend to go more smoothly when it's time to actually do your job for real. Things like attack response drills or apprehend and detain drills or sneaky access drills."
Naviel discreetly sniffs himself.
Creux discreetly sniffs herself.
[OOC: Fengshui says, "stop"
]Logan says, "Also, I've seen a trend where everyone is doing everything in disguise all the time (very slightly exaggerated maybe but if so) but keep in mind that if nobody knows you did something you gain no rep. Also, playing it all perfect so nobody knows or can possibly know can be fun sometimes but it can also kill a lot of RP that could have come from what you did."
Siren says loudly, "Please stop."Logan edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Pinky.Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Pinky says, "This dovetails with the later playing to lose topic, but I wanted to agree with Carlito and Creux and throw something out there - if a Mixer (after xhelping) goes up to Uphoria, strips nude, gets in the pool, and does so much v-202 they shit themselves, they will probably not win when security shows up. They probably will not earn any cool gear or money. That will however be the most fun VSSec has all year and everyone who has signal is going to laugh their asses off. You don't always have to be the ultimate badass who wins all the time - you want your enemies to have fun too whenever they can. Be ready to look stupid or have people laugh at you, if you're laughing too then you win even if you lost. And you can always fuck someone up later to earn your rep back."
Pinky exclaims, "Your enemies IC are your best resource OOC. Take care of them!"
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Chayna stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Blinder says, "*speaking english* Great point."
Fengshui says, "Also, bonus if you do this as a distraction so that the people that you hired to kidnap some VS chemist can get away clean."
Pinky laughs loudly.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Trey.Johnny says loudly, "*speaking english, in a scratchy, raspy voice* that escalated quickly."Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Trey says, "To what Carlito said about invincible dinos -- yeah. There is that perception. I think at the newbie and midbie tiers it's pretty dynamic, but when I look up at the oldie (or maybe super-olbie? I don't know what the tier breaks really are) tiers I see a lot less dynamism. I've never played at that level - never even really at the midbie level, to be honest - so that may be merely perception. I wonder if part of it is that the rest of the game sees only the kingpins' successes, because their failures happen in private spaces where the rest of the playerbase can't see. It could be that making those failures (assuming that they occur) more visible in some fashion would help squelch the perception of invincibility. As it is, the most you'd ever see about one of their failures is a rumor that they woke up in a vat, it feels like. I think having a little more daylight would give a bigger perception of churn at all levels."
Trey sits cross-legged on the floor.
Trey stands up from the floor.
Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Auri stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Trey says, "Actually -- churn and most importantly, opportunity."
Trey says, "Sorry."
Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench read dino's as dildo's and isn't proud of that.Fengshui says, "I don't disagree, but at the same time, I think a lot of RP can go into covering up those mistakes and keeping them from the public eye. Not everyone is aware of it, but it happens ALL the time."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Raziel.Raziel says, "I"
Raziel says, "I can't word this right."
Mench says loudly, "Then word it wrong and we'll try make it right."Raziel says, "I'm curious, a few of us don't play all day. So how can watchijng what we can't see work. It does not, and those that can't play all day are in a seperate realm except we aren't.` We get to play my the same rules excxept we don't get to play as much as you. But you hold us to the same expeactions as yousrself as far as our loses. How does this work for the rest of us that don't sit here and have the capacity to play all day? "
Mench says loudly, "Mhm."Mench nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "Don't got all day to fail."Fengshui says, "Nothing we can do about some people having more time than others. Also that is a bit off topic in terms of how to create meaningful funny interesting RP."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Blaze.Blaze stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Blaze says, "*speaking english, in an expressive, Miami accented voice* When it comes to conflict there is really something to be said for pulling your punches the first time around. There is a temptation to execute enemies that present a threat to you in such a way they are no longer able to respond at all when conflict arises if you have that power. One of the very best plots Ive ever participated in came from the fact I followed a slow escalation of violence against someone who posed a threat to my character rather than simply nipping the threat outright in the bud and denying both characters a plot. It was so disappointing when eventually that rival character was permed out and I wish Id pulled that particular blow later on (although I wasnt to know at the time). On another note some players will notice I have just come back from an absence and may be wondering why I left? The short answer is I became bored of my own success (#humblebrag). Id hit a long term goal Id wanted to achieve and couldnt figure out how to progress from there in a way that kept things fresh and interesting. The importance of enjoying the journey rather than the destination cannot be overstated. The challenges you encounter on the way are what make things fun, not getting where you want to go so please dont be frustrated if youre struggling to get where you want to go. On a personal note, Id really appreciate a rp coaching session if a gm were able to make the time, unfortunately I missed the chances when they were available due to timezone conflicts. "
[OOC: Blaze says, "longer than anticipated. Sorry"
]Dreamer says, "*speaking english* I will be holding Office Hours this month (I know I said I would in January, life happens). I'll post when and such."
Dreamer says, "So hopefully GM coaching can happen for more people."
Blaze sits cross-legged on the floor.
Blaze stands up from the floor.
Blaze edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Welcome back."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mirov.Mirov stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mirov says, "*speaking english, in a slight East Asian accent but a clear voice* One thing that made the game more enjoyable for me was a plotting conversation I had with, I believe Dreamer, was when he said that amassing chy is usually a boring goal on its own, and to find something else that drives your character. That has made the game a lot more fun for me. It also motivates you to get your character in a ton of trouble when doing so is not very smart. "
Mirov says, "Dreamer also had me read an article on plotting that I really wish was generally available - or maybe it is and I just do not know where to find it. But I would love if every new player was directed to that."
Fengshui nods casually.
Mirov edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Kaimana.Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says, "We'll see about getting that out there if Dreamer knows which one it was."
Kaimana says, "I think sometimes we have this impression that we should be shutting down some of the dumb things people do while like high, or on drugs, or because they're drunk, but some of the most funny moments I've had, has been people reacting to things like that. in bars and other places. Not all the time, but sometimes letting people's characters live a bit would be nice. Also I didn't know there was coaching. I would... well like to get more info on that for sure."
Kaimana says, "Well, not shutting down but edging away from it."
Kaimana holds his chest and coughs subtly.
Fengshui says, "Embrace the chaos people."
Kaimana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Dethrow stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Dethrow.Dethrow says, "*speaking english, in a firm but gentle feminine voice* Like Pinky just said, making things fun for the opposition will rarely result in a total loss. For me, the only times I kill people versus hurting/maiming them are when they don't RP, no-sell it, or are just trying to play-to-win. If you're in it to entertain, your opponent will likely respond in kind and, like Slither said, not want to see you dead/permed so they can prolong entertaining exchanges of hatefuckery RP. That's plot. That's conflict. It's why we are (or at least should be) here. Kiss with the fist, chums."
Dethrow blows Pinky a kiss.Dethrow edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "You both now have ebola."
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.Fengshui says, "Kidding."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Disguise & Meta: What are IC cues that you recognize someone who is disguised?.Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Panda.Cassy stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui asks, "Disguise & Meta: What are IC cues that you recognize someone who is disguised?"
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Panda says, "*speaking english, in a flat tone of indeterminate gender, peaks of an English accent in their voice* Tattoooooos. They are pretty unique most of time, even some fools have names or writing on them. It almost makes me wish there was a makeup in-game that could cover tats like irl foundations (With a flavor text of A patch of xs skin looks off-colored on x-bodypart if they dont have a good disguise level, but they are a good identifier never the less."
Erica has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui says, "I resemble that remark."
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Bartine has joined the Speaking Queue.Blinder laughs loudly.
Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.Trey has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue has switched to Erica.Xiao has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui [to Erica]: You're up.
Erica stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Erica exclaims, "*speaking english, in a chirpy, high-pitched, and almost stereotypical London-cockney accented voice* Oh!"
Solai has joined the Speaking Queue.Valerie has joined the Speaking Queue.Erica says, "I think one of the big problems with disguise meta is innocent disguise meta. I've had malicious moments of disguise meta, but 99% of the time it's just me walking down the street all shrouded up and thoroughly blended in with the huddled masses, only to get a SIC from soneone I know going 'Hey chica, just saw you in the street!'..."
Mark has joined the Speaking Queue.[OOC: You haven't accepted the Membership Agreement
with this Character yet. Please type @member to review it. Please accept the membership agreement or disconnect if you do not wish to agree to the terms of membership. More Info?
http://sindome.org/membership/faq/ ]Erica asks, "While that's completely innocent, I do feel it lets people get comfortable with being meta with disguise when they should be erring on the side of ignorance, potentially leading to people getting all hot under the collar when it does actually matter. I think this is just an awareness issue really, perhaps something for the TipLine?"
Erica shrugs unceremoniously.
Erica points at Panda "Also, cool idea, forum it."
Fengshui says, "I'll make a note of it."
Erica winks at Panda playfully.
Erica waves casually.
Erica edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Nefret sits cross-legged on the floor.
Nefret stands up from the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Bartine.Bartine stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Bartine says, "I just wanted to say that 'I'd know that ass anywhere' is not a valid cue. I only say this because I've seen it a dozen times."
Bartine shrugs unceremoniously.
Bartine walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "That is indeed invalid."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Pinky.Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Pinky says, "Welcome to the controversial opinion zone."
Pinky inhales.
Fengshui leaves.
Pinky says, "It is my *opinion* (not necessarily shared by staff) that disguises should be treated as a veil of plausible deniability - NOT an invisibility cloak. If you have means, motive, and opportunity to kill someone, and then ten minutes after a SIC argument between you and them some shroud carrying a weapon you use fitting your general build shows up and kills that guy? You should expect both IC and OOC that people will be looking at you very hard, and that the conclusions they might jump to are reasonable, even if they're wrong. There are PLENTY of tools in place (solos, other factions, NPCs, etc etc etc) that can enable you to obfuscate what you're doing and create more RP for others, and expecting a single fairly common item to completely shield you from all suspicion at all times unless you get killed in the act is kind of silly."
Pinky exclaims, "That doesn't mean every short guy with a katana is Seven Ecks, but if you spent all morning talking shit on the guy and someone matching his description cuts your leg off that night, could you really be blamed for assuming? He'd be much better off hiring a different looking guy with a pistol to come shoot me, or orchestrating some kind of convoluted situation in which I die or get robbed. Plot, not mashing character sheets into each other!"
Pinky says, "Otherwise there's a single skill you can raise to middling levels and a common item will always protect everyone from being caught doing anything forever."
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Amir has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
Solai has left the Speaking Queue.Fengshui says, "Disguises are not magic. We've put so much time and effort into them specifically so that we can get to a world where if you think you know who someone in a shroud is, it is more okay to know that ICly. So yes, the points Pinky makes are valid. However, you must take CARE in knowing who someone is because there are only hundreds of peoplein the game and it is possible to know all of them. Unlike the reality the game portrays of 70+ million."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Trey.Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Trey says, "For me, if I have seen someone a lot or spoken to someone a lot and I recognize their hands or their voice. That tends to be the give-away for me where I am comfortable with, @voice especially. One thing I've noticed that I think really causes slippage with disguise meta is people forgetting they are disguised -- they've got their hood on or whatever and they act like they normally do, and so that creates weird RP disconnects that I think encourages people blurring the disguise meta lines. If people are disguised, they should be acting disguised -- I think when we go on normally while shrouded it makes it a lot easier for the meta to slip in. Part of this is the hoodie issue, where I think some people wear hoodies because they want to be in a hoodie, not because they want to be disguised. Another part of it is people forgetting that they are disguised, and having a high enough skill to not slip. In general, though, I think that can really contribute to the disguise metta lines getting blurred -- people sitting around drinking beer in their shroud, talking to their friends like everyone knows who everyone is."
Fengshui says, "And you can always xhelp for a spot check on your reasoning."
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "I think that is a really good point about people forgetting they are disguised. We could consider some kind of reminder you get every 10-15 minutes if you are disguised that is like 'You are disguised.'"
Fengshui says, "Not sure if folks would find that immersion breaking or not."
Johnny says loudly, "voice is definitely something you can recognize, as someone donning a disguise can change their @voice"Fengshui nods casually.
Trey says, "That would be a really good idea. In general, I think more reminders like that would be helpful, to be honest, with all kinds of stuff."
Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "If you recognize the voice, you recognize the voice. If you don't want to be found out, change your voice."
Fengshui [to Trey]: Please create an ideas post about it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Xiao.Xiao stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Xiao says, "*speaking english, in a haunted, monotone Chinese-accented voice* I know this is obvious, but encounters with people in disguises tends to build up a list of habits for me. I have had someone ICly pull the 'mysterious stranger' act with the same clothes and the same general hangout locations, hanging out with the same people enough times that I just flat out say: Are you [x]? I also know several people who IC do the same greetings enough times that I sort of just associate them with that particular manner of acting while disguised. This is my first town hall speaking thingy so I'm not entirely sure if this is a correct/valid response, but it's just something I've noticed I do."
Xiao says, "I guess my point is: I don't really go up and say I KNOW YOU'RE [X] but disguises don't stop patterns from emerging IC. Change your behavior up enough to keep people guessing."
Xiao edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Agreed."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Valerie.Valerie stands up from the floor.
Valerie says, "*speaking english* This is asking what are some thigns the clue me in on picking out who a disguised person is... And one of the easiest things that tells me who someone is is mannerism and speech patterns. This is pretty hard to disguise, impossible with game mechanics, but hard for a lot of people rp wise also. I guess I'm suggesting if your Disguised, and you're really trying to pass off as not that person, try to force a different speech pattern if you're highly skilled in disguise, This could be playing to your stats, but.. before I pick up on anythign appearance wise, I pick up on how people talk or emote. It usually reads like a bold flashing sign who they are. And If it's that easy for me, it should be easy for others too. So.. Try to change up the way you go about everything if you're high skilled. And if you do get that glaring flag, but your CHARACTER should have no clue, Don't meta it please. I'll say one more thing, It's not @voice, it's actual cadence and speech. Sorry if that's too much. "
Nefret sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Mark.Valerie sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mark stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Mark exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, slightly Hispanic accented voice* I want to say that disguises do not make you totally free and clear. As a wise person once said, "Your shroud doesn't cover up sloppy work." There's no reason to assume that someone in a disguise can't be tracked down through RP. Everybody knows somebody. And also, stop identifying people by hands... That's ridiculous and lazy, try and bait them into talking or something so you can hear their voice or something. You wouldn't be able to identify even your best friend in real life by a random body part unless it was marked in some way. One last thing, maybe don't immediately assume you know someone if their disguise slips immediately. Their description is still covered and doing this creates more RP!"Mark nods casually.
Mark walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Mark says loudly, "Double use of words in a sentence, love it."Fengshui says, "Agreed. Though if disguise slips it is up to the players discretion. The fact that the disguise has slipped is an indicator that you may have begun to recognize them even if they are covered."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Amir.Amir says, "*speaking english, in a coarse voice* Nng."
Fengshui says, "But yeah, hands are a no go in my book."
Amir stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Amir says, "Going to back Pinky up here, and go slightly off topic (sorry). I haven't really made any secret of my current distaste toward disguises. I feel like the meta protection disguises offer at present is obscene, and no criticism intended, but even this topic itself encourages and aids meta behavior to aid players in avoiding consequences, with disguises enabling them to do so. I hate to put more of a burden on the coders, but I feel like some disguises should be tailored toward certain activities and fail spectacularly at others"
Amir says, "...helmets being more combat oriented, and hoods/ponchos being more effective at performing subterfuge without drawing attention to yourself."
Amir says, "But more on topic... associations and motivations are a prime identifying factor for me."
Fengshui says, "No amount of code is going to solve a roleplay problem."
Amir sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui [to Amir]: Thanks for the feedback.
Hecate sits cross-legged on the floor.
Amir stands up from the floor.
Amir edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui [to Amir]: If you are interested in continuing the discussion on this, I'd be interested in moving it to the BGBB for more long form feedback.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Disguise & Meta: What are OOC cues that you should ignore when deciding if you recognize someone?.Fengshui says, "I'm skipping this, as we basically just covered it."
The Speaking Queue topic has switched to How to have fun playing, even when your character is having a rough go of it.Fengshui exclaims, "How to have fun playing, even when your character is having a rough go of it!"
Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Creux has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Creux.
Blaze has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.Picot has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux says loudly, "*speaking english, in a soft and clear, with a lusty growl to her mix accented voice* Don't be careful."Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux says loudly, "I'd elaborate further, but being overly cautious tends to actually cause people to doubt you more."Creux says loudly, "And thus degrades social credit."Johnny says loudly, "Take others down with you."Jane stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Creux says loudly, "Don't be afraid to take risks, and take others down with you."Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Blaze.Blaze stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Carlito has joined the Speaking Queue.Blaze asks, "Sorry. I had a point on the last topic I was saving. Can I still say it?"
Fengshui says, "Go ahead."
Blaze says, "In regards to recognising players characters are disguised in general there are a few cues I have noticed people taking advantage of that really need to be addressed. The first is specific to players differentiating npcs from player characters. Im referring to the fact npcs disguised in hoodies dont wear pants but player characters -usually- do. This is something Ive seen folks using to decide whether a random chum disguised on the street is suspicious or not. Other cues relate specifically to the newer disguise items like wigs and contacts when they are available. These items show in colors that dont tend to match the @skin_color when worn which makes them OOCly really obvious. Often player characters are immediately suspicious of the disguised individuals wearing them for no apparent IC reason. I have actually seen players straight up called out on wearing wigs based purely off this.Again Ive been away a couple months and there may have been a coded fix to these I didnt see. I havent been able to check the BGBB updates in full yet."
Blaze edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jane edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Sayuri walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui says, "Something for the coders to work on for sure. But in the meantime players should not use this meta info."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Pinky.Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Pinky says, "This topic was initially brought up by Hek I believe on the forums, and it kind of sounded like he was operating under the assumption that this is a game about getting the shit kicked out of you. It shouldn't be! You should, I think, be trying to be successful, but laughing or pleasantly surprised when things spin out of control."
Pinky says, "Try to think of your character as part of an ensemble cast - a Game of Thrones character, not a lead. Try to be bad enough sometimes that when you get your comeuppance it feels like there's some narrative justice in it."
Pinky says, "Play to have fun, not to win. Then it's all gravy."
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "I linked some articles on this topic relating to playing to lose and coping with bleed in the agenda and I think everyone should give them a read at some point."
Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue has switched to Picot.Picot says, "*speaking english, in a gentle Texan voice* Whoops. My comment was specifically going to be about identifying bleed."
A flash, then a bang and suddenly a wild Mench appears out of nowhere!
Picot says, "Sometimes it's important to take a step away."
Mench walks across the stage and sits upon one of the large leather chairs.
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Picot says, "Sindome is a very immersive game. It can feel -so real- at times."
Picot says, "That being said, my favorite moments in Sindome are the ones that make me cry or scream into a pillow. Like when someone your character cares about perms. Or when someone who you abandoned to the dogs calls you up and says they still care about you. Or when you've been running from murderers for three hours straight and just need to hug someone. Or when you're caught and being tortured."
Picot says, "Be vulnerable. Make those emotional moments count. Enjoy the ride, because it almost never stops."
Fengshui says, "And take a break from RP if you need to. It is just a game after all, and we don't want it to have a negative impact on your actual life in any way. It should be a positive experience."
Picot stands up from the floor.
Picot exclaims, "Oh!"
Quinn has joined the Speaking Queue.Xiao has joined the Speaking Queue.Picot says, "Real quick, that reminds me about a topic we had elsewhere about saying 'it's just a game.'"
Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Kaimana has left the Speaking Queue.Picot says, "That doesn't exactly help someone who is currently getting beat down."
Picot says, "I forget the rest of the comments we had, but it's not the response someone who is losing generally copes with during high emotions."
Picot sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.Phlox stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Phlox says loudly, "*speaking english, in a youthful, corporately perfect voice* Okay so my opinion here is while it is awesome to take people down with you and go out with a bang, tailspinning super hard and blasting every secret and burning every contact you know over SIC as an overreaction when something goes wrong is maybe not the most fun you can have with it."Fengshui says, "Agreed."
Phlox says loudly, "Lots of better things you can do even if you're sharing those secrets or burning those contacts quietly."Fengshui says, "If you are going to perm because something didn't go your way and you are OOCly upset, don't burn everyone elses game down to the ground along with you."
Phlox says loudly, "It's a visceral reaction but still one you should be aware of and avoid"Fengshui nods casually.
Phlox edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Panda.Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Panda says loudly, "Dont tailspin, but do bite back, dont be submissive because you are slightly fucked. Do you know you are going to die? Bomb that corp who hired solos on you, stab that Judge about to give you a spicy judgment, make the inevitable happen and go hog wild on the context of what your character would do and who is a target. The rush of doing petty and stupid shit to bite back. Most all the time someone will pick up on your antics and take you under their wing, surprise! Less hard times now."Johnny says loudly, "sometimes when you feel you have nothing else to lose, you can take the most important risks."Fengshui nods casually.
Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Panda nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Carlito.Carlito stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Carlito says, "*speaking english, in a sing-songy hispanic-accened voice* Yo."
Carlito says, "Here's an advice that's worked for me. If you will antagonize and become a perpetual punching bag try to at least not antagonize the whole game unless you have a reason to do it (or going out in a blast). You hate corps, earn the love of mixers. You hate mixers, earn the love of corps. You hate VS, earn the love of NLM. Example: NLM wants something from VS and you're their tool to get it. They'll fund your tirade in hopes their stock prices will go up. More often than not, the group you're antagonizing will crush you into oblivion, but that little push from their rivals will keep you going. Nothing says "you're amazing and making things so fun, keep going" more than someone who believes in your cause bailing you out from Genetek or giving you some gear at favorable rates. No guarantees but I'm sure this will help you feel less overwhelmed when the whole down crushes down on you. While creating organic RP for everyone involved."
Carlito edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says, "Good advice."
Fengshui says, "Enemies good. But definitely don't make an enemy out of EVERYONE."
Carlito says, "Thanks."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Quinn.Quinn stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Quinn says, "*speaking english, in a Hispanic, low-toned voice* I think it's important to go with the expectations that your character will (not if) have a rough go of it, no matter how hard you try, and your character shouldn't try to handle whatever that is alone. Go to your allies. Get help. Pay someone to help solve your problems. Owe them a huge favor. Whatever. Don't shoulder it or try to come up with the answers on your own. Like Picot said, let your characters cry and show weakness, and then work on a solution. The RP will be so much more rewarding for everyone involved."
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "next topic will be Topside Conflict: What are players current understanding of 'fraternization' with other corporations characters? have your stuff ready"Xiao has left the Speaking Queue.Quinn sits cross-legged on the floor.
Quinn stands up from the floor.
Quinn edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.The Speaking Queue topic has switched to Topside Conflict: What are players current understanding of 'fraternization' with other corporations characters?.Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Pinky has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Pinky.
Valerie has joined the Speaking Queue.Dethrow has joined the Speaking Queue.Pinky stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Xiao has joined the Speaking Queue.Creux has joined the Speaking Queue.Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Pinky says, "OK so I had a corpie right when topside conflict became an open thing."
Picot has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Pinky says, "It immediately shut down all RP, because the six players in my corp were kind of boring, since they were uh, in my corp. No offense to them but since they were mostly all allies with a shared interest in mutual success we didn't have much to talk about. We couldn't fraternize with the enemy -at all- and it was incredibly boring."
Pinky says, "Prior to that it was understood that the other corp was the enemy, but in like a civilized way. You'd go to parties, smile and gladhand each other, sleep with them, and then steal e-notes out of their closet."
Pinky says, "It was so much better than what I've seen ever since. I would not play a corporate character again unless I was absolutely sure this changed."
Pinky edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Pinky says, "And I mean yeah you can call people on the DL and stuff but there wasn't really a good way to break the ice with most of them."
Johnny says loudly, "The way you describe how it used to be, is how it should be."Pinky says, "It's not what I've seen since."
Johnny says loudly, "At some point, someone took things too far."Blinder nods casually.
Johnny says loudly, "we want interaction"Pinky says, "I not too long ago saw guns drawn and shots fired at a corporate HQ in a non-secret area because a character showed up at a rival corp's bar to have a drink."
Johnny says loudly, "You can't have conflict without it."Pinky says, "Said character was being a dick but I mean gangers have more civilized interaction with rival gangers."
Johnny asks loudly, "That almost seems like an IC training issue?"Johnny says loudly, "But the message needs to be heard, we want you to interact with your corporate peers."Fengshui says, "There are ALWAYS going to be times where openly consorting is not acceptable and will get you in trouble, IE: if NLM and VS are in some kind of open hot war. But that isn't the general day to day. This isn't the Mix v Topside. Corpies are supposed to be smiling and glad handing. Now if two people in rival corps are in a RELATIONSHIP then that might call both of their loyalties into question and cause problems, but hanging out at a bar and shooting the shit and trying to get intel? acceptable in my mind."
Pinky says, "Well I mean as soon as the change happened our NPC hr rep told us we'd all be fired if we were caught talking to the enemy."
Pinky says, "It seems like the Mix should be about open conflict but loose solidarity against the corps, and topside should be about open cooperation and conflict behind the scenes."
Pinky says, "The open hot wars completely shut down a lot of RP except stuff that's totally staff driven."
Pinky says, "They are especially unfun if you are not corpsec."
Fengshui says, "And that is why they are plots and not things that happen all the time."
Pinky says, "It went on for months."
Fengshui says, "I want to move on to give others a chance since we are running low on time but we can further address this later."
Pinky says, "I appreciate that staff wanted to make something happen but the way it played out was a huge drag. Anyone who wasn't corpsec was locked out of a lot of RP and mostly corpsec was just given prearranged tasks to complete (take this thing here, go shoot that guy) that didn't leave a lot of room for creative RP."
Pinky nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Valerie.Valerie stands up from the floor.
Valerie says, "A small thing, as a corporate character for a time., I did try to branch out and get involved with other corporate employees, and was met with mostly a brick wall, instead of a give and take kind of thing. Like with a lot of other things, it should always be push and pull, not just on the big huge view, but on the small scale too. Go have drinks with that bitch in NEO Trans, get her drunk enough to say something stupid, and turn it against them.. Or make a friend and put someone else on the chopping block.. Just my two cents. Kinda what Pinky said, actually. I'll sit now."
Valerie sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Dethrow.Dethrow stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow exclaims, "*speaking english, in a firm but gentle feminine voice* Quick rebuttal. They were IC orders and no one was shot at. Anyways!"
Dethrow says, "So most people who know this character know that I'm a big proponent of pushing topside conflict and theme on all fronts. This little speech happens to overlap all the next three topics, as I see them all interlinked, so please forgive me. I've been playing the what -I've- interpreted as the strongest intent of the Corp Feuds, and there's a number of unforeseen consequences from them. They're so polarizing, that anyone actually interested in conflict seems to refuse to intermingle, while those who are combat averse or combat 'illterate' will mix freely. Topside is already a patient waiting game, and I've had to pay out of pocket with the controversial low corporate wages to make things happen. While the people I've tried to create plot and conflict with will clam up, don't respond in any way, and arguably see more benefit to sit tight in a cube, collecting their paycheck and stacking UE than risk losing it. I've tried hard to make enemies and be absolutely hated by most everyone. But it's a multi-faceted issue and not the players' fault..."
Dethrow says, "Because of how polarizing things are, because topside takes a certain mindset, and because more conflict seekers lean more toward the Mix, the people who are aware of how to thrive topside and initiative/prolong conflict and plot aren't incentivized to teach players these tips and tricks. People are afraid of risk because they don't know the arcane and esoteric rules of topside... So why potentially give your rival the upper hand? Jumping back to mindset, I frequently turn away players from topside who I feel won't get a lot of out topside RP after testing them with it, while seeing players in other factions that -do- want conflict and I would -love- to help but am given more incentive not to, besides very publicly bragging about how I did it. With that, I'd like to see the bold lines of Corp Feuds brought down. They do create RP when people cross them... but it's easier not to cross them at all. People rarely even do it accidentally because they're pained so wide and so bright. There's a number of things I could discuss further, but this has already gone on too long, but I'd love to work more ICly to assist, as well as reach out to any GM who might want to work with me to isolate potential solutions to help foster more topside conflict without the detriment of losing theme. I am such a perfectionist and idealist ENFJ (Hi, Slither), that when I see the issues on the other side of the fence, I can't want but to help."
Dethrow says, "tl;dr I think more nuanced feuds and more avenues for topside coaching will see more intermingling and the elements to actually put together plot and conflict as a result. Please, let me help."
Dethrow edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Dethrow holds her chest and coughs subtly.
Dreamer says, "*speaking english* I think I can speak for us all that we're in agreement that the reigns will be loosened on multi-corporate mingling :) Stay tuned."
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Dethrow says, "YESSS"
Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Agreed."The Speaking Queue has switched to Xiao.Xiao stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: The game has been saved and backed up successfully to disk. 'help cp']
Xiao says loudly, "*speaking english, in a haunted, monotone Chinese-accented voice* So this one is a bit long and a bit ramble-y but here goes."Xiao says loudly, "I think that corporations and conflict right now are, publicly, REALLY boring. This may just be because I had a lot of not-so-fun times on my last character who was a corpie, but right now things feel far more stagnant than the Mix. Right now, it just feels super, super isolated. It's not like the Mix where, even though the Arts, Sarz, Snakes etc. hate eachother, they WILL band together if there's a rat or if the Judges are coming down in force. Topside, you typically have only your corporation to rely on, which doesn't make sense IMO. Kind of like how Pinky said, there needs to be some kind of solidarity between corps against both each other (behind the scenes) and Red (openly). Red is constantly changing but it feels like topside is just stagnant, where the low-level people will shift from time to time while certain successful people will always be successful. This is really roughly worded but it's just something I've noticed. If it helps, I think the IC adoption of the Mix Code has opened up Red RP -massively- because it gives wiggle room between 'perm' and 'never see eachother.' There are more reasons for ganger solidarity to happen than for inter-Corp interactions, good or bad."Fengshui nods casually.
Fengshui says loudly, "Fair points."Xiao says loudly, "Right now, I think, personally, I have seen far more corpies tailspin and perm (which as previously discussed tends to be unfun for a lot of people involved) because I think there is no ROOM for them to grow/move if they fuck up."Tonio stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Xiao says loudly, "Red has a lot of people who ICly I've scratched my head as to why they're still around, but I think you have far more chances to recover from a tailspin as a mixer than as a corpie."Xiao edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "mixers move up, corpies fall down ... in general."Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Fengshui says loudly, "That is indeed part of the journey. Hopefully the loosening of the reigns will aide in this as well."The Speaking Queue has switched to Creux.Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Creux says loudly, "CONTROVERSIAL OPINION TIME: I'm of the opinion that topside should be abolished as a player space. Because it is hard if not impossible to balance, both intra-topside, and extra-topside. Troublemakers tend to ruin it for the lot up there, they expect a fun social RP mixture of treason and plotting, but ultimately, the games systems and sometimes setting don't support it, the games socialogy doesn't either. And unless you were to get rid of some of the core cyberpunk elements(IE Give the WJF control over the corp business spaces, make corps less paranoid, etc.) the space is going to be utterly limited by the thematic elements and thus unfun to play. And that's basically a short bit about why topside doesn't work and why anyone will have all of these problems doing anything topside. Because doing anything as a topsider is either punching down at the mix someone who most of the time cannot effect you even if they tried(Making it utterly unsatisfying to the target as chances for recompense are impossible.). Or it will come off as ineffectual or unfulfilling because of the basic nature of your characters life as a corporate drone... Topside is boring, topside is lonely, topside is stagnant, and unless you change theme(Which you shouldn't,) then topside will stay that way. And personally, no offense to people who want to RP there, it's ultimately a bad place to RP because of this utter aliennes."Butako oinks in dismay!
Dreamer says, "I think we can safely say we won't be removing half the game :)"
Dreamer says, "But ideas discussion should happen on improving it."
Creux nods respectfully.
Fengshui casually nods at Dreamer.
Butako says, "*speaking english* There is some really really reaaaaaaaaaaaally cool stuff coming for topsiders."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Kaimana.Siren says loudly, "*speaking english* I'd have to politely disagree. Just because things aren't seen as much as they are in the Mix, doesn't mean that things aren't happening. Topside is -about- keeping it in the shadows."Creux edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Kaimana says, "*speaking english, in a Deep Tongan Basso voice* okay so."
Kaimana says, "I would like to say that I have played this game on and off for a couple of years, and in that time I have played nothing but corporate characters, they are the characters I like but I have to say that right now the topside community is so dead that it seems like there shouldn't really be a topside, and there's nothing that draws me up there. And I mean it's the characters I remember the most fondly and the pace I like playing but it seems like it's so heavy handed now that there's not enough room to breathe to make big conflicts, up there on my last character. I'm not sure if it's still that way, since I played my corporate characters probably the same time Pinky mentioned and it was hot garbage honestly. To Dethrow's point, as a player I have actually been trying to find any reason to go topside and make topside more fun and get involved in that kind of rp because it is sad that it's not getting the love it deserves. But even in character and I think it's a stemfrom maybe out of character motivations people have just been saying don't go topside not worth it."
Kaimana says, "when I say motivations I mean oocly people recognize not anything worth it to go."
Kaimana sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Picot.Kaimana stands up from the floor.
Kaimana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Picot stands up from the floor.
Picot says, "I'm under the impression that megacorp towers are their sovereign territory and they can do whatever the heck they want to my character should she enter. Lie about what she did there, claim she did crimes, even doctor supporting evidence. I get that this likely isn't true, it's just how I feel things have evolved."
Fengshui says loudly, "Seems like there is a lot here so I'm going to reopen the queue so we can continue this discussion."Johnny says loudly, "Sindome is what the community makes of it, so if you're not trying, it can't happen."Fengshui has opened the Speaking Queue for this topic. 'join queue' to get in line to speak.Nefret has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Nefret.
Picot has joined the Speaking Queue.Jane has joined the Speaking Queue.Arachne has joined the Speaking Queue.Nefret stands up from the floor.
Jak has joined the Speaking Queue.Avarius has joined the Speaking Queue.Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.Trey has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui shouts loudly, "STARTING NOW I'M GOING TO BE MOVING THE QUEUE ALONG FASTER AS WE ONLY HAVE 18 MINUTES LEFT."
The Speaking Queue has switched to Picot.Picot says, "I'm under the impression that megacorp towers are their sovereign territory and they can do whatever the heck they want to my character should she enter. Lie about what she did there, claim she did crimes, even doctor supporting evidence."
Nefret sits cross-legged on the floor.
Gotz sits cross-legged on the floor.
Picot says, "Meanwhile, everyone is at each other's throats. There's easily 18 hours of RP full of subterfuge and management that could fit into every day of every week and you'd still not have done everything. The shadow war is intense and it's showing no sign of slowing down."
Johnny [to Picot]: there's nothing wrong with surveillance paranoia
Picot sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jane.Jane stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jane says, "*speaking english, in an airy, calm feminine voice* I think saying you hate topside and topside is garbage is entirely unconstructive and damages the game a lot of us specifically came here to play. So many times there's ways to change things IC, but people continually want to push it along ooc because its easier and faster. If you want change, do something ic. Some of us are working on things to push change but it's slow going for ic reasons or because our chars are developing."
Jane edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Carlito has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Arachne.Arachne stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Arachne says, "*speaking english, in a breathy, lullaby-laden alto, covergirl nihilism lacing her voice* I completely agree with Pinky and Dethrow but at the same time, let's not doom and gloom too hard. We can make topside what we want it to be by working together as players. That's -how- the game evolves over time."
Arachne edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jak.Jak stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jak says, "*speaking english, in a thick Irish-Mixer accented voice* Full disclosure, never played a corp."
Jak says, "I think a great way to make being corp more fun would be to loosen the reigns a bit on mixers doing crime topside. As it stands, you need staff support to do any crime topside. Since we have a lot of player judges and corp sec, I would like to propose that the need for staff oversight on crime topside be removed, or heavily minimized. Mixers making trouble on Gold/Green should make corp life MUCH more interesting."
Jak edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Niko has joined the Speaking Queue.Xiao has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui says loudly, "I have it on my list to write code to allow us to auto report certain crimes so that PC judges can respond at which point we will loosen the grip on topside crime a bit in terms of needing a GM for certain stuff."Johnny says loudly, "I hate that we have folks checking in before they do topside crime."Fengshui says loudly, "In the end though it doesn't make sense for a mixer to walk around gold attacking people and for the judges not to respond."Fengshui says loudly, "And they can only respond if PCs are around of if admin are."Jak stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Avarius.Jak edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Avarius stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Blaze has joined the Speaking Queue.Avarius says loudly, "*speaking english, in a measured, imperious, English-accented voice* Just as a quick rebuttal - just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Topside RP is quite alive in my perspective, and most of the hi-level stuff is kept behind shadows where it's supposed to be. That being said- I was around during the era Pinky was talking about and yes, we do need more leeway. Way, way more space to fuck up, expanded powers and allowed more resources to fund plots downstairs and elsewhere. I am suggesting a sort of standard 'corporate code' for this, that we can base our actions on and adapt accordingly."Xiao has left the Speaking Queue.Avarius nods curtly.
Avarius edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.Nefret has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Phlox.The Speaking Queue has switched to Trey.Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Trey says, "*speaking english, in an a basso urban-accented voice* I've played a couple of Mixer characters but never a corporate character. I think what Creux suggests is too radical, but the Mix is where the action is -- I think having more corporate stuff pushed down into the Mix (in the form of factories or secret labs or whatever) and less Mixers pulled up (in the form of service mixers) might help some corporate play. I used to play a lot of tabletop Shadowrun, and essentially the whole life of a cyberpunk was doing shady shit for a corporation against another corporation, and it seems like there are fewer hooks for that to happen here. If the corporate "icebergs" were more directly exploiting the Mix, there might be more opportunity for that "Mr. Johnson" style play. And that, in turn, might be a little bit more of a release valve on inter-corpie conflict, since now you could drink together and sleep together while having easier IC systems to send people after other people's shit. This might involve the creation of some more coded wealth targets of some sort -- perhaps some sort of corpie McGuffin that exists in some space that can be sold (redeemed, whatever) only by corpie PCs, but that is primarily acquired by Mixers, but I'd want to work through that more. I think if corpie PCs had more avenues to use the Mix to target their rivals, they would both have more RP opportunities as well as have a release venue for their IC inter-corp conflict."
Trey edges into the second row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "corpies are supposed to dip into the mix"Johnny says loudly, "DIP"Trey stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "Carefully and secretly."The Speaking Queue has switched to Carlito.Trey sits cross-legged on the floor.
Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.Leerika has joined the Speaking Queue.Carlito stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Carlito says, "Yes corporations are sovereign territory but just like in real life you don't see the head of states killing each other when they visit each other's countries because it's bad for business and diplomatic relationships especially in a world of bilateral agreement where every nation (e.g. corporations, in Sindome's parallel) need each other to sustain their economies. In real life and I suppose in Sindome as well, it's all about the MONEY and that's why we don't see major scale wars between national conglomerates in current times anymore. Violence and shootouts in Gold is BAD FOR BIZ and anyone ignoring this implication is simply not understanding basic concepts of the theme. You are corpies wearing slick suits, you aren't syndicate solos."
Carlito says, "That's all."
Carlito edges into the third row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Blaze glances down at his digital watch.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Niko.Niko stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Niko says, "*speaking english, in a rich whisky smooth voice* I'd just like to counter Jak and Trey's points to a degree. There are Mixer players that cause issues topside - and you are greatly appreciated - and they do it through the current ruleset. You don't need to dramatically change the rules of xhelping first to encourage that change. That's something that players who play mix-based characters need to decide to do on their own. Topside characters are expected to create for Mix-based characters by funding activities, purchases, needs, etc on the low. That's part of playing as a community through cooperative competition."
Valerie has joined the Speaking Queue.Bartine has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui casually nods at Carlito.
Niko says, "On the flip side Mix players have to give something back to corporate players that is tangible to react to and interact with. It can't be a one way street or something that's really off in the distance."
Niko walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Blaze.Blaze stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Blaze says, "*speaking english, in an expressive, Miami accented voice* Just a thought, but would it be possible to script NPC judges to respond to violence topside in a similar manner to how gangers respond to violence against fellow gang members? That might help allay the need to xhelp ahead when conducting crimes as obvious ones will be responded to automatically."
Blaze edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Nefret.Nefret stands up from the floor.
Nefret says, "*speaking english, in a quiet, raspy voice* I'm of the opinion there's a problem with topside and risk adversity. In that regard, we also have a serious issue of actually trying to challenge those characters as mixers. I agree 100% with Jak, and I've heard that actual judges are bored to tears half the time in what *should* be the best job in the game. Maybe it's time to open up bounty hunting and more direct mixer vs. corpcit conflict and let the large number of judge characters do their jobs."
Nefret sits cross-legged on the floor.
Fengshui [to Blaze]: I'd like to, it is very difficult though. Such a fluid situation.
Nefret has left the Speaking Queue.Fengshui [to Blaze]: I will take steps to make it more of a reality though.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Leerika.Johnny says loudly, "We're closer today than previous years"Leerika stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Johnny says loudly, "NPCs can navigate elevators for example"Leerika says, "*speaking english, in a honeyed Slavic-accented feminine voice* Responding to the notifying before doing CWIMES topside. Letting anyone do any crime in open topside without xhelping first will damage the response time of GM controlled WJFs. It's actually the worst when players decide to go under the radar and fuck some shit up topside without any way for anyone to respond. And please don't forget about the downtimes when there are barely any GMs around in first place. If something happens then it's wild west for shady uncalled for."
Leerika sits cross-legged on the floor.
Johnny says loudly, "But the sticking point is what the NPCs do when they get where they need to go."[++] New post to topic 'Minor chatter stuff' in Ideas
The Speaking Queue has switched to Valerie.Johnny says loudly, "We can dispatch strike teams that fly in AVs if we want. :)"Valerie says, "Seven Ecks brand Condoms please? Anyway, I saw a lot of talk about characters perming themselves out if they get into too much trouble or other reasons.. The only reason I've ever permed my own character is when I feel like I've done a lot, or interested in another thing and wanna do that character type in full, If you're permiing out because you don't wanna get in trouble or somethign is bad, You need to rethink why your playing in the first place."
Fengshui says loudly, "Agreed. Figuring out what to do when something happens is very difficult."Valerie stands up from the floor.
Valerie sits cross-legged on the floor.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Bartine.Solai has joined the Speaking Queue.Bartine stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Jak has joined the Speaking Queue.The Speaking Queue buzzes and the current speaker flashes: Bartine.Panda has left the Speaking Queue.Panda has joined the Speaking Queue.Bartine says, "*speaking english, in a glib, slightly scratchy West Coast voice* Very quick aside that's nothing new, but something I always feel can be actively attended to by new players. The ambient crowds are, of course, -packed-, the bars are -loaded-, etc., etc. With that being the case I find it very jarring how often PCs cross paths with you in the street, bars, wherever, and give a big old 'HI!' within a millisecond. I get that emoting "wandering over to someone in a crowd" or whatever is tedious, but there could be some middle-ground. Very small-worldy."
Bartine walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Solai.Solai stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "My favorite thing to do is ignore people who spot me right away and talk to me."Phlox has joined the Speaking Queue.Fengshui shouts loudly, "HAVE EM READY PEOPLE, 4 MINUTES LEFT."
Solai says, "*speaking english, in an icy and crisp with intent voice* As having a grand ol' time helping to run a club in the mix. Creux and have been wanting to set the tone in Carnal D's to reflect the current ambiance of the club. What I would like to propose is a link much like the one here with a live streaming playlist that constantly rotates."
Mench sips his spiced tea and swallows before lowering his cup.
Mench finishes his spiced tea and discards the paper cup.
Glitch says loudly, "*speaking english* Not going to happen."Solai nods.
Solai edges into the fourth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Jak.Jak stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jak edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench quickly operates the complex machinery, drawing out a cup of cappuccino.
[OOC: Jak says, "that didnt work"
]Jak stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Mench picks up a cappuccino from the coffee counter.
Jak edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jak says, "wow omg one sec"
Jak stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui says loudly, "you don't actually need to be standing..."Glitch says loudly, "Whilst I appreciate the idea, we do not have the support for this currently that would make it workable in my opinion."Mench [to Jak]: *speaking english, in a muffled mumbling voice* You got this. I believe in you.
Jak edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Jak exclaims, "I want to be able to shoot people in their cars with guns. Thanks!"
Jak says, "wow shoot me too lol"
Fengshui nods casually.
The Speaking Queue has switched to Panda.Creux has joined the Speaking Queue.Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Kaimana has joined the Speaking Queue.Johnny says loudly, "I've thought of adding playlist support to the webclient"Fengshui has closed the Speaking Queue for this topic.Panda says loudly, "*speaking english, in a flat tone of indeterminate gender, peaks of an English accent in their voice* Just a quickfire - Please give us automated crime topside, firebomb, naked NPC slapping, ect. Anything to help the v o i d."Johnny says loudly, "where you could queue youtube links to be played"Fengshui casually nods at Panda.
Fengshui [to Panda]: BGBB idea it
Johnny says loudly, "once we do that, you could use that for your needs"The Speaking Queue has switched to Phlox.Phlox says loudly, "*speaking english, in a youthful, corporately perfect voice* Okay I know managing the corps we have is hard and it would take a lot of work but please make SK a player corp and make VS and SK at war with each other because they both do human augmentation and are thus direct competitors, and keep NLM between them profiting off the conflict."Panda walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
[OOC: Hecate asks, "how do I queu?"
][OOC: Quinn says, "join queue"
]The Speaking Queue has switched to Creux.[OOC: Solai says, "Its closed"
][OOC: Fengshui says, "cause we are outta time"
][OOC: Hecate says, "FUCK I was trying to join before it closed"
]Mench exclaims, "Naked NPC Slapping. SLAPPING DEM BUTT CHEEKS!"
Creux says loudly, "I approve of Jak's idea of shooting people in cars with guns, and from cars with guns. And also, SK would be a wonderful addition."[OOC: Hecate says, ";.;"
][OOC: Jimz says, "Only 1min left."
]The Speaking Queue has switched to Kaimana.Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Raziel says, "Xhelp then, after it is done."
]Kaimana says, "I was going to make a sttement about SK, but welp, it got brought up."
The Speaking Queue flashes to notify everyone that the queue is clear.Kaimana edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui steps back up to the podium for one final time, "Thats it folks. Thank you so much for attending, for your feedback, for everything. We will be posting a log of the event on the BGBB for everyone to review, and for those who missed it. If you dont see a BGBB topic for something we decided to continue discussing-- create one when youre ready and lets keep this conversation going! The next town hall will be Summer 2020."[OOC: Kard says, "Please stop local OOC, and keep in mind GMs and Builders and Seniors may stick around a bit after the official town hall."
]Fengshui claps his hands together and says, "This Town Hall Meeting is officially ended and you are free to return ICly. HOWEVER, you may also stick around and we will be announcing the RP Award winners in just a few minutes. After that the admin are going to stick around if you want to continue chatting with us, but this room is so spammy that we're going to break off into a few different rooms. Feel free to stay here and jabber, head back to game, or follow us into one of these rooms to continue conversing."Fengshui shouts loudly, "AS A REMINDER, IT'S @TOWN-HALL TO LEAVE."
Fengshui bursts into a million holographic pieces and reappears in the center of the crowd, smiling.Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Mark exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, slightly Hispanic accented voice* WOOO!"Dethrow starts applauding politely.
Valerie exclaims, "Hi!"
Carlito starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Eden exclaims, "*speaking english, in a slightly feminine, North Californian voice* WOO!"
Leerika says, "WRYYYYYYYYYY"
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Mark stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Phlox exclaims loudly, "Woohoo!"Gotz stands up from the floor.
Creux shouts loudly, "JUST AS PLANNED!"
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Mark starts applauding politely.
Panda exclaims loudly, "AAAA!"Erica starts applauding casually.
Picot starts applauding enthusiastically.
Xiao starts applauding politely.
Bisset nods casually.
Raziel starts applauding politely.
Valerie shouts loudly, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"
Del starts applauding politely.
Gotz smiles innocently at Yunika.
Shift shouts loudly, "*speaking mixmash, in a sad and flat voice* WOOOO"
Naviel shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a playful, sing-song voice* SPARKLY KITTENS ARE THE BEST!"
Sirus exclaims, "*speaking english, in a hyper,friendly and chipper texan accent voice* YAY!"
Quinn exclaims, "*speaking english, in a Hispanic, low-toned voice* Thank you everyone!"
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Avarius says loudly, "Hurraaaay"Jimz puts his mRc capsules away.
Hecate shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a husky feminine voice* I LOVE YOU ALL! <3"
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Eden says, "BAZINGA"
Milana starts applauding politely.
Dalilah starts applauding politely.
Del shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a hybrid Japanese-Jamaican voice* HELL YEAH"
Mark shouts loudly, "EPIC"
Sirus exclaims, "THANK YOU EVERYONE!"
Kaimana stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Dethrow says, "NO, EDEN"
Del kisses Mark on the lips passionately.
Carlito says, "feet..."
Butako oinks hapily!
Fengshui OOCly shouts, "10/10 for ending town halls on time under my moderation. just saying"Bisset says, "*speaking english, in a low, London-accented voice* Disconnected for almost the entire thing, great fun"
Avarius says loudly, "Guys. We need SK as a player corp."Dethrow applauds politely at Fengshui.
Xiao [to Mark]: Cock and Dick.
Eden [to Dethrow]: YES, EDEN
Mark [to Del]: I have diseases retard good job
Del says loudly, "I agree."Ann stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Arachne seat-hops into Dethrow's lap.
Bartine [to Avarius]: Hey, I exposed the eldritch sounds and not my vagina, right?
Del [to Mark]: fuck
Jane says, "Thank you all for your characters <3 You make me cry and it's so great."
Solmaz [to Fengshui]: *speaking english, in a feminine, slightly nasal and distinctly monotone voice* Weird flex, bro.
Ann vanishes from the meeting.
Avarius says loudly, "We have to BGBB this."Mench throws his hands in the air and declares "RP AWARDS TIMES!"
Solmaz smiles innocently.
Mark [to Xiao]: Dick and nuts
Valerie says, "Guys, we need more naked corpie slapping."
Del starts applauding politely.
Mark strokes his cock and dick.Leerika [to Mark]: STOP BEING SUCH A HUGE MEME WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Kaimana exclaims, "this was much better than the last one I was in great job GMs!"
Solai eyes Creux warily.
Avarius exclaims loudly, "MORE CYBERNETICS!!!"Lusitano shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep with a bright timbre, sometimes stumbling some words with a Portuguese accent voice* 10/10 WOULD HAVE SLITHER MODERATE AGAIN."
Mark [to Leerika]: Why tho
Eden [to Creux]: i will work at the sk player corp and steal fucking all of their limbs try and stop me
Leerika [to Mark]: Fookin ZOOMER
Bull stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Sayuri says, "*speaking english, in a soft spoken, appealing Korean voice* Yes. SK."
Mench rises from the plush leather seat that rests on the stage.
Kenji says, "*speaking english, in a bright-yet-vague Middle Eastern accented voice* MAKE DECKING A THING."
Bull vanishes from the meeting.
Mark [to Leerika]: am funny
Bartine eyes Avarius warily.
Carlito says, "SK is so unnecessary."
Mench steps up to the podium and adjusts the micropohone.
Fengshui goesses to make a drink before the RP AWARDS.Sirus stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Valerie shouts loudly, "SEVEN ECKS BRAND CONDOMS PLEASE!!!"
Bartine stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Creux [to Eden]: Yeah yeah yeah!
Eden shouts loudly, "PEE PEE POO POO"
Dalilah stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jimz says loudly, "*speaking english, in an a gravelly, baritone voice* Well, that's good, because ICly, Topside isn't dead. You should pay more attention up there."Dethrow shouts loudly, "FUCK SK"
Sirus sits cross-legged on the floor.
Dalilah vanishes from the meeting.
Sirus stands up from the floor.
Avarius exclaims loudly, "AK!!!"Kenji says, "JOHN MADDEN."
Avarius says loudly, "whups"Johnny says loudly, "lets see more health to what we have for active corps before we expand the game so dramatically."Solmaz shouts loudly, "MAKE DECKERS SCURRRRY YA"
Quinn laughs loudly at Dethrow.
Jane says, "More mass murdering <3"
Mark shouts loudly, "FUCK NLM!!!"
Arachne asks, "I feel like we should improve the corps we have, right?"
Solai [to Johnny]: Can I email you on the whole playlist thing?
Mark shouts loudly, "FUCK VS!!!"
Kaimana says, "how do I get my butt outta here. hmm."
Del says loudly, "We need SK cyborgs and VS mutants."Panda says, "I had a longer statement for 'npc combat', but 'naked mixer npc slapping' works."
Valerie [to Dethrow]: I LOVE your character so much!
Raziel says, "*speaking english, in a soft-spoken, calm and Irish accented voice* Curious how the experience for players that can't play 12+ hours a day will work, especially for new players."
Xiao says, "Seriously though, I've been doing a LOT better as of recently. On my last character I had a bit of an IRL breakdown due to dysphoria and i've started treatments that'll help alleviate it along with things like antidepressants and I've found I do a lot better with managing my character's emotions now."
Avarius [to Aika]: The fuck is a zoomer??
Mark [to Avarius]: You
Mench throws his hands in the air and declares "RP AWARDS TIMES!"Dethrow [to Valerie]: I'm going to cry. I swear.
Leerika [to Mark]: You are cwingey
Mark [to Avarius]: You are a zoomer
Mench holds his chest and coughs gently.
Kenji says, "OK ZOOMER"
Mark [to Leerika]: Okay
Leerika [to Mark]: cwinge cwinge cwinge cwinge
Kaimana laughs loudly.
Carlito [to Kaimana]: You can @town-hall to leave.
Aika [to Avarius]: *speaking english, in a deep and raspy, midwestern-accented feminine voice* Good q.
Avarius [to Mark]: Ok coomer.
Mark [to Leerika]: Crimge
Del [to Phlox]: YES!
Bartine [to Avarius]: Did I expose-groin a vagina or Eldritch hymns?
Mark [to Avarius]: I'm cooming
Xiao [to Naviel]: I fucking adore your character oh my god, you're both absolutely intimidating while being fucking hilarious
Pinky [to Phlox]: *speaking english, in a lisping euro-pidgin accented voice* That's a terrible idea.
Leerika [to Mark]: CWINGE
Niko says, "The issue with opening up SK is the same as it was three years ago - there simply aren't enough corporate players to fill the current open coroprations, adding SK just spreads it more thin."
Valerie [to Dethrow]: No I mean it! made the game fun for the last couple months or so, when there wasn't much else going on!
Kaimana [to Carlito]: thanks! totally love your character again. now I need to go eat beore I pass out. lol.
Mench shouts loudly, "'AIGHT NOOBS! QUIET DOWN PLEASE!"
Johnny toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Sirus sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mark walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Mench says loudly, "Hah, Suckers. Now you have no choice but to be quiet."Mench casually nods at Johnny.
Sirus stands up from the floor.
Sirus walks around the front of the rows of seats and picks one out to sit in, and lowers theirself into it.
Johnny says loudly, "no body puts Mench in the corner."Gotz sits cross-legged on the floor.
Mench gets up from the seat and walks over to the podium, adjusting the mic accordingly with a large grin.Kard says, "*speaking english* I voted Mench for Best Publisher."
Mench says loudly, "D'aww.."Mench takes one last sip from his cappuccino and sets the cup on the podium.Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Mench holds his hands up and says "Once again, thanks to everyone for being here. We really appreciate it!" as he looks out at the group.Mench exclaims loudly, "Since the last set of awards, all of you have been amazing with your RP. If I could give you all a medal, I would. Alas, its now time to find out who won this round!"Mench says loudly, "First, Id like to give thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in the RP Awards, it is very much appreciated."Mench says loudly, "Each award will have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze. In case of a tie, multiple people may receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold. Who'd have thunk it."Mench nods with a smile as he holds up a hand and clicks his fingers. Projected fireworks start exploding around the Amphitheater as a large trophy cup appears above the crowd with the text -Best Poser- printed on the front. Mench says loudly, "The first award goes to our amazing posers! Their poses leave you waiting with anticipation, dripping with moisture as you await their next move."Mench exclaims loudly, "Our Bronze winner is Owens! Congratulations!"Mench exclaims loudly, "Silver goes to Serret! Wow!"Mench says loudly, "And our Gold winner is... "Mench exclaims loudly, "Arachne! Well done, everyone!"Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Xiao says, "-Moisture-."
Glitch starts applauding politely.
Carlito says, "Well deserved."
Mark cheekily sticks out his tongue and makes a *phhbbt* noise.
Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Del starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Arachne exclaims, "Oh woww, thanks!"
Sirus exclaims, "WOOOOOOOOOOoo!"
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Pinky starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Raziel nods casually.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Panda looks around the room.
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Del says, "Way to go, everybody."
Creux shouts loudly, "SOOOO MOIST!"
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Leerika pats Arachne onna head playfully.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Nefret starts applauding politely.
Hecate starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Xiao shouts loudly, "GO OWENS BABEY!"
Lusitano shouts loudly, "WHOO!"
Bisset starts applauding politely.
Solmaz shouts loudly, "YA ROCK KWEEN"
Merek starts applauding politely.
Dethrow says, "THAS MUH GIRL"
Mark says loudly, "Cum."Lusitano starts applauding politely.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench [to Mark]: I will end you, child.
Mench holds a hand in the air, the trophy explodes into nothingness and he says "Now for our Best Accents! Ya' na' wha' a' meen ay? Baka-Laka-Ding-Dong!"Mench exclaims loudly, "The Bronze award for Best Accent goes to... Erica!"Mench says loudly, "Silver goes to... Pinky! And our Gold award goes to..."Mench says loudly, "Del! Well done folks."Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Carlito starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding loudly.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Hecate starts applauding politely.
Dethrow says, "DAAAAAAAAMN"
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Del says, "woah what"
Solmaz shouts loudly, "OI OI LASS!"
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Erica claps loudly.
Valerie exclaims, "GO DEL!"
Kenji starts applauding politely.
Stipanov starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Mark reaches over and gently strokes Del's hair.
Raziel says, "No surprise there."
Solmaz grins mischievously.
Pinky exclaims, "WAHAY!"
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Merek starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Creux shouts loudly, "I FORGOT TO VOTE FOR DEL! HE WON ANYWAY!"
Picot exclaims, "Wooooo!"
Avarius says loudly, "Wah gwaan"Phlox says loudly, "WOOHOO"Gotz starts applauding politely.
Dethrow [to Del]: Nice!
Mark [to Del]: love u
Hecate shouts loudly, "YAY DEL!"
Jo starts applauding politely.
Creux shouts loudly, "WHAS' GWAAAN!"
Kenji says, "PINKY IS THE BEST."
Lusitano shouts loudly, "WOOOO!"
Erica says, "Fack, goin' 'ave ta kill ya's pair."
Del shouts loudly, "BOMBOCLAAT, DIS ERIE!"
Dethrow [to Del]: You've really grown with this char
Lusitano starts applauding politely.
Avarius says loudly, "Bomboclaat"Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Bartine [to Pinky]: Congrats for Gold!
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench clicks his fingers and looks out at the crowd.Mench exclaims loudly, "Next up we have Most Themely Corpie. These mutha truckers ooze corporateness in everything they do, damn corpies, being all corporate an' shit! Our Bronze Winner is Arachne!"Mench says loudly, "with Silver going to Avarius! And Gold goes to... "Mench says loudly, "Dethrow! With an astonishing lead of 9 votes more than Silver place! Wow. Much Wow! "Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Phlox says loudly, "I'm SHOCKED"Pinky [to Dethrow]: AWOO!!
Dethrow sobs happily.
Del [to Dethrow]: Way to go.
Avarius exclaims loudly, "Obey the Law!"Solmaz shouts loudly, "ANOR BLESS!"
Arachne shouts loudly, "CAROLINAAAAAAAA-----"
Valerie says, "That's cause Dethrow fucks."
Sirus exclaims, "WOOOOOOO!"
Carlito starts applauding politely.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Jane [to Dethrow]: Ooo you cute tho. <3
[OOC: Bartine says, "*for silver, pinky."
]Yunika starts applauding politely.
Kenji says loudly, "SHLICK-SHLICK-SHLICK-SPRAY."Flash starts applauding politely.
Mark [to Avarius]: Fuck you.
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Stipanov applauds politely at Dethrow.
Siren exclaims loudly, "*speaking english* Well done!"Bartine starts applauding politely.
Logan says loudly, "*speaking english, in a deep, brash voice* PLEASE STOP LEAKING IC INFO!!! I don't want to know about your character's relations or who called who ugly when! I would very much appreciate it."Panda starts applauding politely.
Creux shouts loudly, "I'M SO SHOCKED."
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Jo says, "*speaking english, in a cool crisp, sultry rasping voice* Now surprise."
Picot exclaims, "Woooooo!"
Arachne leans over and kisses Dethrow lightly on the cheek.
Avarius applauds politely at Dethrow.
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench exclaims loudly, "Stop kissing! THAT'S HOW PEOPLE DIE!"Mench rubs his hands together as he declares "Now is time for our most themely mixers! These grubby scumbags ooze the dirty mixer RP that we all know and love. They make you stop an' think "Aw drek! They's some good Cybahpunk right der!"."Chayna edges into the fifth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench smiles as he says "Our Bronze is... Shift!"Mench exclaims loudly, "Silver Medalist is the one and only, Owens!"Mench says loudly, "And our Gold Medalist is..."Shift puts his LnA-3z away.
Shift gets out his LnA-3z.
Mench holds his chest and coughs gently.
Shift prepares to take his LnA-3z.
Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Mark gets out his mRc capsules.
Vic edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mark pushes the last mRc capsule out of its bubble pack and pulls it apart under his nose, snorting its contents quickly.
Mench throws his hands in the air as he declares "Pinky! Congrats you three."Trey gets out his v-202.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Shift collapses on the ground in an unconscious heap.
Shift pulls out his LnA-3z and jams it into his arm, injecting only a small amount of the chemical into himself.
Erica starts clapping raucously.
Del [to Pinky]: Way to go!
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Sirus says, "YA"
Kenji exclaims loudly, "YAY SHIFT! HE SMELLS LIKE BOURBON STREET AND CORN CHIPS!"Flash starts applauding politely.
Valerie exclaims, "Esplorer shoulda won! I call HAX!"
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Arachne loudly whistles a nice little tune.
Nalima exclaims loudly, "*speaking english, in a slightly raspy, very faint southern accented voice* Shift is the maaaaaaan!"Solmaz starts applauding politely.
Tamar appears out of nowhere.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Trey exclaims, "Yay!"
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Stipanov applauds politely at Pinky.
Jane [to Pinky]: LOVE your character..
Hecate shouts loudly, "YAY ALL OF YOU!"
Leerika exclaims, "Wooooooo!"
Xiao shouts loudly, "GO PINKY!"
Trey puts his v-202 away.
Lusitano shouts loudly, "YEAAA!"
Dethrow says, "YESSSS"
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Lusitano starts applauding politely.
Shift hauls himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes.
Picot exclaims, "Wooooo Pinky!"
Panda [to Pinky]: Fuck ye'!
Shift shouts loudly, "*speaking mixmash, in a sad and flat voice* LABAAAAAAA"
Mark moans.Pinky exclaims, "WAHAY!!"
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Fengshui says loudly, "Well, he's dead now."Johnny laughs loudly.
Fengshui nudges the corpse.Johnny says loudly, "It's not a Sindome party until some motherfucker drops dead."Mench motions to Shift then to security "Someone check him, quickly!"Tamar edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Fengshui raises his hands above his head, mumbling a few incoherent words.
Shift glows with a strange blue light briefly before emerging in perfect health.
Johnny chuckles softly.
Clem stands from their seat in the fourth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Johnny [to Shift]: You picked the wrong day to quit sniffing mixer ass.
Mench exclaims loudly, "Next up is the Quickest Wit! These guy's are quick, with good wit. That's why they're the quickest wit!"Mench says loudly, "Our Bronze Medalist for the Quickest Wit is..."The door leading Gamemaster makes a loud beep and its entry light flashes
bright green.
Mench says loudly, "Maks! With Silver going to..."The door leading Senior makes a loud beep and its entry light flashes
bright green.
The door leading Builder makes a loud beep and its entry light flashes
bright green.
Mench says loudly, "Pinky and Mia! Our Gold award goes to..."Fengshui shouts loudly, "ME?"
Fengshui dances around happily.
Mench says loudly, "Dethrow! Well done to each of you."Celestial says, "*speaking english* No, not you. Sit down baka."
Fengshui stops dancing and appears sad.Mench sighs quietly.
Blinder laughs loudly.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Del [to Fengshui]: You!
Solai exclaims, "I was robbed!"
Avarius applauds politely at Fengshui.
Valerie pouts sorrowfully, looking hurt.
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Hecate shouts loudly, "I WAS ROBBED!"
Arachne whistles loudly!
Siren exclaims loudly, "Well done!"Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Kard starts applauding politely.
Dethrow swoons romantically.
Leerika starts applauding happily.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Creux shouts loudly, "WOOOO!"
Lusitano shouts loudly, "WAY TO GO CHUMS!"
Mirov cheerses.
Xiao [to Hecate]: Same.
Xiao starts applauding politely.
Valerie starts applauding politely.
Naviel shouts loudly, "MOST ANNOYING PC, WHEN?! I WANT TO WIN AN AWARD!"
Pinky asks loudly, "Who won?"Jane starts applauding politely.
Raziel nods casually.
Lusitano starts applauding politely.
Shift shouts loudly, "WHO SHIT MY PANTS!"
Bartine exclaims, "What about Mark?!"
Picot starts applauding enthusiastically.
Pinky says loudly, "I don't understand, Mench said that weirdly."Panda [to Pinky]: So many rewards!
Del [to Dethrow]: Congrats on the multiple awards.
Mark says, "Thought I had that in the bag"
Mark snickers sarcastically.
Erica [to Shift]: Ya jus' won stinkies' mixer.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Del [to Pinky]: You too
Kard says, "Dethrow gold, Pinky and Mia tied silver, Maks bronze"
Mench says loudly, "What was weird? Bronze went to Maks. Silver went to Pinky and Mia. Gold went to Dethrow."Mench says loudly, "Duh..."Mench says loudly, "Next up is Best Described. "Mench exclaims loudly, "Our Bronze Medalist is Mia, Mimi, Elana, and Nefret! What the... Congrats!"Mench counts the medals left as he declares "Silver goes to... Arachne with Gold going to..."Mench takes a sip of his steaming cappuchino.
Mench says loudly, "Serret! Well done to you all."Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Del starts applauding politely.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Panda starts applauding politely.
Elana grins impishly.
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Mark starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Valerie says, "Serret's looks good. I admit."
Xiao starts applauding politely.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Picot starts applauding enthusiastically.
Creux starts applauding politely.
Niko starts applauding politely.
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Raziel nods casually.
Naviel shouts loudly, "I'M STILL HOTTER THAN ANY OF YOU!"
Jane starts applauding politely.
Hecate starts applauding politely.
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Vic starts applauding politely.
Mark says, "Y'all sexier than FUCK."
Xiao says, "I need step game up."
Mia peers around, having very little idea what's going on but cheering anyway.
Eden [to Naviel]: NO, ME!
Shift grits his teeth in pain.Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
[OOC: Ginna asks, "How often are townhalls?"
]Mench smiles as he nods to the group and says "The winners of our Cooperative Competition category are as follows.[OOC: Nefret says, "Bi-annual."
][OOC: Ginna says, "Oh, thank god"
][OOC: Raziel says, "Twice a year."
][OOC: Fengshui says, "winter and summer"
]Mench exclaims loudly, "Bronze goes to Vera!"[+][OOC-Chat] OOC-Chat has been re-activated. [Reason for deactivation: ][+][OOC-Chat] villa has left the channel.[+][OOC-Chat] Baguette: bazinga[+][OOC-Chat] NewBlood: Already?[+][OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither) voted for Sindome on Top Mud Sites. You can too! Just click to vote @ http://sindo.me/rJI8SMh-N
[+][OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither) voted for Sindome on The Mud Connector. You can too! Register and Vote (click link, then click vote for MUD) @ http://sindo.me/Hy7nrG2bE
[+][OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither) exclaims, "vote pretty please!"
[+][OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither) throws C~O~N~F~E~T~T~I into the air.
Mench says loudly, "Silver goes to D-Dreamer? God damnit! Good job Dreamer."[+][OOC-Chat] deaddragon dabs.[+][OOC-Chat] Stiza13 says, "thanks slither"Mench says loudly, "And Gold goes to..."[+][OOC-Chat] Dio: finally[+][OOC-Chat] Dio: i just want to rp ffsMench says loudly, "Crashdown! Well done and a massive thanks to you all for helping our community and for all the effort you folks put into Game-Help. We appreciate it very very much."[+][OOC-Chat] Stiza13 exclaims, "WOOOOO!"Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Leerika exclaims, "Double DEE Dreamer!"
Mirov starts applauding politely.
Avarius starts applauding politely.
Bartine starts applauding politely.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Valerie shouts loudly, "VERA... VERA... WHAT HAS BECOME OF YOU... I LOVE PINK FLOYD."
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Flash starts applauding politely.
Leerika exclaims, "WOOO!"
Siren exclaims loudly, "Yay!"[+][OOC-Chat] Baguette [to deaddragon]: i occasionalyl read your name as something else and i feel i should tell youRaziel nods casually.
Creux shouts loudly, "I VOTED CRASHDOWN!"
Fengshui shouts loudly, "WOO!"
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Avarius says loudly, "Yayyyy"Dethrow says, "Crash is bae"
Glitch [to Fengshui]: You were robbed again.
Sirus starts applauding politely.
Arachne claps!
Mia starts applauding politely.
Picot starts applauding enthusiastically.
Lusitano shouts loudly, "NOICE!"
Fengshui grabs the handle on the door leading Gamemaster and opens it.
Jane exclaims, "Thank you friends!"
Del starts applauding politely.
Johnny exclaims loudly, "Thank you helpful people!"Fengshui grabs the handle on the door leading Senior and opens it.
Fengshui grabs the handle on the door leading Builder and opens it.
Lusitano starts applauding politely.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Auri edges into the sixth row, and picks a seat and lowers theirself into it.
Mench tries to put on a brave face as he looks out to the crowd "Up next is our M-most intimidating category. The mere sight of these people sends shivers down your spine and makes your butt hole clench."Mench says loudly, "Our Bronze Medalist is Maks! Silver goes to Dethrow! And our Golden winner is..."Johnny raises an eyebrow.Fengshui shouts loudly, "ME!"
Mench exclaims loudly, "Mia! Well done you three, all very intimidating! So scary, much shooketh, many fears!"Fengshui sighs quietly.
Mench toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Naviel shouts loudly, "WOOOOOO!"
Dethrow says, "What the fuck? I'm a teddy bear."
Mia says, "Damn."
Valerie says, "Mia so scary."
Bartine [to Mia]: Congrats, you handsome, scary devil, you.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Erica laughs loudly.
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Fengshui starts applauding politely.
Leerika exclaims, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Panda applauds loudly at Mia.
Gotz asks loudly, "*speaking english, in a Japanese accent voice* Surely there must be a best couple award. Right? Pls?"Xiao starts applauding politely.
Vic starts applauding politely.
Hecate exclaims, "All of them fear me though!"
Jane exclaims, "Yayyy!"
Picot starts applauding enthusiastically.
Raziel nods casually.
Jak shouts loudly, "*speaking english, in a thick Irish-Mixer accented voice* GET MORE CHROME MEATBAGS"
[+][OOC-Chat] Dio: How much more is there?Lusitano asks, "Is this part also going on the published log?"
Shift sniffs faintly as a sudden foul odor seeps from his general direction.Mia chuckles softly at Jak.
Del [to Mia]: scurry
Valerie exclaims, "Wiat.. Mia is a law abiding citizen!"
Naviel shouts loudly, "I'M DEFINITELY SCARY!"
Mench toggles the room moderation to
ON, allowing only admin and the current speaker to speak
Mench says loudly, "So Scary. Much frighten."Mench holds his hands up and says "Again, a massive thanks to you all for taking the time to vote in the RP Awards, we appreciate it! The last award of the night is the Best In Moo award!"[+][OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): town hall is over you can go rp, or you can stick around for the rp awards which are almost over and then the staff will disperse into different rooms and you can go talk to them
[+][OOC-Chat] Stiza13 exclaims, "rp awards yo!"Mench exclaims loudly, "The winners for Bronze are... Amon and Dethrow!"Mench says loudly, "The Silver Medalist is... Picot! Well done."Fengshui says loudly, "I definitely got this one in the bag."Blinder casually nods at Fengshui.
Glitch [to Fengshui]: Stop trying to make fetch happen.
Mench smiles and says "And now for our Gold Medalist. The Best In MOO Award Gold Medal goes to..."Fengshui begins making his speech.Glitch grins mischievously.
[OOC: Ginna asks, "how do I leave?"
][+][OOC-Chat] SomeoneLoveable exclaims, "I forgot I did want to talk to staff. I'll wait for that too!"Mench checks his notes and scribbles out Fengshui. "Maks! Well done!"Fengshui continues making his speech while Mench takes his time.[OOC: Naviel says, "@ic"
]Ginna stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
[OOC: Naviel says, "Wait, @town-hall"
][OOC: Celestial says, "@town-hall"
][OOC: Fengshui says, "no it's @town-hall"
]Mench throws his hands in the air and declares "The RP Awards are now over. Well done to our winners and thank you all for voting once again. Enjoy the rest of your day's."Fengshui toggles the room moderation to
OFF, allowing anyone to speak.
Del starts applauding politely.
Raziel vanishes from the meeting.
Jak [to Maks]: Well deserved!
Mirov cheers!
Siren exclaims loudly, "Congrats!"Dethrow exclaims, "NICE!"
Vic starts applauding politely.
Shift shouts loudly, "NICE!"
Mia starts applauding politely.
Lisette starts applauding politely.
Panda [to Maks]: Woo! Good job Russain bastard.
Pinky cheer!s!Picot zealously gasps!
Erica starts applauding loudly.
Carlito says loudly, "*speaking english, in a sing-songy hispanic-accened voice* About time someone stopped Amon from winning yet another year."Fengshui shouts loudly, "WOO@!!"
Leerika stands up from the floor.
Naviel starts applauding politely.
Mark starts applauding politely.
Dethrow [to Fengshui]: One year you'll get one, Feng... One year...
Mimi starts applauding politely.
Kard [to Maks]: Nice!
Valerie exclaims, "CIao!"
Yunika starts applauding politely.
Quinn starts applauding politely.
Leerika exclaims, "WOOOO!"
Flash starts applauding politely.
Picot exclaims, "Thank you all! I love every one of you!"
Del exclaims loudly, "Hope everybody has a nice fun day!"Xiao stands from their seat in the fifth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Serret leans over and kisses Maks delicately on the cheek.
Fengshui eyes Maks warily.
Vic dances around happily.
Picot exclaims, "Thank you all! I love every one of you!"
Mark says, "You're winner"
Arachne starts applauding politely.
Ginna appears out of nowhere.
Kenji stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Gotz stands up from the floor.
Pinky [to Maks]: I'm still the best Mixer.
Leerika vanishes from the meeting.
Gotz starts applauding politely.
Xiao says, "I'm really liking this character."
Creux shouts loudly, "MAKSIM!"
Jane [to Maks]: Your character is the greatest.
Nefret starts applauding politely.
Kenji vanishes from the meeting.
Lusitano shouts loudly, "RIP ROMAN EMPIRE!"
Bartine says, "Grats, boss."
Naviel stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Kard shouts loudly, "BOOGYASH"
Ginna vanishes from the meeting.
Milana starts applauding politely.
Naviel vanishes from the meeting.
Xiao exclaims, "Everyone have a good day!"
Jak stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Shift [to Maks]: Good work.
Jimz stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jane starts applauding politely.
Gotz vanishes from the meeting.
Eden stands from their seat in the second row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Vic exclaims, "*speaking english, in a low Midwestern-accented voice* Congrats, everyone!"
Mench steps away from the podium.
Hecate stands up from the floor.
Dethrow says, "I'm going to go cry now."
Panda stands from their seat in the first row and easily moves away from it.
Eden shouts loudly, "LATER, VIRGINS!"
Xiao vanishes from the meeting.
Amir stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Eden vanishes from the meeting.
Valerie exclaims, "Good job everyone!"
Creux stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Jimz vanishes from the meeting.
Mazen stands from their seat in the third row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Serret stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Hecate shouts loudly, "BYEEEEEEE!"
Vic stands from their seat in the sixth row, and edges their way out of it into the aisle.
Fengshui shouts loudly, "FEEL FREE TO STICK AROUND AND CHAT"