Just your friendly neighborhood Cerberus here with yet another reminder that Small World RP is damaging to the community and the RP that is produced by the players.
Usually Slither would do this for me because he's better at being thoughtful, but he's hung me out to dry cause this topic has been beaten to death over the years.
Beaten to death yet we still have the problem.
I'm going to cite an example and this example may sound specific to people even without the names involved, but there's no avoiding it.
Player A belongs to Gang A, and walks down the street, passed Gang B, and Gang C to fight in a gang battle with Gang D.
Player A wins and returns home uninterrupted by Gangs B and C.
SIC response and private chatter observed by GMs all indicate that the general response to Player A with Gang A walking through the vastly overpopulated Red Central District is that they must be running the entire MOO and everyone is fearful of them because they choose to involve themselves in a specific conflict with a specific NPC/PC mixed entity.
In my opinion, this is damaging in a few ways. One, you're insinuating that every Gang has some kind of totalitarian hold on it's respective 'claimed turf' and that every person that steps through or onto that turf must be allowed or expected to travel there.
Two, You're insinuating that in a city of over 70 million people, a gang can cover every square inch, and it's there ultimate responsibility to never let rival gangs interact with each other. You're suggesting that the world is just so small and empty that a single player and single gang can run the entire mix simply because they went for a walk across a District and got into a fight.
In the movie "The Warriors" they walked across the city when they were stranded and they made a LOT of progress from point a to b with only getting into a select number of fights with their ACTUAL rivals following a perceived murder during the meet up in that movie, ya?
Now, I am okay with responses from people that try to setup Gang A to get into trouble and attract attention to them to maybe get them into another fight, to slow down their progress, or to otherwise cause harm to them for the sake of progress, SURE, I'd love that, but what I am seeing is more than that, I am seeing the ideas build that any single player who DARES to cause specific conflict has to complete with the ENTIRE DISTRICT because people are representing it in such a way, and I have to be honest guys, that this would make me, someone who is very familiar with combat and dying and killing, not even want to bother interacting with the world, if I have to compete with Small World sabotage of my efforts. I'd rather sit in my apartment and wait till I hear some player is out and about on their lonesome and just kill them and go home where it's safe. We don't want that, right? I mean that's boring.
If people are afraid to engage openly in the world because they think ALL eyes will be on them then they won't engage, will they?
Who does that benefit? You? Maybe depending on the circumstances. Community? Surely not. RP? Outright kills it.
So I am simply asking you to think before you SIC or speak, think about how ridiculous you might or SHOULD sound to each other when you insinuate that a single entity can run the entire Mix, simply because they killed someone, or no one decided to intervene or no one decided to to counter attack.
You put a lot of pressure on the GMs to counter these small world thoughts with action when we're understaffed, overworked, unpaid, and have a lot of development stuff distracting every senior staff member we have.
So please, cut out the small world RP, make it easier on all of us, and treat conflict, murder, general violence as commonplace in the Mix, and approach it as a roleplay opportunity for you and your allies to participate in some kind of way.
Conflict is OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity is ROLEPLAY and roleplay is why we're here.
Cool? Thanks.