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Live Long and Die Satisfyingly
An argument against perming your PC on the quick

This is just something I've been thinking about for a while and recently decided to write up. A couple of caveats up front though:

- This is just the opinion of a player based on that player's observations - not absolute truth

- I am in no way saying that long lived characters are better than short lived ones or that short lived characters are bad

- This is laid out in the form of 'an argument against perming your PC on the quick'


Once your character has started to establish relationships with other characters (friendly and negative both) or has been invested in, please seriously reconsider your urge to hurriedly perm them and move on to the next.


In my opinion, doing this impacts the experience of other players, usually in a negative way, and it becomes less likely that other new characters (some belonging to new players) will get the warm welcome they deserve.

Longer lived characters tend to have more influence and resources. Long lived characters channel a lot of in game wealth. They have to decide who is worth investing in and part of that decision is return on investment.

I feel that it's already the case that many characters are unwilling to put much time or effort into the Immy that walked in the gates as, more often than not, they get burned when investing in Immies. Why make any real investment in new characters if the investment is for naught 70% of the time? But this sucks as the investment not made could have turned that dud checking the game out into a regular player.

And investment means more than flash and gear. It also means time and RP. It can suck when you spend hours and hours befriending someone or turning someone against you just for them to up and perm themselves - seemingly out of nowhere and with breathtaking suddenness.

On a more direct and personal level, there can be many benefits to playing a longer lived character. You become competent in your specialties. Other characters are more willing to invest in you since you have a track record for being around. This means you can gain levels of influence and resources you would never gain otherwise. And by gaining resources and influence you can direct their use and thus do bigger, flashier things. You get to experience more of the game in a 'depth' sense (and likely just as much in a 'breadth' sense).

I'm not saying that you should never perm yourself or another. Or that we need to let the enjoyment of others completely override our own enjoyment as players. But I would encourage players to do their best to be considerate of others. This can largely be achieved by considering your character's exit.

When you get the urge to end your character, take some time to consider how their exit will impact other PCs. Who has invested in you? Who do you owe? Who hates you and wants you dead? Chances are that, once you think about things like this, you will realize that just taking two quick trips to the suicide booth is likely to leave a sour taste in a few mouths. Very, very rarely can a character honestly say, "Nope. Nobody will actually care at all should I suddenly cease to exist."

Instead of heading to the skywalk or booth, start ramping things up. Stop saving and start spending big. Stop playing the long game and start making bolder moves. Simultaneously drain yourself of resources while burning bridges and making enemies. Eventually you will have people killing you and not enough flash for new clones. Then you perm out in a way that gives other characters and players a sense of satisfaction and closure and you get your new character.

I think this is a fantastic post Grey, thank you.

I'd also add that I think people suicide their immies sometimes just because they run into some early obstacles or roadblocks and get a bit frustrated or impatient, and we should all bear in mind that SD truly is a journey-not-the-destination experience. It's a game where the good roleplay is often found IN those obstacles and roadblocks.

We all have grand ideas for our characters, ideas of their perfect conception, end-game fantasies, etc. and achieving those things and roleplaying those oldbie roles can certainly be satisfying too, but part of what makes them satisfying is the road to get there, appreciating the work it took.

If you run afoul of someone or some faction early, get killed, get robbed, get betrayed, etc. early on, don't feel like your character is now just fucked and will never get where you want them to go, or that it'd be easier to just suicide and roll a fresh slate, even if in some situations it would be. Most folks would rather RP with you in interesting ways and give your character outs than just perm you unless you're just begging for it.

So RP hard, and you'll probably find your character coming out on the other side so much better for it -- maybe with more chy, gear, connections, or if nothing else, the respect of those they interacted with for not just fucking off to the booth like most people do, which as Grey pointed out, just sours the experience for everyone -- RandomChummer whose name you've seen at the bar or on SIC for maybe a week is whining about their situation on SIC and is ranting about going off the skywalk, and suddenly everyone who's tried to RP them into things since meeting them is just annoyed and bummed.

As someone whom is in a position to pick up immigrants and give them a shot, I have to say I am very selective about who I bother with. I was showing Immigrants easy ways of making good money, schooling them on things, helping aim them towards higher aspirations, and I gotta say, 8/10 of them are always a wash. Some older characters are an epicenter of RP and an important cog in the machine. They are fielding calls left and right for people needing something, going out and handling biz, plotting, moving things here, shooting or stabbing people there, running businesses, etc. So to pump your brakes and hold out your hand to a newer player in the first place is difficult for some of us. Which is why it is kind of a dick move on your part if you are that character that runs into a smidge of adversity and either A: Quit SD or B: Suicide and try again. You're not just wasting your time, but you're wasting our time and the ripple of other people's time indirectly as well. It's gotten to the point where I don't do anything for a new immigrant until they show that they're not in that mold. That may sound redundant, and you may be thinking "Well Gee, Grizzly, if you don't go out of your way then how do they anchor in to being with?" Welp. Survival of the fittest. The game is by far way more newbie friendly then it ever was when I first started playing here. You will be okay.

But for real; if you're gonna perm, perm out in a blazing hellfire that hurts everyone around you, deserved or not. Go to that asshole that made you mad and suicide bomb them in a crowded bar. Frame them for a crime. Steal their car and drive it out to the end of the badlands and leave it unlocked and running and full of dildo's. Just don't booth and jump off the skywalk. That's the easy way out and nobody is going to respect it or give a hoot.

I think it starts at immigrancy. From the moment you walk out the gate, you should be roleplaying true to your character concept/personality. But, also realize that concept is fluid. I think every player that has had a character last for any period of time will tell you that their concept changed, morphed, was shot down, changed again and then evolved into where they are now. And, they are probably still evolving. When you come out of the gates and do stupid things that show a disregard for the realism of your character, it's hard for other players to show any regard for them.

Your character is going to grow from adversity, not success in this game. Yes, your 'friends' are going to give you something to do but, 'enemies' are going to make it more exciting. Failure is going to give you depth. Dying is going to give you depth. Struggle is going to give you depth.

This game isn't about reaching your goals easily. I think anyone that expects that to happen is setting themselves up for failure and disappointment. Change the way you look at those struggles and find a way to enjoy them and, maybe even revel in them. Every time I've had a character fail or die - be it at my own stupidity or because other characters have brought it on - it's almost flattering. Because, it meant that another player took the time to dedicate some roleplay with me or I was given an opportunity to have further roleplay by playing out whatever scenario just happened.

And, yeah. Sometimes you may just feel you need to perm. Fine. So be it. But, do it like Grizzly said!