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Emoting at YOU
Don't do this, it can KILL.

I bear sad news, a PC was permakilled this weekend because of someone abusing emote.

If you want someone to be addressed in the second person when you're roleplaying, DO NOT EMOTE IT. Pose it, and take advantage of PROPER pronoun replacements. As well as verb parsing.

If you want or need to use emote, spell the character's name out. Third persons won't be confused this way, whether you know they're observing or not.

Consider a situation like this - a player THINKS she's alone with another character and does the following:

:gives you the finger.

Uhh, who? You can't know who might see this, besides the one character you intend to address.

The character they're trying to roleplay with begins keying in their reaction, but meanwhile, a hidden third character believes they're the one being addressed (we can't tell poses from emotes on the receiving end, you see) and they react to being discovered!

Formerly hidden unintentionally-addressed player does the following:

kill Emoter.

What do you know... they don't have a clone and have been removed from the game permanently because they tried to get cute with the roleplaying tools.

If pose is too hard and you don't feel like you can use it, spell the intended character target out in your emote:

:gives Jambalaya the finger.

Spelling "you" in an emote is wrong. Use emote properly or learn to pose. No character is going to feel like YOU are doing it wrong if you address an emote to <charactername> instead of to "you". On the other hand, spelling "you" can have unintended consequences and can ruin roleplay. You can't know who's watching or who's present.

This was overdramatized and no players were harmed in the production of this public service announcement, but, Sindome provides tools which really do need to be used a certain way. If you come from another M** where addressing actions in the second-person voice is what you do, learn not to do it here.

Emote: address people in 3rd person, spell their name.

Pose: Do the same, but enjoy automatic pronoun substitution and verb conjugation. THIS is how the target will get to see "you" when they read your action onscreen.

Unfortunately it appears some players are still using 'you', 'your', 'my' etc in emotes.

If you are 100% sure you're alone, still don't do this. It's bad form people, even if it doesn't get you in any IC trouble.

a) Having just read this for the first time, not sure if it's just a bad joke.

b) Is this why strippers at Red's no longer 'Shake it' or 'give us a dance' on command?

It's not a bad joke.

I assume anytime I see "you" in a pose/emote that it's a pose, and I'm being targeted by it and react appropriately.

That's how the SD system is built, even if pose can be a bit weird(like not capitalizing the "he" if I start a sentence with "I").

In regards to (b) Lena, it still works. They just don't 'emote loudly' anymore so you have to 'watch stripper'.
Emote is kinda pose with training wheels. It's a lot easier than pose and we want it used as a stepping stone.

Do folks feel that pose has been documented in help, @tutorial and YouTube videos enough? It seems like much less of an issue than it has been in the past.

Also you can use socials instead of emotes or poses.

I believe 'bird playername' would work.

I just wanted to chime in that I'm guilty of emoting "you" in assumedly private settings.

I want to get into posing but it's a nightmare to learn IMO and it's not like you can practice it in private, nor can you see how it came out for others.

Is there an obvious solution I'm missing?

I have planned for this!

You can practice in private in the emote and pose tutorial, as there is a mirror in the tutorial room for just that purpose :)

Also, I'm not against folks helping each other out OOCly, if they agree on local OOC to try posing, and want the other person to give them feedback if the pose didn't come out right so they can improve.

Thank you so much!
I think this thread currently deserves a little gravediggy bump!

As far as I'm aware there is no such thing as private RP in SD, you never know if someone else is potentially watching, so when emoting never assume there isn't a third party involved that you're unaware of!

I personally hate posing and never bothered with it. Makes emotes take longer, break and all sorts of things. I always just try to be super specific with regular emotes. Using 'you' is a big no-no. You just have to go out and write out 'the shrouded average playa' if you're not using pose.

That being said, there have been times where instead of referring to the player's coded name, I use their SIC alias or nickname or whatever and I hate myself everytime I catch myself doing it.

I would encourage everyone to learn to pose, it's no more difficult than emoting in terms of grammatical structure, and the syntax become second-nature after a few days.

I spent about a year mostly emoting and then decided to convert entirely to pose for everything, always, aside from the odd spoof, and my narrative prose dramatically improved.

The main things to remember are not ending clauses with pronouns (punctuation after pronouns gets eaten) and skipping '.' for infinitive verbs.

And remember 'to be' is a verb!

.am, because I .think I .am.

Posing is extremely good, I dropped using emotes almost entirely after I learned how to pose. If you're having trouble you can turn on pose echo which is super helpful to catch when you make mistakes.
Pose has a lot of problems.

- Certain verbs aren't conjugated correctly.

- "Myself," "mine," "herself," and a handful of other words will remove all punctuation attached to them.

- Pose doesn't capitalize "I" to %P (She/He/etc) at the beginning of a sentence.

- Ending a quote with a comma instead of a period breaks the quote.

- If you have a quote in your pose that exactly matches text earlier in your pose, the quotes will magically fly all the way over to the first time that sentence or phrase appears.

- Only two quotations max per pose.

While I love pose for it's emersion, it almost feels like a gamble to get it to work right.

I think it's reasonable to say both have their place in people's RP styles and as long as you're mindful when emoting and are simply more comfortable with it, there's no real problem with never using poses, which absolutely have problems -- sure, you can navigate them once you learn all of the faults, but it's annoying to do so.

Posing is more immersive, but emoting IMO produces a more sort of distant, cinematic tone that I enjoy more sometimes, and it's simply the better tool in some phrasings / situations.

I generally use a mix of both (though my own shortcoming with that to improve on is typing like I'm posing when I'm emoting, producing poor emotes).

In a busy public setting with two highly skilled writers, one using pose and one using emote, it will become immediately obvious to observers that emote is the more limiting of the two choices.

Posing with echo on I have found to be a really wonderful storytelling tool. You experience your actions directly, telling and seeing your story yourself in the first person -- but you also get to read your own story from the perspective of the audience, as omniscient narration.

Beyond all the coded advantages that pose has, I think the benefits of this are not immediately obvious, but will absolutely yield positive improvements in player writing and, by extension, how compelling a character's story is.

I think both have their place. As was pointed out, pose has limitations in some regards, pose echo helps you identify them. What I find is that, knowing the limitations, I can just restructure my pose to work around them. It ain't perfect, but I would definitely rather be posed at and see messages to me in the first person, than in the third.
I completely agree with Slither. Even with it's flaws, I still love pose dearly for it's immersion value.

When I have a message that I know will break pose, I employ a little bit of clever emoting or spoofing to never specifically reference the other character names, instead falling back on descriptive prose. "The red-eyed woman who has her attention," for example (provided there weren't two characters who could possibly match that description).

Nobody can tell the difference between a pose and an emote in that situation! It also lets people know that you're paying attention to their descriptions and clothing. Total ego boost. 😊

If you're breaking pose that often I might suggest learning the pronoun substitutions in 'help pronouns'. They don't cause any issues with punctuation or capitalization.
I was about to ask to put a stop to all this "how to pose" stuff which is off-topic in this thread, there are many other "how to pose" threads which that kind of thing belongs in.

But 0x1mm's tip is solid gold. I moved to one of the other threads in order to post a specific usage example, but, thanks 0x1mm, there's always something new to learn.

Beandip, thanks.

Yes, pose is awesome, do learn to use it... But...

This thread is about using emote properly.

Even if you THINK you're in a private setting with one other PC, that's not necessarily the case.

Want to gratuitously crunch your soynuts at Jane?

Make sure to target Jane by using her name in the emote, and spare a thought for the twelve average shrouded murder hobos potentially sitting in the corner of the room who will all see

'Joe gratuitously crunches his mouthful of soyanuts at you.'

... if you don't use the tools properly.

One simple solution to avoid a lot of the difficulties with pose a lot of the time is to keep poses simple and short. This is generally what we encourage in Sindome anyways. Instead of sending a large paragraph, send five separate, small poses.

This has the added benefit of making interactions more... Well. Interactive. I personally find having to wait one to five minutes for a paragraph less enjoyable then seeing a stream of shorter poses that I could react to along the way.

Agreeing with Mobius here.

It's also a matter of knowing the venue. If you're in a spot where you can comfortably pump out paragraphs, then go for it. But most scenarios benefit more from short form poses that add a bit of flavor, inflection, and intent with mood/gesture to what's being said, rather than drawn out, thoughtful paragraphs that can bog a scene down.

Others have heard me say this, so - ok well, it's off-topic for the original post but:

Other reasons that long-ass emotes, poses, and even just say's are discouraged here are, this isn't PBP RP (play-by-post, google it), and powergaming sucks.

RP here is real time - there is no need at all to use "your turn" to do everything you want. In PBP, it could be a week before the other player(s) post their "turn" back, so yeah, the RP "economy" is different. Same with comparing to some MUSH's where the convention is to take your time to express all you want. SD is different. Taking your time is an inconvenience at best to the other players you're RPing with.

At worst, it's powergaming. When you use a SIC, or a say, or a long-ass pose or emote to describe everything your character did in the 5 minutes it took to write it, you rob me of the chance to react. It really burns my ass when someone says or poses something I would naturally and emphatically react to, and then the other player assumes I didn't react at all and proceeds with another three or five distinct statements or actions which could only proceed from my non-reaction. No - you might not have gotten to do or say those other things if you hadn't steamrolled my ability to react in the first place. Or you might have decided not to, based on my reaction.

If you have more to say or do, go ahead and start writing them after you send your first action or statement. Or at the very very VERY least, don't follow up with things which railroad your RP partner or assume their reactions. That's powergaming, defined as RPing for the other person. You wouldn't like it if someone fucked with your agency either.

So, for each distinct pose or statement, keep it concise, keep it real-time, keep it interactive, and keep it fair. You can always send more, and how much better when you know the context based on the reactions you get.